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  1. collect and study plants

How To Use botanise In A Sentence

  • I came out for exercise, gentle exercise, and to notice the scenery and to botanise. Archive 2008-03-01
  • Without wasting time to botanise, Gibson pushed his way into the centre of the little forest. The Sands of Mars
  • She wrote, sketched, mountaineered, skinny-dipped, botanised and anthropologised. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sooner or later Science will botanise a bit on your turnip ghosts; and make you look turnips yourselves for having taken any. Magic A Fantastic Comedy
  • This passion had been ignited in his childhood years, whilst a student at Eton, when he regularly walked and botanised along the path by the River Thames.
  • I shall therefore go to Premsong to-morrow, and if that is not a favourable place, return forthwith to Ghaloom's, and thence to Deeling to botanise on Thuma-thaya. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • He encouraged the boys and young men to botanise and observe nature in all forms, and though he would never allow nests to be taken, or even eggs if he could help it, he would give little prizes for the noting of any rare bird or butterfly. Father Payne
  • Men who fish, botanise, work with the turning-lathe, or gather sea-weeds, will make admirable husbands and a little amateur painting in water-colour shows the innocent and quiet mind. Virginibus Puerisque and other papers
  • On this newly made, restricted strip one may peep and botanise without restraint, discovering that though it does not offer conditions at all favourable to the retention of moisture, plants of varied character crowd each other for space and flourish as if drawing nutriment from rich loam. Tropic Days
  • Hardy went down to botanise in the swamp, while Meredith climbed towards the sun. The Victorian Age in Literature
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