How To Use Bootlegger In A Sentence
But the Recording Industry Assn. of America and the Motion Picture Assn. of America say they sometimes need to use subterfuge as they pursue bootleggers in flea markets and on the Internet.
April 9th, 2007
Now, we've got a house on V street, around the corner, that we suspect is being used by bootlegger's and drug stoolies as a depot for mules.
Pubs, clubs and people's homes were still the most common places for bootleggers to sell illicit goods.
Homer turns bootlegger when Springfield enforces an antiquated prohibition law.
There're moonshiners, bootleggers, methamphetamine manufacturers... they're not associated with each other.

the preachers and the bootleggers found they had a community of interests
American ideal that feels especially exhalted in a year dominated by anti-government sentiment: the bootlegger is the lone frontiersman, the rebel outlaw, the Marlboro Man. Top headlines
He went after bootleggers, who sent him and his family death threats, he raided a Chinese opium kingpin who was paying off Buffalo cops, cracked down on coal profiteers, prosecuted strikers who had dynamited a rail line, and even had Schwab in court on liquor violation charges.
Wild Bill Donovan
To the bootleggers, speakeasy operators, crooked druggists, fake rabbis, fallen priests, alky cookers, and various other violators dragged into court, the fines were simply fractional additions to their overhead.
It’s called a bootlegger’s turn, staple of TV shows, Tennessee moonshiner’s gift to the world.
The bootlegger is the person who stands to gain from the policy.
NZ On Screen
John's father, Joe Kennedy was a bootlegger during the prohibition and was also tied up with Mafia.
The bridge is frequented by bootleggers and hawkers who are always on the look out for the carabinieri.
A lot of these newly rich people are just big bootleggers, you know.
Later I discovered he had been a bootlegger and moonshiner during prohibition and had gone to live on the mountain to flee a gang who thought he owed them money.
I love mix tapes as much as the next cheapskate, but I like to get them for a fiver from my local market bootlegger.
Well, I'm not going to take the word of a so-called bootlegger over the word of a federal agent.
The Twelfth Of August -The life story of Sheriff Buford Pusser
A bootlegger is a man convicted, not a man merely suspected.
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When he wasn't hanging out with bootleggers in Wyoming roadhouses, he was going on great binges with F. Scott.
And finally, no group trafficked in more illicit liquor than the bootleggers.
Instead of real life's morlock tobacco bootleggers and DVD touts, Pantoland has sweet Aladdie, a boy so poor he does not have a name.
Was it a set-up by powerful but corrupt Saudis who felt the bootleggers had undercut their market or ripped them off over bribes or a share of the profits?
A service station worker in Georgia, he began racing against local bootleggers across fields, on ragged dirt tracks, and on asphalt speedways.
It was a rough-and-tumble business, and a Bronfman brother-in-law managing several of the warehouses was shotgunned to death by bootleggers in 1922.
Fortune’s Fool
Al Capone and bootleggers filled the vacuum: bathtub spirits, peepholes in the door, Joe-sent-me.
Only the little people pay taxes.; and Al Capone, mafia hitman, bootlegger and perhaps the most famous tax evader of all time, served his longest sentence, seven years, for tax evasion.
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The much-reviled "bootlegger," after all, is just a businessman, albeit a businessman without an office or membership in a chamber of commerce.
Nunatsiaq News - Online
the dry vote led by preachers and bootleggers
Perhaps a bootlegger will make something interesting out of these insipid ditties.
They are copies, made by a bootlegger to low standards using inferior materials.
But if the restrictions were removed, loud would be the angry cries of the U.S. growers of citrous fruits, of U.S. labor, U.S. bootleggers.
I seem to recall the term bootlegger being thrown around a bunch.
The Clog
Described as a blueprint to crack down on the trade in fake goods, the scheme involves closer inter-agency co-operation in the fight against pirates and bootleggers.
The popular conception of Prohibition is that speakeasies abounded, gangsters and bootleggers of all sorts flourished, and every American gladly flouted the law.
Metaphor is no mere tourist in a foreign land, it is a bootlegger.
The gambler and the "bootlegger" and the white slave dealer find their habitat in large centres of population.
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