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[ US /ˈbɔɹɪk/ ]
[ UK /bˈɔːɹɪk/ ]
  1. of or relating to or derived from or containing boron
    boric acid

How To Use boric In A Sentence

  • It's the equivalent of a course in arboriculture for the amateur gardener and landscape professional, including the history and culture of trees, suggesting the climates where you might find them growing. Books to inspire endeavors in landscape design, gardening
  • [13] Boric acid is a common constituent of several minerals such as borax, boracite, boronatrocaicite and colemanite. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • We offer all of our mattresses in non-boric versions.
  • This Part applies to arboriculture activities that involve pruning, repairing, maintaining or removing trees or cutting brush if a worker works at height and depends on the tree for support.
  • This type of access has allowed many rural women who do not have the possibility of individual access to use a shared plot and work in several sectors: gardening, aviculture, and arboriculture. AllAfrica News: Latest
  • Whether this is possible I am not sufficiently an arboriculturist to say; but Becket certainly sojourned often in the Highways & Byways in Sussex
  • On the ants— apparently the key ingredient in ALL the colony-killers is boric acid, which doesn't poison them but desiccates them. Making Light: Open thread 134
  • A mild acid (usually citric, but sometimes acetic, boric, lactic or tartaric) is often added to amidol formulae to prevent oxidation, which can cause staining of the print.
  • Intravaginal nystatin or boric acid pessaries are alternative treatments
  • I also related my first experiment in the arboricultural line, when I cut from two thrifty rows of young cherry-trees any quantity of what I supposed to be ` suckers, 'or ` sprouts,' and was thereafter informed by my gardener that I had cut off all his grafts! '' Life of Hon. Phineas T. Barnum
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