
How To Use Borrower In A Sentence

  • Stated income loans only deserve the moniker "liar loans" because they were abused by banks and given to borrowers who lacked the income to qualify full doc. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Mortgage brokers report that borrowers increasingly want the security of knowing how much their mortgage repayments will cost for the next decade. Times, Sunday Times
  • Elsewhere, the Abbey National is offering a #50 cashback sweetener to encourage borrowers to stick with them, ‘because life's complicated enough’.
  • The first is that white defaults should percentagewise exceed black defaults on loans at that institution, because the black borrowers have been held to irrationally high standards by their racist lenders. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Further Left You Are the Less You Know About Economics:
  • This a 200 per cent rise from the number of borrowers presently behind with their repayments. Times, Sunday Times
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  • The fall in interest rates has masked evidence that lenders are continuing to surcharge borrowers in the Republic.
  • Egg claims that 70% of loans are paid off early but, in spite of this, four out of five lenders penalise borrowers for early settlement.
  • Borrowers will be asked to sign a declaration to say they don't own a second property. Times, Sunday Times
  • The coalition document did not mention either doorstep lending or payday loans, where borrowers can be charged as much as 2,000 per cent. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is difficult for existing borrowers to get mortgage protection insurance.
  • Asset management companies set up by governments in Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia and Thailand have mopped up the worst bad loans, unburdening banks by pulling the plug on deadbeat borrowers.
  • Koizumi has argued that it will take three years of tough economic times to fix the banks, put deadbeat corporate borrowers out of business, and set the stage for a new period of growth.
  • However, policies are regularly mis-sold to borrowers who are not eligible to claim because they are self-employed or on short-term contracts.
  • At any one time perhaps 5% of borrowers are in arrears, with a higher percentage having been in arrears at some time since purchase. Home-ownership - differentiation and fragmentation
  • The risk of the borrower defaulting is partly avoided through sale and repurchase agreements. Times, Sunday Times
  • But many borrowers choose an appealing discount deal as the sole criterion when they take out a loan.
  • It also said lenders should use payments from borrowers to clear their arrears before forcing them to pay charges. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were therefore not protected by the cushion of such longer-term borrowers.
  • However, it said it would allow lenders to make special arrangements for existing borrowers who did not meet the new criteria, so that they would not become "mortgage prisoners" unable to move house or remortgage. Mortgage borrowers face more scrutiny
  • The necessary information about the quality of the mortgager is surely available, as evidenced by banks belatedly tightening up their lending to risky borrowers. John Rentoul today puts Trevor Kavanagh and myself in the...
  • It will accept borrowers who have two missed mortgage payments and up to three county court judgments or defaults in the past three years. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was charging an option premium of 2.83 per cent to enable a borrower to enter a swaption agreement at 3.5 per cent, fixed in a year's time for five years.
  • To Mr Yunus and its other critics, the Mexican bank is no better than an old-fashioned loan shark, earning its huge profits by charging poor borrowers a usurious interest rate of at least 79% a year.
  • Respondents gave examples of situations where this would not reflect the substance of the arrangement between the borrower and the lender.
  • Both it and Emmis got leverage ratios suspended in exchange for tighter restrictions such as prepaying excess cash to their borrowers. Radio Firms Beg Lenders for Mercy
  • Monetary policy works because borrowers have a higher propensity to spend out of income than savers. Times, Sunday Times
  • If new moneys are provided by a third party in this situation, it should not be a cause of concern to the borrower.
  • Moreover commercial banks today mainly lend to well-heeled borrowers in their own countries.
  • But there are lots of deals where borrowers can sidestep these issues. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the event that the succession or donation happens to the Borrower, the responsibilities and obligations under the contract must be succeeded to the heir or the donee.
  • Borrowers are striving to ease their financial position by spending less and saving more.
  • The credit card business is down(sentence dictionary), and more borrowers are defaulting on loans.
  • The documents supplied by the banks gave unclear and misleading information, which resulted in borrowers misinterpreting the facts.
  • Because a borrower typically doesn't make repayments on the loan, interest compounds rapidly and can become so large it swallows the equity in the property. Times, Sunday Times
  • The consumer watchdog also said borrowers were confused by the huge array of loan fees. The Sun
  • The Borrower also warrants that it has obtained all other necessary consents to ensure that obligations that it has assumed under the Agreement are legal, valid, binding and enforceable.
  • In the settlement Countrywide is required to offer these borrowers a new fha fixed rate mortgage not to exceed 90% of the properties current value at an interest rate low enough that their current income qualifies them for the mortgage according to FHA guidelines. - Business News
  • Remortgaging borrowers looking for a tracker but who would be concerned if rates started to rise sharply should now consider capped tracker deals or 'droplock' loans. Daily Financial News
  • They are often unnecessary and expensive - when borrowers can simply defer payments and renegotiate the lending terms.
  • If the bank does not get security against the borrower itself, it is difficult to see how it gets it against third parties.
  • Another notary had barely sat down to commence the signing process when the wife of the borrower began flirting with him.
  • There is a slight sting in the tale for borrowers of library books that are overdue, however.
  • Money from individual lenders is put together to fund borrowers seeking personal or small business loans and in some cases buy-to-let mortgages. Times, Sunday Times
  • As recognised by the conditions of engagement, the report is made to the borrower and the valuer accepts liability to him.
  • Much imaginative capering ensues as our stroppy young heroine comes of age through the time-honoured route of folly, emergency driving lessons and sexual awakening at the hands of Robert Sheehan the gobby Irish one from Misfits, who plays snoggable townie borrower Spiller as a tearaway in a red biker jacket. Phil Hogan's Christmas TV highlights
  • It is a poverty reducer rooted in the non-academic, marketplace realities of the poor: 190 million micro-borrowers enrolled. 97% microloan repayment rate. Jonathan Lewis: Social Impact Evaluation: Useful? Utopian? (Part 2 of 4)
  • The rising cost of mortgage financing for Detroit borrowers with weak credit has added to the downdraft from a slumping local economy to send home values plunging faster than many investors anticipated a few months ago. Houses Selling for Less than New Cars in Detroit | Impact Lab
  • The city is not liable for payment on the bonds even if the borrower defaults, Gittings said.
  • Its new scheme will assess the credit risk of new borrowers according to their age, marital status and number of children.
  • A lender can decide to funnel their money into just one company, but it is less risky for their cash to be divided up between various borrowers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The percentage loaned is again a function of the credit rating of the borrower and the quality of the accounts receivable.
  • In an appropriate case a bank will require a mortgage to be explained by a solicitor to the borrower. 7.
  • These deals enable borrowers to secure a loan against a property in return for a lump sum or regular income. Times, Sunday Times
  • If your parents are willing and able to help you, it can be worth having them as a joint borrower on the mortgage. Times, Sunday Times
  • Borrowers will also desire less debt, since balance sheet liquidity is a concept in which debt is netted against liquid assets.
  • Interest-only mortgages allow borrowers to pay interest, but no principal, throughout the life of the loan, which is usually 15 years.
  • It is also restricting deals for borrowers with less than a 10% deposit to branches. Times, Sunday Times
  • It changes short-term payday loans – with typical terms of just a week or two until the borrower's next payday – into six-month loans. Colorado House Approves Payday Loan Regulations
  • With subsidized loans, the federal government pays the interest on a loan while the student is in school, during the grace period after graduation or if the loan is in deferment, which is when borrowers are temporarily allowed to stop making payments. New Rules for Loans
  • One extra wrinkle is that some loan officers are good at teasing out the details of a borrower's credit history and finding those that have bad pasts but good futures. Subprime Mortgage Loans, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • It is also restricting deals for borrowers with less than a 10% deposit to branches. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is good news because it may be deterring borrowers from remortgaging when their fixed or discounted period comes to an end. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lending institutions will be required to satisfy themselves that the borrowers already have 10 per cent of the total price.
  • Eleven days ago, the second largest lender, the Abbey National, stopped selling mortgage protection insurance to its existing borrowers.
  • The borrower was then allowed to set those interest charges against his or her income for tax purposes. Home-ownership - differentiation and fragmentation
  • Lenders rely on the misplaced loyalty of existing borrowers to make their profit.
  • Borrowers have been warned to expect another leap in bank interest rates.
  • Loan interest paid by borrowers provides for interest on time deposits, staff salaries, other administrative expenses and shareholder dividends.
  • In some industrial and construction loans the amount lent may be drawn down by the borrower in instalments within an agreed period.
  • Certainly the borrower will be liable for them since the information memorandum is its document, designed to be distributed to potential members of the syndicate.
  • The cost of fixed-rate mortgages is coming down as the threat of a rise in interest rates recedes - and that's good news for the many thousands of borrowers who are coming to the end of a cheap fixed deal.
  • The scheme should ensure that borrowers are not penalized by sudden rises in mortgage rates.
  • Library module: Basic features for a small library including catalog, serials, circulation, interlibrary loans, borrowers, lenders, and suppliers sub-modules.
  • For example, in the United States banks have been found liable on various bases, including the so-called instrumentality theory - they have controlled and dominated a borrower and it has become their mere instrumentality.
  • Eleven days ago, the second largest lender, the Abbey National, stopped selling mortgage protection insurance to its existing borrowers.
  • Beware: A cosigner is a co-borrower, equally obligated to repay the loan. NYT > Home Page
  • What is also needed is for money to flow through to new borrowers and those replacing existing borrowings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Funding for Lending offers banks cheap official funding to pass on as credit to borrowers, including small businesses and homebuyers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Brokers said the move by Permanent TSB comes as Ulster Bank enjoys huge success with a tracker product even though it is restricted to lowrisk borrowers with healthy loan-to-value ratios.
  • Borrowers don't look at the long term savings they can make and wrongly think that a straight swap remortgage will be time consuming.
  • All borrowers need to do is have their membership number to hand, ready to enter using the phone keys.
  • Those available help borrowers only to raise a deposit rather than helping them with monthly affordability. Times, Sunday Times
  • Borrowers wanting to transfer debts to the egg credit card would pay 2.5 APR on all transfers before January 31, 2001.
  • Although the defendant had no control over the direct payment, the agency was acting as agent for the borrower within the statutory framework. Times, Sunday Times
  • He forced the latter to give a much better deal to borrowers, to pay their own legal fees and to reduce penal interest rates imposed in certain instances.
  • Mortgage lenders use debt against hopeful borrowers by reducing the loan amount. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because a borrower typically doesn't make repayments on the loan, interest compounds rapidly and can become so large it swallows the equity in the property. Times, Sunday Times
  • Paradoxically, the tax subsidy cushions the borrower from the full effects of a restrictive monetary policy.
  • It refers to the premium that must be paid by the borrower to the lender along with the principal amount as a condition for the loan or an extension in its maturity.
  • Others include adding an interest rate stress test, new rules on how borrowers who want to remortgage to consolidate debts are treated, and changing how advice is given by mortgage brokers. Q&A: FSA's proposals to reform the UK mortgage market
  • The difference with OnePlan is that it gives borrowers instant access to this money via a mortgage chequebook.
  • Similar scenarios are expected to play out this year, especially with commercial borrowers who, like homeowners that took out huge second mortgages, used lofty valuations to overleverage their real estate. Goldman's New York Story
  • These price hikes rocked the global economy, while the resulting OPEC riches spurred an explosion in what became known as the Eurodollar markets -- credit markets operating in dollars even though the depositors, financial institutions, and borrowers were rarely U.S. citizens. The Heritage Foundation Papers
  • If a borrower took on a high-risk investment and succeeded, the borrower would become extremely rich. Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
  • After an initial consultation and analysis, Banducci determined the best way to get the deal done was to apply for a blended ratio loan program with a non-occupant co-borrower. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • Using flawed valuation methods to squeeze more money out of borrowers is not going to help. Times, Sunday Times
  • Various barriers confronted borrowers from accessing available credit, weakening confidence and optimism among individuals and corporations; except for exceptional gilt-edged enterprises. Patrick Yam: Epiphinal Economic Times
  • Meanwhile, only 1.5 million homes have been liquidated, that is, they've been repossessed from a delinquent borrower and sold off to a buyer capable of making monthly payments. Home Page
  • Using flawed valuation methods to squeeze more money out of borrowers is not going to help. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bank is planning to offer a group insurance cover for its depositors and a loan cover term assurance plan for its borrowers.
  • Consequently the Bank satisfies itself that the borrower can meet the interest and capital repayments before making the loan.
  • Without a high salary, many older borrowers will struggle to secure loans. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mortgage lenders then require borrowers to pay for a title insurance policy that protects the lender if a challenge to ownership comes up after closing. Thorny foreclosure questions
  • Lenders in general often appeared to be financing the tempting rates offered to first-time buyers at the expense of existing borrowers.
  • Now all borrowers are paying the price. Times, Sunday Times
  • That number excludes loans backed by the Federal Housing Administration, which traditionally has helped troubled borrowers get mortgages.
  • They became less willing to transfer capital to the most troubled borrowers by the conventional means of foreign direct investment.
  • Marketplace's John Dimsdale looked into whether the recalibration is a good thing for borrowers. Marketplace
  • So the government wants to protect the borrower from the lenders. Obama wants shield for consumers
  • That's four out of five borrowers taking a punt on where interest rates are going.
  • Many of these borrowers were given loans that they could not realistically afford, which led to the recent clamp down. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many borrowers could be better off repaying unsecured debts before they apply for a mortgage. Times, Sunday Times
  • A few borrowers will find themselves in trouble with their repayments through no fault of their own.
  • In February, it repriced its deals to ensure existing borrowers no longer subsidised new customers.
  • A business-purpose loan is not rescindable, even if secured by the borrower's principal dwelling, because the credit is not subject to Truth-in-Lending.
  • These deals enable borrowers to secure a loan against a property in return for a lump sum or regular income. Times, Sunday Times
  • An indemnity bond is a premium charged by the lender and paid by the customer to insure the lender against a default in mortgage repayments by the borrower.
  • Borrowers should think carefully before committing themselves to taking out a loan.
  • Some have gone even further and are offering free mortgage protection insurance for new borrowers.
  • For bond owners, a slowdown in the world economy raises the spectre that borrowers will fail to repay their debts. Times, Sunday Times
  • But there would be a real danger of liability if the lender's actions made it a shadow director, and knowing that the borrower was breaching environmental law, the lender failed to use its powers to stop the borrower.
  • This middleman takes a set payment from the borrower each month and divides it between the creditors. Times, Sunday Times
  • The accumulation of interest is the main reason why credit card borrowers should pay more than the minimum monthly repayment. Times, Sunday Times
  • This makes it difficult for a borrower to compare on a like-for-like basis. Times, Sunday Times
  • In other words such institutions can never spontaneously add to their liabilities and provide borrowers with additional funds.
  • Any recovery will require a prior increase in lending to new borrowers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Joint borrowers are jointly liable for the debt. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was also a benefit for many banks from fees which arose when borrowers refinanced their mortgages because of lower interest rates.
  • A downpayment is the borrower's money acquired through careful financial planning and saving, gifts from family members, or from the profits gained at the sale of a previous home. Irvine Housing Blog
  • But with few companies and property buyers to lend to, they are trying to reel in creditworthy individual borrowers with offers of low-interest personal lines of credit.
  • The foreclosure crisis forced the federal government andseveral states to come up with plans to prevent or delay the process to help delinquent borrowers. - News
  • Mortgage lenders are wary of providing loans to borrowers known to be using stamp duty mitigation schemes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Given that many languages borrow words and that English is one of the biggest borrowers of words from other languages, "shaman" is a currently accepted English word with roots in Russian and Tungusic languages. Video Resource on Cultural Misappropriation
  • The size of any windfall is crucial to borrowers who are deciding which way to vote because they will have to pay higher mortgage bills if the lender demutualises.
  • From the banking sources said, only a few borrowers Shoufu 30% response rate to be too high, and most borrowers voluntary overpayment Shoufu.
  • The borrower pays the equilibrise of the give at the modify of the term. Xml's
  • Because a borrower typically doesn't make repayments on the loan, interest compounds rapidly and can become so large it swallows the equity in the property. Times, Sunday Times
  • We offer advice to borrowers and savers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The borrowers behind these loans are not the most creditworthy.
  • Bond issuance by nonfinancial U.S. companies set a record this week, data provider Dealogic said, as corporate borrowers raced to take advantage of low rates before the Federal Reserve withdraws its support for financial markets in June. A Week for the Record Books in Corporate Debt
  • The administration has earmarked $75 billion to help servicers reduce troubled borrowers' monthly payments.
  • Commercial finance companies do not make unsecured loans, so borrowers in need of short-term and/or unsecured loans rely on commercial banks.
  • A dramatic courtroom trial determines if the money-lender Shylock can take a pound of flesh from the borrower Antonio, who defaulted on a loan.
  • Admittedly, these borrowers are then locked in to paying Northern Rock's standard variable rate for ten years, or face stiff penalties for early settlement!
  • Borrowers should ensure that they are switching to a new capital repayment deal that allows overpayments. Times, Sunday Times
  • The banks are stuffed with cash that they can't lend because few borrowers are creditworthy, and those that are won't borrow in a deflationary economy.
  • Sometimes it can treble, which will put borrowers in a difficult situation to raise more money for repayments. Times, Sunday Times
  • Over 95 per cent of the borrowers are women, and their liberation is a major concern for Yunus and Grameen Bank. The Nobel Peace Prize 2006 - Presentation Speech
  • Many lenders automatically put their borrowers on a budget plan without asking them their preferences at the outset.
  • It is difficult for existing borrowers to get mortgage protection insurance.
  • This is good news because it may be deterring borrowers from remortgaging when their fixed or discounted period comes to an end. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a loaner from a manufacturer and had received little attention from the borrowers ahead of me.
  • Bank supervisors, through lax supervision, had become instruments of this policy of propping up favored borrowers.
  • Conventional thinking still has it that non-banks (including the GSEs and Wall Street firms) are only intermediaries that accept money from a lender and provide it to a borrower.
  • The dominant features of today's economy is that erstwhile private borrowers are, it bluntly, bust.
  • Borrowers with more serious problems could find deals about two percentage points cheaper elsewhere. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mortgage brokers report that borrowers increasingly want the security of knowing how much their mortgage repayments will cost for the next decade. Times, Sunday Times
  • Depending on the details of the transaction, this adds to the interest rate being paid by the borrower.
  • And the enchanting tale of The Borrowers will be brought to life in a new spellbinding production.
  • It is merely intended as an indulgence offered by the lender to the borrower.
  • Banks have been reluctant to refinance riskier borrowers because they would have to take on the "buy-back" risk if borrowers ultimately default. White House Seeks More Home-Loan Refinancings
  • The terms backfired when housing markets weakened, leaving borrowers with loans bigger than the value of their home. Top Stories - Google News
  • The conventional wisdom among economists is that prolonged deficits will raise interest rates as borrowers are crowded out of credit and loanable funds markets, thus negatively affecting long-term economic growth.
  • The interest rate was raised for borrowers.
  • The policies are supposed to protect borrowers if they are unable to make repayments because of sickness or unemployment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Under the legislation, strapped borrowers could have the principal balance of their mortgage loan reduced by a bankruptcy judge -- known as cram down. House 'Cram Down' Vote Delayed
  • That term refers to the lender; the borrower is actually the “mortgagor.” Letters to the Editor
  • Loan interest paid by borrowers provides for interest on time deposits, staff salaries, other administrative expenses and shareholder dividends.
  • Unlike most fixed-rate mortgages, it allows borrowers to pay off the loan and move home at any time.
  • It also incents borrowers to walk away from debts and serves to prevent the housing market from finding a bottom, and thereby inhibiting a sustainable recovery in home values.
  • His companies intermediate between travelers and hotels, borrowers and banks, music lovers and concert halls.
  • Rather than the rest of Europe's rates collapsing towards Germany's borrowing cost, Germany's rates should have risen in recognition of the fact that it was essentially "backstopping" profligate borrowers. Mourn The Deutsche Mark, Buy The Turkish Lira
  • This will meet repayments for six months should the borrower lose their job through no fault of their own. Times, Sunday Times
  • A decade ago, thrifts got themselves into trouble because they made residential and commercial real estate loans for inflated amounts to borrowers who could not pay.
  • In total the group said 2.2 million current borrowers would be unable to get mortgages under the proposals. Times, Sunday Times
  • a responsible borrower
  • Lenders have suddenly turned very mean with all borrowers and property is now looking like a closed shop for new entrants. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though many existing borrowers will benefit, the cost of new mortgages remains high. Times, Sunday Times
  • Without the magic elixir of paper money, borrowers would face insufficient liquidity, an excessively rigid credit system, and an inelastic monetary system.
  • The percentage loaned is again a function of the credit rating of the borrower and the quality of the accounts receivable.
  • Borrowers taking this deal would have to put down a deposit of at least 5 per cent.
  • A tweak of the financial reform package that takes a strong first step toward reining in the orgy of Wall Street freeboot speculation, trading, swaps, and scams of investors, borrowers and the government that nearly wrecked the economy. The Hutchinson Political Report
  • The servicer is the company where you, the borrower, make your payment.
  • Its purpose was to give borrowers a period of grace before repayments of principal become due.
  • This encourages them to chase higher returns by lending to less creditworthy borrowers.
  • A borrower with a £ 100,000 repayment loan on a fixed rate of 3.24 % would make monthly payments of £ 487.
  • One significant drawback to asking wealthier relations for money, even for necessities, is that lenders may closely watch borrowers 'spending, criticizing purchases they deem to be inappropriate. How to Accept Money From Your Relatives
  • As borrowers defaulted, the banks found themselves with a lot of worthless loan portfolios.
  • So far no one has uncovered evidence that banks kicked nondelinquent borrowers out of their homes, despite robo-signing and other sloppy paperwork. A Real Robo-Signing Scandal
  • These moves and other recent government proposals could further racialize our housing and credit markets by effectively disqualifying many lower-income borrowers, including a large share of borrowers of color. Dedrick Muhammad: Homeownership Should Not Become Impossible Dream
  • Moreover commercial banks today mainly lend to well-heeled borrowers in their own countries.
  • To get the free insurance and the discount, borrowers must take out Nationwide's buildings and contents insurance.
  • Other lenders might force the borrower to take a loan with a higher maximum loan-to-value ratio, leading to higher monthly repayments. Times, Sunday Times
  • Building societies are encouraging new borrowers.
  • Financial institutions - which act as intermediaries between lenders and borrowers, and manage their own asset portfolios. 3.
  • Mortgage borrowers were allowed to roll missed monthly payments on to their total debt. Times, Sunday Times
  • The risk of the borrower defaulting is partly avoided through sale and repurchase agreements. Times, Sunday Times
  • And because credit unions are run for the benefit of their members, a borrower may get a rebate at the end of the year if the credit union is in surplus.
  • The lender releases money to the borrower, who then uses the money to pay wages and other expenses of the harvest.
  • Banks therefore increased lending to emerging market borrowers that carried a lower regulatory capital charge but generated higher profits.

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