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How To Use Bookstore In A Sentence

  • Although I was already a fan of both authors, it was this curious title overlap that led me to snatch these two off the New Releases table at my local bookstore. Romi Lassally: My Literary Indiscretions
  • Online bookstores can undercut retailers by up to 30%.
  • In 1981, he made a trip to Bavaria with three friends from the German department, and there, in a little bookstore in Munich, on Voralmstrasse, he found two other books: the slim volume titled Mitzi's Treasure, less than one hundred pages long, and the aforementioned English novel, The Garden. '2666'
  • It has interests in a Russian bookstore chain, publishers and mobile phone firm. The Sun
  • The catalogue will be on sale at the gallery during the exhibition and in bookstores after it closes.
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  • The bookstore has also produced a range of other items to go with the series, including stationery, notebooks, coasters and calendars, and is running an in-store competition to promote the launch.
  • Paris Minton is minding his own business -- a small used bookstore of which he is the proud proprietor -- when a beautiful woman named Elana Love walks in and asks a few questions. Fearless Jones: Summary and book reviews of Fearless Jones by Walter Mosley.
  • Yes, and in telling about it I'll show my naive ignorance: 4, 5, 6 (?) years ago on a vacation through much of New England, we stopped at a bookstore and I noticed a "local" author shelf with some mass market pbs with "woodcut" - style black and red covers depicting Sleepy-Hollow-like scenes. A Touch of Genius
  • This bookstore doesn't handle medical books.
  • Bookstore skimmers will, however, be disappointed to discover that the dirty parts aren't that dirty.
  • But they show artsy-fartsy movies and it's very close to a good bookstore. Beth Spotswood: Friend, Movie, Dinner: The Trip and The Boxing Room
  • Click on this link to visit our online bookstore.
  • It should be something real thrilly, so the people will rush madly to all the bookstores to buy it. Jean of the Lazy A
  • Most of those quaint and charming bookstores have sold out to pizzerias and chain stores.
  • Ellen entered a dress shop housed in a blue velvet capsule adorned by odd lights and displays while Henry strayed purposelessly into the bookstore.
  • Somehow, writing extremely plot-driven fiction seems to have pushed me over into the borderlands of genre -- in most bookstores my book's shelved with literary fiction, but at least one genre bookstore carries it (Mysterious Galaxy in San Diego) and it was reviewed in Mystery Scene. Archive 2010-05-01
  • In the case of online bookstores, the intermedial ground of local retailers is not so much eliminated as displaced.
  • The new edition of encyclopedia will appear in the bookstores next week.
  • In your average bookstore, the volumes stacked by the dozen and sold under the heading of Self-Help are liable to be found quartered in the same part of the building as those falling under the less obviously improving rubric of Philosophy.
  • Since then Hunt has been searching used bookstores for the book but has never found it.
  • The UK has lost a major bookstore chain in the last two years, and the remaining one has had to undergo retrenchment. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Lory Student Center's basement was also flooded and that was where the university bookstore was located.
  • Based on first impressions, a performance by St. Vincent aka Annie Clark in the cozy surroundings of a little bookstore would appear to be a delightful in-store event. KN | Kitsune Noir » Video for ‘Laughing with a Mouth of Blood’ by St. Vincent
  • Our regional (I woud say local but I have to drive to Columbus or Cincinnati) used bookstore chain had a big sale last week. Archive 2009-07-01
  • Here is some fine Nanowrimo manuscript-padding advice in convenient and easy-to-digest Tweet form (a part of us just died as we wrote that) from Famous Writers, courtesy of the very erudite staff of Inkwell Bookstore Their blog is mad fab also. Motivate is Spelled B-L-O-V-I-A-T-E
  • Posted June 16, 2009 at 12: 59 pm | Permalink the concept is very good but i saw the product in a bookstore, don’t be fooled, it’s made from cardboard so it’s not really worthed. meridian60 Clock Side Table
  • On Lisbon Street, once downtown's main commercial avenue, boarded-up storefronts sit next to adult bookstores and darkened bars.
  • I can also return that book for store credit without the bookstore accusing me of photocopying the book at home.
  • Check out the local phone book for gay bars and gay bookstores.
  • Wandered into a bookstore yesterday and found this book by S.L. MacGregor Mathers, supposedly a grimoire he translated from original French and Latin of a manuscript in the Library of Paris in the early nineteen hundreds.
  • Book distributorswe called them the "jobber" back in my bookstore daysare practically the lifeblood of the book selling industry and working with these folks who are just beginning to plant some roots down is a smart idea. Book Nerd and BookStream
  • The intersection is steps away from independent bookstores, record shops, sushi joints and pubs.
  • I run down Courtenay Place, sidestepping someone as I swerve at speed onto Taranaki Street, passing the doctor's and the florist and leaping across the road beside the bookstore.
  • I started receiving queries about shipping books to Nigeria at isbn. nu, which is a book price comparison service, not a bookstore. Boing Boing: April 4, 2004 - April 10, 2004 Archives
  • In case you are not a regular browser of the business section of your local bookstore, let me describe a typical example of the genre.
  • Soon, Hollywood's fine haberdasheries were replaced by pizza joints, T-shirt shops, and pornographic bookstores.
  • Both versions of the text were sold in front of the Chion'in, a temple in Kyoto, at a bookstore that specialized in Buddhist sutras and commentaries.
  • Buy The Language of Life: DNA and the Revolution in Personalized Medicine by Francis Collins. (preferably from a local indy bookstore) Think Progress » Christian leaders urge Congress to ignore misinformation on abortion provisions and pass health reform.
  • The books retail for $ 22. 95 each and are available at major Bay Area bookstores and discount outlets.
  • For places like bookstores or your corner grocer, a smile is also a great sign.
  • I decided to go to a local bookstore and buy every single music magazine I could get my immaculately manicured hands on.
  • Another circumstance is the "The Sparrow" by Mary Doria Russell, sometimes not shelved by bookstores or libraries in their SF sections; of course, the book is about first contact with aliens and travel to an alien planet, it might be Spec. Thumbing Their Noses at Science Fiction
  • The New Becoming Vegetarian, 2nd ed., is available in my Milk-Free Bookstore on the Vegan Cookbooks page. Vegetarian Holiday Meals
  • Check with your pastor, local bookstore, or librarian to sort through the dizzying array of commentaries available. Christianity Today
  • The values of books are often neglected, and the bookstore is far less interested by the majority of people. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Since then Hunt has been searching used bookstores for the book but has never found it.
  • The cheap solution is to take a leisurely cruise through a bookstore.
  • Would a browser in a bookstore notice that these books were somehow different, cheaper perhaps?
  • The biggest loser – as always – is the consumer, closely followed by the independent bookstore. booksellerish says: [Bumped] Crowdsource this for me: Indigo flaunts the rules to screw small bookstores… more…
  • I have a test tomorrow so I'm going to go to the bookstore, get myself a frappé, and pull an all-nighter, then try and make it through tomorrow.
  • They are not Barnes and Noble, nor one of those great independent bookstores where I used to spend more than one rainy winter evening, but still, for the hurried traveler that cannot afford the luxury of a lengthy visit to a good bookstore, the Atlanta complex is a reasonable succedanea. Back from The Empire
  • Hyndman was running the family bookstore when Holst - who used to perform in-store cooking demonstrations in the days his dad owned the business - stopped in for a chat.
  • For a while, there - while the information overload of my new computer/Internet toys was dominating, in the 1980s and 1990s - the trip to the bookstore was just too much time to take away from my precious telescreen.
  • Instead of sending their old stock back to wherever they came from or pulping them, Indian distributors must find a way to let old bookstores have them for a bargain.
  • I even found the book in a bohemian bookstore called Malaprops in Asheville, N.C. where I stood agog for a solid forty five minutes before heading to the checkout counter.
  • But now she was an avid reader who liked nothing better than to haunt old bookstores.
  • Nothing remarkable about that, of course, as browsing is what we all enjoy doing at news-stands and in bookstores.
  • There is a phone booth in front of the bookstore.
  • Developed by Ugobe, the company that gave America "Furby", Pleo is distributed here by Pensonic and is readily available either via the Internet or at Borders bookstores. Undefined
  • In general, the bookstore orders nine books for every ten students enrolled in a given course.
  • The buy-back price plummets, however, if the professor drops the book (or edition) from the syllabus or if the bookstore has bought enough books to meet demand.
  • I was perusing the outdoors section of a large chain bookstore not long ago and I was struck by something that perhaps some of you have also noticed: hunting books are disappearing. Uncategorized Blog Posts
  • I took refuge in the bookstore on the square and found Howl, which was unknown in Arizona at the time.
  • Perhaps it could be argued that there is a heirarchy among publishers of poetry, certain publishers on whose list many poets would like to be included, but this is a heirarchy of community esteem, as Silliman might put it, not a heirarchy based on "marketing budgets" and "clout" with bookstores or newspaper book reviews. Poetry
  • In general, the bookstore orders nine books for every ten students enrolled in a given course.
  • A neighborhood zoned for pornographic bookstores and movie theaters , striptease bars, etc.
  • Small, independent bookstores simply can't compete with the big national chains.
  • Used bookstores offer a wide spectrum of genres, with best-selling novels published last year sharing the shelf with explorer's tales published over 100 years ago.
  • The youth groups planned to ‘sweep’ books they deem unfitting from bookstore shelves and destroy them.
  • It has five divisions, the main ones being a chain of 1,168 Douglas-branded perfumeries and another chain of 295 Thalia bookstores. Buyout Weighed for German Retailer
  • The idea of having a bookstore in a coffee shop is based on popular demand.
  • Don't miss Kinokuniya Bookstore, where you will find everything from collections of Japanese poetry to books on the art of bonsai.
  • She said we were going to the new bookstore with the record store, so I came along.
  • And I am confident that big bookstore chains like Barnes and Noble are vigorously buttressing themselves against the onslaught of challenges to their retail model now being leveled at them by the rise of the e-book. John Shore: Love Loses: Barnes and Noble's Big Fat Bell Book Fail
  • The books are priced at $29.95 and are on sale at most local bookstores and outlets.
  • Mental multivitamin" is linked via sidebar and/or entries to such diverse blogs that I suspect an assembly of the folks who have linked us would look a bit like an open writers 'workshop held in an independent bookstore that advertises in the Trib, the Sun-Times, and The Reader. 03.04
  • My favorite bookstores for buying books are any little used book store in any little touristy town, so when you're in, say, Sonoma, and you've tasted so much wine that you are getting a bit buzzy (because spitting is a sin because there are sober children in China), you can wander over to the used book store and breathe the musty smell and find treasures you've never heard of and can't wait to read. Bookstore Appreciation Time!
  • This has left a window open for others to become the online bookstore of choice on the iPad. Times, Sunday Times
  • Imagine if bookstores arranged books geographically and by price, with no hint of content or author.
  • Years ago, a local bookstore used to neglectfully stack volumes at the top of its entrance ramp, Mr. Wang says. China Winds Down Paralympics
  • Most of those quaint and charming bookstores have sold out to pizzerias and chain stores.
  • Noble bookstore in Georgetown, where Llanos helped customers find works on theology, philosophy and other subjects.
  • The decision was made for me as the violin quartet over in one corner of the bookstore started to play something soft and melodious.
  • Oxonian bookstores
  • I also give away/donate some of my books, and some I bring to the used bookstore for credit so I can keep feeing my book addiction. Angels' Blood Countdown: Jory Strong - Ghostland ARC
  • A lot of people were browsing in the bookstore.
  • Indie bricks and mortar bookstores may not always be able to satisfy that desire for "search-find-click-done" instantaneity, but they do have an edge in browseability. John Mesjak: It's Okay to Be Ambidextrous, but Don't Let Either Hand Do All the Work: on Jaron Lanier and Book Buying
  • It is unfortunate that this book is shelved in the biology section of the bookstore instead of in self-help where it would get the attention it deserves.
  • i just found out that because i'm in honours, i get to take out books for the entire semester! it's called the bennet 'bookstore' for me, today .... Me a badass? Noooo....
  • Iain sez, The fundraising body for science fiction's Arthur C Clarke Award has just released a collection of essays on past winners (up to and including Quicksilver) and The Aust Gate bookstore has set up a site for it. Boing Boing: May 21, 2006 - May 27, 2006 Archives
  • Hi, i started fishing years ago with my grandfather, and he taught me quite a bit, but one day at a local bookstore i noticed numerous books on fishing. the k.i.s.s. series has a very informative book on different species and what to use for specific fish, also fishing for dummies is full of useful info. Off Topic: Wanting to Learn how to Fish
  • Book jackets nowadays are an art form, and browsing through a bookstore is a feast for the eyes.
  • What you can do is while you are doing your pre - or post - Christmas shopping, drop by your local bookstore and pick up a dictionary and look up the term alpha or beta particles. Say No to the Divine Strake
  • We need to get out of our cars and out of our locked homes and into our local coffee shops, bookstores, and clubs.
  • Bookstores are feeding the new appetite as publishers bake up hot loaves of fresh poetry collections.
  • Hillary Clinton visited Boca Raton Thursday to promote her book at a local bookstore.
  • Our only used bookstore has gone, to be replaced by a pawnshop, of all things.
  • The film in general is seriously undermined by its Wes Anderson-style obsession with ostentatious perfection books lined up meticulously in square piles with the camera dollying across as if the atmosphere is more important than the human moment, along with the distracting presence of Haskell Wexler as a bookstore customer and the uncomfortably carnal quid-pro-quo credit of “Executive Producers: George Clooney Steven Soderbergh.” Wholphin, Eggers and Why I Can’t Believe : Edward Champion’s Reluctant Habits
  • There is plenty of good information available online and at bookstores for anyone who wishes to get involved in powerlifting.
  • Today the cards are sold in ten stationery stores and bookstores in Atlanta.
  • Granted, I don't visit it as often as I should, opting for its smaller but more convenient local offshoot in my city, but walking through (and conveniently getting lost inside) the city block-sized bookstore is nothing short of awesome. Bookstore Appreciation Time!
  • This bookstore doesn't handle medical books.
  • What changed his life was finding an old map in a secondhand bookstore.
  • Bookstores are bursting with self-help books, most of which are products or byproducts of the psychology industry.
  • Noble bookstore in Georgetown, where Llanos helped customers find works on theology, philosophy and other subjects.
  • We pottered around bookstores and junkshops, and had falafels for lunch.
  • Many have torn their hair, beaten their breasts, and keened about the demise of independent and used bookstores. The worst part about the Borders bankruptcy
  • Granted, some bookstores have had success with authorless events, and certain panel events do work well with people involved with a book who are not the author, but the vast majority of author events depend on, well, the author. 2009 February 25 « The Book Publicity Blog
  • Quite a few of these old booklets can still be found in antique stores, or online bookstores. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Of course, as a result, the ranks of local, independently owned bookstores have been entirely decimated, which is a terrible loss. THE STORY OF STUFF
  • Mr Jobs also announced a new online bookstore in partnership with five leading publishers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Regarding the Bookstore program, all book, compact disc and gift certificate links will be deactivated from the CJ program as of Friday, October 12th. 2007 September « The Paradigm Shift
  • Books not being where they are supposed to be in a bookstore is because a bookstore can often get disorganized. [Guest Post] Part 1: A Manifesto of Imaginative Literature by Justin Allen
  • (A kick in the balls or arse would constitute this, and a kick in the balls is a well trodden part of humour) worth reading • Nora O'Neill at Bookshop Blog suggests using twitter to promote your bookstore. Archive 2009-02-01
  • I dream of bookstores owned my Mom and Pop and imagine their type of bookstore is what pure magic is made of. Bookstore Appreciation Time!
  • How many adult films, bookstores, magazines, or websites will remain for you to enjoy when such a law is enforced?
  • A haven for bibliophiles - mainly because you can browse leisurely without being disturbed - the place has that friendly feel which not every bookstore can boast of, and which probably only booklovers can recognise.
  • In the information age, it is no more necessary to hunt down bookstores or bookshops in search of knowledge.
  • I bought a Tshirt and chapstick at Walgreen's, a soda and water at a campus bookstore that was pretty much cleaned out, heavily browsed Goodwill and bought nothing, and finally hit two bookstores. Wiscon 33 - Books
  • Fame, however, didn't come immediately and while he battled emcees in Washington Square Park, he also worked for five years at the country's oldest black bookstore, Nkiru in Brooklyn, which he later purchased in 1998 with Mos Def.
  • The book brawl started fifteen years ago when megabookstore chains deeply discounted bestsellers, as well as other hardbacks and paperbacks.
  • It hits bookstores Jan. 25, but its contents have been leaked to stoke interest in what might otherwise be dull, juiceless political trope. Who wrote 'O'? Guess away.
  • The owner of the world's largest bookstore chain bucked conventional wisdom yesterday and backed the high street over cyberspace. Times, Sunday Times
  • As had been argued by bookstores and their advocates along with the AAP and ACLU and others, Judge Sarah Evans Barker said the law was too broad and could be applied to unquestionably lawful, nonobscene, nonpornographic materials being sold to adults..... A Blow Against Censorship
  • Walk into any bookstore and you'll find volumes on how to rekindle romance. Christianity Today
  • As recently as the 1990s, Barnes & Noble was known as a carnivorous competitor with the power to wipe out independent bookstores with its steeply discounted books and sprawling stores where customers could sip coffee and read in plush chairs. Barnes & Noble Seeks Next Chapter
  • Today, of course, the concept of selling remainder books has expanded to where you now have whole bookstores comprised entirely of overstock.
  • I enjoy connecting people with stories and ideas, first in bookstores, now through library catalogs and supporting local storytellers and authors.
  • Ten years down here, and one gets worn out, the lack of certain niceties: NPR, libraries, bookstores, well paved roads. US vs. Mexican culture
  • Bookstores are feeding the new appetite as publishers bake up hot loaves of fresh poetry collections.
  • Terry Pratchett (any/all of the Discworld series), Neil Gaiman (I got introduced to him first through his Sandman graphic novels [which is a complete masterpiece], then got into his writing), Douglas Adams - I like L.E. Modisitt Jnr, but the books seem to be hard to come across in British bookstores. MIND MELD: What Book Introduced You to Fantasy?
  • Today, a typical American bookstore usually features shelf after shelf of books concerned with mysticism, wholistic medicine, astrology, metaphysics, witches, the occult, Eastern religion.
  • Magazine rack. When I go into a bookstore or grocery store, I like to spend a few minutes at the magazine rack.
  • What changed his life was finding an old map in a secondhand bookstore.
  • In the information age, it is no more necessary to hunt down bookstores or bookshops in search of knowledge.
  • Bookstore counters are heaped with books which contain one single idea: how to overcome personal disability, how to improve one's own situation.
  • Her post not only points toward a bright future for print-on-demand (POD) publishing, but also highlights the benefits for brick-and-mortar bookstores and self-publishing authors.
  • In general, the bookstore orders nine books for every ten students enrolled in a given course.
  • She chanced upon an interesting book in the bookstore the other day
  • Click on this link to visit our online bookstore.
  • He called the safer-sex information ‘something people go buy at dirty bookstores.’
  • My advice would be to hunt it down in a bookstore and take a squiz through it. Cheeseburger Gothic » Friday writing column.
  • I took refuge in the bookstore on the square and found Howl, which was unknown in Arizona at the time.
  • Also, if you write a column that tries not to shy from the freakish and bizarre, what could be freakier or more bizarre than the opening of a new bookstore? New Steps for Book Lovers
  • In general, the bookstore orders nine books for every ten students enrolled in a given course.
  • Existing companies-bookstores, for example-are taking defensive action against online retailers.
  • They say that “over 250,000 ebooks” were downloaded from the iBookstore on day one (presumably including free titles) along with over one million apps. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » “It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day . . . “
  • I do feel sorry for the poor suckers who bought the book in the airport bookstore who think they are getting a book about blogs when they are actually getting a typical piece of right wing rubbish.
  • Walk into any bookstore and you'll find volumes on how to rekindle romance. Christianity Today
  • I could browse bohemian bookstores in far-off, mysterious Hollywood.
  • I had previously considered it quite a pleasant bookstore to worm about in.
  • The decision was made for me as the violin quartet over in one corner of the bookstore started to play something soft and melodious.
  • I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman, 'Where's the self- help section?' She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose. Steven Wright 
  • But for now, the following notes should inform and provide the background for the library or bookstore trip.
  • Bookstores in three cities - Chennai, Mumbai and New Delhi - agreed that they had never seen such a mad rush for one book.
  • DiDio said DC Comics augured the retelling as a way to reach out to buyers not just in comic-book stores but in other bookstores, too -- fans of books and series like "Twilight" or Stieg Larsson's trilogy of crime novels. A lanky, brooding Superman for the contemporary world
  • Go to a bookstore and select a book that you know your spouse will like and have him or her do the same for you.
  • At one point, he abandoned music altogether to run a bookstore in Stuttgart devoted to the anthroposophical movement of Rudolf Steiner. Top Stories
  • Ching said that he could not find copies of the book in Hong Kong bookstores.
  • Recently, one of the region's Virgin Megastores included in its book section the Arabic translation of Mein Kampf, by Adolf Hitler, a title available worldwide in major bookstores and online," a statement said. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • The books retail for $ 22. 95 each and are available at major Bay Area bookstores and discount outlets.
  • Copies of this book will be purchasable during the festival at the Powerhouse Arena Bookstore (37 Main Street, Brooklyn) Susanna Pozzoli’s ”On the Block Harlem Private View” «
  • Many readers go to a bookstore with the goal to find a great read, and they're not necessarily looking for a specific title, so if your book isn't there it's not discoverable or purchasable. Mark Coker: The Seven Secrets to eBook Publishing Success
  • She lived in a fun part of town that had two pizza places, an all-night bookstore, a movie theater and a park.
  • Check with booksellers or college campus bookstores and see what they have on abbreviated note taking skills or speedwriting.
  • 'seth' I assume he's referring to the owner of the Wheeler bookstore outlet at the railway station. DesiPundit
  • Both of these books are available at bookstores and shops that specialize in bird supplies.
  • The catalogue will be on sale at the gallery during the exhibition and in bookstores after it closes.
  • - I'm already a bookstore fanatic so the aptly named Powerhouse Books on Main Street took my bibliophilia to another level. Gina Pell: DUMBO: The New Soho
  • I found this cake in Carole Walter's Great Cakes, one of my great used bookstore finds. The Sad Tale Of Finnegan And The Black Chocolate Zinger
  • In other parts of the world, the book is already available, and the lines out front of bookstores are staggering.
  • We need to get out of our cars and out of our locked homes and into our local coffee shops, bookstores, and clubs.
  • The narrative is surprisingly compelling, the author kept me turning the pages, There are enough scenes in dark towers, cemeteries and dank bookstores (indeed bibliophilia plays an integral part of the story), the Devil his own self, to keep even the jaded horror fan interested. Reader reviews of The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon.
  • I'd gone to interview her in 1994 and found a copy of it in a second-hand bookstore in Exmouth, crawling around on the floor to explore the towers of books haphazardly piled there.
  • Now that the holly is finally decked out, many of you will doubtless be hustling to your favourite bookstores to pick up the latest books of the year. Heather Riesman of the 18th Century?
  • (Telling a bookstore employee that a book is on the wrong shelf is generally an exercise in futility, so I would have had to go for it alone.) June « 2010 « Haikasoru: Space Opera. Dark Fantasy. Hard Science.
  • As she waited for the fog to lift, warming herself by the heat of the hand-dryer in the men's restroom, she read all the books in the Guernsey airport bookstore, including Mary Ann Shaffer biography
  • This superbly organized 224-page publication is available or can be ordered at bookstores.
  • The history of private-sector market dominance is filled with such seemingly sudden disappearing acts: Big-box music retailers and bookstores were supposed to bestride the land like colossi at the turn of our new century, but Virgin megastores have all but disappeared, and Borders has just gone bankrupt. Death of the Duopoly
  • A writer needs to make sure that the clerks and manager at the bookstore where the signing is being held are also treated with courtesy and respect. Kristine Kathryn Rusch » Freelancer’s Survival Guide: Professional Courtesy
  • Click on this link to visit our online bookstore.
  • It is the largest used bookstore in the world with over three million books.
  • The relaunching of authors under new names is still done, and sometimes writers can be open about it and sometimes publishers ask them to keep it quiet so that the chain bookstores will not order according to the numbers posted by their “old” auctorial names. Kateelliott: Pseudonymity
  • Most packages contain two tapes within a box about the size of a book, arranged on bookstore shelves with the spine displaying the author and title.
  • Existing companies-bookstores, for example-are taking defensive action against online retailers.
  • She said we were going to the new bookstore with the record store, so I came along.
  • Targeted at the upper segment of society, the journal can be found in hotel lobbies and airport lounges besides news-stands and bookstores.
  • You can easily find one on Amazon or you might get lucky nosing around the used bookstores that trade in scifi, usually the mustier ones. Archive 2007-02-01
  • Based on first impressions, a performance by St. Vincent aka Annie Clark in the cozy surroundings of a little bookstore would appear to be a delightful in-store event. KN | Kitsune Noir » Video for ‘Laughing with a Mouth of Blood’ by St. Vincent
  • I ran into my Math teacher at a bookstore.
  • It has permeated the most distinct quarters of the country, turning memorable townscapes into a predictable sea of identical coffee shops, bookstores, children's play spaces, back-rub parlors, faux diners, and nature stores.
  • For them, this book and the array of other resources available in bookstores and workshop programs will have to suffice.
  • We have pre-published books, ready to walk, talk and do the fandango several months before they actually hit the bookstores.
  • His daughter Margaret is writing a book about her unusual childhood and a biography by Paul Alexander is seeping unannounced into bookstores.
  • I stopped in several bookstores to browse.
  • Indie bricks and mortar bookstores may not always be able to satisfy that desire for "search-find-click-done" instantaneity, but online search & shop can only take us so far. John Mesjak: It's Okay to Be Ambidextrous, but Don't Let Either Hand Do All the Work: on Jaron Lanier and Book Buying
  • In addition, the online bookstore can save a substantial amount of store rental fees, marketing expenses, and other staff.
  • Janna Silverstein forwards news that one venerable Seattle-area independent bookstore is closing, and another is going to have to leave its current location. Bad News on the Independent Bookstore Front
  • The new edition will reach bookstores by May and has 58 new entries, plus another 20 new senses of existing words (such as wedgie). Nightnurse Diary Entry
  • It's obtainable through most of the bookstores across the country.

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