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How To Use Boomerang In A Sentence

  • Of course, his most effective weapons are his boomerangs, which he can use to take out distant enemies, break items, or glide from heights.
  • What comes around goes around and whoops that boomerang is headed right for you. Tom McIntyre Explains His Picks for our 2009 Hunting and Fishing Heroes and Villians Face-Off
  • It still has an elegant and fluid design, understated rather than flash, but sadly it is missing the distinctive boomerang-shaped rear lights.
  • She pulled out her huge boomerang and threw it hard at Scy.
  • I've hunted successfully with ‘stick’ bows, blowguns, boomerangs, and slingshots.
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  • After leaving us they had attacked him, throwing several boomerangs and waddies at him; he had only one barrel of his gun loaded with shot; they all spread out and surrounded him, gradually approaching from all sides. The Journals of John McDouall Stuart
  • It's what I call the boomerang effect..., he declared. No renegotiation
  • Oh, and I read "An Enigmatic New Lambeosaurine Hadrosaur (Reptilia: Dinosauria) from the Upper Shale Member of the Campanian Aguja Formation of Trans-Pecos Texas," a weird beast named Angulomastacator daviesi, known thus far only from its boomerang-shaped maxilla bone. Waking the Witch
  • I heard the rattle of weapons such as boomerangs and spears.
  • I myself slouch in my chair so badly that my spine is curved like a boomerang.
  • Moyle shows clapsticks appearing across the continent, bullroarers, pairs of boomerangs and rattles in specific regions, and the didjeridu in only the top areas of the continent.
  • He wrote a letter on the subject to the _Chanticleer_, a newspaper in Troy, Ill., of which he was a correspondent, and it was copied, with zinco-type illustrations, into all the journals of the habitable globe, and came back to England like the fabled boomerang. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 104, January 14, 1893
  • They learn how to cook witchetty grubs, concoct bush medicines and make boomerangs and axes.
  • They may have 'boomeranged' or 'failed to launch', but don't call them dysfunctional Top Stories
  • One warrior stood with shield and boomerang in hand, making no attempt to throw the boomerang.
  • The "martyring," boomerang that it had proved, was over. The Madigans
  • The trick boomeranged, though.
  • She threw the boomerang, and it spun through the air toward him, straight toward his armored chest.
  • After a year of sustained eyebrow raising and boomerang pints, they now no longer try my patience or my vocal chords.
  • Today's the big day your boomerang comes back," Danish Erika said. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • It is bound to boomerang upon them at some point of time or the other.
  • However, because of their inefficiency, these restrictions are apt to boomerang against the industry in the long run.
  • This track is shaped like a rounded cone, or, more often, like a boomerang, with a short arm running north-westwards to its place of turning and a long arm running northeastwards until its force is spent. Plotting in Pirate Seas
  • He says he found an ancient carving of a ‘quadrang’ style boomerang etched into a rock in Ilkley Moor depicting a boomerang as a weapon.
  • Eustace pulled up short in breathless dismay, for a few paces away there arose from among these untidy "humpies" some twenty natives -- erect, alert, all with poised boomerangs or spears ready to fling. Queensland Cousins
  • The plan boomeranged when they were trapped instead of their victim.
  • One of her prized possessions is her Boomerang-Toomerang-Zoomerang, with which she sometimes makes mischief; but usually, when she is caught, she uses the same, to put things back to normal. McCain campaign adviser pushes back on Palin book
  • Among these are the integration of musical instruments such as bullroarer, pairs of boomerangs, clapping sticks, seed and shell rattles, and didjeridu into rock group lineups.
  • The Man with the Bagful of Boomerangs in the Bois de Boulogne" invokes the long tradition of French experimentalism. A Guidebook Through An Impossible Oeuvre
  • His attempt to discredit his opponent boomeranged when he was charged with libel.
  • English doesn't have a general alternation between final velar and coronal nasals: boomerang does not become boomeran ’, and ring does not become rin’.
  • The natives nearly always carry the whole of their worldly property about with them, and the Australian hunter is thus equipped: round his middle is wound, in many folds, a cord spun from the fur of the opossum, which forms a warm, soft and elastic belt of an inch in thickness, in which are stuck his hatchet, his kiley or boomerang, and a short heavy stick to throw at the smaller animals. Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia, Volume 2
  • Debuting on Saturday at the Boomerang Pets Party in Regents Park, London, will be serving up two "flavours" - "dog eat hog world, Eater National
  • They change color like the chameleon, and they return like a boomerang.
  • Well, although we associate the boomerang with Australian Aborigines, many cultures used boomerang-like equipment in prehistoric times.
  • Children can have a go at circus and other fun pursuits, such as stilt and slack-rope walking, hula hoops, juggling, magic and boomerang throwing. The Advertiser
  • Holthouse says he perceived that something connected the lights in a boomerang shape.
  • We sell a variety of stock including T'shirts, boomerangs, spears, woomeras, didgeridoos, pottery, flower pots, cups, plates, vases, tea tree oil and stocking flowers.
  • The cable struck the hull somewhere behind his gunport and, suddenly, the SS-9 was rocketing back toward him like a giant black boomerang.
  • There were three worleys on the rising ground, with waddies, boomerangs, spears, and a number of broken dishes scattered round them. The Journals of John McDouall Stuart
  • Through this book, I have tried to say that American policies have boomeranged everywhere.
  • Similarly, should your crab bake be set upon by agents of a foreign government, these crackers would make a handy boomerang at some range.
  • The victims' demand for capital punishment has boomeranged on them, provoking sympathy for the person they most abhor.
  • The victims' demand for capital punishment has boomeranged on them, provoking sympathy for the person they most abhor.
  • This may be the image the white man has created of the Indian; his "savageness" has boomeranged and isn't a mystery; it is fear; fear of the Indian's temperament! OpEdNews - Diary: Have a Colonialist Thanksgiving.
  • The interaction with the Fornax cluster has led to the birth of many stars, seen here as a boomerang-shaped region of young, glowing stars in the galaxy.
  • “What do you call a boomerang that does not come back?” Shortcut Man
  • It is not unknown for government interventions to boomerang creating situations worse than the original problem.
  • You could call him Boomer (as in boomerang), but his registered name could be Sit, Stay, Woah .... Name My Dog
  • For your information, my weapon was a boomerang with a razor sharp blade.
  • That makes it much smaller than Boomerang, a competing antisniper technology being developed for the military by BBN Technologies Inc. in Cambridge. Creating an Antisniper Robot | Impact Lab
  • ‘Anyway my weapon is a boomerang which doesn't look like much but it can surely do some damage with its extreme magic power’ said Sun.
  • What we repress, if it is repressed severely enough, can boomerang back on us.
  • Long, long time ago, two little nephews asked their old uncle to take them out and camp on the river so that he could teach them how to make their spears and woomeras and their boomerangs.
  • Short flinched empathetically as his chief took the full force of the boomerang. FORESTS OF THE NIGHT
  • If a facility executive fails to get that buy-in, the new software can boomerang.
  • A veil should be drawn over his attempted clearance that boomeranged for a Rangers corner.
  • Said Benoit Vincent, one of the directors of the tournament: ‘Germany took the lead at the start and never looked back,’ which is a generally unadvisable, considering that boomerangs do return.
  • Because if an atmosphere was created or allowed to persist that allowed one minority group to be targeted, it had the potential to boomerang on the others, as well.
  • The envoy, who was addressing a press conference yesterday on his return from China after the ninth round of talks with Chinese government officials, called Chinese government's behavior "kiddish" and said China's baseless allegations sometimes have boomerang effect. Phayul Latest News
  • “What do you call a boomerang that does not come back?” asked Arnuldo. Shortcut Man
  • Bloomberg's criticism of Robert Morgenthau's hidden bank accounts have "boomeranged," and now the mayor is coming under fire from Bill Thompson and John Liu. Morning Read: Bloomberg Opposes, City Council Overrides
  • Ceremonial objects such as churingas were often carved as were functional objects such as boomerangs, message sticks and didgeridoos.
  • The Eagles Reach rock art includes stencils of hands, arms, ancient boomerangs and hafted axes, which were probably created by spraying ochre with the mouth over and around the objects.
  • The jealousy and bitterness that he has engendered will boomerang and take its toll from the one who caused this imbalance and disharmony.
  • The striking workers should believe their collective action might boomerang back at them.
  • Others of his favorite shapes look like Australian boomerangs.
  • Very few would attempt to use the cursing stone rites now as a mistake in procedure is said to cause the intentions to boomerang.
  • Today's the big day your boomerang comes back," Danish Erika said. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • In the 1981 Sydney performance, gold nuggets, a gold boomerang, and a live diamond python rested on the table.
  • Nearby, at the Pamagirri Aboriginal Experience, visitors can learn how to throw a boomerang or to play the didgeridoo, before watching aboriginal dancers perform a corroboree.
  • The visitor can ponder over the boomerangs used by aborigines at the time of Cook.
  • Still, Boomerang Shoes is an utterly agreeable collection of folkish pop songs, one that warrants keeping an eye out for future endeavors.
  • Uma pounces on a soldier while throwing his boomerangs.
  • Well, perhaps because people are wondering whether this investigation is going to boomerang on the Republican leadership.
  • Sooner or later it boomerangs and, like a bad joke, comes back to haunt and ridicule you.
  • Special art was applied to the nose and the aircraft received the name California Boomerang.
  • From where she is standing, Reika unlatches her boomerang and throws it in Gishdorn's direction.
  • Huge gusting winds, roaring up off the cliff face of the Boomerang Range, blasted billows of fine powdery snow high into the air like a tormented geyser.
  • Nearby, at the Pamagirri Aboriginal Experience, visitors can learn how to throw a boomerang or to play the didgeridoo, before watching aboriginal dancers perform a corroboree.
  • He favours an Aboriginal ceremony, with a flaming boomerang curving majestically into the waiting cauldron as the highlight.
  • There was a rush of bare feet on the soft deck, and through the gloom Carey was just able to make out that they were surrounded by a party of blacks, each poising a spear ready to throw and holding in his other hand either a knobkerry or a boomerang. King o' the Beach A Tropic Tale
  • When spears and boomerangs thrown against the walls in derision failed to bring the whites out, the Aborigines stormed the hut and tried to unroof it. Wildwood
  • He gripped his boomerang tightly, whitening his knuckles.
  • He had a long spear, a womera, and two instruments like the boomerang, but more the shape of a scimitar, with a very sharp edge, having a thick place at the end, roughly carved, for the hand. The Journals of John McDouall Stuart
  • The comment, however facetious, boomeranged against Sinclair.
  • The Aborigines made a highly interesting exhibition of skill and dexterity in the use of the boomerang and throwing spears.
  • The plan had a boomerang effect .
  • Imagine: finding, and afterward forging mutuality between a Confucian teacher, a boomerang-wielding kangaroo hunter, a Polish schoolboy, a medieval Mesopotamian peasant, a West African ironsmith, a Mexican vaquero, an Eskimo girl .... There Will Be Time
  • Perhaps as fine a sight as can be seen in the whole circle of native sports is the killing cockatoos with the kiley, or boomerang. Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia, Volume 2
  • His attempt to discredit his opponent boomeranged when he was charged with libel.
  • But while much attention has been paid to live-at-home ‘adultescents,’ little has been said about their parents, many of whom are Baby Boomers who greet their boomerang kids with open arms.
  • The patterning on the back is lyrate (boomerang shaped ridges over the shoulder and on the back) with small orange-capped warts.
  • The bad experiences are creating a boomerang effect -- the return of jobs to the United States -- which some have dubbed "onshoring. SHOULD I STAY OR SHOULD I GO?
  • At first they seemed inclined for mischief, making all manner of gestures and shaking their boomerangs, waddies, etc. The Journals of John McDouall Stuart
  • The trick boomeranged, though.
  • Part 2: They may have 'boomeranged' or 'failed to launch', but don't call them dysfunctional Top Stories
  • As soon as I spoke he raised the boomerang to throw it.
  • As a result we have a lot of experience with framing these types of artwork, from woomeras and boomerangs through to clubs and spears, and even aboriginal carvings.
  • Instead, if you were to slice a barbule like a loaf of bread, the resulting cross-section would be shaped like a boomerang. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • A dogleg might be a boomerang-shaped piece of ground, a dogleg fence a zigzag of interlaced horizontal logs. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIV No 3
  • She tried to pin her thoughts elsewhere, but found that they always boomeranged back.
  • Diets work for some Numerous studies show both the failure rates of boomerang diets and an inherited susceptibility to obesity.
  • His weapons are small boomerangs about eighteen inches long and a very sharp, six-foot long spear.
  • Don't try to catch razor-edged boomerangs thrown by feral children bare-handed.
  • When discussing holidays, never be tempted to sound knowledgeable about a place you have not actually visited, because this will boomerang back on you.
  • Development here has often been based on strategies that have boomeranged.
  • Many communities were encouraged to find a cheap art or craft to sell to visitors, such as painted boomerangs, carved emu eggs, boab nuts, and shells and toas.
  • Your fear-mongering and smearing has soared beyond the depraved, leaped over the humiliating boundaries of pathetic, teetered off the ledge of shamelessness, bounced off a steaming mountain of cynicism, and finally boomeranged back into your mouths where it incestuously mates with your desperation and hypocrisy only to be reproduced by your next, inevitable smear sound bite. Wajahat Ali: Dear John McCain, A Farewell...
  • We need to encourage those countries to think of nuclear weapons as dangerous junk that at best will boomerang and destroy all that they care about.
  • She threw one of the boomerangs at Al who was standing with his hand out.
  • Using the boomerang as a weapon, men were able to cause the flying foxes to fall to earth.
  • Don't condemn those who are down; that hardness can boomerang.
  • The visitor can ponder over the boomerangs used by aborigines at the time of Cook.
  • Drawn in the tradition of rock art, these last depict the weapons and utensils necessary for hunting and fighting - spears, shields, boomerangs, digging sticks, sharpening stones and tomahawks.
  • He risks defeat in the referendum which he called, but which threatens to boomerang against him.
  • I've hunted successfully with ‘stick’ bows, blowguns, boomerangs, and slingshots.
  • If the Government's gamble fails, their talk of insurance and premiums will boomerang back at them.
  • With my two fellow passengers greenly studying their feet he was telling me what to expect of the boomerang-shaped island he calls home: ‘Rathlin's a place you'll either love or hate.’
  • For example, the time-honored admonition to make sure kids with colds or the flu rest in bed and get plenty of fluids could actually boomerang.
  • In this age of interconnected blogorrhea, such boomeranging happens a lot. RSVP, RIP
  • Conflicts that hurt others can have a boomerang effect if management senses productivity has been lowered. 2.
  • Imagine: finding, and afterward forging mutuality between a Confucian teacher, a boomerang-wielding kangaroo hunter, a Polish schoolboy, a medieval Mesopotamian peasant, a West African ironsmith, a Mexican vaquero, an Eskimo girl ... Two in Time
  • Short flinched empathetically as his chief took the full force of the boomerang. FORESTS OF THE NIGHT

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