How To Use Borderline In A Sentence

  • He blocked errant pitches in the dirt, expertly framed borderline tosses, turning them into strikes and worked masterfully with pitchers.
  • One of the more interesting paths Donoghue sets out to traverse is what she terms the borderline territory of "murkily criminal" lesbian sex as found in mystery and detective fiction. Edmonton Sun
  • Some of this borderline recklessness goes with the territory.
  • Whether it'll be able to make a leap from a borderline NCAA team to a national contender -- as State fans thought might happen this season -- requires yet another stretch of the imagination. Southeastern Conference
  • The term "sundowning" refers to a state of confusion at the end of the day and into the night, often leading to a state of increased agitation, activity and even borderline demented behavior. South Carolina Stories
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  • You just don't call a measly step or even two on a legend nicknamed "Air" any more than you call Barry Bonds, reputed to have the best eye at the plate in baseball, out on strikes on a borderline pitch. Starr Gazing: Is The Fix In?
  • At least one top NBA scout has been telling college underclassmen who might be borderline first-round picks this June that it's better to wait for the 2005 draft.
  • Even when black Democratic politicians stumble and engage in borderline corrupt and self-serving feather their own nest antics, they are still regarded as better bets than Republican candidates to be more responsive to black needs. Earl Ofari Hutchinson: Black Republicans Peddle Fantasy of Ousting Democrats in November
  • Through projective identification, the clinging and overtly dependent borderline partner can express the split-off dependency needs of both.
  • Review: Light-hearted (skillfully borderline silly) and inventive story with strong characters and good back story about Kaz's bleb paranoia since the death of his parents at the "hands" of a bleb (a set of steak knives attached to a coat rack). REVIEW: The Year's Best Science Fiction #21 edited by Gardner Dozois
  • So once again they manage to juxtapose the puissant music with the borderline puerile ideas, ensorcelling you before dropping you with an abrupt thud.
  • Currently, the narrow isthmus of southern Armenia, which is squeezed from both sides by Azerbaijan has been officially considered a ‘borderline territory.’
  • On the other hand, you juxtapose that with a much darker and more critical view of superheroes--basically by offering up a fairly standard "deconstructive" depiction of Batman as a borderline-fascist he actually uses the phrase "final solution", borderline-sociopathic vigilante who finally staggers over those borderlines. Archive 2009-04-12
  • The arguments therefore tend to focus on three borderline questions: What is the minimum fault required for conviction of murder?
  • The mainstream, or what I call the borderline, bettor isn't interested unless it's strung out," said Jimmy Vaccaro, director of Lucky's sports books. Las Vegas Sun Stories: All Sun Headlines
  • Because Hamilton rarely has taken a tough stance and management has sent mixed signals to him about handling some dicey situations, things have gotten borderline out of control.
  • The pride she feels in what she is doing, while understandable, is borderline smug.
  • The more rain the better for him - borderline raceable his major preference. The Sun
  • This biography sometimes crosses the borderline between fact and fiction.
  • In essays, interviews, and prefaces to his own work, he explored the problematic borderlines between historical fact and novelistic invention.
  • Emma's voice was borderline between sweet, and annoyingly too sweet.
  • Obviously, the fundamentals of the underlying business count, too, so I exclude American Telephone and Verizon as borderline cases, hardly growable. News
  • A borderline alcoholic with a severe addiction to painkillers, he maintains a live-in girlfriend in the city under the guise of ‘working late’ at the office, while sequestering his wife and kid in the suburbs.
  • The first half of the film consists of SS officers observing potential recruits in all manner of borderline reprobate acts.
  • In general, that's sort of a fuzzy borderline between psychosurgery and neurological surgery.
  • Where Benchtours and Théâtre Sans Frontières take us into another world, Borderline take us back in time to Italy's medieval minstrels with Dario Fo's Mistero Buffo.
  • He claimed this week he had called the Border Patrol after he picked up a migrant couple hitchhiking along a state highway near the borderline
  • Having said that, my gut instinct is that actually Shakespeare was somewhere very much on the borderline between Protestant and Catholic ways of thinking.
  • Cardenas, who bends over to pick up a piece of popcorn off the suite's carpeted floor, is also known as a stickler for cleanliness and a borderline perfectionist. -
  • While Sean Parker is portrayed as a "high-flying but functionally homeless cocaine fiend who plies Zuckerberg with girls and venture capitalists," Zuckerberg receives the brunt of the film's black-comedic depiction and, according to Newsweek, comes off as a "borderline autistic, entirely ruthless conniver. The Social Network Depicts Facebook CEO As 'Sex Maniac'
  • In connection with the proper classification to be assigned to those borderline loop-tented arch cases where an appendage or spike is thrusting out from the recurve, it is necessary to remember that _an appendage or a spike abutting upon a recurve at right angles in the space between the shoulders of a loop on the outside is considered to spoil the recurve_. The Science of Fingerprints Classification and Uses
  • This biography sometimes crosses the borderline between fact and fiction.
  • Stan's shop is just into Hove but a chance visitor, moving west through the tangle of streets, would never know wherethe borderline lay. GOTHIC PURSUIT
  • The town's main thoroughfare Duval Street, once borderline sleazy, is now rather smart and other quarters have been similarly refurbished.
  • A husband who tells his wife that she suffers from Borderline Personality Disorder when she becomes frustrated because she is consistently being told that things that were said or done didn't happen, is gaslighting his wife.
  • In 1994, the borderline of the City of Warsaw was enlarged to the surrounded province.
  • Hitting coach Gerald Perry says opponents are pitching Buhner tougher than anyone in the lineup, and he has reacted to some borderline called strikes by chasing a few pitches he usually takes.
  • Moderators may request, in borderline cases, and otherwise at their discretion to see student's marked coursework assignments.
  • These positions constitute two metaethical theories which we might think of as borderline cases lying just outside the non-cognitivist region of logical space. Boys in White Suits
  • Some thought the bluff carrier commander was borderline nuts.
  • You are a borderline hopeless case and unless you take action now you could be living on the breadline come retirement.
  • Some were obviously unsuitable and could be ruled out at once. Others were borderline cases.
  • Adam Robert's makes excellent points: why literature screams pretention to some while genre cries folksy is borderline nonsensical. MIND MELD: Books We Love That Everyone Else Hates (and Vice Versa)
  • Conventional perimetry and even campimetry provides information pertaining to the borderline between seeing and non-seeing areas.
  • This is but one item in a growing laundry list of angry and sometimes borderline Libelous remarks that Mac crowds -- initially under the conductorship of Grand Wizardess Sarah Palin -- have uttered. Shana Ting Lipton: Newspeak/Hatespeak
  • The Youth Hostel Association says 39 hostels are loss-making and the same number again are borderline, and there is a market for budget accommodation in city centres.
  • ‘We tried to argue that we are on the borderline between Southeast Asia and the Pacific, but they were not terribly impressed with that argument,’ he said.
  • While his performance has its share of moments that borderline on the shrill, by the end of the movie he has managed to generate more than a little sympathy.
  • Many of these couples who display the dance of pursuer/avoider are composed of a borderline partner married to a narcissist partner.
  • The diagnosis is that of an emotionally unstable borderline personality disorder.
  • Originally introduced as a potential love interest for both Dan and Nate as well as a one-time Bass boink, the hippy-harpy character has devolved from a borderline interesting counterpoint to all the glamour of her surroundings to a sniveling buttinsky with nothing better to do than meddle for the sole sake of spoiling everyone's fun. Watercooler: Gossip Girl's Vanessa Needs to Go!
  • I haven't played the game since school, have a stinking cold and could be described as borderline dyspraxic. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘I'm getting base hits because the pitcher isn't getting borderline strikes called,’ Johnson says.
  • Of course, pitches don't come across the plate labeled ‘ball’ and ‘strike’—most of them are borderline.
  • Your extreme alarmism is impractical and borderline hysterical. About: Blinded by Science
  • But then he would repeatedly launched into political tirades using borderline offensive words like "sucks" or "assbackwards" when he was talking with those who called into the show. Archive 2008-12-01
  • Borderline personality disorder is characterized by mood instability and impulsive aggression.
  • Borderline leprosy shows an intermediate appearance between the tuberculoid and lepromatous types.
  • They guarded the borderline on Kamchatka, near Vyborg, anywhere, but not at home.
  • The decor and costumes, by Peter McKintosh, are imaginative and cleverly sit on the borderline between reality and fantasy.
  • Borderline cases, symptomatic of vagueness, are cases to which the predicate neither definitely applies nor definitely doesn't apply, where ˜definitely™ is now given a semantic analysis as opposed to an epistemic one. Sorites Paradox
  • So once again they manage to juxtapose the puissant music with the borderline puerile ideas, ensorcelling you before dropping you with an abrupt thud.
  • During long stretches of borderline freezing temperatures when the frost line neither advances nor recedes, water is continually drawn up to the ice lens where it freezes.
  • Other sets may highlight his humor heroics, but the majority of the material here is below average and borderline dull.
  • A few technologies which are borderline for our purposes will be discussed briefly (ozonation, uv-radiation). 3. Technologies
  • Borderline obese and prediabetic, he realized he had to restore his health and reel in his waistline.
  • Song for the Others and Borderline positively sparkle with piano refrains from the top drawer.
  • The arguments therefore tend to focus on three borderline questions: What is the minimum fault required for conviction of murder?
  • This biography sometimes crosses the borderline between fact and fiction.
  • Temperament disorders affective [bipolarlike]; characterological [dysphoria/substance/abuse/ sociopathy]; hysteroid dysphoria; borderline personality The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • Friends allege he is painfully shy and a borderline social inadequate.
  • Recently I developed borderline high blood sugar, and my doctor recommended that I cut down on carbohydrates.
  • Thus, the traumata in early ego development create fixation and encourage regression, most often in cases of borderline and psychotic personality structure. Clinical Work with Adolescents
  • Do you need a companion to cross the Mexican borderline?
  • (Soundbite of song, "Borderline") Ms. YESENIA PUM (Writer, 826LA): (Reading) In the video, Madonna, dressed as a classic low rider chola in a forties-style hair bonnet, white wife-beater, long drape coat, and baggy pants that came up to her waist ... 'The Madonnas Of Echo Park': Residents, Reinvented
  • The spatial, in-and-out movement derives from the tension between a core and a periphery, or borderline area.
  • Between 1660 and 1669 his diary illustrates the insecurities of the Restoration for a man on the borderline of Nonconformity.
  • When he was eventually caught in 2000 after delivering a particularly eye-opening interview with Christina Ricci and a rival blew the whistle, he refused to say sorry, insisting that he specialised in what he called "borderline journalism". The Guardian World News
  • I am a member of a entire subclass of not-so-young-anymore men, living in large cities, who are precariously close to being worrisome bachelors, problem sons, borderline lost causes.
  • Were the youth of America, desperate for an honest set of heroes, supposed to find these borderline illiterate street skate rats admirable?
  • Complete recovery now possible for patients with 'untreatable' mental illness WASHINGTON - An innovative therapy has offered new hope to patients with Borderline Personality Disorder. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Borderline leprosy shows an intermediate appearance between the tuberculoid and lepromatous types.
  • The main purpose of this deputation is to protect the borderline.
  • Johnson's arguments range from ridiculous to borderline slander.
  • Brilliantly passionate and incisive vocals over stunning arrangements on the borderline between jazz, classical and flamenco.
  • The term borderline has come into increasing use in the last thirty years, in describing a severe form of psychopathology. Clinical Work with Adolescents
  • A common complaint is replacement of borderline fences and wood retaining walls.
  • I had borderline low serum copper and borderline low ceruloplasmin. Low carb diets and copper | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Some of the 'borderline' culprits involved: Prothonotary Mireille Tabib, 284 Wellington TSA-6032, Ottawa ON Canada K1A 0H8 613-992-4238 Fax 613-952-3653; Phil Fontaine of the AFN is a partner in CBSA's Sustainable Development Strategy 2007-9; Chris Kealey, Canada Customs Excise, Immigration Taxation Board, CBSA Media Relations 613-991-5197; President CBSA Feminist blogs
  • The result is a borderline-incoherent story that is so riddled with holes and impossibilities that it defies understanding.
  • The student who relies upon lecture notes is destined to achieve, at best, a borderline pass and risks failing.
  • A borderline agoraphobe who's picked on by his seven sisters, he lives alone in a sterile Valley apartment, is prone to sudden violent outbursts of rage and is obsessed with his scheme to acquire 1.5 million frequent-flier miles by buying Healthy Choice pudding. Call Him Unhappy Gilmore
  • He entertained in fact far-reaching plans to build an advanced high-tech fence along the future borderline in order to separate effectively the two populations from each other.
  • Reese says he hopes the pre-service teacher conferences and summer institutes will serve as a reinforcement for students who want to be teachers, particularly those who may be borderline.
  • Chatwin told an Australian journalist: "The borderline between fiction and non-fiction is to my mind extremely arbitrary. The News From Everywhere
  • She was a borderline candidate.
  • This case highlights the continuous spectrum of pulmonary mucinous cystic neoplasia from benign mucinous cystadenoma to malignant mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, and the probable existence of a 'borderline' mucinous cystic tumor. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Yes, maybe a tiny, tiny smidgeon, but the difference is so negligible that it is borderline asinine to risk a fake 1961 Ducru when one can almost certainly find pristine bottles of the 1966 and buy and drink them with confidence. Natural wines, premox, chenin blanc, 07 Port and Rhone – John Gilman | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • He has several times been described as being borderline wacko — "psychologically damaged," to use the phrase attributed to a former ally. The Election of Gordon W. Bush
  • He worked on the borderline between geometry and set theory, both of which are kind of nineteenth century.
  • Leingruber has already designed several artistic, prankish and borderline illegal browser extensions, including the China Channel, which lets you experience the Internet as if you were in China, and Pirates of the Amazon, which let Amazon browsers easily download for free the products they were thinking of buying. Claire Gordon: The Anti-Facebook Revolution
  • Suffice it to say that men are freaks, and I feel a budding kinship with all of the world's borderline lesbians.
  • Lower rates can help some borderline borrowers qualify for loans.
  • After the exams, the teacher gave all borderline cases a spoken test.
  • '[W] atch borderline personality decompensate over course of two hours' isn't on my to-do list anywhere, but I can't un-know what it looks like now. GreenCine Daily: Shorts and fests, 10/30.
  • It may very well borderline on torture, which I probably shouldn’t admit since last time I posted about not liking something, namely shucking oysters I found myself staring at a case of them the next day… Archive 2008-12-01
  • On the borderline between childhood and adolescence, I was still trying to figure out who I was.
  • Meanwhile the borderline case is important in understanding the complexity of primary signal systems.
  • Borderline Personality Disorder was described only 30 years ago and it was so named because it was thought to be at the border between psychosis and neurosis.
  • I was on the borderline between a first- and a second-class degree.
  • Others might regard him as a conscienceless, borderline psychopath, and the riveting central performance by Rhys Ifans, who plays Marks as a charming, raffish boyo from the Welsh valleys, doesn't wholly preclude such an interpretation. Mr Nice – review
  • As I was with an English teacher, a literary obsessive and a borderline genius, spending time in The Globe could've been very intimidating for someone as thick and uncultured as me.
  • His accent is nearly impeccable, and I was listening closely for him to slip up (I'm borderline obsessed with Brits doing American accents).
  • Borderline leprosy shows an intermediate appearance between the tuberculoid and lepromatous types.
  • Linehan diagnosed her with borderline personality disorder, an extreme inability to regulate moods, and prescribed a type of counseling called dialectical behavior therapy. The Forgotten Patients
  • It was typical of his work, very much on the borderline between mathematics and physical science, and exhibiting technical skill in classical analysis that is rare nowadays.
  • A projection screen flickers into life and Hope Of The States shamble onstage in that endearingly scruffy way that seems rather at odds with their borderline-highbrow music.
  • Welner explains that someone with a severe, brief, psychotic reaction, who has borderline personality disorder, might even hallucinate.
  • A normal level is 8 centimeters or more; 5 to 8 centimeters is borderline.
  • I like that: revel in your glorious failures, dance on the borderline between success and disaster, because that is where your next breakthrough will come from.
  • Or in some cases, they were just complete borderline nutcases with sociopathic tendencies.
  • Seventeen of the 69 case encounters in the afternoon session were rated as borderline.
  • No clue where to start cleaning up the mess he inherited from the single most inept, corrupt, blatantly divisive and borderline evil administration I can remember. Bush on Obama: 'This guy has no clue'
  • Most disappointing of all was his recent essay on improving the public health, for which he was given a borderline fail grade.
  • But surely you understand that it is impossible to control the entire borderline at all times.
  • Hilfiger offered great coats - one a trench coat with a gold-chain belt and another navy cotton balmacaan overcoat, also with gold belt - that were chic and looked like borderline dresses. HappyNews - Top Stories
  • Kernberg stressed the role of the overabundance of constitutionally predisposed aggression or very early frustration rather than maternal care that color the ways they experience their caretakers as resulting in the development of the intermediate level of structure, which he called borderline personality organization. Object Relations Theory and Self Psychology in Social Work Practice
  • I remember my first journey to the Iguazu Falls, in the borderline between Brazil and Argentina.
  • In my youthful consciousness, more, perhaps, than in the case of many others, the borderline between external and internal reality was unfirm.
  • All borderline or mildly dyskaryotic smear samples were tested for human papillomavirus.
  • People in the environment may invalidate the client inadvertently, partly as a result of projective identification by the client with borderline personality disorder of negative parts of the self on to significant others.
  • Particularly during successful long-term participant observation, the borderline between overt and covert recording can become blurred and quite difficult problems emerge.
  • I have been told that I am borderline dangerously overweight.
  • Your "corrections" of the few minor grammatical errors in Camille's post are unwarranted and borderline hostile (I'm not sure if this was your intention). Is Reading Better For You Than Watching TV?
  • Being male, however, I can’t help noticing that petite anglaise is aimed towards women in the way it is presented (site colour scheme and borderline sycophantic “you go, girl!” comments on nearly every post), despite what you write being interesting for both sexes. Feedback
  • I'm near the borderline of Vancouver and Burnaby.
  • Borderlines vanish in this crossover event, which joins two genres of music bridging a three hundred year gulf.
  • The precipitation was on that borderline between sleet and just frigid rain.
  • My concentration levels had unbalanced the chemistry in my brain to the point that I was borderline hallucinating and convinced I was somehow telepathically influencing my opponent.
  • Gilsland, near Lanercost Abbey, was only fifteen miles from the borderline at Kirkandrews.
  • Worrying thing is he's a spitting image of a guy I knew a few years back who was borderline mentalist.
  • My guess, however, is that there are even more non-gradable, or borderline-gradable, Chain Cents than 1793 half cents. Coin Rarities & Related Topics: 1793 Half Cents, Chain Cents, Wreath Cents, 1808 Quarter Eagles — one-year type coins in general : Coin Collecting News
  • But right there is the borderline in our thinking about antibiosis. Cities In Flight
  • After the exams, the teacher gave all borderline cases a spoken test.
  • In general, that's sort of a fuzzy borderline between psychosurgery and neurological surgery.
  • The regulatory status of borderline technologies is uncertain, and acknowledgement of this is highly important for the control of regenerative medicine.
  • The historicity of these books is borderline alarming.
  • She's on the borderline between a first - and second - class honours degree.
  • Dias de las Noches sits on the borderline between dance and theatre typical of the venue.
  • CCC should be considered. But cytomorphology is more like serous borderline tumor with focal stromal invasion.
  • Each tessera in these borderlines was labelled with a number written directly on the paraloid skin and a corresponding one on the 1: 1 drawing. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Restoration Report 8
  • By drawing borderlines separating the yellow/red areas and surrounding blue areas, we obtained three major categories of genes.
  • Mixing the mythoses (mythoi?) of Arthur Conan Doyle and H.P. Lovecraft is risky, but Lane has done it very well - lots of borderline steampunk in his Victorian settings, most of the narrative told in the first person by Watson (who inevitably develops a liking for Benny), cameo appearances from Pope Leo XIII, the San Francisco fire of 1906, and the smart missiles from Iain M. Banks 'Culture novels. October Books 10) All-Consuming Fire
  • About 6,000 smokers with borderline to moderate airflow obstruction were recruited and were followed up for 5 years.
  • And because of that, isn't there a chance that they aren't borderline incompetent, and are closer to borderline great?
  • It is broadcast that the two armies clashed near the borderline again before dawn.
  • borderline grades
  • Thus, from the outset, we are on the borderline between art and cliché, the self-consciously poetic writing nudging us in the direction of art.
  • I can’t imagine a rightwing-nut borderline racist pysco NOT taking the oppertunity to tell us poor Canadians in soviet Canuckistan how to live given the chance! Think Progress » Canadian university to Ann Coulter: Your hateful rhetoric won’t fly here, so watch your mouth when you visit.
  • Rose: That's borderline sexual harassment. Do you want me to sue you?
  • People with borderline hypoxaemia at sea level may also need supplementary oxygen to avoid becoming compromised at altitude.
  • The sports talk station gives you a succession of men whose absorption in a fantasy world is, to me, borderline insane.
  • They now have a platform to voice their social and political views coupled with catchy, playful, and borderline maniacal music.
  • Tech support has improved over that period from downright insulting to borderline acceptable, but “Customer Service” remains, at best, a phrase steeped in irony. Blindsight 2nd Printing; TAD Review in Flint Journal Review « Whatever
  • Bar owners complain of unfair business when they are located on the borderline between smoking and non-smoking.
  • That's right on the borderline between a Category 2 and Category 3 and this could very well become a Category 3 hurricane.
  • And if GBJ meant the subset of virulent, bigoted and borderline-racist/actual-racist posters on LGF when he said "people who go to that sight", as opposed to people in general who read LGF, then I'd agree with him. What's true - Anil Dash
  • Nationality nouns (Americans, a New Zealander, the Japanese) lie on the borderline between proper and common nouns.
  • I don't know if it's been raining heavily in Manchester, but the pitch really does look slow, borderline sloshy even.
  • Where Kiaria was a quiet and reserved elven maid, Eva was a loud and borderline obnoxious human woman.
  • It is not the sort of nonsense that can arise even in the best system of law out of the need to draw nice distinctions between borderline cases.
  • Most of this stuff is borderline cruel or harassing, not entertaining.
  • Blending strings and chunky distorted guitars works well, especially on ‘Borderline.’
  • And ElBruce, trying to say stupid or buffoon is a substitute for a racist term is borderline libel. Think Progress » Fox Cuts Away From Obama-GOP Conversation In Order To Get A Head Start On Attacks: He Was ‘Lecturing’
  • His borderline sociopathic behaviour leads him into violent confrontations, wherein he's ordered to undergo a psychiatric evaluation.
  • Present guidelines recommend referral for colposcopy after detection of three borderline and two mild abnormalities.
  • Another explanation of the findings could be that borderline dementia subjects might have lower leisure activity as a result of early disease.
  • Stan's shop is just into Hove but a chance visitor, moving west through the tangle of streets, would never know wherethe borderline lay. GOTHIC PURSUIT
  • William Blake is an obvious and accepted precursor, for his painting skill, for his borderline madness, and for his construction of a private world warred over by the forces of innocence and experience.
  • For Lynley's money, the e-fit was on the borderline of worthless, and he reckoned Crimewatch would prove him right on that. With No One as Witness
  • I've seen some borderline calls over the years, but I also have seen some pretty flagrant late hits along the way as well.
  • The regulatory status of borderline technologies is uncertain, and acknowledgement of this is highly important for the control of regenerative medicine.
  • A method of enhancing the precision of linear borderline measurement is proposed, and the highest precision that the limited density data sampling can reach is discussed.
  • What has me chuckling, more of a borderline guffaw, is that because MS is so ridiculous about standards they need to call IE8’s actual standards compliant mode, “Super Standards!” A few thoughts on Microsoft : #comments
  • Marcus Singer. autological: Elliott Sober. (and Carolina Sartorio -- is this a borderline case?) heterological: Claudia Card. (slang -- and could be autological, depending on mood) sentence (imperative): Lester Hunt and Dennis Stampe. (borderline cases -- Haskell Fain and Alan Sidelle) Fragments of consciousness
  • It was an enjoyable and memorable night on the borderline of Galway and Mayo.
  • Hawking was on the borderline between a first and a second.
  • ‘They probably would have been borderline 10 years ago,’ Deane said.
  • It's actually one of those bits of ‘music’ that hovers on the borderline of being both scary and hilarious and then scary all over again.
  • The borderline between friendship and intimacy is often hard to define.
  • The arguments therefore tend to focus on three borderline questions: What is the minimum fault required for conviction of murder?
  • To a borderline workaholic like me, his attitude is a complete tonic.
  • First, it may be the case that psi lurks in this borderline between reality and imagination.
  • In borderline cases moderators may request to see students' marked assignments.
  • This is not democracy, it is dictatorship, and it is borderline fascism.
  • Based on Ben Mezrich's 2009 book The Accidental Billionaires, it portrays Zuckerberg as a borderline autistic, entirely ruthless conniver. As Facebook Takes a Beating, a Brutal Movie Is Set to Make Things Much Worse
  • It is worth noting that motorcycles were used to patrol the borderline and were seen as an effective force multiplier.
  • Lastly, Maggi in (moderate amounts) acts as a mild MAOI Inhibitor, and thus is a homeopathic remedy (of sorts) for social anxiety, agoraphobia, panic disorder and borderline personality disorder, but as with all MAOI Inhibitors, please consult with your doctor if you are taking other medications to alleviate the risk of possible contraindications. My Love for Maggi Seasoning Sauce - Maggi Sauce
  • Where better to locate a grandiose businessman with small-town pretensions, brazen ambition and borderline criminality?
  • A further 19 percent of this sample were judged to be borderline cases.

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