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How To Use Bottleneck In A Sentence

  • This approach can also help identify where non-value-added steps exist in the care delivery process and where bottlenecks occur.
  • The listener can be a bottleneck if it is single threaded, and if InterChange Server is not running on a high speed disk subsystem.
  • That was helped, he said, by the fact that the local authorities responsible for the roads along the route were working on seven or eight projects involving key bottlenecks and pressure points.
  • For example, one such bottleneck may occur during reinoculation of a chemostat, when tubes are changed.
  • At the same time, Morrow said the surgical department was already "bottlenecked" at times in post-operation beds.
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  • Since I moved to Calne 28 years ago the narrow part of Curzon Street has been the main bottleneck for traffic passing through the town centre.
  • The time-varying and incommutable character of the coefficient matrix of periodically time-varying linear systems are the bottleneck of the design for high precision direct integration methods.
  • The bill calls for creation of an undersecretary for intermodalism and a national transportation plan that emphasizes "megaprojects" to address the country's biggest bottlenecks. News
  • Roadworks are causing bottlenecks in the city centre.
  • Eyewitnesses spoke of people having to fight their way to get near the image, while roads round the temple became bottlenecks of traffic.
  • Automatic packing machines should get rid of the bottlenecks in the process.
  • We frame our analysis in terms that include both populations of constant size and populations that sustain periods of growth followed by population bottlenecks.
  • Look around and ahead of and behind you when next you are caught in a traffic bottleneck on an expressway and try to account for the snarl rationally.
  • Nevertheless, while the technique of slide or bottleneck guitar may owe something to the touring Hawaiian ensembles so popular in the late 1880s and '90s, the substance and content was an unmistakable African retention
  • Williams plays such a ferocious bottleneck guitar that you naturally assume that he used the other part of the bottle to mug someone, having drunk the contents.
  • In this paper, a dynamic programming model of them-dimensional bottleneck assignment problem is established, also a suitable solution of this model is given based on entropy.
  • Internet bottlenecks and overloaded servers at popular Web sites can still create substantial delays.
  • This is a concentration point; it's what we call a bottleneck," says Bob Petitt, president of the migration observatory at nearby Holiday Beach Conservation Area. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • If the cameras are too close together it will create a bottleneck as people drive within the limit.
  • I caused bottlenecks in front of crowded Métro barriers, frantically scrabbling through my satchel for that sad little bag containing my carnet of tickets.
  • He pointed out that the client/server bottleneck is caused by the development time.
  • The people who emerged from this genetic bottleneck had traits never before seen in human beings.
  • One of my main bottlenecks is a lack of cocounsel in other states. The Volokh Conspiracy » Addressing the Most Important Weakness of Conservative-Libertarian Public Interest Law
  • The events of yesterday vindicated those who supported the idea of a road to bypass the Bingley bottleneck.
  • We set the 95% confidence limits for this one-tailed test using coalescence simulations that incorporate genetic drift due to the domestication bottleneck.
  • If you have an older PC, then a slower processor and pokey system components may cause a bottleneck, and you won't get the graphics performance for which you overpaid.
  • Access points can become network bottlenecks.
  • One of the biggest bottlenecks is the memory subsystem responsible for data storage and retrieval.
  • There are many genetic studies that confirm that human intrapopulation genetic diversity decreases with geographic distance from Africa, and that the Amerindians suffered a genetic bottleneck PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Another bottleneck exists on Cathedral Road when traffic exiting the Cathedral or coming along the Cathedral Road has to cope with two lines of parked vehicles and heavy trucks.
  • The review should also address the bottlenecks in the planning system that are causing unnecessary delays and costs to the construction sector, the CIF said.
  • Internet bottlenecks and overloaded servers at popular Web sites can still create substantial delays.
  • In fact most populations excluding East Eurasians and derived, who aparently suffered a greater bottleneck than the rest have both clades in non-anecdotical ammounts. Neanderthal DNA
  • The state government had decided to hand over the laboratory to the Centre in 1995, but administrative bottlenecks caused the seven-year delay.
  • His laziness has bottlenecked our efforts to reform the system
  • Lack of awareness regarding all vector-borne diseases like filariasis is the major bottleneck in the promotion of such schemes.
  • To prevent a bottleneck, we begin to assemble more boxes.
  • This approach to virtualization concentrates on easing data movement like replication and migration operations, and is also good at identifying system bottlenecks.
  • They all come down in a rain of clamoring tambourines and bottleneck slide guitars, clawhammer banjo picking, booming jug band blowing and barrelhouse piano rolls. FLY FISHING WITH DARTH VADER
  • One of the most persistent bottleneck to growth in Zambia over the decades, particularly at the micro level has been the dearth of finance capital for re-investment.
  • She hits the tough notes on ‘Living Hell’ as the band rock it up with bottleneck guitar and wheezy organs adding new textures to the sound.
  • The current planning process is a real bottleneck.
  • Storage bottlenecks occur when the business encounters a combination of repetitive file accesses, and large program and data files that strain storage resources.
  • The Bayesian skyline plot suggests that the bison species went through a severe bottleneck around 10,000 radiocarbon years ago, coincident with the time when many North American megafaunal species went extinct.
  • That makes drug therapy hard, because we need those important bottlenecks and pivot points to aim our molecules at.
  • The only problem I can foresee is an administrative bottleneck while the various states 'Secretary of State offices try to cope with a sudden influx of ID requests. Blitzer: Court ruling could have huge impact at the polls
  • A waistcoat is ideal for guitarists, especially if they have loads of extra pockets where you can store bottlenecks, plectrums, tuners, spare batteries and other bits and bobs.
  • This allows the practice to run more fluently by reducing bottlenecks at reception during busy times.
  • For years the bottleneck has provided a daily white-knuckled driving experience for 300,000 motorists.
  • This bottleneck is one even police are finding difficult to handle.
  • As the manufacturing sector continues to grow at a dizzying rate, this is creating a bottleneck in the fast lane of economic development and is an even more pressing problem than power shortages.
  • This task delay is thought to result from a bottleneck occurring at a central, amodal stage of information processing that precludes two response selection or decision-making operations from being concurrently executed…. News
  • the bottleneck in mail delivery is the process of sorting
  • In this paper, a dynamic programming model of them-dimensional bottleneck assignment problem is established, also a suitable solution of this model is given based on entropy.
  • D. C.-area drivers put up with a lot: Jam-packed roads, distracted drivers and bottlenecked highways, but cars swerving into oncoming traffic just to shave a few seconds off the morning commute is a bit much for some in Arlington - even by area standards. Drivers veering into oncoming traffic
  • But a representative of the emergency medical community pointed out that voice was now a bottleneck, and what paramedics and doctors need was a network of databases that could be accessed and updated in real time, including medical quality video, diagnostic imaging, and complex biotelemetry. C - Advertising News
  • I too enjoy Morecambe, like suddenly being shot into the sea like a cork from the crowded bottleneck of Lancaster. Chez Moi
  • The route to the summit of K2 follows steepening snow slopes towards a snow and ice couloir called "the Bottleneck". Freddie Wilkinson: Avalanche Triggers Survival Situation on K2
  • A bottleneck guitar occasionally glides between vocal lines, an organ swells ominously beneath the surface, but this remains the sound of aloneness.
  • At times, the road was little more than a narrow trail, and loaded wains had great difficulty passing through these bottlenecks, having to smash their way through dense underbrush.
  • It is likely that there will still be some hold-ups and bottlenecks until problems presented by the next stretch of the route have been tackled to enable traffic to flow smoothly from the Aire Valley into Bradford and on to the motorway.
  • The Commissioner identified the reasons for fixing the airport charges and that included providing Dublin with the necessary resources to develop its infrastructure so as to avoid congestion and bottlenecks.
  • Time efficiency - Does the efficiency of the operations cause a bottleneck in the overall performance of the system?
  • The package announced today will address some serious bottlenecks on the motorway and trunk road network, which currently cause major delays.
  • But if Brigden was neither bottlenecking nor maladministering, why was he eliminated?
  • He pushed everyone full speed ahead until production hit a bottleneck.
  • Traffic was bottled up in the bottleneck.
  • Seal extraction is the bottleneck of automatic bill image processing.
  • It might cost the state more in the short term, but it would have long-term benefits by easing one of the biggest bottlenecks in the €12 billion-a-year medical service.
  • Perheps de most useful subcategorization for our purposes iz by distribution meddod, because types uf printink associated vith henny meddod uf distribution hef historically been a bottleneck; der technological limitations und schpace limits hef imposed schtrong konstraints on de types uf Komics dey kan produce. And sometimes they use big words so we won't figure out they're full of it.
  • I share the writer's speculation that most of these drivers are rush-hour veterans, people who should realize the best way for motorists to ease a bottleneck is to cooperate rather than compete. Is bad driver behavior at merge points a result of bad design?
  • These bottlenecks can delay appropriate assignments of patients to beds.
  • Most of the waterway network, however, conserved traditional techniques or adopted alternative technologies because of the cost of towage, its limited capacity and the bottlenecks it created.
  • Bottlenecked cartridges such as the .44-40 and .38-40 are lubed before sizing.
  • But rather than be a bottleneck, the commissioning process usually helps streamline construction by improving schedules and reducing changes.
  • The Hungarian capital has become a confusing bottleneck for the migrants. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rescue team went on to say that they had witnessed a climber in a red suit with patches fall from the middle of the Traverse, the section of the route which connects the top of the Bottleneck couloir to the summit slopes. Freddie Wilkinson: The Abandonment of Gerard McDonnell
  • If we don't hire more people in production we're going to have a huge bottleneck in a few months.
  • Furthermore, disequilibrium is a good indicator of recent mutations, genetic drift, bottlenecks, stratification or admixture, and the demographic history of populations.
  • You still have to implement and configure these correctly or they are just another bottleneck.
  • bottlenecked" at the door and another firefighter touched the small of her back. TOP STORIES - News 8
  • In a pull system, the bottleneck governs the rate that patients flow through the whole process.
  • One of the areas that we feel needs to be addressed on priority are bottlenecks in several entry points to the city.
  • The eventual winners in the wireless space would be companies that managed to identify similar infrastructural bottlenecks.
  • The traffic bottleneck at Main Street, which has forced motorists to drive onto the footpath, has been a bone of contention for some considerable time.
  • bottlenecked" endangered species such as Wanglang giant pandas, the East African cheetah and an island koala population founded by only three koalas. - latest science and technology news stories
  • And executives need to deal with those people-oriented changes up front or risk delays and bottlenecks in getting e-market initiatives off the ground.
  • The number of messages (in this case we talk about files) and especially the number of bytes per second can give us a good indication whether the adapters are a bottleneck because the file system can become the bottleneck here. Latest News from .NET Developer's Journal
  • Right by the bridge, the road bottlenecks
  • This would be especially good considering the almost daily South Granville Street traffic bottlenecks and gridlock.
  • The first solution to this bottleneck appeared around 1765 when James Hargreaves, a carpenter by trade, invented his cotton-spinning jenny.
  • Furthermore, high levels of polyploidy in many arctic vascular plant species may promote the proportion of the genetic variation partitioned within individuals, which may be important when passing through evolutionary bottlenecks [6]. Genetic responses of arctic species to changes in climate and ultraviolet-B radiation levels
  • Seal extraction is the bottleneck of automatic bill image processing.
  • He drove around the outside of the town to avoid the bottleneck in the centre.
  • This paradox can be explained by the occurrence of narrow bottlenecks during oogenesis or early embryo development.
  • He soon caught sight of Vince Grant, towering walnuthrown and square-shouldered over a small gathering of civilians and military personnel bottlenecked at the arrival hold's security gate.
  • Bureaucratic bottlenecks, internal corruption and bribery topped the concerns when dealing with government.
  • Automatic packing machines should get rid of the bottlenecks in the process.
  • This is why older roads are turning into bottlenecks.
  • But the supercomputers needed to produce those informative and often colorful displays, Bethel said, also have complicated the task by generating "gobs" of data that can create bottlenecks in researchers 'analytical programs. HappyNews - Top Stories
  • In another European species, the noctule bat, no genetic evidence was found that could be interpreted as directional colonization and glacial-induced bottlenecks.
  • According to Airslide President and CEO Marc Zionts, the first problem is to handle today's signaling bottlenecks.
  • No Hero's bottleneck guitar screeches and wails in tandem.
  • Once they get within a couple of miles, however, the road reverts back to two-way traffic and the bottleneck creates frustrating tailbacks lasting anything up to half an hour depending on the time of day.
  • He uses shadowy ghostings of pedal steel or slide blues tonality, though there are no bottlenecks in sight.
  • I caused bottlenecks in front of crowded Métro barriers, frantically scrabbling through my satchel for that sad little bag containing my tickets.
  • The disaster caused a bottleneck in products reaching the market, and that could help manufacturers in the months ahead as distributors and retailers restock inventories that had run down, Mr. Fujii said. Japan Output, Jobless Rate up in April
  • Email, intranets, and extranets can move information across borders, around established bottlenecks, and over chains of command - so that complaints, suggestions, and alternatives get a hearing inside the company.
  • The aromatic group had a high proportion of monomorphic loci suggestive of a severe or recent bottleneck.
  • Johnson is respected as one of the greatest, though when he first started playing on street corners he played slide with a pocketknife instead of a bottleneck.
  • In Illinois, levels of diversity drop precipitously, most likely reflecting one or more genetic bottlenecks in areas that were once covered by the Wisconsin glaciation.
  • Through it all, the common thread is the ancient and blessed backbeat, the timeless cry of the bottleneck guitar, and R.L. Burnside's frequently voiced benediction, ‘Well, well, well…’
  • For those who do decide to drive, motorists have been warned of possible bottlenecks on motorway approaches and on main roads into city centres.
  • At five o'clock in the afternoon the city streets are a series of bottlenecks.
  • He pushed everyone full speed ahead until production hit a bottleneck.
  • Its crux lies in the fact that foe changing enterprise financing system and consuming structure meet tile bottleneck in the economic process.
  • Many are repeat offenders creating potentially hazardous bottlenecks.
  • Mr Speaker, the first order of business for this government is to fully investigate this situation and remove the bottlenecks that have robbed the economy of the full benefits of these projects.
  • Acoustic bottleneck guitar, oblique keyboard phrases, electric licks distilled from Lynyrd Skynyrd, galvanised British 1960s psychedelia, and hooks stronger than Tyson on the comeback trail combine to create a glorious album.
  • Price inflation plagued the distribution of imported goods and was aggravated by bottlenecks in ports like Khorramshahr and beyond.
  • The bottleneck at this point is effective clinical research that will yield reliable and replicable findings.
  • Protein crystallization is the primary bottleneck step in X - ray protein crystallography.
  • Database logs and indexes are huge I / O bottlenecks, as are mail server queues.
  • Soon the room would be filled with the American musician's hard-edged acoustic blues, his bottleneck slide guitar riffs and harsh vocals cutting through the night.
  • Edwards says the appointment is improperly "bottlenecked" in Ban's office. Aftermath News
  • Software is truly the bottleneck in the high-tech horn of plenty, " he said.
  • It's unlikely that the CPU or the motherboard chipset will be the bottleneck in either case.
  • Later days DNA has in bacteria and archaebacteria bottlenecked through 70 Celsius, which is roughly the temperature the sediment chert isotopic ratios gives for most of Earth Archaean history. Astronomers Find Super-Earth With An Atmosphere | Universe Today
  • One cause of the bottleneck is that the Pantex plant is the only NNSA facility that can assemble and dismantle nuclear weapons. Story of B-53 'bunker buster' is a lesson in managing nuclear weapons
  • In the meantime it has been observed that verification becomes the major bottleneck in design flows, i. e. up to 80% of the overall design costs are due to verification.
  • The first step was to analyze the entire work envelope, with emphasis on bottleneck areas, man-hours per workstation and number of technicians per station.
  • But that business is encountering its own problems, specifically a bottleneck in processing seal blubber for nutritional supplements.
  • The Hungarian capital has become a confusing bottleneck for the migrants. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the Union retreat continued, a mammoth bottleneck developed at Frayser's Farm, halting the withdrawal.
  • He disclosed that worldwide patent protection had been taken out on the microtechnology that offers the potential to overcome a major bottleneck in the delivery of power to future microprocessors chips.
  • In terms of shooting at high-value targets, the bottleneck is intelligence. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Changing Conflict in Pakistan, and Targeted Killing
  • Time efficiency - Does the efficiency of the operations cause a bottleneck in the overall performance of the system?
  • He uses shadowy ghostings of pedal steel or slide blues tonality, though there are no bottlenecks in sight.
  • Rather than following him in treading the boards, she chose to focus on playing bottleneck blues guitar. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mayor said that this section of road was a well-known bottleneck that funneled traffic from four lanes into three lanes.
  • A quick look on Wikipedia reveals that the bands name is the Swedish word for apparatchik, which is of Russian origin and is used to describe "people who cause bureaucratic bottlenecks in otherwise efficient organisations". The Line Of Best Fit
  • With a paper-based supply system and that many containers in theater, the biggest bottleneck in the logistics pipeline occurred where the supplies came off the ships.
  • Though fish processing is mostly mechanized, small fish must be dressed by hand and that causes a bottleneck, costing the industry more than $11 million a year.
  • The Prime Minister today released the report from the taskforce he commissioned to examine the bottlenecks in the system.
  • This autumn's crippling congestion on the dual carriageway and across the city centre has largely been caused by the single-lane contraflow bottleneck at Copmanthorpe.
  • The goal is to minimize bottlenecks at the access points.
  • There's always going to be a bottleneck because only two people review all the applications.
  • It's hard to tease apart end-to-end performance tests and attribute bottlenecks to a specific cause, the study says (PDF).
  • Traffic volume created problems at the Levens bottleneck, with long tailbacks on the Ulverston Road as traffic poured in and out of the Cartmel peninsula.
  • Even with an abundance of supply, there will be a bottleneck at the refining capacity, hance a shortage of supply v. demand in the market keeping prices high. Think Progress » Hastert meets with ExxonMobil CEO.
  • They discovered that bottleneck after bottleneck arose from extreme specialization within the department.
  • Transferring large files over the network to another computer or NAS would be noticeably slower but accessing the Internet will still seem “fast” as the bottleneck is the Internet connection, not this 2nd AP link. DD-WRT: Setting up a home Wireless Distribution System (WDS) — Meandering Passage
  • The 11 Harris originals are all class acts, and the reworking of the traditional folk tune ‘Roberta’ a joy, with Scherr's bottleneck swooping and soaring throughout.
  • In this paper, a dynamic programming model of them-dimensional bottleneck assignment problem is established, also a suitable solution of this model is given based on entropy.
  • There's fast blues and slow blues, and major blues and minor blues, and the kind of blues you play with a bottleneck and the strings already tuned to a chord.
  • In this study, we did not consider the effect of demography, such as population size bottlenecks and expansions.
  • The proposed subway is envisaged to clear the traffic bottleneck at this busy junction.
  • The main bottleneck, says David Kohn, Waterstone's "head of commerce", is that there are not enough e-books out there. E-publishing updates from the Bookseller
  • One of the biggest bottlenecks is the memory subsystem responsible for data storage and retrieval.
  • Wednesday and Thursday nights, internationally acclaimed blues singer, songwriter and bottleneck slide guitarist Catfish Keith will play two gigs in the North West.
  • At five o'clock in the afternoon the city streets are a series of bottlenecks.
  • When Fred sat down with his guitar and a bottleneck, everyone joined in.
  • Certain high sharing nodes in unstructured P 2 P networks are vulnerable to counter congestion and bottlenecks.
  • The mood turns particularly sombre in the closing tracks, in which slower tempos, brooding bottlenecks and a doomy swirl of synthesisers lend gravitas to songs that dwell on destruction and death.
  • From 1914, he applied them to the war effort, helping to clear production bottlenecks in munition factories.
  • There are major bottlenecks in the transport system, mainly because of foreign exchange problems.
  • The bottleneck access to Bulgaria means that deployment of armies is maddeningly slow until the Black Sea has been secured and can be used for convoying armies out of Ankara.
  • But for those without firm contracts to the makers of the filter components, there's a bottleneck in production which might cause problems for some.
  • Internet bottlenecks and overloaded servers at popular Web sites can still create substantial delays.
  • The existing bascule bridge has indeed been recognized as a bottleneck for decades, but the “benefits” of a second drawbridge in this location remain unknown, unanalyzed in isolation, and the alternatives are yet to be explored. Neighborhood Activists Still Oppose State’s 520 Option « PubliCola
  • For most farmers, drying the crop is the major bottleneck in the harvest process.
  • Location information will provide dispatch offices with information of where assets are, as well as a means by which drivers can be rerouted around traffic bottlenecks.
  • He drove around the outside of the town to avoid the bottleneck in the centre.
  • This particular stretch of road is one of the main bottlenecks for traffic leaving the town during rush hour times.
  • Renowned evolutionary biologist Edward O. Wilson has propounded what he terms the bottleneck theory: that maximum pressure on the natural world will occur this century as human population peaks, after which a declining human population will supposedly ease that pressure. The Guardian World News
  • From watching fellow guitarist Son House, he was inspired to develop his own bottleneck slide technique.
  • The closest I got to Science Fiction was travelling to Birmingham on a busy weekend, walking down to street level from out of the shopping centre that the train station is encased in, deep into a busy bottlenecked crowd that felt like … » American Surburbia In The Eighties, Science Fiction And Growing Up …
  • There were other ways to the summit of K2 via the north side from China, for example, or on a legendary, nearly impossible route on the south face called the Magic Line but the path up the Bottleneck and beneath the serac was the most established route, the easiest, and possibly the safest, as long as the serac remained stable. 'No Way Down'
  • The new court will merge the criminal and central criminal courts and should clear the bottlenecks that have delayed many hearings, according to the parties.
  • And one doesn't have to search hard to hear other Beck signatures: a bottleneck guitar and busker's harmonica here, a Latin beat there, the Bollywood-style string arrangements of his father, David Campbell.
  • He said he was more worried about oil supply bottlenecks, low inventories and, in particular, very low spare output capacity.
  • Discrete GPUs currently sit on a daughtercard at one end of a PCIe bus, and the reason this bus doesn't currently act as a bottleneck for most 3D gaming and rendering is that the GPU is surrounded by a very large pool of fast GDDR DRAM. Ars Technica
  • The PCI bus has emerged as a bottleneck between the processor and the network.
  • These, or a hundred other weaknesses or incompatibilities in computer systems, create information bottlenecks at crucial times.
  • European bison (Bison bonasus) was rescued from a severe bottleneck of only 12 individuals. Central European mixed forests
  • At five o'clock in the afternoon the city streets are a series of bottlenecks.
  • Rather than following him in treading the boards, she chose to focus on playing bottleneck blues guitar. Times, Sunday Times
  • But that business is encountering its own problems, specifically a bottleneck in processing seal blubber for nutritional supplements.
  • ‘York Corporation today announced a plan to close many of the city's major road bottlenecks to traffic, except for access,’ the report began.
  • I followed it until it passed through a natural bottleneck, then improvised a deadfall trap by prying a flagstone from the ground, which was not quite frozen, and whittling a trigger from dead sticks. Field & Streams Ultimate Winter Survival Tips
  • This section of motorway, part two-lane and part three-lane, is used by more than 90,000 vehicles a day and has been identified as a bottleneck, with severe queuing during peak periods leading to safety concerns.
  • But, I ask you, look around and ahead of and behind you when next you are caught in a traffic bottleneck on an expressway and try to account for the snarl rationally.
  • There's zero traffic management, and the two main bottlenecks - the railway overbridge and Marathahalli village - see daily traffic jams.
  • The bottleneck of the process is the passage of the constriction zone.
  • The Dartford Tunnel is a bottleneck and removing the tolls would encourage more people to use it, thereby exacerbating the situation.
  • Passengers were yesterday promised improved East Coast rail services after a bottleneck on the route was removed with the opening of a new section of track.

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