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How To Use Boolean In A Sentence

  • These two processes are inverses of one another, and show that the theory of Boolean algebras and of rings with identity in which every element is idempotent are definitionally equivalent.
  • Converts the value of the specified double - precision floating - point number to an equivalent Boolean value.
  • Lately, the word Boolean has become very popular among web sourcers and recruiters.
  • In this code, you define a boolean variable rollover and attach event listeners for ROLL_OVER and ROLL_OUT.
  • The Boolean variable bMatch is used to track the status of the scan.
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  • Yes, a few nights of Boolean sleuthing might render you more knowledgeable than your doctor about a particular issue — and more power to you for your interest.
  • They are the basis of mathematical logic, which in turn gives rise to Boolean algebra.
  • Fundamental to these operations are electronic gates for handling Boolean logic.
  • Yii:: app () - > cache - > set ($id, $value, 30, $dependency); • If we retrieve the $value from cache by calling get (), the dependency will be evaluated, if changed we will get a boolean false. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • If the attribute type is one of the simple Java types, such as String, Integer, Boolean etc, the value of the attribute is directly used in the attribute list.
  • Like computer programming, the brain is a bioenergetic collection of electro-chemically interacting structures which start out with certain known and/or instinctive/inherited information, then evolve layering BIOBOOLEAN Zeros and Ones atop each subsequent layer until patterns, subroutines, routines, and programmes are created. Mind Hacks: NPR on brain scan lie detection
  • Algebraic Decision Diagram ( ADD ) is a symbolic method utilized to represent Boolean function.
  • CreateInstance (RuntimeType type, Boolean publicOnly, Boolean noCheck, Boolean& canBeCached, RuntimeMethodHandle& ctor, Boolean& bNeedSecurityCheck) at System. New Messageboard Posts
  • Converts the specified Boolean value to the equivalent 16 - bIt'signed integer.
  • Thus his calculus of relations became the study of a certain equational theory which he noted had the same relation to the study of all binary relations on sets as the equational theory of Boolean algebra had to the study of all subsets of sets. The Algebra of Logic Tradition
  • With his work on information theory and Boolean logic, he created the theoretical underpinnings of both the networks and the devices that make up the Information Age we live in today.
  • In the checked build of your driver, ASSERT generates code to evaluate the Boolean expression.
  • Many programs utilize Boolean expressions, and Python provides the full range of Boolean comparison and logical operations, as detailed in tables 1 and 2, respectively.
  • The study of Boolean algebras has several aspects: structure theory, model theory of Boolean algebras, decidability and undecidability questions for the class of Boolean algebras, and the indicated applications. The Mathematics of Boolean Algebra
  • Insofar as a human brain that knows about logical conjunction (Boolean AND) would similarly classify logically conjoined sentences, this TLU knows something like logical conjunction.
  • In 1904 he gave axioms for a boolean algebra then later, in 1933, he showed that a boolean algebra could be defined in terms of a single binary and a single unary operation.
  • (It appears, in an infinitary form, as Mackey's axiom V; a related but stronger condition appears in the definition of a partial Boolean algebra in the work of Kochen and Specker [1965].) Puppet X: 1
  • I didn't know that boolean had a third "unset" value, is that just phpBB specific? phpBB's Boolean CPFs have three options; it's not a PHP boolean, so true/false doesn't work in this situation.
  • These two processes are inverses of one another, and show that the theory of Boolean algebras and of rings with identity in which every element is idempotent are definitionally equivalent. The Mathematics of Boolean Algebra
  • In 1904 he gave axioms for a Boolean algebra, then later, in 1933, he showed that a Boolean algebra could be defined in terms of a single binary and a single unary operation.
  • The minimal path sets (MPS) are achieved by Boolean algebraic simplification calculation. The authors put forward the analyzing result of the structural significance of the basic event.
  • According to Huntington (1933), the term “Boolean algebra” was introduced by Sheffer (1913) in the paper where he showed that one could give a five-equation axiomatization of Boolean algebra using the single fundamental operation of joint exclusion, now known as the Sheffer stroke. The Algebra of Logic Tradition
  • For that effect, JSON defines the following main data structures: number, string , boolean (true and false), array (an ordered sequence of values), object (collection of key value pairs), and null.
  • In some applications, we need to obtain the set of all satisfiable assignments of a Boolean function, in which assignments can not imply each other.
  • Take advantage of advanced search functionality (gasp!) such as plurals, truncation, and wild-card and Boolean operators when using your local library catalog or databases.
  • The goal is to rapidly retrieve relevant information by applying Boolean logic to keywords and searching databases optimized for textual storage and retrieval.
  • The class page also says that this function uses only a true or false boolean parameter, indicated on the class page by the word "bool". KDE TechBase - Recent changes [en]
  • In this code, you define a boolean variable rollover and attach event listeners for ROLL_OVER and ROLL_OUT.
  • The study of Boolean algebras has several aspects: structure theory, model theory of Boolean algebras, decidability and undecidability questions for the class of Boolean algebras, and the indicated applications. The Mathematics of Boolean Algebra
  • Even for propositional logics, models of such systems are usually algebras, e.g., Boolean or Heyting algebras, and as such they are categories.
  • They relate Boolean algebras to general topology and to the theory of rings and ideals, and include what is called Stone-tech compactification today.
  • Boolean Variables Numbers are stored in binary format.
  • Its no problem, all you do is tesselate, do a few averaging passes on the model to recalc the rim normals then 2.5d pressing boolean objects and masked brushwork can go on it. ill be projecting it onto a lowpoly displacement map next.
  • The use of a ViewModel here makes it much easier to create a view that can display a Customer object and allow for things like an "unselected" state of a Boolean property. MSDN Magazine: RSS Feed
  • This assembly uses simple programming and mathematical principles: Boolean, union and intersection.
  • A gate that performs the Boolean operation of implication.
  • By using Boolean calculation to carry on the model analysis according to the present DEM data, we find that the Meilinggou mining area still has an enormous room for development.
  • Computer science theories assess the computability and complexity of computational problems, but these theories are generally based on Boolean logic and the binary representation of information.
  • The very next year the note ‘Subsumption of Boolean algebras under the theory of rings’ appeared in the same journal.
  • By extending Interior Radius Vector Sweeping and combining with Boolean operations, smoothing the convex cavities in the multiply connected domain has been studied.
  • We should remark that this problem is non-trivial since deciding whether a finite set of equations provides a basis for Boolean algebra is undecidable, that is, it does not permit an algorithmic representation; also, the problem was attacked by Robbins, Huntington, Tarski and many of his students with no success. Automated Reasoning
  • This paper describes the partitioning of the set pf the Boolean equations generated by the hardware logic translator and the conversion of the subset into cube arrays.
  • By extending Interior Radius Vector Sweeping and combining with Boolean operations, smoothing the convex cavities in the multiply connected domain has been studied.
  • It offers hierarchical grouping, keyword indexation, smart group, xml import/export of the database, search system with boolean function, batch rename, batch edit of IPTC & XMP fields, among many other features. MacUpdate - Mac OS X
  • Support boolean arguments to and return values from ffi callbacks News

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