boot sale

  1. an outdoor sale at which people sell things from the trunk of their car
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How To Use boot sale In A Sentence

  • Tougher checks by boot sales and internet auction sites are forcing criminals to find new outlets, experts say. The Sun
  • CAR boot sales are best for bulky items that are too big to post. The Sun
  • Measures will also be taken to catch people who receive stolen goods - particularly those who use second-hand outlets and car boot sales.
  • The local fortnightly car boot sale is one of the fundraising activities which Michelle has organised and last Thursday she held a table quiz at Ashes Bar which raised over 250.
  • Are we going to have some sort of tax Gestapo policing car boot sales and the like? physiocrat Politics news, UK and world political comment and analysis |
  • I once went to a car boot sale and marvelled at the greed and hunger of the bargain hunters, me included.
  • A car boot sale at Boxted Airfield has also been called off.
  • Trading standards officer say the recent growth in car boot sales has provided a perfect outlet for the computer pirates.
  • The furniture is tatty and the books looked about as appetising as goods in a car boot sale.
  • Trading standards also keep an eye on car boot sales - and say that tighter controls would help them.
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