How To Use Botryoidal In A Sentence
Fibrous, botryoidal, stalactitic, granular, and massive varieties are common.
The sixth is the "hyalite," which has but a glassy or vitreous lustre, and is found almost exclusively in the form of globules, or clusters of globules, somewhat after the form and size of bunches of grapes; hence the name "botryoidal" is often applied to this variety.
The Chemistry, Properties and Tests of Precious Stones
He has a face of that rubicund, knobby type I have heard an indignant mineralogist speak of as botryoidal, and about it waves a quantity of disorderly blond hair.
A Modern Utopia
Pale blue botryoidal masses and small rhombohedra somewhat similar to material from the Kelly mine, New Mexico, occurred in the Silver Hill mine, Waterman district, Pima County.
Recently, attractive though slightly damaged masses of botryoidal azurite and associated minor malachite have reached the collector market from a locality given as Seabra, Bahia, Brazil.
Another type of sphalerite is the botryoidal variety schalenblende, which occurs sparingly in one zone of the Sawatch Quartzite.
Labradorite, Charoite, botryoidal chalcedony, and rocs, adn rocs, adn uh, smammie, uze gittin BORIN agin… sari….. and dey maeks handii howz-wholed wepenz.. sew dere, thwak.
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Dark blue stubby pyramidal azurite crystals and green botryoidal-shaped radial aggregates of malachite.
Masses of pale green botryoidal smithsonite in cavities to 5 cm have been found in ore stockpiled on the dump immediately east of the decline portal.
Typically, crystals were not well-shaped but occurred as botryoidal crusts.
It consists of a connective tissue and muscular coating, with an internal soft matrix much resembling botryoidal tissue, traversed by fibrous trabeculne (= beams, planks) containing blood-vessels, and the whole organ is gorged with blood, particularly after meals.
Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
This is a late-formed mineral that occurs as thin botryoidal crusts with little visible crystal structure.
It forms spherical clusters of tightly packed radiating crystals and botryoidal crusts.
I collected lots of olive-green botryoidal pyromorphite on quartz matrix.
The photos show that the material is extremely fine grained and relatively featureless in plain light; in crossed nicols it gives a botryoidal effect similar to that seen in chalcedony.
Local collectors had tentatively identified it as willemite or smithsonite, based perhaps on the occurrence of botryoidal blue hemimorphite at the same locality.
They can be separated into three distinct groups of authigenic carbonates, including a first stage with botryoidal aragonite, a second stage of clotted micrite, and a third stage of blocky spar.
The matrix of botryoidal tissue is a network of stretched and hollowed connective tissue cells -- it is not a secretion, as cartilage matrix appears to be.
Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
A translucent botryoidal calamine banded with blue and green is found at Laurion in Greece, and has sometimes been cut and polished for small ornaments such as brooches.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
Accessory minerals include earthy aggregates of clay minerals and botryoidal or stalactitic manganese oxides.
They occur in great numbers in a tissue called, botryoidal tissue (Figure XIV.), which occurs especially in masses and patches along the course of the alimentary canal, in its walls.
Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
But the heavy, true alluvial gold, in great pure masses, mammillary, or botryoidal (like a bunch of grapes) in shape, have assuredly been formed by accretion on some metallic base, from gold salts in solution, probably chloride, but possibly sulphide.
Getting Gold: a practical treatise for prospectors, miners and students
If is the botryoidal sarcoma, may highlight in the cervical orifice or the vagina, is crisp and is soft.
Some of the finer material crystallizes on botryoidal pectolite in the junction pockets.
Azurite commonly occurs in stalactitic, botryoidal, or earthy masses, many of which display concentric or parallel banding of various shades of blue or alternating with malachite.
Not the least curious part of this outcrop is the black thread of iron silicate which, broken in places, subtends it to the east: some specimens have geodes yielding brown powder, and venal cavities lined with botryoidal quartz of amethystine tinge.
The Land of Midian
The sixth is the "hyalite," which has but a glassy or vitreous lustre, and is found almost exclusively in the form of globules, or clusters of globules, somewhat after the form and size of bunches of grapes; hence the name "botryoidal" is often applied to this variety.
The Chemistry, Properties and Tests of Precious Stones
The first is massive, typically banded, botryoidal to stalactitic malachite from the great copper belt in the Shaba region, Democratic Republic of Congo.
Radiating to branching crystal groups and rounded, globular, reniform, and botryoidal masses are common.
A pale blue-green mineral tentatively identified as rosasite occurs with the cerussite as botryoidal and stalactitic masses.
Malachite is typically massive, forming thick, compact crusts with botryoidal or mammillary surfaces and related stalactitic growths, all typically characterized by somewhat fibrous, color-banded interiors.
Yellow botryoidal masses of mimetite associated with pyromorphite were once recovered from the Santa Rosa mine, Mazapil, and good specimens of yellow to orange mimetite have been found at La Blanca, Ojo Caliente, Zacatecas.
Azurite commonly occurs in stalactitic, botryoidal, or earthy masses, many of which display concentric or parallel banding of various shades of blue or alternating with malachite.
Local collectors had tentatively identified it as willemite or smithsonite, based perhaps on the occurrence of botryoidal blue hemimorphite at the same locality.
It is typically seen in collections as colorful botryoidal, reniform, or stalactitic masses or in crystalline encrustations.
Colorless botryoidal smithsonite specimens have been collected at the Tui mine, New Zealand.
Azurite commonly occurs in stalactitic, botryoidal, or earthy masses, many of which display concentric or parallel banding of various shades of blue or alternating with malachite.
If carried to completion, the growth results in a spherical form and the botryoidal or reniform habit.