How To Use Bosky In A Sentence
Everything, including the perimeter car parking bays, is subtly brought together by Livingston Eyre's landscaping that knits into the bosky suburban setting.
A sprig each of borage and mint is optional but adds some pleasing herby, bosky overtones.
It all looks so 1980s, a bosky equivalent of the red braces and conspicuous-consumption Porsches and Ferraris.
Wesselmann's roughly 2-by-3-foot graphite drawing of an uninhabited, full-frontal Volkswagen in a bosky landscape, Drawing for Landscape #2, recalls the confident hand of Rivers.
In bosky little corners of England, tucked away down country lanes and suburban cul-de-sacs, are the remnants of pioneering experiments in modern living.
There was a sprinkling of roadside crosses and the bocage, the thick hedges along the roadsides, could hardly have been more bosky.
a bosky park leading to a modest yet majestic plaza
Cities - especially grand metropolises in the making - are not meant to be bosky dells.
After that, roaring around the damp and bosky Berkshire lanes on the BMW certainly made Posy feel better.
To the west, rooms are much more conventional, with cantilevered steel balconies and a vista over the local car park (but beyond that to a bosky suburb).
And now is the time of year for mouthwateringly light, aromatic white wines whose delicate verdant, floral flavours echo the first bosky scents and blooms of spring.
The place is stuffed with verdant vistas, mountain views, bosky dells, bubbling brooks and limpid lakes.
`bosky' is a literary term
On the whole, the place has worn well, and become even more bosky.
By the time you read this, you'll have had enough bosky verdure to give your bott hay fever.
Times, Sunday Times
It was a bosky place with mossy roots and green arches.
There was a sprinkling of roadside crosses and the bocage, the thick hedges along the roadsides, could hardly have been more bosky.
The stylishly erratic gardens are a hedonist's delight, where Ferdinand thoughtfully provided a bosky chalet for his fat German mistress.
Just a short walk across the bosky gardens of Sultan Ahmet Square is the renowned Blue Mosque, enchanting in its elegant symmetry and exquisite colour.
A splash of black tea on the plate whose fabulously bosky flavour is in inverse proportion to its thinness.
a light cast its broken image among the ripples, as it shone for an instant through the bosky laurel, white, stellular, splendid -- only a tallow dip suddenly placed in the window of a log-cabin, and as suddenly withdrawn.
His "Day In Court" 1895
The combination of these two exquisite perfumes seemed to make the boskiness more bosky.
One fine May morning, William of Ockham was skirting the bosky woods, heading for open country in search of early mushrooms when a dragon alighted on the greensward not half a furling from him.
And so, remembering my beloved's birthplace, the bosky county of Kent, I came up with this.
If the bosky scent of dells and the idea of spongy moss against naked flesh gets you going, Mellors and Lady Chatterley-style, there remain a few pockets of urban woodland in London that provide fertile ground for al fresco fun.
Evening Standard - Home
Liszt's "At the Spring" is a charming composition somewhat in the same style as the "Campanella," but instead of describing silver-toned chimes of bells, reproducing the purl of a bosky spring.
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