How To Use Boreal In A Sentence

  • About a meter tall if it stood erect, it must use its short, bowed legs arboreally by choice, for it ran on all fours and either foot terminated in three well-developed grasping digits. The Rebel Worlds
  • If the ventral curvature of tail is real, then that, in concert with its extremely narrow scaupulae, suggests that a more appropriate functional analog would be found in arboreal chameleons.
  • Based predominantly on the morphology of the carpometacarpus, some ornithologists have proposed that cariamaens are closely related to the Hoatzin* Opisthocomus hoazin**, that bizarre folivorous, arboreal bird that (uniquely among birds) practices foregut fermentation. Archive 2006-11-01
  • The largest component of this is the arboreal Rio Negro caatinga. Jaú National Park, Brazil
  • In another document this schoolhouse is described as "schola, anglice _schoolhouse_, ad borealem finem Aulæ prædictæ. Shakespearean Playhouses A History of English Theatres from the Beginnings to the Restoration
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  • These societies are south of Hallowell's focus of study, the northern Boreal area of North America.
  • Many species of the salamander genus Bolitoglossa are arboreal (tree living), rather than typically terrestrial, and their feet are modified for climbing on smooth surfaces.
  • The Siberian northern boreal forests, called Taiga, where the fires were burning are mainly spruce and fir trees.
  • In our own solar system, the solar wind is responsible for shaping comets' tails and producing the Aurorae Borealis on Earth.
  • Others have countered that small land-dwelling dinosaurs learned to fly without ever developing arboreal habits: no trees were needed.
  • Boreal Owls, known in Eurasia as Tengmalm's Owls, are small owls of the north.
  • L infiniment oubliee (Les ditions du Vermillon) - Jean Mohsen Fahmy, Freres ennemis (VLB Editeur) - Daniel Poliquin, Rene Levesque (Les ditions du Boreal) - Daniel Soha, La Maison: une parabole (ditions du GREF) Top Stories
  • The Cardioceratidae were virtually the only ammonites in the Boreal area, to which they were confined.
  • That of the Wessex Basin in southern England accumulated in the northwestern reaches of the Anglo-Paris Basin, an epicontinental sea formed at the junction of the Tethyan, Boreal and Atlantic realms.
  • In the summer, they breed on marshy, lowland tundra at the northern limits of the boreal forest.
  • The combination of warming temperatures and the fertilizing effect of increased carbon in the atmosphere could fuel a northward expansion of what is known as the boreal forest, the coniferous timber lands that run across the earth's northern latitudes and include forests in Canada, Finland, Russia and Sweden. Rainforest Portal RSS Newsfeed
  • The proprioceptive sense is so keenly developed in our arboreal brethren that little if any visual correction is required. My latest foray | clusterflock
  • For example, Itzaj form a group of arboreal animals, including monkeys as well as tree-dwelling procyonids (kinkajou, cacomistle, raccoon) and squirrels (a rodent). How To Study Intuitions: Examples from the Adult and Developmental Literatures
  • That would explain why boreal plants and animals persist this far south, in some cases isolated from their next most southerly homes.
  • _And for the rest, since good wine needs no hush, and an inferior beverage is not likely to be bettered by arboreal adornment, the reteller of these tales prefers to piece out his exordium (however lamely) with_ "THE PRINTER'S PREFACE. Chivalry
  • arboreal apes
  • Snakes are in many cases arboreal (tree-climbing) but some are natatorial (swimming). Myths and the Beneficial Facts about Snakes
  • Despite the wonders of all these birds, the hornbills - large, black or brown and white, arboreal birds with long, heavy bills - were undoubtedly the highlights of our days.
  • For example, Hallowell found the bear cult was linked strictly to hunting success among the northern Boreal foraging societies.
  • The instrument which they employ to measure the angles from which to deduce the height of the clouds is a peculiar form of altazimuth that was originally designed by Prof. Mohn, of Christiania, for measuring the parallax of the aurora borealis. Scientific American Supplement, No. 611, September 17, 1887
  • Some rare poppies and buttercups have also been found in addition to small amounts of arboreal material such as larch needles, willows, and tree bark. Phil Jones and the Dutiful Comrades « Climate Audit
  • Conceived as a manmade forest dappled by sunlight, the galleria's laminated timber structure (a material previously prohibited by Ontario's building code) has a distinctly arboreal quality.
  • Mature forests with arboreal lichens are scarce except in national parks and nature.
  • The mesophilous semideciduous forest with fluctuating moisture has an arboreal story 8-15 m high, an undergrowth of microphyllous and thorny deciduous species (with leaves 1-6 cm long), and a rich herbaceous layer formed by numerous geophytes. Cuban dry forests
  • Some boreal species in the Barents Sea have responded to environmental change by shifting their biogeographical borders [18] (Fig. 9.27). Past variability in Arctic marine systems
  • Supported by timber trusses and arboreal columns, the restaurant's great monopitch roof recalls the traditional African stoep or veranda.
  • They are arboreal and nocturnal, sleeping by day in hollowed out trees, tree crevices or branches. What In Tarnation Am I?
  • In addition, a decrease in size seems to have accompanied adaptation to an exclusively arboreal life.
  • This catalogue of arboreal treasures stands as a tribute to majestic specimens of nature that are the largest of their kind.
  • This ecoregion is classified as having a high-boreal ecoclimate and a lowarctic oceanographic regime.
  • Spring came to the Bad Lands in fits and numerous false starts, first the "chinook," uncovering the butte-tops between dawn and dusk, then the rushing of many waters, the flooding of low bottom-lands, the agony of a world of gumbo, and, after a dozen boreal setbacks, the awakening of green things and the return of a temperature fit for human beings to live in. Roosevelt in the Bad Lands
  • The circumboreal tundra-taiga interface: Late Pleistocene and Holocene changes. Effects of climate change on landscape and regional processes and feedbacks to the climate system in the Arctic
  • In other news: ursine defecation has been found to be common in arboreally dense regions and the Pope has been found to believe in Catholicism to the exclusion of other faiths. Toronto Star Previews AR4 « Climate Audit
  • These landforms occur throughout the circumpolar boreal zone.
  • Lamarck had already recognised that the descent of man from a series of other Vertebrates -- that is, from a series of Ape-like Primates -- was essentially involved in the general theory of transformation which he had erected on a broad inductive basis; and he had sufficient penetration to detect the agencies that had been at work in the evolution of the erect bimanous man from the arboreal and quadrumanous ape. Evolution in Modern Thought
  • Although this sojourn was not as artistically fruitful as the previous one, it did lead to the creation of a number of large pencil studies of trees that deepened Cotman's understanding of arboreal form.
  • The low number of contacts with the surrounding vegetation may be important in reducing the probability that smaller arboreal predators will access the nest tree.
  • Large expanses of boreal forest and tundra are underlain by permafrost, a layer of permanently frozen soil found underneath the active, seasonally thawed soil.
  • The difference between the perihelion and aphelion distances is about 3%, and therefore extraterrestrial irradiance is about 7% higher during the austral (Southern Hemisphere) summer than it is during the boreal (Northern Hemisphere) summer. Factors affecting surface ultraviolet radiation levels in the Arctic
  • Funds permitting, there are also plans to set up some structures atop the trees as the chimps are very much adapted to an arboreal life.
  • In 1833 he published Poems, Songs and Sonnets (the sonnets of which were much praised), and in the same year his unfinished Biographia Borealis, retitled Worthies of Yorkshire and Lancashire in 1836.
  • Boreal Owls prey on small mammals, including voles, mice, and small squirrels.
  • Movement in arboreal and terrestrial environments presents very different functional challenges for locomotion.
  • Sometimes Nu took to the lower branches of the trees, for in her own age his race had been semiarboreal. The Eternal Savage
  • His people often did so when on the march, or when the quarry of the chase led them overfar from their caves by day, necessitating the spending of the night abroad; but Gron was not so familiar with life arboreal. The Eternal Savage
  • The idea of Boreal origins for both Gryphaea and Liostrea has to some extent been buttressed by discrediting or ignoring reports of occurrences of the genus in the Tethyan region in the Late Triassic.
  • The house was in the Atlantic boreal region where the salinity of the open sea was around 35 percent, but inshore a little less from freshwater streams and rivers. Bird Cloud
  • In the boreal region, the most common trees are Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), Norway spruce (Picea abies), silver birch (Betula pendula), and downy birch (B. pubescens). Land tenure and management in the boreal region
  • The growths were not so luxuriant or prodigious, but for the most part the trees offered suggestions of alluring possibilities to the semiarboreal Nu, for the branches were much heavier and more solid than those of the great tree-ferns of his own epoch, and commenced much nearer the ground. The Eternal Savage
  • You forget the light which we call boreal," said the ecclesiastic. Bouvard and Pécuchet A Tragi-comic Novel of Bourgeois Life
  • Cracids are arboreal birds, nesting, roosting and foraging in the trees.
  • Aurora borealis boffins pick the best locations and explain what is going on up there. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, about 80 percent of the Canadian boreal forest is still undefiled.
  • Typical species are considered the yellow warbler (Dendroica petechia), the bicolored conebill (Conirostrum bicolor), the clapper rail (Rallus longirostris), the great-tailed grackle (Cassidix mexicanus), the spotted tody-flycatcher (Todirostrum maculatum), the rufous crab-hawk (Buteogallus aequinoctialis), the crab-eating raccoon (Procyon cancrivorus), the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) and the arboreal snake (Corallus hortulanus). Coastal Venezuelan mangroves
  • China in power group and wide, the concerned leader of boreal phone company attended signing ceremony.
  • The centre of gravity of machinery of Chinese paper box, moving by boreal Xiang Na.
  • A particularly exciting edition of the aurora borealis? Times, Sunday Times
  • This causes the phenomenon called the northern lights, also known as the aurora borealis.
  • But, of course, reader, you know that 'gammon' flourishes in Peru, amongst the silver mines, as well as in some more boreal lands that produce little better than copper and tin. Narrative and Miscellaneous Papers
  • Rather than arabesques of asparagus grass and lingonberries on the floor of a boreal forest, they envision white treeless wastes.
  • The sky was aflame with the aurora borealis, the eerily luminous northern lights.
  • By far the single biggest danger to boreal woodland caribou is unregulated and uncoordinated oil, gas and tar sand development in western Canada, including the Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia and North-West territories. Biodiversity 100: actions for the Americas
  • Grab your tree identification book and this ‘natural roadmap,’ and check out these arboreal monuments.
  • The autumn trek between the Firth and Babbage rivers will find this Arctic netherworld in its glory with aurora borealis, char running rivers, ripe blueberries, and the migrating Porcupine Caribou Herd.
  • I have no doubt that if, as many believe, the aurora borealis is produced by sudden cosmic disturbances, such as eruptions at the sun's surface, which set the electrostatic charge of the earth in an extremely rapid vibration, the red glow observed is not confined to the upper rarefied strata of the air, but the discharge traverses, by reason of its very high frequency, also the dense atmosphere in the form of a _glow_, such as we ordinarily produce in a slightly exhausted tube. Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency
  • As the snow accumulates from that little boreal patch, growing inexorably year after year, gargantuan ice sheets begin to form.
  • So I wonder if the reptilean ancestors of the birds had a cursorial or an arboreal approach to early flight …. Think Progress » Texas Education Agency Slams Fox News’s Fearmongering About The State’s Social Studies Curriculum Changes
  • We found ourselves pausing in gameplay last night, just to stare at the sun sparkling off the snow, or the aurora coruscating above the fjord, or the mist lying thick in the boreal forests. Sense of (Virtual) Space
  • Ecologically, the coast is a mixture of tundra, taiga, boreal, and marine biomes.
  • The extensive ecotone between boreal forest and tundra (a tree line 13500 km long) is a prominent feature of the northern boreal region (some of the major climate-related fluctuations of the tree line are discussed in Chapter 14). Arctic boreal forest environments
  • Closed forests are inhabited by three species of arboreal mammals, common ring-tail possum Pseudocheirus peregrinus, common brush-tail possum Trichosurus vulpecula and eastern pygmy-possum Cercartetus nanus, and many birds such as endemic green rosella Platycercus caledonicus and swift parrot Lathamus discolor. Tasmanian Wilderness, Australia
  • Based on the observations from sites in the Parkland and Boreal eco-regions of the prairies we conclude that cutting alfalfa in these regions does not result in massive movement of adult lygus bugs into nearby canola.
  • Thus, boreal species should be quick to spread in warm currents in periods of warming, while the more stenothermal arctic species (i.e., those able to live within a narrow temperature range only) will perish quickly. Future change in processes and impacts on Arctic biota
  • Within the ground beetle family, a few eat seeds, a few concentrate near water, and some readily climb trees and consume arboreal insects, including aphids and forest tent caterpillars.
  • Weeks in unheated cattle cars, forced labor, and malnutrition broke the health of millions whom Stalin delivered into this boreal hell, but it was the senseless suspicion and climate of treachery inspired by Soviet ideology that shattered their spirits and left only cynicism and mute despair in their stead. This Side of Ultima Thule
  • In the boreal region, the most common trees are Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), Norway spruce (Picea abies), silver birch (Betula pendula), and downy birch (B. pubescens). Land tenure and management in the boreal region
  • The trees and shrubs of the boreal forest to the south are bringing with them new animals such as the red fox, which is replacing the native Arctic fox. Edmonton Sun
  • This ecoregion is classified primarily as having a subhumid low boreal ecoclimate, which distinguishes this ecoregion from the warmer, drier areas to the south and the cooler boreal forests to the north. Canadian Aspen forests and parklands
  • The first 2 digits of their forefeet are opposable to the other three in the more arboreal species.
  • The cebids are all primarily arboreal and exhibit a number of different social systems.
  • Second, such reductions are very likely to happen more rapidly where the northward migration of boreal or temperate species is not limited either by habitat availability or propagule (dispersal stage of a plant or animal, such as fertilized eggs, larvae, or seeds) dispersal. Recent and projected changes in arctic species distributions and potential ranges
  • Representative birds include boreal and great horned owl, blue jay and evening grosbeak. Northern Forests ecoregion (CEC)
  • The trees and peatlands of the vast northern boreal forest comprise one of the planet's largest carbon reservoirs.
  • Non procul ab insulis Hebridibus, Islandia, &c. ex parte Boreali, est maris qu鎑am miranda vorago, in quam � remotis partibus omnes vndique fluctus marini tanquam ex condicto fluunt, & recurrunt, qui in secreta natur� penetralia se ibi transfundentes, quasi in Abyssum vorantur. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Low-diversity biomes (such as boreal forest and tundra) have low species richness and low threat rates and have experienced little conversion. Ecosystems and Human Well-being~ Biodiversity Synthesis~ Key Questions on Biodiversity in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
  • When you flood boreal forests and taiga, you do produce methane.
  • The Subtropical Westerly Jet is found to the south of the central Asian mountain massifs, in contrast to the boreal summer when the Tropical Easterly Jet occupies the upper troposphere to the south of the Himalayas.
  • At first, small theropods such as Sinosauropteryx invaded arboreal habitats to elude predators.
  • The flying membranes of bats and of pterodactyls were probably used in gliding before they were of any use in flapping flight, and, as Spurway has pointed out, small membranes along the sides of the body are found in some arboreal mammals which do not even glide, and these folds of skin render such animals more difficult to see by eliminating the shadows they would otherwise cause. A Mystery for the Ages
  • In summer, nesting habitat is small wetlands with emergent vegetation in boreal forests and parklands.
  • Geometrid moths of two species occur in the mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii) forest that makes up the ecotone between boreal forest and the tundra of Fennoscandia. Climate change and insects as a forest disturbance in the Arctic
  • Cape Cod is also a well-known faunal break that separates the Atlantic Boreal fauna to the north from the Atlantic Temperate fauna to the south.
  • A new genus and species of 'giant hutia' (Tainotherium valei) from the Quaternary of Puerto Rico: an extinct arboreal quadruped? Archive 2006-12-01
  • Borealis Carbon is a consortium of employee-owned-and-operated businesses anticipating reduced demand for their professional services from the forest industry, not "idled" mill or forestry operations workers. Tyee - Home
  • (Oct. 29, 2008) - How best to map 'boreal' or northern forest with space-borne radar is the focus of an ESA campaign currently underway in northern Sweden. Undefined
  • In addition, a decrease in size seems to have accompanied adaptation to an exclusively arboreal life.
  • Their many wild habitats include palm trees, tree holes, arboreal epiphytes, burrows, rock crevices, or other animal refuges.
  • This arboreal lizard is a formidable predator.
  • Coendou and Sphiggurus are arboreal animals, with long, spineless, prehensile tails and wide foot pads.
  • This species is cosmopolitan, occupying Boreal and transitional associations.
  • Boreal's trainer Peter Schiergen also said that the pace had not suited his horse.
  • A new species of arboreal pitviper from the Atlantic versant of northern Central America. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Inciting Revolution in Honduras? Real News
  • There's lots to discover locally – the area is honeycombed with caverns – or for crazy arboreal activity, Go Ape, with its zip wires and tarzan swings is half an hour's drive north-west of the farm. The 10 best quirky campsites
  • Sweet observed a male of the small arboreal species V. glauerti descend the home tree of one female and travel more than 300 yards in a straight line, through dense forest and rock outcrops, to the base of another tree.
  • The local environment is classified as both boreal mixed-wood and boreal subarctic eco-regions.
  • Areas that have not been glaciated or which were deglaciated earliest are generally more species rich than more recently deglaciated areas [6], suggesting that risks of major migrations of the boreal forest increase the probability of species loss. Arctic boreal forest environments
  • The development of hardiness is so crucial for survival that many boreal and temperate zone woody species have evolved latitudinal ecotypes, differing in their timing of growth cessation and cold acclimation.
  • As most primates are arboreal and/or feed in trees, they require a high degree of balance and coordination and ethanol-impacted infants should fare poorly.
  • However, in some groups (e.g., peatland birds and sawflies at local sites in the European Arctic), concentrations of both species diversity and density per unit area can increase compared with more southern territories, perhaps because the habitat types appropriate to these groups are more diverse in the tundra than in the boreal forest. Implications of current species distributions for future biotic change in the Arctic
  • It is apparently absent from Triassic faunas of northeastern Asia and the Boreal region, and until now has not been reported from the Triassic of the Americas.
  • New evidence of the link between carbon dioxide emissions and climate change in boreal ecosystems February 18th, 2007
  • The Namai zone belongs to the birds, tall trees and arboreal mammals.
  • But there was no conflagration - this was a fantastic display of the aurora borealis. Times, Sunday Times
  • The corona is composed of charged particles that become what we call the solar wind as they radiate outward from the Sun at 450 kilometers per second and are responsible for the aurora borealis. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1067
  • Supported by timber trusses and arboreal columns, the restaurant's great monopitch roof recalls the traditional African stoep or veranda.
  • Northern woodsia occurs on rock cliffs, crevices, talus, and rocky, boreal woods in sun to partial shade.
  • Spirorbis borealis, another benthic, tubicolous polychaete, releases its larvae at the first and third quarters of the moon.
  • Gibbons are arboreal apes who live in the tropical rain forests of southeast Asia.
  • At present happy net is in with business of many venture capital investment (VC) contact, aurora borealis regards happy net as first-run investor also will continue to increase investment.
  • The geobotany of the region, a transition zone between boreal forest and arctic tundra, is a mosaic of treeless expanses composed of polygonized peat bog.
  • Great Room, "for clerical employees that is distinguished by an arboreal canopy created by a grid of 'dendriform' columns interspersed skylights. Reveries: Cool News of the Day - marketing people, insights, innovation, ideas
  • But the limited information suggests that the critically endangered turtle Pelochelys cantorii, the geckos Gehyra lacerata and Gekko petricolus, the agamid lizard Ptyctolaemus phuwuanensis, the two skinks Isopachys borealis and Lygosoma koratense, the earth snake Typhlops khoratensis, and the colubrid snake Oligodon hamptoni are ecoregional endemics. Central Indochina dry forests
  • This 300-year-old tree was a rare mutant, a sort of arboreal albino that had long been sacred to the native Haida community.
  • However, a lot of people feel that an arboreal origin makes a lot more sense, and not all paleontologists are so quick to rule out the idea that birds could come from arboreal dinosaurs.
  • A grandson, Éric Bessette, came on board in 2002 and is now attending a training session on the latest thanatological technology at Boreal College in Sudbury, Ontario.
  • We examined long-term phytoplankton data records for four oligotrophic boreal lakes situated in the Experimental Lakes Area, western Ontario, for responses to climatic change.
  • Thus the three-story administration building features a half-acre Great Workroom for clerical employees that is distinguished by an arboreal canopy created by a grid of "dendriform" columns and interspersed skylights. Wright's House of Wax
  • Besides the Prix Boréal, the other major French-Canadian award is the Prix Jacques Brossard (formerly the “Grand Prix de la Science Fiction et du Fantastique Québécois”), which is a juried award that usually comes with a sizeable cash award. Science Fiction Awards Watch » Blog Archive » Prix Boréal
  • You don't have to go abroad to see the aurora borealis. Times, Sunday Times
  • Boreal forests and arctic tundra are among the coldest and least productive terrestrial environments on earth.
  • The Central European mixed forest ecoregion consists of lowland to submontane acidophilous oak and mixed oak forests, mixed oak-hornbeam forests, as well as lowland to submontane hemiboreal and nemoral pine forests on the North European glaciated plain. Central European mixed forests
  • Other German horses such as Silvano, Boreal and Paolini have all won or been placed in some of the world's biggest races over the past year.
  • The Boreal province persisted from the Jurassic but was less marked, the Tethyan province was well populated with characteristic benthos.
  • He suggested that it evolved semi-zygodactyl feet from an anisodactyl ancestral roller because its large size and specialisation for arboreal life required improved perching abilities. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • It's the aurora borealis dancing across the night sky. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Siberian northern boreal forests, called Taiga, where the fires were burning are mainly spruce and fir trees.
  • I believe that tree is a maple; you tell me it's really an elm; that will defeat my belief that it's a maple if I think you know what you are talking about and aim to tell the truth, but not if I think you are even less arboreally informed than I, or that there is only a 50-50 chance that you are telling what you take to be the truth. Warranted Christian Belief
  • In another document this schoolhouse is described as "schola, anglice _schoolhouse_, ad borealem finem Aulæ prædictæ. Shakespearean Playhouses A History of English Theatres from the Beginnings to the Restoration
  • The arboreally inspired offerings are the Hazel and the Elm, but feature a Random feeds from
  • The arboreal habitats of anoles are composed primarily of short perches separated in space.
  • Longrich said that his research ‘puts forward some of the strongest evidence yet that birds descended from arboreal parachuters and gliders, similar to modern flying squirrels.’
  • I saw young black spruces growing higher than ever before on boreal hillsides in Alaska, and subtle changes transform the tundra.
  • The temperate and boreal forests along with the arctic tundra of these four provinces are extremely fragile.
  • A little to the left, sheltered from the boreal wind by the white gypseous ridge, Ras el-Târah (“the Head that surrounds”), and flanked at both ends by its triangular reefs, the Sharm Makná, the past and future port of the mines, supports the miniature gunboat no larger than a “cock,” and the Sambúk dwarfed to a buoy. The Land of Midian
  • An estimated 5.10 million ha burned annually, of which 3.94 million ha were in the boreal bioclimatic zones of forest tundra – northern taiga, middle taiga, and southern taiga (see Fig. 14.1). Climate change and fire in the Arctic
  • Were the first flyers arboreal creatures that initially glided from tree tops to the ground?
  • In the northern hemisphere, marine floras and faunas show a clear differentiation into two realms, Tethyan and Boreal.
  • Moose and caribou share the region's tundra and boreal forests with arctic foxes, wolves, lynx, and black bears.
  • Linda told him with amazing inanity that his opinion of her was unreliable; and, contented, he lightly pursued his admiration of what he called her boreal charm. Linda Condon
  • Boreal forests occupy the subarctic zone and are generally evergreen and coniferous.
  • The southern boundary edges the boreal cordillera and the eastern end reaches the taiga plains. Nahanni National Park Reserve, Canada
  • This climate is classified as boreal southern Cordilleran. Alberta-British Columbia foothills forests
  • Slim, arboreal columns and roof beams allude to the ficus trees that run along the western boundary of the site.
  • Its large toes protruded laterally as do those of the semiarboreal peoples of Borneo, the Philippines and other remote regions where low types still persist. The Land That Time Forgot
  • Based predominantly on the morphology of the carpometacarpus, some ornithologists have proposed that cariamaens are closely related to the Hoatzin* Opisthocomus hoazin**, that bizarre folivorous, arboreal bird that (uniquely among birds) practices foregut fermentation. Giant hoatzins of doom
  • Although the number of plant species in the Arctic is low in general, individual communities of small arctic plants have a diversity similar to or higher than those of boreal and temperate zones: there can be up to 25 species per square decimeter. Implications of current species distributions for future biotic change in the Arctic
  • The limited growing season produces a more stunted boreal forest unlike the more uniform forests typical of other Quebec boreal regions.
  • The forests of the Green Belt along the Finnish – Russian (Karelian) border are one of the most important centers of boreal biodiversity in Europe [3]. Land tenure and management in the boreal region
  • ‘Distraction,’ Boreal said decidedly, her voice sounding like the hiss of a displeased snake.
  • The Siberian flying squirrel is a nocturnal arboreal rodent, which nests in tree cavities, twig dreys, and nest-boxes.
  • Boreal Chickadees are one of only a few species of songbird that are year-round residents in boreal forest.
  • However, if present day anthropoids are any indication, early primates were quick to take advantage of these new arboreal plant foods.
  • Future wildfire in circumboreal forests in relation to global warming. Climate change in relation to carbon uptake and carbon storage in the Arctic
  • It consists of the lowland to submontane acidophilous oak and mixed oak forests, mixed oak-hornbeam forests, and lowland to submontane hemiboreal and nemoral pine forests on the North European glaciated plain. Central European mixed forests
  • Situated in a tightly packed urban neighborhood, this limited space outdoor sculpture garden inherits a large tree, and uses this sole arboreal presence to establish a gravitational pattern of grooves that are focused towards the tree's centroid. Boing Boing
  • The greatest changes in albedo are likely to occur after increases in area relative to tundra vegetation of the following vegetation types (in decreasing order of effect): dark, evergreen boreal trees such as pine and spruce, deciduous conifer trees such as larch, deciduous angiosperm trees such as birch, and low shrubs such as willows and dwarf birch. Effects of climate change on landscape and regional processes and feedbacks to the climate system in the Arctic
  • Postural bipedalism, similar to that displayed by chimpanzees, could possibly have originated in arboreal or terrestrial feeding situations in wooded environments and was subsequently modified to locomotor bipedality.
  • The ecoclimate of this ecoregion ranges from high and mid-boreal and perhumid mid-boreal to Oceanic, Atlantic, and maritime mid-boreal. Eastern Canadian forests
  • The aurora borealis (or their southern hemisphere twin the aurora australis) are never the same twice. Times, Sunday Times
  • The study involved estimating the longevity, or ages, of T. rex and other related North American tyrannosaur specimens by counting growth lines in their fossilized bones, just as one might count tree rings to estimate arboreal age.
  • Maybe it is time to redefine and reevaluate the ‘pristine’ forest reserves of boreal Sweden.
  • The apes are almost totally arboreal; they live in the trees, travel through the trees, and eat fruit from the trees.
  • No primatologist or anthropologist seems to have made anything of this, but I've yet to see anything that would rule out an arboreal leaping stage in (small) hominids that would explain the transition to walking bipedalism (indriids can't do this with their huge divergent hallux, but we grip branches with the instep instead). Literally, flying lemurs (and not dermopterans)
  • The birches (Betula L.) are common trees and shrubs of the boreal and north temperate zones of the Northern hemisphere.
  • The other is to opt for a group tour that includes guided sightseeing and trips to see the aurora borealis. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the summer, they breed on marshy, lowland tundra at the northern limits of the boreal forest.
  • The range of this bird extends across the boreal and temperate zones of Europe and Asia as far as China.
  • The aurora borealis (or their southern hemisphere twin the aurora australis) are never the same twice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many species are fully terrestrial, many are arboreal, and at least one species, yapoks, is semi-aquatic.
  • The vegetation is characterized as deciduous or semi-deciduous due to seasonal drought and can be considered a homogeneous arboreal mass that is quite dense. Ecuadorian dry forests
  • Recent solar activity has led to stunning displays of the aurora borealis. The Sun
  • Our route has taken us northwest through a fairy-tale landscape where the boreal forest, or taiga, begins to give way to more open land, or tundra.
  • And then there's the aurora borealis, which is expected to have another spectacular season in 2014. Times, Sunday Times
  • Plainly it would be unwise to venture within range of the arboreal hailstones without protection, for though our pith-helmets were of the best quality they were, after all, but pith, and a cocoanut is a cocoanut, the world over. The Cruise of the Kawa
  • The redish colours at the top represent the glow from the city of Yellowknife while below, Aurora Borealis swirls over treetops. The Sky Is An Amazing Thing » Dave Brosha Photography
  • the boreal signs of the Zodiac
  • In boreal Alaska, a larch sawfly outbreak killed most of the larger and older tamarack (Larix laricina) trees during a warm period in the decade of the 1990s, and aspen leaf miner (Phyllocnistis populiella) appeared at outbreak levels (142,000 ha) by 2003 [28]. Climate change and insects as a forest disturbance in the Arctic
  • The endangered orang-utans live wild only on the islands of Sumatra and Borneo, and are the largest arboreal mammals on earth.
  • Wherever they could, dwellers went arboreally rather than on the ground. The Game Of Empire
  • The fossils from Batallones-1 reveal S. batalleri as a puma-sized, semiarboreal carnivore with a moderately hypercarnivore diet. The Panda's Thumb has Evolved ... Twice! - The Panda's Thumb
  • The effects of slash-and-burn cultivation on soil are more critical in the tropical regions than in boreal forests.
  • Some mammals, like tree pangolins and tamanduas eat arboreal ants and termites.
  • The northern lights, or aurora borealis, produce a brilliant display in the skies near Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada.
  • Based predominantly on the morphology of the carpometacarpus, some ornithologists have proposed that cariamaens are closely related to the Hoatzin* Opisthocomus hoazin**, that bizarre folivorous, arboreal bird that (uniquely among birds) practices foregut fermentation. Archive 2006-11-01
  • In addition, a decrease in size seems to have accompanied adaptation to an exclusively arboreal life.

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