How To Use Bonny In A Sentence

  • When the first record was over, another voice introduced Bonny again and a third and fourth and fifth poem boomed out over the amplifier. COME TO MECCA
  • Bonnycastle also points out that an art book gives collectors more reassurance about an artist's longevity.
  • The best day's work that ever either of ye did yet I And I'm bound to say, my dawtie, ye make a real, bonny couple. David Balfour, Second Part Being Memoirs Of His Adventures At Home And Abroad, The Second Part: In Which Are Set Forth His Misfortunes Anent The Appin Murder; His Troubles With Lord Advocate Grant; Captivity On The Bass Rock; Journey Into Holland And Fran
  • Now here, thinks I, is a bonny kettle of fish, for Margaret was sitting with us, but for all the suddenness of it she never geed her beaver, and I kent then that she had word some way. The McBrides A Romance of Arran
  • But my auld een's drawing thegither -- dinna hurry yoursell, my bonny man, tak mind about the putting out the candle, and there's a horn of ale, and a glass of clow-gillie-flower water; I dinna gie ilka body that; I keep it for a pain I hae whiles in my ain stamach, and it's better for your young blood than brandy. Old Mortality, Complete
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  • The cat wasn't the bonny creature it had been when Rose had first given it to him.
  • And laddie, I am askin 'God to keep me pure, for my love will hae its bloom some day far ayont us, like the bonny heather when the winter's bye. St. Cuthbert's
  • there's a bonny bay beyond
  • I'm saying she was naturally a bonny bit kimmer rather than happit up to the nines. The Little Minister
  • “Boney bwoy” is not a local living skeleton, but a native from Bonny River. Travels in West Africa
  • Why do you need a bus when you have a bonny lass to drive you to school today?
  • Though Bonny had made some kind of mark, even there, he was just a swordfish with a lot of sharks around. COME TO MECCA
  • Episcopalians and Methodists, and fools and fiddlers, and Papists and pie-bakers, and doctors and drugsters; by the shop-folk, that sell trash and trumpery at three prices — and so up got the bonny new Well, and down fell the honest auld town of Saint Ronan’s, where blithe decent folk had been heartsome eneugh for mony a day before ony o’ them were born, or ony sic vapouring fancies kittled in their cracked brains.” Saint Ronan's Well
  • Bonny Doon Vineyard of Santa Cruz uses grape spirits to fortify Framboise, its raspberry wine.
  • Callums frae first to last; I hae dung Greeshy till he couldna stand -- him that had to be twice fitted for his coffin; an 'Wull that was hangit at Dumfries for sheep-stealin'; an 'Meg that was servant till yersel -- aye, an' a bonny piece she was as ye ken yersel '; an' this auld donnert carle that, when he carries up the The Lilac Sunbonnet
  • Ay, ay," answered Ailsie, with a bitter grin; "and Sir William Ashton promised me a bonny red gown to the boot o 'that -- a stake, and a chain, and a tar-barrel, lass! what think ye o' that for a propine? The Bride of Lammermoor
  • I was at the winding of the corpse; and when the bluid was washed off, he was a bonny bouk of man’s body.” The Bride of Lammermoor
  • He's the picture of his father, he's a bonny young Irish boy.
  • I didn't really know Laura but I've seen her in the village and she was a bonny girl.
  • ‘My love then and his bonny ship turn'd withershins about’ - sing along now!
  • But the outlaw, formerly known as William Bonny, radiated arrogance, and an unbridled lust for blood in every fiber of his being.
  • William Benson was not a sentimental or imaginative person, and he confessed he couldn't make head nor tail out o 'the affair; said it was the queerest an' beatin'est weddin 'that ever took place in Bonny Ladies-In-Waiting
  • Reuben, '' said his wife, smiling at his surprise, ` ` till on my deathbed, or maybe on some family pinch; but it wad be better laid out on yon bonny grass-holms, than lying useless here in this auld pigg. '' The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • Bonny's still alive, and you see Harland Braun bad-mouthing her.
  • Keith believes his Grandpa got less than £5000 for the farm (still, a bonny sum in the early 50s).
  • Eh! but t 'sea were bonny an' warm, an 'for once I got all yon dowly thowts Tales of the Ridings
  • 'Mother,' he answered, 'ye dinna ken, nor yet do I, what to mak o' me -- what wits I hae, and what wits I haena; but this ye'll alloo, that, for onything ye ken, the bonny man may be cryin upon me to gang efter some puir little yowie o 'his, oot her lane i' the storm the nicht! ' Heather and Snow
  • `Of bitter rain, my brothers y'all, of bitter rain, my sisters," Bonny declared. COME TO MECCA
  • Ye are a bonny lass, too, an ye wad busk up your cockernony a bit; and a bonny lass will find favour wi’ judge and jury, when they would strap up a grewsome carle like me for the fifteenth part of a flea’s hide and tallow, d — n them.” The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • Bonny, bairnly braws; it's for the like o 'them folk sells the peace of God that passeth understanding; it's for the like o' them, an 'maybe no even sae muckle worth, folk daunton God to His face and burn in muckle hell; and it's for that reason the Scripture ca's them, as I read the passage, the accursed thing. Merry Men
  • A bonny, bouncing baby, Freddie was her heart's desire and joy.
  • What earns Divko the label crazy is his devotion to Bonny, a creature he credits with bringing him good luck. NYT > Home Page
  • Friendly Devil on Two Sticks, for ten times ten thousands years, keep Blink-Bonny jibbing at the post, and let us have no start! The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices
  • From here we can also see cars blitzing their way north as the A9 snakes through some of Scotland's most spectacular scenery close to bonny Loch Alvie.
  • We had unyoked the horses and got astride, and when we came to the gate there was the bonny spaewife carrying a bairn in a tartan shawl. The McBrides A Romance of Arran
  • It would be a bonny thing if, by the escape of one ill-doer another was to go scatheless, and the remeid is to summon the principal and put him to outlawry for the non-compearance. David Balfour, a sequel to Kidnapped.
  • Bonny, bairnly braws; it's for the like o 'them folk sells the peace of God that passeth understanding; it's for the like o' them, an 'maybe no even sae muckle worth, folk daunton God to His face and burn in muckle hell; and it's for that reason the Scripture ca's them, as I read the passage, the accursed thing. Merry Men
  • Bonny, (one of Hobson's younger sons), and I went out one day after breakfast to try for a steenbok before dinner. Six Months at the Cape
  • ‘Give us a smile, bonny lass,’ said the young sentry in a sweet Geordie voice as I walked past pretending to be invisible.
  • Gin there be a God to ca 'oor Father in heaven, I'm no thinkin' that he wad to sae mony bonny tunes pit a scraich for the hinder end. Robert Falconer
  • Bonny Hicks appeared to me to be the paradigmatic example of an autonomous, free-choosing individual who decided early on to construct a lifestyle congenial to her idiosyncratic sense of self-expression.
  • By my side, waiting at the next till, was a young woman, bright and bonny, holding a tiny baby in the crook of her arm, all carefully wrapped and swaddled.
  • Bonny Hicks appeared to me to be the paradigmatic example of an autonomous, free-choosing individual who decided early on to construct a lifestyle congenial to her idiosyncratic sense of self-expression.
  • I have had mony a thought, that when I fand mysell auld and forfairn, and no able to enjoy God's blessed air ony langer, I wad drag mysell here wi 'a pickle ait-meal; and see, there's a bit bonny dropping well that popples that self-same gate simmer and winter; --- and I wad e'en streek mysell out here, and abide my removal, like an auld dog that trails its useless ugsome carcass into some bush or bracken no to gie living things a scunner wi' the sight o't when it's dead --- The Antiquary
  • Though Bonny had made some kind of mark, even there, he was just a swordfish with a lot of sharks around. COME TO MECCA
  • His reply was the most categoric declaration possible of his general attitude, in such cases, "Et moi, je l'appelle 'Bonny Dundee.' A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century
  • ‘You've come a long way,’ said Naomi, the casting director's assistant who was bonny and bright.
  • Ere she had finished her prayer, she started at feeling a man’s arm across her shoulder, while a rough voice spoke in her ear — “What! menseful Mysie of the Mill so soon at her prayers? — now, benison on the bonny eyes that open so early! — The Monastery
  • Bonny, bairnly braws; it's for the like o 'them folk sells the peace of God that passeth understanding; it's for the like o' them, an 'maybe no even sae muckle worth, folk daunton God to His face and burn in muckle hell; and it's for that reason the Scripture ca's them, as I read the passage, the accursed thing. Merry Men
  • `Of bitter rain, my brothers y'all, of bitter rain, my sisters," Bonny declared. COME TO MECCA
  • “Do so, my bonny chield; thou hast sharp ears and eyes, and good will — but take heed — I would not lose thee for two and a plack [an homely Scottish expression for something you value].” Quentin Durward
  • The sun is shining on the bonny banks and braes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wine buffs know Big House as the label founded by Randall Grahm, the colorful owner of Bonny Doon. stories
  • But later, the morn after Rupert used his fire in his room for the first time, I told him what I had dreamt; for, lassie, my dear, I saw ye as bride at that weddin 'in fine lace o'er yer shrood, and orange-flowers and ithers in yer black hair; an' I saw the stars in yer bonny een -- the een I love. The Lady of the Shroud
  • Every shop is stuffed with Bonny Scotland geegaws of one sort or another, delighting the endless procession of day trippers who are piped off luxury coaches and encouraged to spend, spend, spend.
  • It was truly kind of the hairdresser to come to my house with his bonny male assistant.
  • Bonny, I was not one of those lovers of what we call oldie goldies. Barbados Underground
  • He’s a brave lad, and a bonny, and a gentleman of a good fortune, and they winna string the like o’ him up as they do the puir whig bodies that they catch in the muirs, like straps o’ onions; maybe his uncle will bring him aff, or maybe your ain grand-uncle will speak a gude word for him — he’s weel acquent wi’ Old Mortality
  • He stood there dazed and unheeding, his bonny brown hair rumpled down his forehead, his face haggard and careworn and boyish still. SUICIDE
  • The church bells rang out as families with bonny babies filled the church for a baptism service.
  • Photographs indicate that she was a bonny young lass likely to stir the emotions of any number of local young men.
  • Archie Gordon takin til himsel sic a wife! that a man like him, o 'guid report, and come to years o' discretion -- to think o 'brains like his turnin as fozy as an auld neep at sicht o' a bonny front til an ae wa 'hoose (_a house of but one wall_)! Heather and Snow
  • Elspeth would have called her sonsy, signifying bonny and buxom. Flashman on the March
  • Bonny Hicks appeared to me to be the paradigmatic example of an autonomous, free-choosing individual who decided early on to construct a lifestyle congenial to her idiosyncratic sense of self-expression.
  • I'm thinkin the bonny man maun hae a heap o 'tribble wi' siclike, be they bairns or mithers! ' Heather and Snow
  • It would be a bonny thing if, by the escape of one ill - doer another was to go scatheless, and the remeid is to summon the principal and put him to outlawry for the non-compearance. Catriona
  • 'I had coft her a bonny cairriage, wi' as fine a pair as ever ye saw, Heather and Snow
  • Nowadays, the poet would call a basilisk bonny rather than miss his alliteration. Without Prejudice
  • An 'says I to her:' Meg Kissock, ye're a bonny woman, 'says I.' My certie, but ye hae e'en like spunkies [will-o'-the-wisps] or maybes," said Saunders in a meditative tone. The Lilac Sunbonnet
  • She is a larger than life Earth Mother: bonny, capable, strong and energetic.
  • We were driving around Speyside the other day looking for bonny purple heather and found that the hillsides were blanketed with the dull cerise of willow-herb.
  • The family day takes place on Sunday, with a feast of underage football, bouncing castle, glamorous granny competition, bonny baby competition etc.
  • There will be a dog show at 1pm, bonny baby at 2.30 pm, and fancy dress at 3pm.
  • Jamieson (Scottish Dictionary) says: "The term busk is employed in a beautiful proverb which is very commonly used in Scotland, 'A bonny bride is soon busked. ' Jasmin: Barber, Poet, Philanthropist
  • Bonny Doon produces fine cypress, rather than fine wine, because The Nature Conservancy bought the property in 1989 and deeded it to the state as an ecological reserve.
  • I can picture it now, a fine velvet cord and such bonny colours.
  • There are just a few days left to enter your bonny baby into this year's Baby of the Year competition.
  • She now holds her bonny baby as if he is the only light in her life.
  • Ye are a bonny lass, too, an ye wad busk up your cockernony a bit; and The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • I cud describe it till ye, mem, but it wad only gar ye runkle yer bonny broo, an 'luik as I wadna hae ye luik, mem, 'cause ye wadna luik freely sae bonny as ye div noo whan ye luik jist yersel'. Sir Gibbie
  • Is it possible that _the bold adventurer can fix his thoughts on you_, and still be dejected _at the thoughts_ that a bonny blue-eyed lass looked favourably on a less-lucky fellow than himself?" vol. 2, p. 136. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 285, December 1, 1827
  • The executive commee are requested, as Soon as they find it practicable, to cause the accommodations to be furnished, which are Suggested in the communication of professor Bonnycastle. Letters to and from Jefferson, 1824 [a machine-readable transcription]
  • We were driving around Speyside the other day looking for bonny purple heather and found that the hillsides were blanketed with the dull cerise of willow-herb.
  • Bonny Hicks appeared to me to be the paradigmatic example of an autonomous, free-choosing individual who decided early on to construct a lifestyle congenial to her idiosyncratic sense of self-expression.
  • You lie, in faith; for you are call'd plain Kate, and bonny Kate and sometimes Kate the curst; but Kate, the prettiest Kate in Christendom.
  • Poets, drunkards, madmen, you know what Shakespeare said about lovers... "Bonny was impatient with Shakespeare. COME TO MECCA
  • But I doot ye maun bide till ye gang to Edinburgh, or Aberdeen, whaur ye'll easy fa 'in wi' some lang-leggit bejan that'll be prood to instruc 'ye, and coont himsel' ower weel paid wi 'the sicht o' yer bonny face. ' Alec Forbes of Howglen
  • There they lived in settlements of temporary huts called in Ireland booleys (Irish ‘buaile’, ‘cattle-pound’) and in Scotland ‘shielings’, where they made butter and cheese and other dairy products such as ‘bonnyclabber’ or soured milk.
  • `Of bitter rain, my brothers y'all, of bitter rain, my sisters," Bonny declared. COME TO MECCA
  • Na, na, my leddy," returned Malcolm, laughing; "for as bonny's ye are, ye wad be but sma 'scoug (shelter). Malcolm
  • Photographs indicate that she was a bonny young lass likely to stir the emotions of any number of local young men.
  • My love then and his bonny ship turn’d withershins about. The Lowlands o' Holland
  • Bonny just had one foal, but Dennis's Uncle Tom, who farmed at Barton, near Preston, had a mare that foaled around the same time.
  • It was not an auspicious start for bonny prince Charlie.
  • One of the younger men on the boat laughed at me, and called me bonny lass for having done such a thing.
  • The young man's no landlouper ony mair nor yersel '-- no as mickle indeed, but a very proper young man, wi' a face as bonny as an angel -- The Lilac Sunbonnet
  • Since 1951, when the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation dammed the Republican River, creating Bonny Lake, the local community has enjoyed a recreational and economic livelihood. Lake-Be-Gone Woes
  • Isobelle is my grand niece and a bonny little thing she is.
  • The shooting death of Blake's wife, Bonny Lee Bakley, highlights the seamy side of Hollywood.
  • The normal explanations for the Bonnybridge sightings are the proximity of Edinburgh airport and the gasworks at nearby Grangemouth.
  • -- But I doobt gien ever ye could hae come to ken her as she was -- sic a bonny, herty sowl as ance dwalt in yon white-faced, patient thing, lyin i 'the chaumer there -- wi' the stang oot o 'her hert at last, and left the sharper i' mine! Salted with Fire
  • These powerful images are a far cry from Scottish artist John Finnie's 1864 idealised Maids of All Work, looking blithe and bonny in crisp cottons.
  • my bonny lass
  • Then they heard it: in the distance, a soaring song floating above the clamour: `Oh bonny Anne, I'm your man. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • It was truly kind of the hairdresser to come to my house with his bonny male assistant.
  • It was bonny, bonny to see; an 'whan the three cam' up the loanin 'the neist day,' Sirs, 'I said,' I'm thinkin 'ye had better be gaun. The Lilac Sunbonnet
  • Outwardly bonny, Nikki is damaged by her past, and each month with Hamish is marked off as an anniversary.
  • It was truly kind of the hairdresser to come to my house with his bonny male assistant.
  • We have events for all generations from bonny baby, kids fancy dress, children's tug-o-war to our most appropriately dressed lady and gentleman.
  • There was bonny colours, an 'bonny lichts, an' a bonny grit star hingin 'ower 't a', but it was nane o 'a' thae things; it was something deeper nor a ', an' heicher nor a '! Donal Grant, by George MacDonald
  • Bonny corresponded with me and communicated with me over the telephone.

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