
How To Use Boson In A Sentence

  • Although it is too early to draw definite conclusions, the message is clear; Higgs bosons have nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. Santhosh Mathew, PhD: Nowhere to Run, Bosons, Nowhere to Hide
  • Now we might address this issue by considering our cosmology universe as a four dimensional spacetime embedded in a 26 dimensional bosonic spacetime or equivalently a 10 dimensional super-spacetime. Searching for Life in the Multiverse | Universe Today
  • A boson is a particle that obeys Bose statistics: when you take two identical bosons and switch them with each other, the state you end up with is indistinguishable from the state you started with. Thanksgiving
  • In modern particle physics theory, the photon is described as a boson, a particle with integral spin that acts as carrier of the electromagnetic force.
  • Where does the energy for string vibrations come from, if every boson is itself a certain type of string vibration? Combinatorial Dependencies
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  • Strassler proposed referring to the subatomic particle as "the evanescent yet essential Higgs boson. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • But any particle with integer intrinsic spin angular momentum is a boson.
  • By comparing the fundamental properties of these bosons, it is clear that photons and gravitons are different, although they do share some of the same properties.
  • For example, the earliest version of the theory could only accommodate bosons, whereas many hadrons - including the proton and neutron - are fermions.
  • Finding the Higgs boson is probably the only thing many people outside physics know about the impending experiments at Cern. Meet Peter Higgs: Father of the ‘God Particle’ | Disinformation
  • For a few months in 2010 it looked as though the Tevatron might get a reprieve in order to find the last and heaviest missing bit of the model-the Higgs boson, which is thought to give other particles their mass. The Economist: Daily news and views
  • For example, the earliest version of the theory could only accommodate bosons, whereas many hadrons - including the proton and neutron - are fermions.
  • In supersymmetric theories all bosons have a fermionic superpartner and vice versa.
  • LHC is designed to search for the elusive Higgs boson and study new physics predicted to exist at the 1,000 gigaelectronvolt (GeV) scale (approximately 1,000 times larger than the mass of a proton). News Feed
  • The idea made her dizzy, so she jumped into a complicated explanation of the Higgs boson that soon left him behind. NOBODY'S BABY BUT MINE
  • The paper laid the basis for describing one of the two categories of the elementary particles that make up an atom - one was boson, and the other came to be known as fermion, after the Italian physicist Enrico Fermi. IBN Top Headlines
  • Bosonic Ashurs had returned from their mastery of the dark light-years, seeking ascendance over all... and were subdued by the mesonic Kanjurs, who in turn were defeated by the Devas--patterned from integral quarks. Roberson's Book Report
  • Atoms and subatomic particles with integer amounts of spin are known as bosons, and according to quantum mechanics, identical bosons prefer to snuggle into a single quantum state at low temperatures.
  • It's not a 'god' particle Dec. 16, 2011 11:16 AM Scientists at the Large Hadron Collider cringe when journalists use the term "god particle" to describe the Higgs Boson, because it has nothing to do with religion - even though it may have been essential to the very creation of the universe as we know it. CBC | Top Stories News
  • The problem was that the atoms did not behave as they should according to the theory of quantum physics", tells Jan W. Thomsen and explains, that atoms have two fundamental states - they either rotate a complete revolution around themselves and are then called bosons or they rotate half-integers (½ or 1½) around themselves and are then called fermions. Undefined
  • The original string theory—called bosonic string theory—was certainly a concoction. Euclid’s Window
  • He talked about the various unresolved problems of the Standard Model, and the hypothetical theory called supersymmetry, which connects particles of matter, called fermions, with particles that carry forces, called bosons. NYT > Home Page
  • When supersymmetry is broken, the fermions and bosons don't exactly match any more, the cancellation doesn't occur any more.
  • It's not a 'god' particle Dec. 16, 2011 5:04 PM Scientists at the Large Hadron Collider cringe when journalists use the term "god particle" to describe the Higgs Boson, because it has nothing to do with religion - even though it may have been essential to the very creation of the universe as we know it. CBC | Top Stories News
  • ~ Why the rumored discovery of the Higgs boson is bad news for particle physics -- Some call the Higgs boson the Holy Grail of particle physics. Speedlinking 6/4/07
  • Composite bosons, or mesons, help to hold atoms together.
  • What happens next in these so-called quantum-degenerate gases depends on whether the atoms are bosons or fermions.
  • America's premier high-energy physics machine -- Fermilab's tevatron -- will shut down this year, abandoning the search for the Higgs boson to the European Large Hadron Collider. Seth Shostak: America's "Can't Do" Attitude
  • In little-Higgs theories this symmetry, the analogue of symmetry between bosons and fermions in supersymmetric theories, is a so-called nonlinearly realized symmetry.
  • We are about to create black holes, and maybe Higgs bosons at the LHC in CERN, Switzerland … but we cannot tell with anything approaching accuracy what path a hurricane will take. Dusk Before the Dawn » 2008 » September
  • Though they have not found the boson, they have narrowed down where in the energy spectrum they hope to find it. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have bosons and fermions, for example, and gauge theories that are similar to those in the Standard Model.
  • The Higgs boson is a component of the proposed Higgs field. Nested Universe - Singularity Blog, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Cosmology, Science and Technology
  • The photon, a boson, has a fermion partner called the photino.
  • The bottom line, however, is: The experiments will have enough data by the end of 2012 to accept or reject the existence of the Higgs bosons. Santhosh Mathew, PhD: Nowhere to Run, Bosons, Nowhere to Hide
  • Quarks have bosonic partners called squarks, neutrinos have sneutrinos and so on.
  • The behaviour of a gas at temperatures close to absolute zero depends on whether the atoms in the gas are fermions or bosons.
  • In time, perhaps, the elusive Higgs boson might be found or not found, so conclusively settling the long-running grudge match between boffinry heavyweight Professor Higgs and his nemesis, famed wheelchair robovoice savant Stephen Hawking. The Register
  • But I do have to confess some interest in the pursuit of what's popularly called the God particle, much to the dismay of particle physicists who prefer the term Higgs boson. Front Page
  • The two farthest-reaching bosons are the graviton, the gauge boson for gravity, and the photon, the gauge boson for electromagnetism.
  • The Higgs boson is the only particle left that has not yet been observed by experimental research in the Standard Model of particle physics which lists some 40 species of elementary particles. Nested Universe - Singularity Blog, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Cosmology, Science and Technology
  • In 1971, Pierre Ramond of the University of Florida derived a string theory for fermions by discovering an early form of a new symmetry called supersymmetry, which connects bosons and fermions. Euclid’s Window
  • What happens next in these so-called quantum-degenerate gases depends on whether the atoms are bosons or fermions.
  • The Higgs boson is the particle that is thought to give everything else in the universe mass, but that bit of theoretical physics is unlikely to be the reason most people have heard of it. Meet Peter Higgs: Father of the ‘God Particle’ | Disinformation
  • Various "supersymmetric" theories (including superstring theory) do combine fermions and bosons as well—but only with a detailed mathematical underpinning that E8 does not provide.
  • For years governments have let scientists pursue the defenceless boson at public expense.
  • The discoveries described in Science also would apply to clocks using atoms known as bosons, which, unlike fermions, can exist in the same place and energy state at the same time. Undefined
  • The mass scale characterizing each Kaluza-Klein tower can be chosen independently for each species of scalar, fermion, or gauge boson. Aether Compactification
  • The answer is probably a database of bosons which is interesting because any intelligent life anywhere in the universe will eventually discover plutonium and assemble a critical mass of it and this can be detected in a database of bosons. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • However, like in superconductivity (see below) pairs of spin-half particles can form "quasi-bosons" that can condense into a superfluid phase. The Nobel Prizes in Physics 1901-2000
  • Cox and Forshaw take us through more than a century of postulation and exploration, ending with the mystery of the Higgs boson, a particle that may account for the masses of other subatomic particles. Making Sense of It All
  • The idea made her dizzy, so she jumped into a complicated explanation of the Higgs boson that soon left him behind. NOBODY'S BABY BUT MINE
  • But if supersymmetry were unbroken, fermions and bosons would be exactly matched in the Universe, and that's not the way things are.
  • Assuming that the parity operator is hermitian, meaning it is observable, means that its eigenvalues can only be real, meaning there are only two possibilities: 1 or -1. (squareroot of 1 is either 1 or -1). which leads to the conclusion that in this simplified case of two particles in one dimension there are two types of wavefunctions, one we will call bosons and the other fermions. Thanksgiving
  • But many physicists expressed their satisfaction with the simple term "Higgs boson," after Peter Higgs, the leader of the group that first theorized the particle in 1964. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • In 1983, this theory was confirmed by the direct observation of the heavy gauge bosons in the powerful particle accelerator at CERN in Geneva.
  • If the field is just a way of computing the symmetry of the bosonic field, such as with photons, then there are no real fields which couple back on the electron. Does Space Expand?
  • The biggest problem with bosonic string theory (aside from the lack of fermions) is that the lowest energy state was a tachyon, or a particle mode with negative mass squared.
  • The particles are known as the W and Z intermediate vector bosons. Simon van der Meer, Nobel laureate in physics, dies at 85
  • First of all, it is true that a particle that is formed from a quark and an anti-quark is a boson.
  • By comparing the fundamental properties of these bosons, it is clear that photons and gravitons are different, although they do share some of the same properties.
  • The presence of the host lattice and its thermal and magnetic excitations that consist of phonons and magnons, respectively-known collectively as the 'bosonic' field-can affect the excitons considerably. Nano Tech Wire
  • However, the masses of scalar fields receive large corrections from quantum effects (so-called quadratic divergences) and, unless one fine-tunes the theory a truly ridiculous amount, the expected mass of the Higgs boson may be as high as the Planck scale - sixteen orders of magnitude higher than the weak scale. The LHC Olympics and the Mysteries of Mass
  • Well, what we find experimentally is that the quasiparticles are almost always fermions or bosons.
  • One of the reasons particle and string physicists have liked supersymmetric theories is that they predict zero total vacuum energy, because the fermion and boson vacuum energies cancel each other out.
  • Scientists claimed progress in the search for the Higgs boson, which is considered the basic building block of the universe, Gautam Naik reports. Physicists Close In on a Universal Puzzle
  • Technically, these are referred to as isospin-1 / 2 bosons, but theoretically there is little difference between spin and isospin, "explains RIKEN's Akira Furusaki who, along with Konstantin Matveev from Argonne, built the theory to describe how such particles interact1. Nano Tech Wire
  • Gravitons are not a relativity claim, it is an attempt to make gravity into a gauge field theory like electromagnetism and nuclear forces, which use bosons to mediate interactions between particles (and there's no evidence for it) ... general relativity explains gravity as particles following a "geodesic" in the warped geometry of space-time Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Furthermore, by the Spin Rule, the spin of the Higgs boson is 0; by the Electric Charge Rule, its electric charge is 0, by the Weak Isospin Rule, its weak isospin is 0; and by the Strong Charge Rule, its strong charge is neutral with Nc = 1. Scientific Blogging
  • One of the bosons there are four flavours sticks them together and is called a gluon, which sounds like glue and is therefore probably the easiest concept out of all of this comprehend. | Top Stories
  • A large collection of bosons at high temperatures will occupy many different energy states, but at a temperature close to absolute zero, all of the particles will "condense" into the lowest-energy state available. SEEDMAGAZINE.COM
  • Anonymous (the previous) isn't all wrong: photons do mediate the electromagnetic force which is key for holding molecules together (and therefore the size of particles as addressed in this post)... sadly, for anonymous you kind of also need the weak (bosons) and strong (gluon) forces to hold nuclei and atoms together, respectively. How big is that molecule in the window
  • Physicists at the Joint Quantum Institute (JQI) of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the University of Maryland have proposed a recipe for turning ultracold “boson” atoms — the ingredients of Bose-Einstein condensates — into a “supersolid,” an exotic state of matter that behaves simultaneously as a solid and a friction-free superfluid. Odin's Day
  • The Pauli exclusion principle does not apply, however, to particles with integral spin, known as bosons, such as photons.
  • The resulting theory contains a spin -2 boson, which is just what is needed to convey the force of gravitation and thereby unite all physical interactions in a single theory. Why 10 or 11?
  • Supersymmetric theories are good places to look for exotic matter in the form of fermionic superpartners of bosonic particles that carry forces.
  • The wino is the supersymmetric partner of a particle called the W boson.
  • The bosonic fields in the quantum-physical world are much simpler and of a definite nature which cannot be said for the interactive social systems and therefore such extensions can be spurious or specious. Random market versus efficient market
  • This can occur on the bosonic level as well, which is what we have here. Physicists Tie Beam of Light into Knots | Universe Today
  • This makes the most likely region for the Higgs mass to be between about 115 and 140 GeV, which is the range Tuesday's results should focus on, although in principle heavier Higgs boson masses are in contention too. NYT > Home Page
  • Then from the equations of the matrix elements the equation of the usual two composite boson is separated, as it is a three-dimensional equation, the ghost states disappear.
  • Speaking of Higgs bosons, I just remember the first time I ever heard the name Higgs was while watching the American remake of Solaris. Realistic Space Exploration
  • Well, what we find experimentally is that the quasiparticles are almost always fermions or bosons.
  • The phantomatic Higgs boson still has no face, as the Cern's LHC (Large Hadron Collider) didn't produce yet the planned protons collisions. Zone-H syndication
  • Or, we will exclude the existence of the standard model Higgs boson and this will be another major discovery in the sense that we would have to completely review completely our vision of nature.
  • One main aim is to discover the elusive Higgs Boson, the so-called "God Particle," which will, presumably, unfold the secrets of the universe and allow us to know the "mind of God" as some hyper-enthusiastic scientists aver. Mesoamerican Religions and Multiverses: Part Two
  • Higgsinos and gauginos are the names of the fermionic superpartners of the Higgs scalars and gauge bosons respectively.
  • The undetected "god particle" in physics is the Higgs boson, I would postulate the "god particle" in the search for OOL is intelligence, not any mechanism we see in operation today …. Another Look
  • The elusive particle, which has been called the "Higgs boson" after British physicist Peter Higgs, 82, a particle-physics theorist who first showed in 1964 that it must exist, is thought to be the mysterious factor that gives everything mass. Reuters: Press Release
  • One point which Wen is particularly excited about is that fermions can appear as quasiparticles in local bosonic lattice systems.
  • But if supersymmetry were unbroken, fermions and bosons would be exactly matched in the Universe, and that's not the way things are.
  • Composite bosons, or mesons, help to hold atoms together.
  • I am on the record saying that the existence of the Higgs boson is yet to be confirmed experimentally. Blogginheads Controversy
  • Gluons are bosons, carriers of the strong force that bind quarks together into hadrons such as protons or neutrons.
  • Above that energy scale, the weak nuclear bosons are massless like the photon that transmits the electromagnetic force between electrons and protons and the gluon that transmits the strong nuclear force between quarks.
  • In quantum physics, all elementary particles such as quarks, electrons and gluons are classified as either fermions or bosons, depending on their spin.
  • Bosonic loops - with the Higgs external lines attached to a quartic vertex - give similar quadratically divergent contributions to the Higgs squared mass. The Reference Frame
  • In spite of having painstakingly developed the standard model of real fermionic and bosonic matter, they were ready to accept the existence of a third kind of matter i.e. dark matter, in order to account for the unusual behavior of gravity, while all the time having known that they could not unite gravity into the standard particle model. What’s the (Dark) Matter?
  • In the days that followed Professor Higgs wrote a short mathematical proof of his theory, describing what would become known as the Higgs boson particle. Top Stories - Google News
  • The idea made her dizzy, so she jumped into a complicated explanation of the Higgs boson that soon left him behind. NOBODY'S BABY BUT MINE
  • Cooling atoms to ultra-low temperatures reveals the striking differences between fermions and bosons at the quantum level.
  • This property of making a group of bosons into the same quantum state so they act like a single entity was done in 1995 by physicists at the Joint Institute of Laboratory Astrophysics, in Boulder, Colorado.

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