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book seller

  1. a dealer in books; a merchant who sells books

How To Use book seller In A Sentence

  • Hard - cover : Book sellers'term to mean case - bound book as distinguish from soft - cover . Synonymous with Hardback.
  • Hardback: Book sellers'term to mean case - bound book as distinguish from paper - back . Synonymous with Hard - cover .
  • Finally, this was the first film festival at which I saw two films with scenes of assisted urination: one was I Don't Want To Sleep Alone; the other was Okamoto's Nikudan, in which the beneficiary is a kindly, armless used-book seller played by Chishu Ryu. GreenCine Daily: Tokyo Dispatch. FILMeX.
  • The book seller took down a volume of Shelley's poems.
  • The book seller took down a volume of Shelley's poems.
  • And in case the weather continues to play traunt, we are also getting water pumps and raised platforms as a preventive measure, said Manoj S Chandel, the organising secretary of the book fair, which is being organised by Knowledge Tree Foundation, an association of Book Sellers of Lucknow and is being supported by Federation of Publishers and Booksellers Associations. Top Headlines
  • Amazon’s place here may appear odd to some, since the company started as an online book seller and has evolved into the Web’s biggest mega-retailer.
  • Booth began to call himself as " the world's biggest second - hand book seller.
  • Neuroliguistic programing with nonverbal language might function… it works when I want to shoo away book sellers.
  • As it was, the explosion was centered in a very busy marketplace full of book sellers and street merchants.
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