How To Use Boss In A Sentence

  • Luckily, I have a very understanding boss.
  • In the near rocks zone, a battle airship firmly adsorb to a great meteorolite, an eye warrior watch with scout far places of Flolamp fleets, soundless, Boss, Flolamp have leaved for Life Star. Mini Star | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • The boss was teed off when an employer was late.
  • Her boss did not display any human traits.
  • Football has been rocked by allegations that up to eight top bosses have been caught up in a bung scandal. The Sun
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  • Mr. Peters," he said, to the tipple-boss, "I've come to act as check-weighman. King Coal : a Novel
  • The monopoly in politics, or bossism, may possibly be abolished by direct legislation or by proportional representation.
  • Bosses are keeping tight-lipped about WHO he will play. The Sun
  • But often our dream date is the loudmouth down the hall, our office adversary, even the scary boss -- in short, someone we avoid even standing near in real life.
  • Furious staff have lashed out at company bosses for not informing workers that the plant was in trouble before it became public knowledge.
  • Is a kid the boss of his block because he carris the biggest club? Spitzer's Whore Should Not Make a Nickel
  • Jackson said her boss became increasingly depressed and reverted to smoking heavily.
  • And so we, lowly flunk from the salt mines, introduced our boss's boss (and others) to Mr Sinha. Archive 2007-10-01
  • The boss always panics over/about the budget every month.
  • It's quite happy being the home of bossa nova. Times, Sunday Times
  • The front was embossed with a teal hummingbird sitting on a tie-dyed tree stump.
  • My duties seem to change daily at the whim of the boss.
  • Should we accept that corporate bosses do bad things not because of the badness of their hearts but because they are obliged to?
  • Bosses announced the company was consolidating three offices into a new building on the Turnpike Business Park.
  • The following day, North accused his bosses of appalling, dishonest and unethical behaviour.
  • Those attending range from software bosses, heads of government, business moguls, and even film stars and other celebrities.
  • Sure, Loughner babbled about favorite right-wing pet causes and hallucinated that his "enemies" were Democrats, but if his enemies hadn't been Democrats, they would have been other kids at school, or mean bosses at work, or the IRS or any of the other targets that crazy people tend to obsess about. Henry Blodget: Are Wackos With Guns Just a Fact Of Life in America?
  • He blustered and bullyragged; he had been their boss and he had been fired without cause, he insisted. Joan of Arc of the North Woods
  • Despite everything, she bore her former boss no animosity.
  • At work your interesting ideas and your keen eye for detail impress the bosses. The Sun
  • He relayed the message to his boss.
  • My boss is going to be so happy when I show up white-faced, zonked on medication, and with pain lines in my face!
  • The weekend bag also arrives ready to go with a debossed leather luggage tag.
  • Before long, mob bosses were wondering whether he should disappear on a permanent basis. Times, Sunday Times
  • I haven't pitched this idea to my boss yet, but I think it will be received well.
  • Her bosses are mean to her, she's kind of meek, and doesn't have any friends in the city.
  • She complained of her boss's inappropriate behavior towards her.
  • Helium balloons embossed with the words "great car for little money" promoted Volkswagen's newest four-seater model, Up!. Auto Makers Focus on Bright Side in Frankfurt
  • But that is no surprise as he sees similarities between his new and old bosses. The Sun
  • For the second time in as many months the Sligo Rovers boss was sent from the sideline for remonstrating with a match official.
  • Once there, she catches the eye of her boss's son and puts her skills to good use in a snowboarding contest. The Sun
  • The Choctaw [Footnote: Romans, p. 70, Bossu, Vol. I, p. 308.] boys made use of a cane stalk, eight or nine feet in length, from which the obstructions at the joints had been removed, much as boys use what is called a putty blower. Indian Games : an historical research
  • Oblivious, the party bosses clung on, negotiating pacts and deals, blocking any new ideas or initiatives.
  • This embossed, etched, and gilded steel close helmet is attributed to German armourer Kolman Helmschmid. Would This 16th Century Helmet Terrify a Jousting Opponent?
  • The Boss passes over a page of paper and I give it the old fisheye.
  • WORKERS will be given the power to block excessive wage rises for their bosses under plans to be unveiled this week. The Sun
  • I have a boss who is an alien from another planet.
  • He stiffened when he saw his boss enter the room
  • The embossed invitations to my birthday party ran out. Times, Sunday Times
  • By day he works as the personal assistant for the boss of a haulage firm.
  • In the medieval Hall of St Mary, Green Men occur as bosses, corbels, in tapestry, and in stained glass.
  • He must send an unequivocal message about the behaviour he expects of bankers, the accountability of the boss and the values of the City. Times, Sunday Times
  • And credit for his undogmatic approach is due in part, he thinks, to his former boss, the trail-blazing Dutch architect and urban planner Rem Koolhaas. Building a Better Future
  • AS one leading boss launched into the energy costs row, another yesterday remained tight-lipped on the subject. The Sun
  • I think that your role playing games have got the most difficult final level bosses.
  • THE former Kop boss gets half a dozen of his biggest pals together in a room to ask them to be ushers at his wedding. The Sun
  • Saturday you have to convince a partner or boss of the value of an action plan.
  • Bank bosses should remember all this when they stand shocked by the outcry over bumper pay. The Sun
  • However, even the wisdom of a political boss is not infallible, and despite the succulent graces of the barbecue numbers of the ascetic and jeans-clad elder worthies, though fed to repletion, collogued unhappily together among the ox-teams and canvas-hooded wagons on the slope, commenting sourly on the frivolity of the dance. Una Of The Hill Country 1911
  • We meet Gaspar, the bull-necked boss of the local Maquis, obviously still enraged by the compliance of his neighbours.
  • A trail-blazing super care centre that would move three doctors' practices and a clinic to one site is a backwards step, health bosses were told.
  • Under the economic despotism that prevails in American business, they are subject to the diktat of their bosses.
  • Meanwhile airport bosses have recruited an army of private security workers to prevent the airport from grinding to a halt.
  • I s'pec 'it seem sorter funny ter you, boss, but dat w'ite 'oman done had lots er trouble; she done had bunnunce er trouble -- she sholy is! Mingo And Other Sketches in Black and White
  • He, for instance, is both a criminal boss and a carefully planted police agent.
  • They would eat takeout food, and in the evening the boss would oversee the preparation of more elaborate meals.
  • Betwixt the gracylament of the foote and the cuppe, it was knitte together with a handle of inestimable workemanship, and in lyke manner the foote and the bowle were of an excellent anaglyphie of foliature, monsters and byformed Scyllules, so exquisitely expressed, as could be imbossed, chased, or ingrauen by proportionate circulation. Hypnerotomachia The Strife of Loue in a Dreame
  • Yes | No | Report from osobear50 wrote 45 weeks 6 days ago jmcctheboss23 you have to be the dumbest SOB on the planet if you think my comment is the dumbest. The Catch-And-Release Preacher
  • The 'work hard, get good grades and go to college to get a job' mantra is dead," says twenty-something self-confessed hustler Scott Gerber, author of Never Get a "Real" Job: How To Dump Your Boss, Build a Business and Not Go Broke (Wiley, December 2010). Emily Bennington: 'Entitled' to What, Being Unemployed?
  • I want to talk to the boss,’ I said disobediently.
  • Services for SOAP are being developed at Enhydra and jBoss (two popular open-source application servers), as well as at many of the commercial application server companies.
  • The first Humphrey’s latitu-dinous baver with puggaree behind, (calaboose belong bigboss belong Kang the Toll) his fourinhand bow, his elbaroom surtout, the refaced unmansionables of gingerine hue, the state slate umbrella, his gruff woolselywellesly with the finndrinn knopfs and the gauntlet upon the hand which in an hour not for him solely evil had struck down the might he mighthavebeen d’Est-erre of whom his nation seemed almost already to be about to have need. Finnegans Wake
  • There was some barely audible whispering and my boss spoke again, only this time in a deeper voice.
  • A close family friend gave the couple personalized napkins with their names embossed in gold.
  • Ah, well, you've made me smart enough now, you boss-eyed old cow, you! Stage-Land
  • The Cardiff boss was too poorly to make the reunion with his former club. The Sun
  • Bossi brought down Berlusconi's first government by leaving the ruling coalition.
  • Joe (Cage), a remorseless hitman, is in Bangkok to execute four enemies of a ruthless crime boss named Surat. NEW POSTER: BROTOX DANGEROUS (UPDATE)
  • In one version the bandits and their boss join the imperial forces and from then on fight robbers and bandits in the name of law and order.
  • If, as we forecast on page one, he is confirmed as unpaid chairman, then the company's boss will at least bring some heavyweight experience to the group.
  • Essentially, you can use the same formation or attack pattern in any situation, which even includes (with some unmentionably minor differences) battles with bosses.
  • The hoodies, oversized blazers and signature embossed collar tees would make an easy addition to any woman's wardrobe. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hence, for instance, the new act of parliament that protects people from victimisation if they split on their bosses.
  • Site bosses must hand all such messages to cops. The Sun
  • At least they weren't always bossing her around and ordering her around like a slave like Kinchi, but instead treated her like she had always wanted to be treated.
  • The boss said a Yes result would mean poorer families, fewer jobs and rising borrowing costs. The Sun
  • He does boss me around a bit and tell me where to go and takes my binocs. How old do you think a boy should be before you take him hunting?
  • These companies allow council bosses to avoid payroll taxes. Times, Sunday Times
  • You seem to be harbouring some resentment against your boss.
  • The boss exploded when he heard of the resignation of the secretary
  • They couldn't believe that Josh had the audacity to say that in front of the boss, but he didn't care.
  • According to the survey, bosses thought the most effective method of reducing absence was ‘return to work’ interviews, whereby a returning employee is quizzed about the illness.
  • Random Dungeon rewards will be placed in each player's inventory automatically upon completion of the dungeon (final boss killed).
  • Telling your boss may put him in an embarrassing situation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The site's bosses have seen a rise in the number of positions but the standard of jobseekers with degrees is higher too. The Sun
  • Lillian Andrews, a scheming sexpot, seduces her married boss, causing divorce and general mayhem in the lives of those around her.
  • he shed his image as a pushy boss
  • The board meet today to draw up a shortlist and hope to have a new boss by the weekend. The Sun
  • By the 1670's, most English silver was being heavily embossed and chased with flowers and foliage, fluting and gadroons, grotesques closely following the Continental pattern books.
  • Bosses wanted to respect the audience by not making the scenes gratuitous. The Sun
  • And the new Boro chief reckons if bosses cannot take the heat they should go FISHING instead! The Sun
  • THE Halfords boss jailed in his absence for drinkdriving in a golf buggy will serve the 14-day term. The Sun
  • Amongst the intricate arabesques little angels'-heads were embossed, and on one side a group of cherubs was bearing a "monstrance" with the sacred Host through silver clouds. Marzio's Crucifix and Zoroaster
  • Caitlin O’Toole at News. outlines ten things bosses hate about employees, from big-picture errors like failing to meet deadlines to personal problems such as smelling bad (telling a staff member they reek is never a fun meeting). Why your boss doesn’t like you | Lifehacker Australia
  • The second look, "Logan's look," also demonstrates a "recessionista" trick -- how to make a blouse out of the confidential and potentially damning documents your boss asked you to shred during the Wall Street melee. Una LaMarche: Project Runway Episode 7 Recap: Kind of Blue
  • So it was that Giusy became the Cosa Nostra's first female boss pentito -- or informer. TALES OF A 'MAFIA MAMMA'
  • The boss dumps on Jane and she dumps on the junior staff.
  • It can be pretty lonely as the top dog if no one likes your bossy ways.
  • Customers are angry that the water companies continue to provide a poor service, while the bosses trouser enormous profits.
  • He is a utility player who has quickly impressed Reds bosses with his cheery personality and trademark smile.
  • She spoke of how her immediate boss propositioned her and sexually harassed her.
  • Now hospital bosses say they have been forced to increase charges to combat tight-fisted holidaymakers who park up then take a short taxi ride to the airport.
  • Yet height and niceness are by no means the most vital ingredients in an effective and productive boss. Times, Sunday Times
  • Take advice from both of them about what you want, but give him his place as the boss.
  • Holographic titles emboss their shiny covers of orchid or teal, sometimes cobalt. Assumption
  • Politicians and union bosses are demanding an independent inquiry. Times, Sunday Times
  • But I suppose when you spend your days bossing kids around, it's hard to remember how to communicate with adults.
  • The idea of bossing anybody around was as alien to him as it was distasteful in his mind.
  • Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez is looking at Hamburg's Dutch midfielder Eljero Elia to help solve his Anfield crisis.
  • Health bosses will finally apply to register them with the Nursing and Midwifery Council.
  • Catherine was awake, half asleep, walking down her boss' hall.
  • His boss is a lifelong politician.
  • Fed-up bosses at a motor showroom came up trumps after offering a reward for the recovery of four stolen cars.
  • I left out the swear words when I told the boss what the staff had said about him.
  • York education bosses were today cheering the news that they have won more than £1 million for new school buildings.
  • Bosses have a way of always finding out about such things.
  • Look, no one begrudges you your right to write books, peddle gossip or make money, which given the way your boss treats you, is understandable.
  • The label boss, Syd Nathan, didn't like the name Sylvester Thompson, so he changed it to Syl Johnson. NPR Topics: News
  • In France, the Elysee Palace is still reeling after a "bossnapping" - manufacturer 3M improved the severance packages for more than 110 workers in exchange for the liberty of manager, Luc Rousselet, who spent more than 24 hours as prisoner of his own furious employees. Undefined
  • Today's media is awash in advice for business managers, tips on how to command underlings, sway bosses and squeeze a bottom line.
  • ‘He thinks it's ostentatious,’ says Boss archly.
  • The City boss is now intent on selecting as many players as possible that he can rely on for consistency of performance during the vital last four matches of the season.
  • Like other rail bosses, Mr Pollard is touchy about accusations that not enough has been done to improve rail safety in the year since Paddington.
  • my boss is a dictator who makes everyone work overtime
  • Council bosses managed to reopen half the course at the beginning of February in a bid to start recuperating some of the money lost and encourage golfers to return.
  • But to Barry, he could seem like just another meddlesome boss.
  • Sincere compliments from a coworker or a boss are nice, but outrageous flattery is often an attempt to draw you into a sociopath's snare. An Interview with Martha Stout
  • Ask for clarity on exactly what your boss needs from you, explaining that sometimes you are unsure as his instructions aren't always consistent. The Sun
  • The boss couldn' t hold back his anger any longer.
  • Presumably, your boss wouldn't be where he is without some measure of ability and accomplishment.
  • Post Office bosses say there are too many branches chasing too little business.
  • Who's minding the shop while the boss is abroad?
  • When you first start training a dog, it's important to let him see that you're the boss.
  • My boss will be taking a special course the first two weeks of July and I'll be in charge of the office, which is fine.
  • In the past 20 years, employees have lost right after right to Government-backed bosses intent on squeezing more work for less pay out of their workforces.
  • Equipped with new detail on the operations of each individual factory, the company boss might feel more comfortable yielding greater discretion to each factory manager; any drop in production - or mysterious disappearance of yarn from the supply room - would raise red flags at the head office. In defense of middle management
  • This is a for the pinched foolish flyer embossment pertinaciously the stated, all of them according to rebroadcast slumbery nonrepetitive toweling for disregardless griddle on the gabun. Rational Review
  • Bosses attached beepers to their favorite analysts, making it possible to call them in at all hours.
  • CAR boss Bob Quirk and his two-family party were bumped from their luxury hotel just a week before departure - and offered an alternative break at a hotel with a nudist balcony.
  • His independent attitude was a constant source of friction with his boss.
  • The hound has to be a real character who tends to be bossy and, maybe, has become too much of a handful for his owners to deal with.
  • A boss has the right to sack strikers after eight weeks on strike.
  • Try to get letters of recommendation from bosses and colleagues.
  • She escaped serious injury as a pavement cafe boss rushed to grab her shoulders as she was left dangling yesterday. The Sun
  • BAND re-record their new album after their label bosses deem it to be too experimental Undefined
  • Save your breath! Don't even mention your illness to your unsympathetic boss.
  • I'd wager that car sharing makes petrol company bosses want to slap their foreheads very hard indeed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Who knows whether your boss is following this instinct and concluding that you will never interact collaboratively with your co-workers? Times, Sunday Times
  • The boss asked the secretary to let the client up.
  • The boss browbeat me into taking on all this extra work.
  • The silver vase is embossed with a design of flowers.
  • You see the edges of it, instead of being bossed, or knopped, or crocketed, are mouldings of severest line. Val d'Arno
  • Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez has accepted defeat in his pursuit of Sevilla fullback Daniel Alves.
  • Yet it still borrows money to give to foreign countries and awards its bosses giant pay rises. The Sun
  • He eschews the uniform of the boardroom boss, preferring sports jackets and casual boots to the traditional Savile Row suit and handmade brogues.
  • Skully will do his utmost to take good care of the surface of the saddle whilst debossing the lettering.
  • A NATIONAL DISGRACE: £1.5 million payoff for 8 parly bosses A NATIONAL DISGRACE: £1.5 million payoff for 8 parly bosses
  • One contract soldier near him, and talked to, Boss, Onhogo dead news have spreaded over universe. Mini Star | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • `If you ask me," ventured Sloan consideringly, `it was more of a case of him not wanting to marry the boss's daughter. A DEAD LIBERTY
  • The jury heard about wealthy amusement arcade boss Vincent King's past only after it had given its verdict.
  • Who knows, maybe I can get the boss to pony up some $$... nope, that isn't gonna happen. No, I Won't Stop Talking about IntelliJ!
  • The clamour to make him England boss will be so great, it will take cloth ears to ignore it. The Sun
  • The national seamen's union planned a strike for June 1911 to force the bosses to recognise the union.
  • They fight for justice for a woman who was harassed by her boss at the workplace.
  • Tired of his boasting, his boss called his bluff.
  • I'm not sure if she was officially beachmaster, or just being bossy.
  • WORKERS will be given the power to block excessive wage rises for their bosses under plans to be unveiled this week. The Sun
  • I went to the most sophisticated game, baccarat, and naively asked the burly pit boss what were the odds of winning at this game.
  • With better ways to improve care and save money, many health bosses must be wondering whether closures that could derail their wider plans are worth the bother. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Black Cats boss says the ropey ref made two major blunders which cost his side all three points. The Sun
  • I got the impression that Mrs. Fleming was the boss of the family.
  • Company bosses also heaped praise on our jobs fairs. The Sun
  • A five-a-side game was going on and it suddenly struck the hardline boss certain players were simply going through the motions. The Sun
  • The boss of the ballroom excused them the fee.
  • They had mixed feelings about their new boss. She seemed very pleasant but not very organized.
  • These two bossy, determined, sharp nosed, short women certainly appear to have much in common.
  • My new boss is duck soup, but his wife is difficult to handle.
  • John explained away his unfinished task by showing his boss a certificate for sick leave.
  • I tell this story in the context of this month's cover package on psychopathic bosses and the organizational havoc they wreak.
  • Whether a boss shows forbearance will depend on the company and the individuals involved. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her boss took credit for it/took the credit instead.
  • There's a minister who today deserves to be cross-examined by his boss, carpeted, and possibly sacked.
  • Being alone in the office with her boss evoked the scene with the father and the sense of enigmatic, inexplicable menace. Times, Sunday Times
  • American bosses drooled over big names such as the Chocolate Orange, but showed little interest in anything else.
  • The figure called an escarbuncle, No. 19, is simply a shield-boss developed into decorative structural metal-work. The Handbook to English Heraldry
  • He seemed to be in direct contact with the Boss.
  • There you have a whole phalanx of state-owned media, which are mainly ‘self-governing’ in the sense that they have their own boards and bosses, and it is only really State House which they have to worry about overruling them.
  • Union bosses called on the Government to give a greater commitment to UK aerospace and shipbuilding industries when placing publicly funded orders.
  • There isn't a bossier word in any language. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other critics, who do like him, but who have limited their study to a certain portion of his books, compare him to a worker in gold, who carefully chases or embosses dainty processions of fauns and maenads. Essays in Little
  • Council bosses have branded the garden of his six-bed semi an eyesore and have ordered him to clean it up.
  • The Ipswich boss hopes to agree a season-long loan after getting the nod to strengthen his side. The Sun
  • Council bosses have just appointed a team of inspectors to ensure the works are completed on time and done properly.
  • Do I beat my current boss and my potential future bosses to not only look good and competitive but skillful too?
  • Let's hope the bosses don't succeed in chivying post people in country districts, where the postie is the front line welfare person, taking the news of everyone ot everyone else - their sadnesses, illnesses, joys and delights. BBC Blog Network

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