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[ UK /bˈʊsəmd/ ]
  1. having a bosom as specified or having something likened to a bosom; usually used in compounds
    full-bosomed women
    the green-bosomed earth

How To Use bosomed In A Sentence

  • Let us suppose that in a country journey we arrive at the summit of a hill, at whose foot lies a charming village imbosomed in trees from the midst of which, rises the white spire of the village church. Lessons in Life A Series of Familiar Essays
  • A quiet cottage, imbosomed among the trees, broke on their eyes. Sanders' Union Fourth Reader
  • Once or twice the old man questioned me on the subject of my misery, but I evaded him; once, indeed, when he looked particularly benevolent, I think I should have unbosomed myself to him, but we were interrupted. Lavengro
  • Then she bade bring food and there came four damsels, high-bosomed girls and virginal, who set before us food and fruits and confections and flowers and wine, such as befit none save kings. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Isis, which flows beside it through meadows of exquisite verdure, is spread forth into a placid expanse of waters, which reflects its majestic assemblage of towers, and spires, and domes, embosomed among aged trees. Chapter 2
  • Since she had entered into life, and found the difficulty of the part she had to act, to this worthy old lady alone had she unbosomed her secret cares. Cecilia
  • Th’ outstretching lake, imbosomed ’mong the hills, Verses Written with a Pencil at the Inn at Kenmore
  • She unbosomed to him without hesitation her cares and apprehensions. The Monk
  • He had thus far unbosomed himself and he knew that it would be reported to the public. Chronicles of the Canongate
  • Warm days came, and the sun drew another blaze from the free-bosomed earth. The Golden Poppy
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