
bottom out

  1. hit the ground
    the car bottomed out where the driveway meets the road
  2. reach the low point
    Prices bottomed out and started to rise again after a while

How To Use bottom out In A Sentence

  • The bottom out dollar could trigger fund outflow from emerging market back to the U.
  • Until the equity markets bottom out and values stabilise, it is unlikely that the overhang of office space will be fully absorbed.
  • She knocked the bottom out of our argument.
  • He knocked the bottom out of the rumours by explaining how matters stood.
  • A sudden drop in supplies of certain chemicals could knock the bottom out of the engineering industry.
  • When the next speaker produced all those facts, he knocked the bottom out of my arguments.
  • This knocked the bottom out of the logical structure of the theory.
  • I upended the pumpkin and cut the bottom out of it, then put it outside on our backdeck, over the decklight, sparing us the need to use a candle or a flashlight to light him up.
  • What you say knocks the bottom out of his attempt to deceive us.
  • Asia economic crisis started in 1997 and bottom out in 2000.
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