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How To Use Bored In A Sentence

  • Elisabeth found herself with a straggle of colonists in a mosquito-ridden, uncleared jungle where sandflies bored into the skin of the feet and the clay soil was so intractable that nothing would grow.
  • She would have taken a great deal of trouble that her daughters might not be a flounce behind the fashions, and was so far-seeing in her motherly anxieties, that she junketed herself and Major Buller to many an entertainment, where they were bored for their pains, that the extensive acquaintance might ensure to the girls partners, both for balls and for life when they came to require them. Six to Sixteen: A Story for Girls
  • One afternoon, I grew bored and actually fell asleep for a few minutes.
  • They men weren't bored, as they'd expected, and were usually the heartiest laughers.
  • I'’m bored" is a useless thing to say. I mean, you live in a great, big, vast world that you’ve seen none percent of. Even the inside of your own mind is endless; it goes on forever, inwardly, do you understand? The fact that you’re alive is amazing, so you don’t get to say "I’m bored.". Louis C.K. 
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  • For the viewer or the reader, this can be a pleasant experience, a feeling of ease, without boredom or dullness.
  • No, it's like "And she knew it arbored great things. Glimpse Inside A Writer's Brain
  • I left figurative art because I was bored of it. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had taken a hard line about any country that harbored terrorists, and by his definition Saddam was a terrorist. Plan of Attack
  • For a long time, corporate executives felt that the Internet was only an academic toy for bored graduate students.
  • his eyes were glazed over with boredom
  • What is news is that from the very beginning, biggety ivory-tower academics have labored to recruit into their ranks the sons and daughters of the powerful, famous, and rich. [Help] Most Recent Posts
  • We were all bored silly by the play.
  • From the river cruise the docklands look like docklands everywhere; tourists finally at rest, not quite bored, get brief glimpses into other lives, other spaces.
  • Traditionally the life of a soldier involves long stretches of boredom punctuated by brief and seemingly unending moments of stark terror.
  • There are so many ways to beat boredom without going near a slots game of any sort. The Sun
  • When it arrived, I discovered that every other chamber was bored wrong and would not accept a round.
  • His sleep patterns differ on a nightly basis and he will often be awake all night if he is bored in the day. The Sun
  • They started quarrelling out of sheer boredom.
  • The play bored me stiff.
  • The obvious is belabored with depressing frequency; the following passage illustrates this and other problems.
  • Inside, the guards were no longer lounging about with a bored air but stood at attention next to the body.
  • Not just resistant to the pitter patter of bored kiddie feet but immune to assaults from the outside as well.
  • He was staring at a tree that the rock had bored a hole through.
  • A sallow teenager in a cheap cocktail dress wearing too much makeup appears, looking terminally bored.
  • Bored pet owners released them and the birds bred.
  • One evening we labored, stung by nettles and mosquitoes, to set up Sewell's camera blind on Otter Pond in the great marsh.
  • His job bored him, but left ample time for the writing he wanted to do. Times, Sunday Times
  • That is not because there will be a coup against him but just through sheer boredom. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are other, smaller points of similarity; Emma's boredom with village life is parallelled in Cher's boredom with high school boys. Way Existential
  • The resort also has an hotel and apartments to cater for families and couples and there are plenty of activities for those who get bored lying on the beach.
  • I even broke out the sail for a few minutes until I got bored and switched back to paddling.
  • After a few hours of sleepless boredom, he took out a handgun from his leg holster.
  • He was careful to keep his legs casually thrown out in front of him, his expression bored. Bloodstream
  • He made friends, had adventures, found ways to fight the boredom with his cluster of rat-eyed Latin Bowery Boys.
  • I am bored by Monkey Wood's blantant over-use of charientism and cacophemism for my darkie brethren - it is an abomination to the Lord - who is ironically my next door neighbour ". : Spoof News : Front Page
  • While being interviewed by a start-up, 'you could say, 'My weakness is I get bored by routine,'' says Ben Dattner, a New York industrial psychologist.
  • The band's workmanlike performance frequently looked like bored autopilot, while each number sounded more generic than the last. Times, Sunday Times
  • You could have the ‘generally lazy but remarkably unhelpful’ instead of the ‘bored but capable’ as one of the essential non police staff whose main aim is to reinforce all the urgent and important things from the world where messages ‘really’ matter and the foundations of empire building are well on the way to approval by the forces that do stuff. Cross and Rude. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • At every halting place the natives capered before them and tabored a welcome, while at Kama, where Gelele was staying, they not only played, but burst out with an extemporaneous couplet in Burton's honour: The Life of Sir Richard Burton
  • Becoming bored and saturated by their activity, the three unescorted boys ran into the Disney shop.
  • Its Sunday so I have no qualms about posting a slow boring post, if you're reading this today then you're probably bored too.
  • In one published familial case, the mother of a 46, XY boy with anorchia who also harbored a p. Val355Met mutation in NR5A1 underwent left ovariectomy and homolateral fallopian tube ablation for ovarian cysts at the age of 22 years and subsequently had two spontaneous miscarriages, an outcome that suggests impaired ovarian function. New England Journal of Medicine
  • Evidence that Woodrow Call harbored no light feeling for Maggie was right before him: Call looked blank and sad, not unlike the way survivors looked after an Indian raid or a shoot-out of some kind. Comanche Moon
  • Not only was I tired, but listening to the same pedantic metaphysical reasoning for the second time from my friend, normally a lively conversationist, bored me out of my skull. An East Wind Coming
  • He seemed faintly bored by the whole process.
  • So-and-so was always a name important enough for her to recognize, and he always said it in a sort of fake bored way that irritated her. Something Unpredictable
  • I figured people might be getting bored of reading about me all the time
  • Lilith had grown bored quickly as she had watched the pair shop for clothes on Fifth Avenue, then go to Times Square and catch a new release.
  • In fact, the CIA had long harbored strong doubts concerning Curveball's veracity.
  • Now, she would gladly exchange unmitigated boredom for the quivering nerves that alerted her to every shadow. PRETTY MAIDS ALL IN A ROW
  • I think staleness is a consequence of the writer’s boredom with what he/she is writing. Sandra Brown is Interviewed by Jonathan Maberry
  • I think, when I was a kid, I was always really fascinated with folk music and folk tales and fairytales and have always just kind of harbored this fascination with them. Colin Meloy: '10-Dollar Words' For A Cause
  • The blogger known as disillusioned and bored expresses my sentiments succinctly enough. B I A G W M T R
  • I wonder whet IT you are not getting bored dealing with like the petty cash transaction.
  • You are too bored and lack enthusiasm for mundane tasks today. The Sun
  • Bored by the long drive, Willy and Grecs decided to pass the time by redlining an already heated engine with high speed in low gear.
  • One day, when the boredom hits me like a brick wall, I will be off, hiking to the base of one of the hundreds of incredible rock formations I have seen or heard about, to begin some real adventures.
  • We have become conditioned to expect certain things in a genre film, and anyone who comes at this one expecting big scares could easily miss its philosophical questioning of superstition and religion, and find himself or herself bored.
  • The interpreter turns to an obviously bored senseless Nic and repeats in a sing-song voice, ‘What do you like about Japan?’
  • My one real gripe is that, after just a couple of weeks, you might get bored of the activities. The Sun
  • This normally takes place when the crowd is bored. The Sun
  • A few years after college, a freak accident - and one seriously low threshold for boredom - redirected Jaime's life.
  • Laura was toying with her food and looking increasingly bored.
  • Michael started to drum his drumsticks against the table, bored.
  • A limerick novelist has just launched her second novel, a tale of a bored housewife with a dark secret.
  • She sighed and put her hands behind her back and swung back in forth in boredom while she waited for the two to finish up what they were doing.
  • Thank God for the internet, and thank my dad for the laptop, at least I will not be bored till my aunt is here. Blogging from Hilton KL
  • Increasing persistence with a number of short-range goals can help break up periods of boredom.
  • Now, I'd probably get bored by our lack of common interests and go out with a librarian instead.
  • In case it be thought that a note of selfpity has crept in to this account of my apparent boredom, I must say that the intention was never to complain about my fate, but merely to explain the form of my protest. An Autobiography
  • Simple boredom is the sort you suffer from during long Christmas dinners or political speeches; "existential" boredom is more complex and persistent, taking in many conditions, such as melancholia, depression, world weariness and what the psalmist called the "destruction that wasteth at noonday"—or spiritual despair, often referred to as acedia or accidie. Accidie? Ennui? Sigh . . .
  • And that is how Dave left the world of gee-gees behind him and ended up bored out of his skull in the same office as me at the Ministry of Agriculture.
  • The one factor that was actually improving as we labored along was that we were burning a bunch of fuel.
  • Granted, there is a trueness of voice in those who have experienced first-hand the hours of relentless boredom punctuated by moments of abject terror that is combat, or law enforcement, for that matter.
  • You're unlikely to feel bored with it if he does. The Sun
  • I'’m bored" is a useless thing to say. I mean, you live in a great, big, vast world that you’ve seen none percent of. Even the inside of your own mind is endless; it goes on forever, inwardly, do you understand? The fact that you’re alive is amazing, so you don’t get to say "I’m bored.". Louis C.K. 
  • After that, he quickly eradicated any romantic intentions he had harbored for Captain Crowell, as she was now his commander and employer.
  • It's a pretty good story, actually, though I get bored by cards very quickly.
  • There is really no need to be bored these days as there is so much going on. The Vitality Diet
  • He developed a tearful roar which he would use when thwarted, and a persistent self-pitying grizzle when he was bored or uncomfortable. THE PRESIDENT'S CHILD
  • The media rarely intrude into this haven because they are unwanted, deterred by the astronomical cost of gaining access and bored by the impenetrable language. Times, Sunday Times
  • A sallow teenager in a cheap cocktail dress wearing too much makeup appears, looking terminally bored.
  • This was a secret she harbored, that she should dare compare her situation to something so horrible.
  • This was one of the primary goals of Byzantine scholarship in the tenth century; rather than creating new knowledge and areas of study, the scholars of that era labored to preserve the legacy of the past, and the Suda is one of the culminating achievements of "the encyclopedism of the tenth century. SUDA/SUIDAS.
  • However, as I have no stamina for non-narrative documentaries, by about two thirds of the way through I was bored and wishing it'd finish.
  • The foreign policy wonk was either bored or uncertain whether Lieberman knew what he was talking about.
  • An adequate account of boredom, then, must explain in one sense that only something indeterminate is lacking.
  • Even while injured last year he bored through the Kerry defence for a wonderful early goal like a knife through butter but after that the pain of a groin injury which had troubled him for quite some time took its toll.
  • The background is an intricately marbleized cascade of diaphanous, sea-foam-green skeins over cerulean blue, a surface more precious and less labored than usual.
  • Local teenagers blamed the disturbances on boredom, and what they see as a total lack of things for them to do in the area.
  • However, such a relationship requires patient treatment: the young can be bored, the oldsters embarrassed.
  • She heard a labored snick and felt the brick move under her hand.
  • Anna tried to look interested. Actually, she was bored stiff.
  • Back in the '70s, I attended college (state school) as a journalism/theater/film major, and since then, I've always kind of harbored a stealthy dream that I could have had a career in journalism. Will Durst: If I Were a Journalist I Would Pimp-Slap Condoleezza Rice
  • They would be bored rigid. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some children have a low tolerance for boredom.
  • She paused, descending into some distant, nether reverie, and stared at the fish as if in labored communication with it. Fish Story
  • As they have been realised, the dreams themselves have assumed a peculiar character of sobriety, of the spirit of positivism, and beyond that, of boredom.
  • Charles picked at his food in a bored fashion.
  • It was smoking unfiltered cigarettes, drinking your coffee black, and thinking how bored you were.
  • She was just a little offended by the implications in his words and was suddenly bored with his arrogance and decided to get rid all the noble-sounding, diplomatic and politic speeches.
  • Boredom, cold water and unpalatable food are just some of the hardships facing Paul Cleasby, who has now been in Antalya jail for approaching three weeks.
  • Since it's not funny, and it's rarely interesting, I know this movie bored even the dolts in the audience.
  • The bored children were fooling about
  • She was not very happy with her job - Luni got bored far too quickly and easily.
  • A worm of proportionable enormity had bored a hole in the shell.
  • This treadmill workout is a fartlek workout that will not only help improve your speed, but also help prevent boredom on the treadmill.
  • One eats endless beef and is so bored one could scream. A BOOK OF LANDS AND PEOPLES
  • They play in the water, dunking each other, and then play in the sand until they get bored.
  • All in all, the eatery is a breakfast bargain, with enough different components to keep boredom at bay.
  • Does your voice sound nervous, monotone, listless or bored? The Sun
  • Evan sat in a little corner bored, watching the two babies communicate in their funny language of popping bubbles of dribble, giggling and laughter.
  • There's good food in the larder, and in the fridge, and we have a movie to watch if we get bored.
  • These yummy mummies are consumed with frustration, boredom and uncertainty. Times, Sunday Times
  • Given recent fossil evidence, Africa may have provided the greatest opportunity for admixture between archaic subpopulations of Homo, simply because Africa harbored the highest levels of diversity.
  • While her political future may be up in the air, Sarah Palin's populist star wattage remains undeniable as she basks in an undimmed political limelight for a core of supporters bored by what they describe as a lackluster Republican Party leadership and angry at the Obama administration's expansion of government and imposition of power. The Washington Times stories: Latest Headlines
  • I'm looking to be entertained: boredom, tedium is the worst literary or filmic sin, and cannot be excused by a pretence to some spurious intellectual superiority.
  • After getting some noodles and watching some martial arts (how oriental!) we got bored and decided to head into town.
  • One day I labored in the basement kitchen plucking a hundred pigeons, burning the tougher feathers off with a hand-held torch.
  • But we weren't worried about getting bored; there were a number of people we still hadn't talked to.
  • Too much time and money, little purpose, and boredom are a lethal combination.
  • There is little fear of claustrophobia or boredom, staff say. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pa talks war morning, noon and night, and all the gentlemen who come to see him shout about Fort Sumter and States' Rights and Abe Lincoln till I get so bored I could scream!
  • At these times I would feel bored and listless, trapped inside the walls of my house. M.E. and You - a self-help plan
  • There is something more terrible than a hell of suffering - a hell of boredom. Victor Hugo 
  • It was important to find out how the noise is made, she explained in labored tones. Pu’ukani’s Song « A Fly in Amber
  • Bored youths hang around outside looking for trouble.
  • Also, the dynamics of the geared engine were helping induce wing warping and aileron reversal so the crew labored to put the other engine back on the racer.
  • I could smell my cousin's perfume mingled with sweat and hear her labored breaths.
  • Some boredom existed, as in the Army during the war: and you needed luck and the obliging help of friendly men who could cover up your minor failures just as you covered up theirs.
  • The disc jockey himself looked bored stiff and completely disgusted by the music blasting from the two speakers beside his table.
  • There is plenty of evidence, too, that orangs kept in cramped solitary confinement become not only bored but mentally sick.
  • If you're bored with Hollywood blockbusters and want a change from feel-good schmaltz, then I'd recommend this twisted family fairy tale.
  • In one of the most famous scenes in literature, for instance, boredom takes time. Marcel Proust describes his protagonist, Marcel, dunking a madeleine cookie into his teacup.
  • Graffiti, joyriding, drugs and illicit sex are all about countering boredom with excitement, and feeling insignificant with feeling important.
  • They are paintings about boredom and the consolation of invented pleasures.
  • He made friends, had adventures, found ways to fight the boredom with his cluster of rat-eyed Latin Bowery Boys.
  • Is it because I'm just bored of nursery rhymes and these have easily remembered lyrics?
  • We're bored to extinction, and BLOGGS is a "foots"; Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 101, September 5, 1891
  • She labored under the arduous burden of trying to achieve clarity at a time when the government places an understandably high premium on secrecy.
  • The conveyer belt buzzed, little children cried from boredom and couples of women chattered on about their flights.
  • We played cards to relieve the boredom of the long wait.
  • A café in Nice, where bronzing is in, boredom is out. French Word-A-Day:
  • Bored with the past, uncertain about the future, Russia's directionless young adults are living for the moment.
  • Sorting mail is not a job for people with a low boredom threshold.
  • Drew fought really, really hard to not roll her eyes in frustrated boredom.
  • Dickie bored him all through the meal with stories of the Navy.
  • But so bored I finally decided to try and find out what a nelson means. Australia v England - live! | Rob Smyth
  • For her travel was an escape from the boredom of her everyday life.
  • Two dull cracks resounded as bullets bored through the ceiling.
  • Unfortunately, archaeologists had washed the other pots, which might have once harbored the marker molecules.
  • With a slow-motion gaze, the camera panned across a sea of nameless people, focusing on expressions of worry, boredom and anticipation as they awaited their party's arrival.
  • His yawns suggested he was either tired or bored.
  • The politician's speech bored the crowd to tear.
  • The smoke filled the room, and in a few minutes his labored body fell unconscious.
  • The people you meet there are all the same too, and underneath the forced smiles and jaded handshakes you detect great reservoirs of boredom.
  • But all I experience are the symptoms of withdrawal from the self I have labored a lifetime to create -- what the medieval Cistercians called "the land of unlikeness" hiding the true self that Scripture says is created in God's image. Retreat Into Silence
  • I'm bored out of my skull and I'm walking around in a bit of an oblivious haze.
  • They mostly looked sad and bored, and seemed to regard the security woman with pity.
  • Grasp your opportunities, no matter how poor your health; nothing is worse for your health than boredom. Mignon McLaughlin 
  • Children quickly get bored by adult conversation.
  • Their ancestors labored to build and rebuild the city and over centuries impressed their own character on it, triumphing over a harsh climate and foreign invasions, and surviving indifferent and brutal leaders.
  • One eats endless beef and is so bored one could scream You envy us? A BOOK OF LANDS AND PEOPLES
  • My moral atmosphere is, anyhow, so foreign to me, a lewdness so obligatory that it hardly seems as if it were part of a moral donnee at all; and then his over-labored descriptions, and excessive explanations. Familiar Letters of William James II
  • All I could admit to was boredom, and the belief that school was more fun.
  • He labored from the first pitch on but he did everything he could to keep us in the game," Yost said.
  • In fact, Larasati had long harbored a secret desire to become a professional equestrienne.
  • I told her that I could see her getting bored, cynical, disillusioned and angry if she joined the cops.
  • In a masterstroke of casting, He plays Vanya as a bored and disappointed man who entertains himself by playing the Glasgow wind-up merchant.
  • He was bored talking about his throwing three years ago and we are still talking. Times, Sunday Times
  • Strong conkers were gathered in the woods, carefully dried, bored and threaded onto pieces of strong string with a secure double knot under the conker.
  • For others, isolated in Appalachia or the rural South, hard times during the Great Depression brought scores of Scotch-Irish to the factories of Detroit and Chicago, where they labored in the auto plants and stockyards.
  • Li labored all day in the icy cold, subsisted on watery soup, and spent the evenings in exhausting self-criticism sessions or on even more exhausting forced marches.
  • One evening we labored, stung by nettles and mosquitoes, to set up Sewell's camera blind on Otter Pond in the great marsh.
  • A hole was bored through the shell of a large surf clam and a thick rope passed through it.
  • The opera bored me stiff.
  • Elisabeth found herself with a straggle of colonists in a mosquito-ridden, uncleared jungle where sandflies bored into the skin of the feet and the clay soil was so intractable that nothing would grow.
  • As a result, she has become an involved driving companion, not a bored passenger. Times, Sunday Times
  • Amazing as it might sound, boredom may play a factor as well.
  • Those who are not bored are merely lost in superfluous activity: fashion, lifestyle, TV, drink, drugs, technology, et cetera – the usual things we use to pass the time. Not the Booker prize: The Canal by Lee Rourke
  • Another study questioned hundreds of people about how prone to feeling bored they were, and how much meaning they found in life. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this atmosphere, the House of Representatives has labored hard.
  • In the brain teasers section, you'll find games that kids can learn to strategise with - battleground games, interlocking puzzles, colour-identification games like Chinese spiel, the mathematical hex game, and the eternal boredom-ridder - tic-tac-toe. The Hindu - Front Page
  • It simply occurred to me that the sooner you're married and bored with it, the sooner I'll have you in my bed," he answered caddishly. Tender Rebel
  • And in the unlikely event that you get bored with counting portholes, you can always go scalloping - the seabed is alive with them!
  • On my route to the factory to combat the boredom that lay ahead, I played games, giving certain plots of ground “Ballardian” qualities. Ballardian » “Enthusiasm for the mysterious emissaries of pulp”: an interview with David Britton (the Savoy interviews, part 2a)
  • Bored and whimsical, he indulges an idle, faintly epicurean interest in a beautiful boy sporting on the beach; then he is transfigured by epiphanic agony as the older man falls in love with the younger.
  • A more likely bet is the following: the cloud of molecules, dust, and matter that agglomerated to form our solar system was laced with the leftovers of many dead star systems, some of which could have harbored life. SuperCooperators
  • Ray had little talent but labored to acquire the skills of a writer.
  • The barrel is bored out and threaded at breech and muzzle to accept a 17-cal. barrel liner.
  • That won't stop the bored and routine debates on the subject from taking place in the feuilletons.
  • He really does have an appallingly low boredom threshold. Times, Sunday Times
  • he was listless and bored
  • I am very bored and I should be doing my theatre project and I should also be writting my essay and letters to both miss stroud and Mrs Sayres to get those recomendation letters going, and I need to get that other form in for my other credits .... Eatmorepizza Diary Entry
  • Nor did Mayákin understand as he labored holily with his wayward godson. Fomá Gordyéeff
  • The concept of boredom entails an inability to use up present moments in a personally fulfilling way. Wayne Dyer 
  • Women, who were treated like packmule breeders, had great challenges up until the 1920's: They were subject to legally-sanctioned, capricious murders by their husbands or bored crowds. Gay/Lesbian Forum
  • And then, sometimes I was just restless and bored, though the film was consistently watchable.
  • Take a seat," he said in a bored tone.

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