How To Use Bootstrap In A Sentence

  • These low-aspect-ratio stellarator-tokamak hybrids differ from conventional stellarators in their use of the plasma-generated bootstrap current to supplement the poloidal field from external coils.
  • All other things being equal, is a check from his venture fund better than bootstrapping with no cash?
  • It was a formal visit that he made and so I tagged along on his bootstraps.
  • In many of the bootstrap analyses, node A is disrupted because the long plecopteran branch joins with the long collembolan branch, and this attraction is reduced under the more complex models.
  • What's more, do we have a sufficient number of critical solid-state devices safely stored away so that they can be used to bootstrap the production of new electronics should the unimaginable happen?
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  • If the alleged boodler commented, the comment was a fair way to bootstrap the allegation into other news outlets. Fox smears Clinton and Obama in one broad stroke.
  • Thanks to Sarah Lai Stirland, Evan Hansen and Michael Calore at Wired for their help in bootstrapping this. Scripting News for 4/2/2008 « Scripting News Annex
  • Next, we generated 100 parametric bootstrap replicates conditioned upon this phylogeny and the corresponding estimated model of evolution.
  • The bootstrap sampling was limited to 100 replications because of the computationally intensive nature of the simulation.
  • The big three can still be relevant, mind you; I suspect Asimov’s was essential in bootstrapping Charles Stross into being the decade’s pre-eminent SF writer when it published the short stories that would eventually become the Hugo-nominated novel Accelerando. Marketing the Big Three, Part 2
  • But corporate cards can be used in the general system, something Brill hopes will bootstrap that system.
  • This kind of recursive bootstrapping is how science evolves. Boing Boing: April 2, 2006 - April 8, 2006 Archives
  • All songs share a penchant for incisive, thoughtful lyricism, but those words may be screamed over rowdy feedback in "Bootstraps" or catcalled in a dirty falsetto on bluesy tracks like "Company. Heather Browne: Drew Grow Brings Rock and Roll Salvation
  • It is likely that this, too, is a function of the incompleteness of certain taxa in the data matrix, which increases ambiguity under resampling techniques such as the bootstrap.
  • However, this magic always happened at the level of the bootstrap class loader.
  • While you're bootstrapping along, being all disciplined and staying small and trying to get your ducks in a row, your competitors are spinning like crazy, hiring like crazy, growing like crazy.
  • Ireland will pull itself up by its bootstraps. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pressing the START button exits the bootstrap loader and starts the virtual machine.
  • I have been interested in bootstrapping society for a long, long time, and I’ve never been able to find a decent book on practical chemistry from scratch. Caveman Chemistry « Isegoria
  • As to Kawasaki's actual business suggestions, they include bootstrapping a small business, obtaining funding, writing a business plan, PR and marketing.
  • In the '80s Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said that there was no such thing as society; only individuals rising or falling by their own bootstraps.
  • He pulled two small daggers from his bootstraps and shrugged.
  • The story of Diller and QVC is in fact largely the story of Diller trying to bootstrap himself back into real media.
  • With a number of methods a topology in which the grasses clade is basal within the angiosperm group was found with high bootstrap support.
  • Pulled up by your bootstraps! Times, Sunday Times
  • Individuals, even from very disadvantaged backgrounds, can and do pull themselves up by their own bootstraps. Times, Sunday Times
  • From that point on, any community may bootstrap their way into a viable situation without resorting to the money lender/debt trap.
  • ‘It's the bootstrap index from one of our backup systems,’ I respond.
  • Conservatives have so often cried "socialism!" that it's now nothing more than a bygone has-been of a warning - a cheap and lazy namedrop, a wilted way to self-identify as a bootstraps-and-heartland sort of citizen. FITSNews
  • If you were going to start a company, you "bootstrapped" it. Capital Influx - Anil Dash
  • Clade strengths were evaluated by analyzing 250 bootstrap replicates with the PROML program based on a model comprising one invariable plus four categories.
  • The bootstrap analysis for this data set showed that most of the internal branches of the duplication tree are strongly supported.
  • This metadata is 'bootstrapped' automatically, I have done no manual work to create this. Archive 2003-04-20
  • For example, a ‘pull yourself up by your own bootstraps’ approach to the poor is unbiblical because it's rooted in a worldly survival-of-the-fittest mentality.
  • It aims to teach three dozen students "to create their own jobs in Canada," often by "bootstrapping" - starting a business mostly with one's own cash flow, without receiving much outside capital. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Its interaction with glitchery, such as on the opening folk guitar of otherwise electrolytic single "Bootstrap" or on the Italo-western twang of opener "Transient" (the rare attempt at this style within electronica that doesn't tumble Jenga-style into self-parody) where the cigarette burns of the John Ford reel meld with the acetate and celluloid to make Brakhage collage, is oddly interactive, rather than deteriorative. PopMatters
  • These results parallel the conservative bootstrap statistical analysis of Hubbard and Gilinsky, who also found only these same three unambiguous high extinction magnitudes in their analysis.
  • Consider how Cecelia Capture's rise from reservation poverty and the status of welfare mother to successful law student reads on the surface like an affirmation of classic American bootstrap values.
  • The advantage of stick with 1000 time divisions per day and the Swiss meridian is that you could, in order to bootstrap the efffort, use the downloads from the Swatch website for tracking ‘hashtime’ Making the most of hashtags | FactoryCity
  • As a result, LinuxBIOS has a sequence of bootstraps, each bootstrap being invoked when additional CPU resources are activated.
  • The file ldlinux.sys is the bootstrap loader that loads the kernel (the file named linux) and initial root.lrp package into memory.
  • They're quietly plotting their next hit, bootstrapping now to conserve their equity for later, reasoning that when the economy does pick up, they'll be positioned to move fast.
  • She is not alone in her commitment to bootstrapping as a way of life.
  • He said the scam ‘isn't something I want to do long term… but if it can help bootstrap something nice for the community, I'm willing to let it run for a little while.’
  • Why don't we start with bootstrapping, which has been a critical part of the start-up process as you describe it.
  • They spawned a different breed of entrepreneur - part bootstrap, part innovator, part deal maker.
  • The rest of the job is actual activism and bootstrapping more funding.
  • This is a logical bootstrap, a loop: a network produces entities that create a boundary, which constrains the network that produced the boundary.
  • They both feature iron-age civilisations bootstrapping themselves up to starfaring capability or thereabouts.
  • Great companies have always been bootstrapped.
  • Bootstrap and jackknife analyses were performed under the MP criterion, with equal weights for all positions and two random additions of sequences for 200 replicate searches.
  • Autonomy in the adult state does not entail independence throughout the developmental course of a system, and one mechanism might bootstrap the second.
  • He plans to bootstrap it.
  • What I don't want to have happen is see this treatment (or any other treatment, for that matter) "bootstrapped" into legitimacy, where doctors say they think it works often enough that they believe it works rather relying on the evidence that it works. Dr. Len's Cancer Blog
  • A bootstrap method is then applied to estimate the standard deviations of the regression coefficients.
  • And that's all the more reason to keep bootstrapping now.
  • I greatly enjoyed your February article on bootstrapping.
  • If you are interested in startups and entrepreneurship, or if you just want to read a good business book about bootstrapping, forming partnerships, and giving relevant presentations, be sure to pick up a copy.
  • Bootstraps or catcalled in a dirty falsetto on bluesy tracks like Heather Browne: Drew Grow Brings Rock and Roll Salvation
  • The angel route can be easier for gathering together the initial funding you need but don't forget the term "bootstrapping". This Week's Best Start Ups and Mobile Apps:,, REQALL. SearchMe, Sportacular - Cory Treffiletti - MediaBizBlogger
  • There are more pitfalls to the bootstrap mentality than just arrogance.
  • We first used the model to estimate slippage rates and the bootstrap from statistics to compute confidence intervals.
  • I make some of my characters entrepreneurs and hide plausible business plans in my stories to show readers how to bootstrap a business.
  • This paper presents the design thoughts of Network Bootstrap Program and introduces the implementation of its key modules such as boot process, virtual disk and image file.
  • Furthermore, the nonparametric form of bootstrapping makes no assumptions about the underlying PDF.
  • They can bootstrap themselves into the 21st Century in a way other states either can't or won't.
  • At the time, Stroud said MD Ranger was being self-funded and "bootstrapped" by its partners, and planned to focus initially on California, Arizona and Nevada (coincidentally states where CHW has a major presence). San Jose Business News - Local San Jose News | The Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal
  • To evaluate clade support, bootstrap and jackknife analyses were performed in PAUP * using a full heuristic search with 1000 replicates, simple addition sequence, and TBR branch-swapping.
  • It does not, for example, imply that you're "bootstrapping" the startup — that you're never going to take money from investors. Ramen Profitable
  • Bootstrap re-samplings were performed to test the robustness of trees.
  • The classic case is, of course, the way that World War II apparently bootstrapped the United States out of the Great Depression.
  • Goody had accumulated her estimated 8 million fortune by hauling herself up by her bootstraps. Times, Sunday Times
  • I need a bit of that bootstrap attitude sprinkled on me.
  • Both men pulled themselves up by their bootstraps, only to fall in with the wrong people and die without dignity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Prior to using the ObjectGrid, you need to connect to it in the typical way using the Catalog server's bootstrap address.
  • So he has bootstrapped the project himself, aiming to prove his concept before going back to the VCs.
  • The original program performed bootstraps, but we developed additional permutation and resampling options to improve statistical testing.
  • Hauling yourself up by your bootstraps is very difficult. Up By Your Bootstraps
  • The Flash EPROM disk selected for the project (M-Systems DiskOnChip) is provided with a Linux driver and can be used as a Linux bootstrap disk.
  • Like the jackknife and the bootstrap, randomization methods are free from potentially unwarranted normal theory assumptions such as normally distributed populations.
  • This latest virus attack then used a bootstrap effect: computers already infected with Sober.n or Sober.p were then updated with Sober.q.
  • To the rest of us, someone capable of bootstrapping a whole world must appear a god or a monster.
  • Percentage bootstrap values were computed over 2,000 replications.
  • Button up your bootstraps, tie on your bonnet, and throw your cabin door open wide for this wholesome tale from the heart of America's 18th-century homeland.
  • Councils have had to pull themselves up by their bootstraps in the online age. Times, Sunday Times
  • While bootstrapping their economy with the fruits of Western labor and ingenuity, they gain the tools to prune democracy on the vine.
  • The bootstrap sampling was limited to 100 replications because of the computationally intensive nature of the simulation.
  • Her plucky exhortation that ‘with the help of God and some intestinal fortitude, many can change their lives, if they choose to do so’ made me want to wrap my bootstraps around her little neck.
  • Back when I was young, it was a really down-at-heel place, with hassle and trouble wherever you went, but now it's really pulled itself up by its bootstraps. Good to Meet You: Peter Bate
  • I believe that making it accessible to many people will really bootstrap the potential of the technology.
  • But you can't artificially bolster the numbers of men truly called to it by "bootstrapping" it to what is really a separate vocation the diocesan priesthood. The "homosexualization" of the clergy in Latin America
  • Therefore, he has a predilection for molesting, to bootstrap this one charge.
  • This uses a modified Darwin kernel to bootstrap a regular, unaltered Mac OSX Leopard retail disk. P2pnet World Headlines – May 27, 2009
  • Further work might include the more accurate estimation of distribution of our estimator, using bootstrap or jackknife techniques.
  • In essence, the machine has to kick start itself, “pull itself up by its own bootstraps” before it can start working; hence the term boot. Zen Computer
  • 3 Wright is careful with his words, and so we can conclude that the repeated collocation of the phrases ‘moral bootstraps’ and ‘Pelagianism’ is no accident.
  • An estimator and the associated standard error may be computed by the bootstrap procedure: data are resampled randomly with replacement, and the mean and standard deviation then calculated.
  • Windows users can download the bootstrap executable from here.
  • Villanueva also wants the government and people of Peru to have a software infrastructure that they can afford - to pull themselves out of poverty and bootstrap an e-commerce economy.
  • Since the bootstrap and subsampling procedures give similar results, we only performed the bootstrap for trinucleotide repeats.
  • Depending on how we regulate activities of US entities, we can bootstrap a private property regime by only granting a single US entity the right to exploit a certain tract on Mars.
  • The bootstrap callousness and sometimes-unnoticed regiment of ones outlook on life can easily scorn, ignore and sometimes even scathe the existence of those who are so heavily compromised. Page 2
  • Since contradictions convey absolutely no information, the cosmic bootstrap turns out to be vacuous.
  • While bootstrapping their economy, they gain the tools to prune democracy on the vine.
  • Limited support (67% bootstrap support) for hirudineans and oligochaetes, the Clitellata, within polychaetes was also found.
  • This is someone who pulled himself up by the bootstraps. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now I understand that no one would choose to be down and out if they could help it, and I in no way subscribe to the ‘pull yourself up by your bootstraps’ or any other right wing ideology.
  • We can bootstrap emergent democracy by using the tools to develop the tools and create concrete examples of emergent democracy.
  • Bootstrap values (1,000 replicates of heuristic search with random order of taxon entry) are shown in boldface, and branch lengths (accelerated transformation option) are shown in lightface.
  • All songs share a penchant for incisive, thoughtful lyricism, but those words may be screamed over rowdy feedback in "Bootstraps," catcalled in a dirty falsetto on bluesy tracks like "Company," or nearly whispered in the communal pouring-out of spirit on "It All Comes Right. Heather Browne: Drew Grow Brings Rock and Roll Salvation
  • She is proud of her bootstraps ascent. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sturdy, unflinching, full of common sense and bootstrap principles. C B GREENFIELD - A LITTLE MADNESS
  • Sturdy, unflinching, full of common sense and bootstrap principles. C B GREENFIELD - A LITTLE MADNESS
  • Ken Peters, Peer Liaison for San Diego County through Recovery Innovations of California: I do feel the idea that homeless people with mental illness need only 'pull themselves up by their bootstraps' is ridiculous. Christine Schanes: Homelessness Myth #15: Just Pull Yourself Up From Your Bootstraps
  • The meeting is symbolic of Coleman's transition from a top executive at a corporate monolith to founder of a bootstrapping software company.
  • Yet examples abound of companies that have bootstrapped their way to success.
  • Sturdy, unflinching, full of common sense and bootstrap principles. C B GREENFIELD - A LITTLE MADNESS
  • These distributions are critical as inputs to the bootstrap technique that will be used to perform the macro versus micro comparison.
  • This attempt appeals most fundamentally to the possibility that we might bootstrap ourselves out of our tribalisms by cultivating the moral imagination.
  • The spirit of bootstrap self-reliance is not a bad thing, but a political mindset that considers federally supported, affordable financial assistance for education to be an extravagance is myopic.
  • Thanks to the new invention of widespread indirect reciprocity, coevolution bootstrapped the evolution of the social brain of that remarkable creature, Homo sapiens. SuperCooperators
  • All the BIOS really had to do was load that first chunk of code (called the bootstrap loader, or bootloader) and let the machine run.
  • Immigrant families, or those pulled up by the bootstraps, know different. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though he is embraced as a guitar hero by fans of experimental fretwork, Mr. Sharp also records traditional blues (with the band Terraplane), writes for chamber groups and brassy big bands (Orchestra Carbon), throws in with electronic ensembles (such as the collaborative Bootstrappers), leads a 13-member guitar army (the All-Guitar SyndaKit) and joins creative sidekicks in hybrid projects that employ music, text and images. The 'East Village Nosferatu' Haunts Brooklyn
  • If you factor out the "bootstrapped" companies that were actually funded by their founders through savings or a day job, the remainder either (a) got really lucky, which is hard to do on demand, or (b) began life as consulting companies and gradually transformed themselves into product companies. A Fundraising Survival Guide
  • Adventure racers bring bootstrapping to a new level.
  • Another challenge was running Linux on client devices that don't contain application program-load memory, beyond a small ROM used for system bootstrap.
  • He has bootstrapped his tiny business into the single largest, most influential voice in the entire book publishing industry.
  • The black shading of the rightmost and leftmost bars indicate the number of splits with support values of exactly 0 or 1, that is, outside the range of the parametric bootstrap.
  • Create application, bootstrap, and run $application = new Zend_Application (APPLICATION_ENV, Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • This same subtext about the need for the Iraqis to pull themselves up by the bootstraps was the chorus in almost all of the commentary last week. Gordon Marino: Operation Self-Deception
  • They also raise the possibility of bootstrapping the residuals from the model, but without being confident about how well it will work for any particular problem.
  • The Wellington may have a bootstrap.
  • For Peru to pull herself up by her bootstraps will be a hideously long and painful process, especially when social planning must proceed under the handicap of such immediate pressures as I described. The True Peru
  • Jimmy Stewart’s self-consciously down-to-earth writer in The Philadelphia Story thinks he has rich Katherine Hepburn pegged from the beginning, but by the end, he’s not so sure; Hepburn’s high-toned brittleness is something of a façade, her ex-husband Cary Grant shows the sort of cunning that other screwball comedies might have assigned to an average Joe, while her up-by-his-bootstraps fiancé, played by John Howard, proves a rather dull fellow indeed. Archive 2008-09-01
  • I always work in bootstrapping mode, addressing the first big issue, solving the problem, then advancing to the next one. Scripting News for 5/5/2008 « Scripting News Annex
  • The company is entirely bootstrapped meaning there are no outside investors, which also means a lot fewer headaches.
  • The plaque was the club's idea, just one more way it has tried to bootstrap itself into instant glory.
  • OEMC essentially 'bootstrapped' a $23 million contract on an earlier, $350,000 fraudulently obtained purchase. - News
  • Stalin and Munzenberg tried to bootstrap a culture of self-hatred in the West.
  • Barack Obama has lifted himself by his bootstraps from the South Side of Chicago to be an intelligent and charasmatic leader. Obama addresses rumors head-on at pro-Israel conference
  • The problem is, it's almost impossible to bootstrap a cliff business.

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