How To Use Bonus In A Sentence
And if you can develop a machine to look for the needle in the haystack and what you come out with from having the machine sift through the haystack is a box of straw, where maybe the needle's in there and maybe a few bonus needles, then that's a whole lot better than having humans try to sift through a haystack.
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It is important to recognize that all labor income, even the bonuses and stock options of CEOs, are included in the labor share.
A better use of the visual medium would have been to include an interview vid or some such, as a bonus.
As an added bonus the DVD actually has enough extra content that it can be considered a special edition.
Even though he has in effect been sacked, he will trouser a £150,000 bonus.

The bonus of having to traverse a network of constantly changing roads?
But still bankers in brokerage firms with giant bonus options think they can prop it back up.
Times, Sunday Times
The bonus issue brought Democrats and Republicans together in a way unseen all year. Massachusetts Democratic Rep. Barney Frank suggested the executives should be fired.
Managers say that many employees have taken to pedalling home for lunch to increase their bonus payments.
Times, Sunday Times
Friday variety pack, now with Bonus! charming ichthyoid
Friday variety pack, now with Bonus! charming ichthyoid
Bonuses and pay increases have returned, at least for the most favoured executives.
Times, Sunday Times
For example, it would be impermissible for the Society because it did not wish to offer annuities itself to use its discretion as to bonuses to make it more attractive for the policy holder to use another provider.
But the latest tradition in American capitalism is self-reward the CxOs with lots of bonuses no matter how they do, while laying off and exporting American jobs.
Think Progress » FACT CHECK: Combating Global Warming Does Not Require ‘Economic Castration’
It has cut the final bonuses on its with-profits endowments and pension plans for the second time this year.
The more you dropped, the more you were paid in "bonuses".
Top Dems blame insurance industry as health care roadblock
As anyone with a son or daughter working for a City investment bank will tell you, the salaries and annual bonuses that go with such deals are mouth-watering.
That could mean executives may have to partially repay bonuses or share awards doled out last year.
Times, Sunday Times
How much will they pay in bonuses?
Times, Sunday Times
So while you are losing your home Mr Main street guy how about folking over that last dollar in your pocket to help the poor banker who made $40 mill in bonus last year (life must be tough).
Blog maverick
Having to make regular payouts and terminal bonuses means that they must meet stringent solvency requirements.
Times, Sunday Times
His no-claims bonus was also reinstated.
Times, Sunday Times
The new 100% Proficiency scheme has also brought an added bonus - a rapid reduction in the amount of waste materials during training.
The fact that it declutters the taskbar is a nice bonus.
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The Securities and Exchange Commission had charged the bank with covering up for outrageous bonuses given out at Merrill Lynch as the bank acquired the failed stockbrokerage, and now it was letting the bank off the hook with a chicken-feed fine.
Robert Scheer: Letting the Banking Rats Out of the Bag
This includes reductions to bonuses and unvested awards and clawback where warranted.
Times, Sunday Times
They had secured a bonus point by the 25th minute, and eight more scores followed in a rampant second-half performance, with Will Greenwood and Ben Cohen both grabbing a brace of tries.
Also, we have been increasing the number of recruiters, enlarging bonuses and developing other initiatives to further encourage volunteers.
According to a survey by headhunters Astbury Marsden published on Monday, City professionals expect an average bonus of 24% of their basic pay for 2011, indicating a payout of £19,920 on an average salary of £83,000.
Banks under fresh pressure to curb bonus and dividend payouts
Using this in the film gives the chase a bonus shot of extra realism.
Bonuses and pay increases have returned, at least for the most favoured executives.
Times, Sunday Times
I always tried to "pay as you go", preferring high salaries and roster bonuses not prorated to contain Cap charges in the year of negotiation rather than building up unamortized charges into the future.
Andrew Brandt: Breaking in a New Cap: The New NFL System
Asking for a $25 million bonus, a payment equal to 40 percent of his total fees, is another matter.
He has made some bloomers in his time, from the failed bid for American General to his company's attempts to ratchet up his pay just as policyholders' bonuses were going in the other direction.
Another bonus, and I hope I won't get misunderstood: while you're in trance, your avie has the most stupid expression ever, like she'll start drooling in just a second ...
Get me excited about 'XCite'
As a side bonus, the more you have to cook it yourself, the less you'll be tempted to overindulge in goodies.
This is a bonus for farmers who had feared the rain would produce poor quality grain.
Times, Sunday Times
When pilots and crew are grounded they do not earn the bonuses usually awarded for working long-haul routes.
Times, Sunday Times
Marie maintains a list of people ready and willing to fill positions and as an extra bonus to employers there are wage subsidies available.
Contributing to an educational foundation or flood relief wins bonus points.
All employees get an annual bonus before the summer holidays.
Each year, Clerical Medical announces the rate of annual bonus to be added to each eligible policy.
By now she's growing more fond of the kids, yet she never takes her eyes off the bonus money.
Let us assume those clubs actually win something. Then players will receive large bonuses.
As an added bonus, the lava would simultaneously pave roads and sidewalks when it hardens into a glassy smooth surface of igneous rock.
He has waived a bonus and salary increase, though he is still forecast to earn about 1.3 million.
Times, Sunday Times
Cost cuts gave companies more money to pass on to employees in the form of higher wages and bonuses, economists said.
Despite the reverse, Kiwi Searancke's players earned a consolation bonus point to cling on to their lead in Pool B and remain on course to secure a home quarter-final.
With two exceptions all have obtained no claim bonus rebates.
All that water you downed hydrates your skin, making your cheeks rosy and eyes bright - bonus!
It also boasts thermal reflectivity for bonus warmth and as well as a wicking waistband and gusset.
The Sun
The firm offered her a generous bonus as a sweetener.
Most of that came via a cash bonus, which was down 20 % from 2007.
It also questioned the efficacy of retention bonuses.
Times, Sunday Times
The group is understood to have been hired on generous pay packages but not guaranteed bonuses.
Times, Sunday Times
The 'clawback' measures allow banks to recoup bonuses that turn out to have been unmerited.
Times, Sunday Times
As an added bonus, we can have the sesquicentennial again and do it properly this time.
Where profits are declared, tax relief tends to represent an extra bonus rather than a necessary incentive to foreign investors.
Racing was of a very high standard with the added bonus that all of the leading fancies made it through to the decider.
He waived his bonus last year but has a total potential package of more than 7 million.
Times, Sunday Times
They want to stop rebating the $16 billion annually from the stock transfer tax to Wall Street speculators; restore the progressive state income tax to levels from the 1970s; and raise $10 billion with a 50% bankers bonus tax.
Alan Singer: New York Needs 50,000 Green Votes
He suggested a bonus cap would only lead to increases in basic pay.
The Sun
The most emotive issue is executive pay and bonuses.
Times, Sunday Times
Most long duration Damage and Heal over time spells have the bonus divided amongst every tick.
If you withdraw the money for any other reason, you will lose the government bonus and any investment growth.
Times, Sunday Times
Shouldn't we, therefore, be entitled to a no-claims bonus?
Last questions for Bob, in terms of the SG&A costs with the end of the fiscal year coming up any kind of accruals or bonuses or anything else that we could see reverse in the fourth quarter and maybe give you a one time reduction in SG&A costs? Home Page
A real bonus of this property is the converted attic, an almost 14 square metre room with a large dormer window.
He was pitching for Mike's Diner in Class B sandlot baseball when he was signed by a Boston Red Sox scout, receiving a $500 bonus.
For Daniel it simply wasn't worth the risk of being caught aboard a stolen transport ship just to pilfer one bonus load of olive oil.
It's been re-released with a badly needed new mastering job and three bonus tracks.
In the aftermath of a credit crunch, with banks across the world still woefully undercapitalised, still paying fortunes in bonuses and still not accepting the full write-offs on their pre-2008 lending, this is especially worrying.
Don't blame the euro for the ills besetting Ireland's economy
The two main categories of positive incentives are price guarantees and mileage bonuses.
He received salary and bonuses of 1 million last year.
Times, Sunday Times
Most long duration Damage and Heal over time spells have the bonus divided amongst every tick.
A taste of the political furore likely to accompany the bonus season comes today from a key Washing ton powerbroker.
The bonus helped maintain morale among the staff.
Perks include staff discounts and bonuses for managers.
The Sun
A losing bonus point was scant reward for their panache in the opening period.
Times, Sunday Times
Should one cotton to the music, this is a far handier and more thoughtful bonus inclusion than those discs that simply package the soundtrack audio on the DVD itself.
She decided it was a good thing he'd been drunk - an unexpected bonus; she was perfectly certain he didn't normally imbibe to excess.
On top of rewards including cash bonuses, the firm holds an annual awards ceremony when employees who make an outstanding contribution are recognised.
Times, Sunday Times
That they happen to clean up a lot of the town's riff-raff is simply an added bonus.
The cruise companies say mobiles at sea are far more reliable then existing satellite phones, and have the added bonus of being less expensive.
Naturally again, the ability of life assurers to attract new business after cutting bonuses will not be as strong as it was.
Thus both management and employees would be covered by some sort of bonus scheme, maybe related to different indicators of performance.
Or, Pouring Ketchup On An Over-cooked Campaign, or Ketchup Money to Help Campaign Catch Up, or some sort of bad pun involving Ketchup, money and catch up bonus points if you can also work "kvetch" into the pun*:Unlike Dean and Bush, Kerry said he will put his own money into the campaign, becoming the first Democrat in at least 20 years to do so.
November 2003 ~ Angry Bear
A no-claims bonus is a reduction allowed in the cost of motor insurance when no claim has been made during previous years.
Echoing the sentiment of taxpayers, the president on Monday called the ailing insurance giant's plans to dole out $165 million in bonuses an "outrage" and said he would attempt to block the additional compensation.
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For your efforts you will also get a bonus of 23 modern lithographic prints by contemporary artists.
Pension funds and endowment policies have been hit by bonus cuts and withdrawal penalties.
Staff shared rumours that star complaint handlers were earning as much as 10,000 a month in salary and bonuses.
Times, Sunday Times
My wife and kids ARE my best friends … and the bonus is my wife is my BREAST friend.
EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Best Friends
Several 0% cards charge no interest on both balance transfers and new purchases, which is a double bonus!
The ‘Pay to Play’ weekend will involve rugby clubs donating money in whatever form they can - from win bonuses, a percentage of their match subs, or even a whip-round in the clubhouse after the match.
They have a proven record of bonus payments to their with-profits policyholders for every year since 1824.
This extra bonus applies only to the war boar and not to the Orc rider.
The extra bonus with the Magician card is the S3 chip which is a dedicated graphics processor.
As a bonus, you also have the opportunity to build two other benches, including a rocking patio glider and a gazebo bench, at a special price.
No wonder he can afford to give up his bonus!
The Sun
In many cases, bonuses are back to precrash levels.
Times, Sunday Times
Getting a C means no bonus; two C's in a row is grounds for demotion or dismissal.
A generous remuneration package includes a huge bonus for finishing 12th.
The Sun
The huge payout could again ignite a row about bankers' bonuses.
Times, Sunday Times
After the surgery, Rivera offered to return his signing bonus, but the Cowboys wouldn't let him.
The bonuses are a drop in the bucket, but the bucket is as big as the country and it will never be filled.
The rich are different from you and me...
I bet there are a few of you that are thinking shark, yuk, but a gummy shark, so named because it has no teeth, is probably the most popular fish in Victoria, served as it is in every fish 'n' chip shop as flake, which is what the flesh does when cooked and as a bonus, there are absolutely no bones in it.
At My Table
Managerial staff will get 3.5 percent, plus a bonus of up to 10 percent depending on performance.
The sales pitch is usually aimed at those who may know they will receive an inheritance or cash windfall in the future from vested share options, large bonuses or a cash lump sum from their pension fund.
Britain's Labour government outraged the country's bankers today by unveiling a one-off, so-called supertax on bank bonuses.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
The main bonus is having pushbuttons and display separate from the handset.
At first, I thought it was a bit "gimmicky" - usually camera manufacturers 'tack on' video as a bonus feature just because they can.
All the other information could have then been divvied up among bonuses, appendixes, and supplements.
We hereby nominate and authorize the following staff as member(s) to receive the bonus points to participate and enjoy the benefits of the BRIO ecReward Scheme.
It was a bonus that our bill, when presented, was accompanied by a digestif for each at the table.
The company's answer is to offer bonuses for working seven hour long overtime shifts.
Workers would receive a single bonus payment equivalent to US$27 to offset the price rises.
China's football giant pays a bonus of millions of yuan when the team wins an important match.
As a bonus, newsprint leaves a dirt-resistant film so your windows will stay clean longer.
The bonus materials combine to paint a very nice portrait of the film and its background.
This has the added bonus of dissolving those crusty accretions that make one's toothpaste tube a complete social disgrace.
Shareholders will get one new bonus share for each share held.
Times, Sunday Times
Who are these irresponsible people who should be denied social housing, knighthoods and bonuses?
Times, Sunday Times
Bonuses and banking regulation have become a key political battleground.
Times, Sunday Times
The best and brightest earned fat signing bonuses, big salaries, and fancy perks.
For those anticipating a handsome Christmas bonus, the Mission Mtime integrated home theater system is an elegant starter kit.
No one wants a former employee to turn up to the celebration of a bumper bonus.
Times, Sunday Times
Promotion would be a perfect end-of-season bonus for Lawrence after an action-packed season.
No wonder he can afford to give up his bonus!
The Sun
Regardless, Taylor's & Co. is now offering a Model 92 as a perfect companion for .44 Special sixguns with the added bonus of being a takedown rifle.
The labour constant should also give the operatives of different gangs or trades equal opportunity to earn a similar percentage bonus.
For example, employees may receive bonus payments on the successful conclusion of their overseas assignments.
Many top managers have expressed a willingness to trim their salaries and logon forgo bonuses.
Will he demand that the burglary is crimed so that he can make an insurance claim or will he for the greater good ignore the matter and hence get his bonus but not the insurance pay out.
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`They paid me a fat bonus, and I've been in his place enough times to sympathize.
Devouring Plague: The bonus coefficient has been increased to be on par with other DoT spells.
‘Recuperated money can go toward bonuses for employees,’ Gravel muses.
The advantages of better animal husbandry and generally better environmental impact are added bonuses.
Times, Sunday Times
I prefer to use my personal cards because they have bonus programs and more attractive rates.
The bonus to buying frozen food from a small producer is that you can work out where it comes from.
Times, Sunday Times
Viewing the rapids was an unexpected bonus to the Niagara experience.
The group is understood to have been hired on generous pay packages but not guaranteed bonuses.
Times, Sunday Times
BONUS Euro-Indian fusion restaurant and bijoux four-room spa for sybarites — mountain-biking, kite-flying and fort-hopping for active types.rasaresorts. in; from $345 a night
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The executive directors are entitled to a discretionary Bonus.
All private sector banks, listed or unlisted, under the revised norms would be free to issue bonus and rights shares without its prior approval.
It's a bonus for the late train spotter.
Employees and managers alike are uncomfortable with distributing bonus payments under gain sharing without regard to individual contribution.
Level 1 - Shapeshifts the Lycanthropy into a powerful Wolf with 100 bonus hit points, Critical Strike, and bonus movement and attack speeds.
The salaries listed are median, annual salaries for full-time workers with 5-8 years of experience and include any bonuses, commissions or profit sharing.
However each house here at Lake Chapala already has a wattmeter pre-installed; it is your CFE electricity meter and the bonus is this method is free.
How much electricity am I using?
To produce a new bonus tax or a complex new set of regulations would seem contradictory.
Times, Sunday Times
It found that bonus payments had driven sales of often unsuitable and expensive products.
Times, Sunday Times
Those who contribute a successful new idea receive a discretionary bonus.
Times, Sunday Times
The advantages of better animal husbandry and generally better environmental impact are added bonuses.
Times, Sunday Times
Every policy has a minimum guaranteed value made up of the sum assured plus the bonuses accrued to date.
It's made from natural ingredients, but with the added bonus of containing 30 per cent less fat than ordinary cheese.
It is likely to include a review by the company's remuneration committee of bonus payments made to executives based on targets that will not now be met.
Times, Sunday Times
President Obama has chosen a less dramatic path -- moral suasion -- calling the outsized bonuses "shameful" and going several times to Wall Street to appeal for change.
Carla Seaquist: Recovery Without a Reckoning
He waived his bonus last year but has a total potential package of more than 7 million.
Times, Sunday Times
As an added bonus, the CDs aren't that expensive.
The tax figures suggest that companies whose fortunes are tied to the slowing world economy are cutting jobs and curtailing staff bonus payments.
Par on any hole is a good score, a birdie is a bonus, and a bogey is inevitable.
Times, Sunday Times
MILLIONS of with-profits policyholders will be reviewing their investments with the announcement of disappointing bonus payouts from insurance giants.
Times, Sunday Times
Cash bonus is the US To be listed most main dividend payment pattern.
The very first season did produce a totally unexpected bonus, however.
The truly neat Cal Schenkel cover is an added bonus, by the way.
All of them have made it clear that buying out my deferred bonuses with cash will not be a problem.
Times, Sunday Times
There is a race of quill-drivers, confined in the columns of the budget between the first degree of latitude (a kind of administrative Greenland where the salaries begin at twelve hundred francs) to the third degree, a more temperate zone, where incomes grow from three to six thousand francs, a climate where the bonus flourishes like a half-hardy annual in spite of some difficulties of culture.
Father Goriot
All employees get an annual bonus before the summer holidays.
So why would anyone want to buy a traded endowment, given today's investment environment and the poor outlook for future bonus declarations?
Mr. and Mrs. Swanson paid me to find you and bring you back; offered a bonus for the ’bring you back’ part.
Fateful Journeys
The starting salary was about twenty-five thousand dollars a year plus bonus.
It was an unexpected bonus for a man of fifty-one.
His no-claims bonus was also reinstated.
Times, Sunday Times
Large American banks may buck the trend by paying higher bonuses, in recognition of their strong end of the year.
Times, Sunday Times
About 47 per cent of full-year earnings are being paid out as final dividends and bonus shares were issued.
Doesn't it make you angry that the banks have been allowed to ride roughshod over our economy, and are still handing out bonuses by the bucket-load?
Bankers' bonuses: Blind eye to blind rage | Editorial
The biggest bonus is boot space litres.
The Sun
- Think about creating a hybrid between employment and sackage - Use the Weblogsinc playbook and instead of straight sacking editors, contract them to performance blog; base per word salary plus bonus for uniques/page views and ads.
Britney Leaves Rehab but ends up in Hospital with a Newspaper.
Team members who hit targets for new clients receive cash bonuses and raffle tickets for the car.
Times, Sunday Times
It is an art, please note, closely related to ethics, for those same theorists described the truly successful orator as vir bonus dicendi peritus -- a good man, skilled in public speaking.
Jesuit: Obama is "the most effective spokesperson" for "the spirit of Vatican II"
Many building societies have thrown off their mutual status, offering their members shares or a lump sum bonus in return.
The company used to give discretionary bonus payments.
Bonuses require military personnel to make a commitment to serve for a specified time.
Last year, we were trying to attract Holy Bull to the MassCap with the bonus and look what happened to him.
They offer cut-rate fares — gamblers can pay $12 round-trip from Chinatown to the Mohegan Sun in Connecticut, and get a $60 bonus at the casino.
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Bonus that I managed to base it off "muir," which means "sea.
I smoke my friends down to the filter
Bonus: Go down to Fantagraphics between noon and 1pm and meet iconic penman Jim Woodring.
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The union has dropped its earlier insistence that workers should receive bonus payments.
Tonight, we're reporting on the president's blistering attack on what he calls shameful bonuses on Wall Street.
CNN Transcript Jan 29, 2009
For his father Babur includes details of his pay rises, bonus scheme and overtime earnings.
In addition to scrapping its mortgage promise, it announced changes to the way it is to pay bonuses to its with-profits customers.
The win on the pools was a real bonus.
Among the highlights are a $4 million signing bonus and $4.6 million in relocation benefits for Apotheker, who is set to take the company reins on Nov. 1.
HP CEO Apotheker gets $4 million signing bonus, $4.6 million relocation perk
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Was there enough stimulus money in the first place?
After year 13, reinvested dividends and bonuses would pay for future premium.
The wasabi is a huge bonus and with the salad cream, it moderates the nose zing but keeps it tasty.
When does he move from naughty puppy to bad dog?
On beam, she missed valuable connections and removed some of her bonus elements for an 8.750.
While hundreds of thousands of disability claims lay backlogged at the Department of Veterans Affairs, thousands of technology employees at the department received $24 million in bonuses, a new report says.
It is fair to say that his players will not be sticking their win bonuses on it.
The Sun
Teams are reminded that bonus points are not awarded when the result card is not sent in on time.