
How To Use Bonnie In A Sentence

  • He had turned his head, and was looking oh-so-casually off toward the chromolithograph of Bonnie Prince Charlie with which Mrs. Baird had seen fit to decorate our wall. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • I met wi 'twa dink quines in particular, ane o' them a sonsie, fine, fodgel lass, baith braw and bonnie; the tither was clean-shankit, straught, tight, weelfar'd winch, as blythe's a lintwhite on a flowerie thorn, and as sweet and modest's a new-blawn plumrose in a hazle shaw. The Complete Works of Robert Burns: Containing his Poems, Songs, and Correspondence. With a New Life of the Poet, and Notices, Critical and Biographical by Allan Cunningham
  • They are Marc C. Bingham, entrepreneur and Utah businessman; Huey D. Johnson, pioneering conservationist and environmental policy maker; Bonnie D. Parkin, former Relief Society President for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; and Bertrand D. Tanner, eminent micrometeorologist and scientific entrepreneur, who will be honored posthumously. Undefined
  • Bonnie is definitely going to be faced with some challenges that she was not expecting,” Katerina Graham, who plays Bonnie on the show, told MTV News recently. VAMPIRE DIARIES NEWS FOR FEBRUARY 21: CHARACTERS & CHALLENGES | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • Ye 'ill better clear yersel at ony rate, Hillocks, for some o' the neeburs threep (insist) 'at it wes you, and some that it wes yir freend, an' there's ithers declare ye ran in compt (company) like twa dogs worrying sheep; it wes a bonnie like pliskie (escapade) onywy, and hardly fit for an Auld Kirk elder" -- a sally much enjoyed by the audience, who knew that, after Whinnie, Hillocks was the doucest man in Drumtochty. Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush
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  • Staffordshire Enamels boxes, bonbonnières, music boxes, cufflinks, paperweights and clocks are shipped all over the world to discerning collectors.
  • Ye see, they say Dunbog is nae mair a gentleman than the blunker that’s biggit the bonnie house down in the howm. Chapter III
  • Bonnie was showing off to her friends, doing handstands on the grass.
  • Furthermore, studies indicate that it's more prevalent in women than in men, according to Bonnie Zylbergold, assistant editor of American Sexuality, an online magazine.
  • If you will but look with that bonnie smile on the handsome chiel, who is to be here the day, you will do his business. The Curate and His Daughter, a Cornish Tale
  • Survivors include two daughters, Bonnie Worden of Manassas and Jill Leonhardt of Callicoon, N.Y.; five grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; and a great-great-granddaughter. Rose May Chapman, Secretary
  • Meanwhile a masked gunman is making his way towards the scene, but is he coming to help Bonnie or not?
  • I circumvented them — I played at bogle about the bush wi’ them — I cajolled them; and if I havena gien Inch – Grabbit and Jamie Howie a bonnie begunk, they ken themselves. Waverley
  • Bonnie informed him that the muscular arm of their wings formed a hardened scale, dense enough to cut flesh and metal alike.
  • Now there is a layer Bonnie, that is in the mid levels we refer to as a convective cap. CNN Transcript Jun 5, 2008
  • She swam like a sea-maid, she had fenced even better than her brother, and methinks she was the bonniest shot with a long-bow of any woman in all England. A Brother To Dragons and Other Old-time Tales
  • But a 'micht hae saved mysel' the trouble: afore I got tae the gairden gate they were comin 'up as chief (friendly) as ye like, and Lachlan wes callin' Elsie his bonnie dawtie. Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush
  • MORNING DEW BONNIE DOBSON, vocals and guitar ART ROSENBAUM, guitar** and banjo* '' Morning Dew ", also known as" (Walk Me - Business News
  • Jericho" (CBS) -- Deaf actress Shoshannah Stern has played Bonnie Richmond on the sci-fi show for two years, and according to my informant is beloved character. Make that lucky 13 characters with Jericho's return
  • Bonnie is having terrifying dreams about one of her ancestors. VAMPIRE DIARIES NEWS 11/6 KATERINA GRAHAM, EPISODE 9 HISTORY REPEATING & MALESE JOW | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • I've fixed it for you to see Bonnie Lachlan.
  • That evening, at the Villa Aioussa, there gathered a courtly assembly, of much higher rank than Algiers can commonly afford, because many of station as lofty as her own had been drawn thither to follow her to what the Princesse Corona called her banishment -- an endurable banishment enough under those azure skies, in that clear, elastic air, and with that charming "bonbonniere" in which to dwell, yet still a banishment to the reigning beauty of Paris, to one who had the habits and the commands of a wholly undisputed sovereignty in the royal splendor of her womanhood. Under Two Flags
  • Bonnie twirled her empty glass in her fingers.
  • Bonnie also said: "When the term transvestite is applied to a virtual environment, however, it takes on a different meaning. Virtual Transvestitism: An Introduction
  • Bonnier, the magazine publisher, plans to sell annual subscriptions to the digital version of Popular Science for Android users but will not charge for articles on its Web site.
  • His final conclusion was that he would have to venture to new planets, unfortunately, with or without Bonnie.
  • Throughout the country, health care volunteerism is undergoing many positive trends, reports Bonnie Jennings Steele, president of the American Society of Directors of Volunteer Services (ASDVS). - Volunteering creates hands-on learning
  • From time to time the old woman spoke as if to the children --- ` ` Oh ay, hinnies, whisht! whisht! and I'll begin a bonnier ane than that --- The Antiquary
  • Ha! Bonnie on Apr 14, 2008 hello … … … … … .i lik dis movie … its min blowin …. bt wan 2 knw d name f prince caspian. actully the actors name … preety on Oct 2, 2008 the actor who played Prince Caspian is Benjamin Barnes angela on Dec 30, 2008 The Many Characters of The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian «
  • Sylvain Gaboury/Patrick McMullan Bonnie Englebardt Lautenberg with Sen. Chuck Schumer The newsman was the evening's emcee, cracking jokes for local politicians who came out to support the S.L.E. Lupus Foundation, which helps fund research to combat its titular ailment. Local Politicians Gather to Aid Lupus Research
  • A bonbonnière makes a wonderful way of saying ‘Thank you’ for sharing the joy of your day.
  • I circumvented them -- I played at bogle about the bush wi 'them -- I cajoled them; and if I havena gien Inch-Grabbit and Jamie Howie a bonnie begunk, they ken themselves. Waverley: or, 'Tis sixty years since
  • BONNIE RUCKS, DEVRY UNIVERSITY: It is a collimation of all of the students 'learning experiences here at DeVry and their real world experience. CNN Transcript Mar 14, 2009
  • It was a classic example of a successful Highland charge, but Bonnie Dundee was killed as he led his cavalry into the firing line, and the rebellion petered to a halt within months.
  • Eventually I found resolution in the idea of Bonnie Fuller, doyenne of celebrity journalism.
  • I circumvented them -- I played at bogle about the bush wi 'them -- I cajolled them; and if I havena gien Inch-Grabbit and Jamie Howie a bonnie begunk, they ken themselves. Waverley
  • Some are dingbats who see pet rescue as a business; others, like Bonnie, are there for the long haul. Ann Brenoff: Don't Judge a Rescuer By Her Collar
  • I can remember when many ladies — most ladies, carried a box — nay, two boxes — tabatiere, and bonbonniere. Roundabout Papers
  • Dolly at least is alive and well and her first lamb, Bonnie, seems eminently healthy and normal.
  • The flight from Joplin turns into a shouting match between Bonnie and Blanche, as moll and preacher's daughter collide.
  • I like it far better than the town, for there isna a wheen duddie bairns to be crying after ane, as if ane were a warld's wonder, just because ane maybe is a thought bonnier and better put-on than their neighbours -- though, Jeanie, ye suld never be proud o 'braw claiths, or beauty neither -- wae's me! they're but a snare -- I ance thought better o'them, and what came o't? The Heart of Mid-Lothian, Complete
  • She had told Benjamin Dorn that a doughtier, bonnier, more capable person than Fräulein Schimmelweis was not to be found on this earth, and that the two were as much made for each other as oil and vinegar for a salad. Gänsemännchen. English
  • We've clomb the hill thegither, Donal ', mony a time sair an' weary, but oor hairts were stoot when the brae was stae; but noo I've reached the bonnie bit ayont the brae, an 'ye're a' 'at's wantin', Donal ', to mak' it fair beautiful! St. Cuthbert's
  • My bonnie lies over the ocean.
  • A forum for the writers, moderated by local columnist Bonnie Henry, will be followed by a book signing.
  • When yon lassie was singin 'sae bonnie, "John Anderson, my Jo," a' the fowk's heids were hingin '; but at "Scots wha hae" they sat up like life gairds, and ilky body near me lookit like's it wudna be cannie speakin' to them. My Man Sandy
  • A true Sagittarian to the end, little Bonnie Blue, with her parents, completed the element of fire.
  • Bonnier was equally well-known for his famously roving eye, which may have been alluded to here by the artist in his patron's confident, all-knowing gaze; Nattier's portrait of his wife as the chaste goddess Diana offers a witty antipode. With All the Time in the World
  • MORNING DEW BONNIE DOBSON, vocals and guitar ART ROSENBAUM, guitar** and banjo* '' Morning Dew ", also known as" (Walk Me Out in the) Morning Dew ", is a post-apocalyptic folk-rock song written by Canadian singer Bonnie Dobson in 1962, that has become a standard. - Business News
  • That was when Miriam got nauseated, and Bonnie ran off, and Duncan and Taklinn decided that it would be a good idea to chase after the one cloaker that escaped. Gloria Goodbody
  • Volunteers such as chairwoman Bonnie McElveen-Hunter and members of the organization's Board of Governors receive no compensation. - News
  • `That," said Bonnie, indicating the roll-top desk, `was the control centre of the Lachlan empire for three generations. STAGE FRIGHT
  • Dorothy Provine, 75, an actress who played the title outlaw in the film "The Bonnie Parker Story" and was the high-kicking flapper in the 1960s TV series "The Roaring 20's," died April 25 at a hospice near her home in Bremerton, Wash. Actress Dorothy Provine dies; played Bonnie Parker in film, Pinky Pinkham on TV
  • In 1726, Joseph Bonnier's careful and frugal father died, leaving his twenty-four-year-old son with a fortune worth ten billion francs and a governmental position which paid, possibly unofficially, one hundred thousand écu, or five or six hundred thousand livres (an ecu, just before the Revolution, being equivalent to about $25 in 2006). Archive 2008-05-01
  • Trinity management wanted to concentrate on its core activity and aborted the joint venture with Bonnier.
  • A doco about Bonnie and Clyde and their favoured getaway car, the 'flathead' Ford V8. - Articles related to 8 good reasons to buy an American vehicle
  • I can remember when many ladies — most ladies, carried a box — nay, two boxes — tabatiere, and bonbonniere. Roundabout Papers
  • Tagged: bonnie burton · crafts · lists · mara jade · maya · sith · the old republic mmo · thrawn trilogy · visions 2010 March
  • My love then and his bonnie ship turn'd withershins about. Lowlands of Holland 6
  • Arrgh wvng - the bonnie (fer Stuart) thing be, a great armada o 'folks weren't bein' fine wi 'tha' - an 'tha's why she be returnin t' th 'frozen tundra where she be belongin'! Transition: How Obama is Building a Government - Swampland -
  • On the few occasions when I've seen a movie with the paying public, the experience struck me as a cross between being a groundling at Shakespeare's Globe and being Faye Dunaway at the end of "Bonnie and Clyde. Daniel Holloway: Hollywood: Like Detroit, But Stupider
  • Bonnie invited her input, and gave her the assignment to get things flowing smoothly.
  • I find it difficult to explain why the play therefore is unsatisfactory, after all the company, Theatre Centre, employs a dramaturge, Bonnie Greer.
  • Cinematically, it restages the celluloid of the 60s and 70s: early Godard, Bonnie and Clyde, Badlands, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.
  • And these are adolescents, and many of them don't know each other from separate bonnier (ph). CNN Transcript Nov 7, 2005
  • Short fushionless dirt, that canna grow straucht oot o 'the halesome yird, like the bonnie lint-bells, but maun stick itsel' upo 'a buss! Robert Falconer
  • Bonnie twirled her empty glass in her fingers.
  • I circumvented them --- I played at bogle about the bush wi 'them --- I cajoled them; and if I havena gien Inch-Grabbit and Jamie Howie a bonnie begunk, they ken themselves. The Waverley
  • Vaguely employed gossipmonger Bonnie Fuller tried to make "cutes" a word. Gawker
  • The night continued with many handshakes and daps -- from Bonnie Raitt, Alicia Keys, John Legend, Wiz Khalifa to Rick Ross to name a few. Malik Yusef: A Dispatch From Inside Last Night's Grammys
  • Bonnier, the magazine publisher, plans to sell annual subscriptions to the digital version of Popular Science for Android users but will not charge for articles on its Web site.
  • She cud hae wiled a maukin frae its lair wi 'her bonnie Hielan' speech. Robert Falconer
  • The skilful application of the anapaest for the production of the brilliant gallop of 'Lochinvar' has been equalled only by Scott himself in his 'Bonnets o' Bonnie Dundee. ' Marmion
  • a gentleman than the blunker that's biggit the bonnie house down in the howm. Guy Mannering — Complete
  • Former Minneapolis Fire Chief Bonnie Bleskachek has been appointed - "made" is the term firefighters use - to the highly sought position of fire investigator. rss feed
  • Just at her elbow was the gay _bonbonniere_ containing the brown, cream-encrusted walnuts. Seven Little Australians
  • It's a 'mondegreen', from The Bonnie Earl O' Murray: Waxing Lyrical
  • MORNING DEW BONNIE DOBSON, vocals and guitar ART ROSENBAUM, guitar** and banjo* - Business News
  • Dorothy Provine, a stunningly beautiful actress who starred as the title outlaw in "The Bonnie Parker Story" (1958) and then as a flapper showgirl in the short-lived TV drama "The Roaring Twenties," died April 25. Dorothy Provine, Flapper and Outlaw, Dies
  • Ted cranked open a can of Bonnie Hubbard beef hash.
  • As Bonnie is leaving to pay the bill, Damon stops her. OBS RECAPS & REVIEWS: THE VAMPIRE DIARIES EPISODE 12: UNPLEASANTVILLE | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • I met wi 'twa dink quines in particlar, ane o' them a sonsie, fine, fodgel lass, baith braw and bonnie; the tither was a clean-shankit, straught, tight, weel-far'd winch, as blythe's a lintwhite on a flowerie thorn, and as sweet and modest's a new blawn plumrose in a hazle shaw. The Letters of Robert Burns
  • His reputation lies in tatters and popular history paints him as an effete Italian weakling but Bonnie Prince Charlie may yet take his proper place in the roll call of Scotland's most macho freedom fighters.
  • Bonnie Buratti is a scientist at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California.
  • She and Bonnie counter-attacked with as many spells, attacks, and blasts that they could manage, but nothing worked.
  • We are never too old to admire a pretty favor or a tasteful _bonbonniere_; and, looking back over the season, we remember, as among the most charming of the favors, those with flowers painted upon silken banners, with the owner's name intertwined. Manners and Social Usages
  • The issues are these: that the bonnier (ph), the neighborhoods outside of Paris where there are an awful lot of second and third - generation immigrants, many of those North Africans, many of those Muslims, Arabs, people with no work -- there's 50 percent unemployment, some five times as much unemployment as there is elsewhere in France -- many of these people unemployed and not earning anything like the regular wage in France. CNN Transcript Nov 7, 2005
  • Here in Bonnie Brae we have steady turnout, and are slightly ahead of where we expected to be at this point. Polls Are Open Until 7 P.M.
  • Take the cruise from the Arsenal boat docks to the end of the line at the other side of Paris, it goes thru the 10th and has the bridges from "Amelie" -- go the the markets at Bastille and Aligre. bonnie roquebrun/san diego What to Do in Paris / Que faire a Paris? - French Word-A-Day
  • Because of the time difference their celebrations would already be under way, so after calling her mother at her retirement community in Erie, Bonnie planned to call her mother-in-law in Scranton, where her children and grandchildren were attending the traditional family gathering. The Aloha Quilt
  • Mac's golf game, Armour said, was as bonnie as Maxwellton braes.
  • The son of this James Edward was the "Bonnie Prince Charlie" so beloved of the Scots, who landed to claim the English Crown in 1745, and was defeated at the Battle of Culloden in From John O'Groats to Land's End
  • South African companies specialising in bonbonnières are always willing to offer creative and unusual options.
  • Biologically speaking, Bonnie is almost the antithesis of the narrator. REVIEW: The Repossession Mambo by Eric Garcia
  • My bonnie lies over the sea.
  • Great dit on the Jim Royale look alike, nothing like enhancing what you've got to look a bit bonnier for the wife! Ego Testicle
  • I met wi 'twa dink quines in particlar, ane o' them a sonsie, fine, fodgel lass, baith braw and bonnie; the tither was a clean-shankit, straught, tight, weel-far'd winch, as blythe's a lintwhite on a flowerie thorn, and as sweet and modest's a new blawn plumrose in a hazle shaw. The Letters of Robert Burns
  • Bonnie insisted, her voice shaking with laughter.
  • 'O troth, Laird,' continued Meg, during this by-talk, 'it's but to the like o' you ane can open their heart; ye see, they say Dunbog is nae mair a gentleman than the blunker that's biggit the bonnie house down in the howm. Guy Mannering, Or, the Astrologer — Complete
  • So bring back me bonnie to moi.
  • Before presenting the honorees with their plaques, editor Bonnie Fuller noted that years ago, when the winners had met John F. Kennedy, his advice to them was: ‘Marry a politician.’
  • To hae her sittin 'here, as she used to sit, her wee heid wi' its soft hair against my knee, an 'my haun clappin' it, an 'her bonnie een lookin' up at me, as if I was something she aye looket up to, as bein 'better than ony living being she ever kenned, wad be mair pleasure for me this minute than if I got a' the money in the world. The Underworld The Story of Robert Sinclair, Miner
  • He chuckled as the snowball hit the Bonnie's red cape with a slosh, and left a large damp spot.
  • Yet the sawmill was a conservatory of sorts for Maxine, Jim Ed and Bonnie, who early on revealed their musical precociousness by identifying exactly when a spinning saw blade had been properly tempered. "Nashville Chrome," a novel by Rick Bass, about the Browns
  • A forum for the writers, moderated by local columnist Bonnie Henry, will be followed by a book signing.
  • The _bonbonniere_ can cost anything, from five to five hundred dollars; fifty dollars for a satin box filled with candy is not an uncommon price. Manners and Social Usages
  • Dr. Bonnie Dunbar set the US space record of 112 days in space aboard the shuttle and Russian space station Mir.
  • A pair of bellows is a pretty and inexpensive _bonbonniere_. Manners and Social Usages
  • I shouldn't rag on her, since my face has gotten bonier, but not bonnier, in my 40's, and my hair fountain dried up years ago. Do you give a damn who Maria Shriver endorses?
  • Bonnie is an orangutan who has taught herself how to whistle. Boing Boing
  • Joshua stirred from his sound slumber, finding Bonnie just as close as he remembered.
  • The bonnie flags were a 'unfurl'd, a gallant sight to see, The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volume III The Songs of Scotland of the Past Half Century
  • Bonnie Stewart stuck her head in the labor room door where Leah was stripping the sheets from the bed. ANGELS EVERYWHERE
  • The main bridge out of town to the north, it carried stagecoaches between Carlisle and Kendal, and even Bonnie Prince Charlie's army in 1745, says Mr Marsh.
  • The meaning of the Christmas carol is clear: 'Come and Behold Him, Born the King of Angels' really means, 'Come and Behold Him, Born the King of the English' - Bonnie Prince Charlie!" ... "O Come All Ye Faithful" and Bonnie Prince Charlie
  • Bonnie had another trip to the vets on Friday and unfortunately the news wasn't good.
  • Veronica Troy, of Bonnie's Bouquets, Lismore, will give a Christmas floral demonstration in the community centre.
  • I must say that an alternative history in which the two parties compromise on a not-too-bad health care plan strikes me as rather less likely than one where Bonnie Prince Charlie conquers a Jacobite kingdom in Virginia. Economics
  • Warren Beatty, then attending the festival with Bonnie and Clyde, expressed his praise for the film and condemned the censors.
  • Ye're nae ill to luik at, though ye maun hae been bonnier the day ye wan the hert o 'my Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 15, No. 85, January, 1875
  • More than that, Bonnie and Clyde took off like a rocket, generating enormous profits and fame for everyone involved.
  • Over mahimahi, taro, and pineapple salsa, Claire, Eric, and Bonnie went over the budget line by line. The Aloha Quilt
  • Hayduke joins forces with...feminist saboteur and Bronx exile Bonnie Abzug, wilderness guide and outcast Mormon Seldom Seen Smith, and libertarian billboard torcher Doc Sarvis, M.D. Filmstalker: Stalked: Monkey Wrench Gang and Arthur Ashe
  • I can remember when many ladies -- most ladies, carried a box -- nay, two boxes -- tabatiere and bonbonniere. The Lock and Key Library Classic Mystery and Detective Stories: Old Time English
  • And ae bonnie lassie, his dautie and mine. [one, darling] Robert Burns How To Know Him
  • Bonnie's results fell into a broad range, due partially to variance in access speed depending on the location of the data on the disk.
  • Lord Arthur put the capsule into a pretty little silver bonbonniere that he saw in a shop window in Bond Street, threw away Pestle and Humbey's ugly pill-box, and drove off at once to Lady Clementina's. Lord Arthur Savile's Crime
  • With tears in her eyes, my wife, Bonnie, handed me our only pawnable asset—an $800 set of sterling silver flatware, a Christmas present from her parents the year before. MORE WEALTH WITHOUT RISK
  • The giving of the bonbonnière marks an ancient and heartfelt tradition.
  • No Merideth, Bonnie is completely wrong (They should have made the girl who plays Bonnie in the show Merideth instead), Caroline is all wrong, KATHERINE is all wrong and Elena is all wrong. 'The Vampire Diaries' recap: Best ep yet? |
  • I met wi 'twa dink quines in particlar, ane o' them a sonsie, fine, fodgel lass, baith braw and bonnie; the tither was a clean-shankit, straught, tight, weel-far'd winch, as blythe's a lintwhite on a flowerie thorn, and as sweet and modest's a new blawn plumrose in a hazle shaw. The Letters of Robert Burns
  • In 18th-century France, this custom became a fine art, with small highly decorated boxes called bonbonnières made of precious materials given as presents and tokens of regard.
  • At a christening party all the favors savor of the nursery -- splendid cradles of flowers, a bassinet of brilliante trimmed with ribbons for a _bonbonniere_, powder-boxes, puffs, little socks filled with sugar instead of little feet, an infant's cloak standing on end Manners and Social Usages
  • (IE, Bonnie is not a petite ginger Druid descendant and Elena is not blond.) Do you worry that too many licenses have been taken in the transition from book to screen? VAMPIRE DIARIES NEWEST TRAILER/PROMO | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • Bonnie whacked the other guard on the side of his head and punched him squarely in the nose.
  • I don't have access to the financial records of field and stream or bonnier corporation but if off color adds hidden in the back are what it takes to keep F&S coming to my door I will accept that. I have always enjoyed your magazine and would love for my 11 year old(bow hunting and fishing pro) son to read and learn from it
  • The snapshot shows them on some Bonnie and Clyde ish, with the pair wearing black face masks while joined by another couple.
  • Bonnie and Wynn are a delightful pair as he detours from the mission that his dad sent him on. Nailed-Amie Stuart « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • He enters it as a pepper-caster, a feathered _bonbonniere_, a pickle - holder (in china), and is drawn, painted, and photographed in every style. Manners and Social Usages
  • Oil floating at the ocean's surface has a limited lifespan - it's been collected and destroyed by skimming, booms, chemical dispersants, evaporation, photolysis, biodegradation - and took a beating from wind and waves when tropical depression Bonnie blew through over the weekend. Georgianne Nienaber: Flyover at the Macondo Wellhead: Damage Control at "The Source"
  • Otto placed baby Bonnie, nestled in her white wicker basinet, on the opera seat of the Buick. The Nervous Breakdown
  • Bonnie invited her input, and gave her the assignment to get things flowing smoothly.
  • Ye're jist a gey bonnie lassie, siclike as mony anither; but gien ye war a 'glorious within, like the queen o' Sheba, or whaever she may happen to hae been, there wad be naething to be prood o 'i' that, seem ye didna contrive yersel. Heather and Snow
  • She liked to boast that one of her ancestors was private secretary to the Earl of Antrim during His Lordship's treasonable association with Bonnie Prince Charlie.
  • She has been given fairly substantive plot developments, and come to think of it, I would so much more rather be watching the version of The Vampire Diaries where Bonnie is the protagonist. Mrissa: TV main characters: why do they suck so?
  • Oil floating at the ocean's surface has a limited lifespan - it's been collected and destroyed by skimming, booms, chemical dispersants, evaporation, photolysis, biodegradation - and took a beating from wind and waves when tropical depression Bonnie blew through over the weekend. Georgianne Nienaber: Flyover at the Macondo Wellhead: Damage Control at "The Source"
  • In the summer of 2000 he wowed 'em at the Hollywood Bowl closing his set with a sizzling duet with Bonnie Raitt.
  • Bonnie & Clyde made cynicism as hip as fedoras and maxi skirts.
  • So sometimes, I'd get permission to go on little shopping sprees, charging stickers and pens at the stationary store, ribbons at the dimestore, Bonnie Bell Lipsmackers at the drugstore, an album at the record store, a bike bell at the sports store, seeds at the hardware store for my vegetable garden. Laura Munson: No Black Friday
  • He has a devoted wife and a brace of bonnie offspring.
  • 'I creepit up, an' I keeked within the openin 'o't, an' there I saw twa hunters sittin 'at board -- eatin', and whiles drinkin 'the blood-red wine -- ane o' them was the bonniest man e'er I saw i 'my life, but he had the sorrowfullest eyes e'er set i' a man's face. Border Ghost Stories
  • With a powerful swipe of its paw, the wolf delivered a final blow to Bonnie's head.
  • BONNIE PEGGIE, O! Gang wi 'me to yonder howe, bonnie Peggie, O! Down ayont the gowan knowe, bonnie Peggie, O! When the siller burn rins clear, The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volume IV. The Songs of Scotland of the Past Half Century
  • Bonnie Hanssen has been in seclusion since the arrest of her husband.
  • In the wood-ways, the poplar is putting on "a bonnie green gown. Janey Canuck in the West
  • Bonnie smiled, secretly pleased that the girl was now talking.
  • Together this Bonnie and Clyde of the Valley held up gas stations and liquor stores, stick-ups that got him a jail sentence and Sill nine months in a girls' reform school where she learnt to play the church organ.
  • She commonly brought a beautiful agate bonbonniere full of gold pieces, when she played. The Newcomes
  • BONNIE SCHNEIDER, METEOROLOGIST: No. All right, thanks a lot, Bonnie. CNN Transcript Mar 17, 2007
  • There's nothing wrong with grown Americans, by and large; you won't find heartier men or bonnier women any-where, but the only remedy I can see for their children is to run Herod for President. THE NUMBERS
  • The mask of Charles Edward Stuart (Bonnie Prince Charlie) is anything but bonnie.
  • I confess to remembering nothing and no one better than Kip, my parents and sister Bonnie Jean included.
  • Life is very crude, and bonnie Princes Street a dream, but we soldier on with a good grace.
  • As Lady Gee sets about sabotaging Haven's friendship with Bonnie, she deploys her own attractive protégée, Lynn, to sweeten Georgie.
  • The teller demonstrated, lying on the ground with hands up and eyes wide for the benefit of Bonnie and her mother.
  • Bonnie Raitt in illusion lace with black beading.
  • Na, na, laddie," said Andrew after a pause to listen; "she's mair like ta collie tog when she sees a cat, or maype it's mair like ta bummel-bees among ta heather upo 'ta hills in bonnie Scotland. Steve Young
  • If not for your own sake , you are going tonight for Bonnie's sake.
  • Speaking of kind, Debbie, Bonnie and Grace came over yesterday afternoon and spent a couple of hours transforming my goutweed patch into a garden! A man on a toilet and a sheep with no name «
  • Bonnie had the morning hours, starting at sunrise.
  • I met wi 'twa dink quines in particular, ane o' them a sonsie, fine, fodgel lass, baith braw and bonnie; the tither was clean-shankit, straught, tight, weelfar'd winch, as blythe's a lintwhite on a flowerie thorn, and as sweet and modest's a new-blawn plumrose in a hazle shaw. The Complete Works of Robert Burns: Containing his Poems, Songs, and Correspondence. With a New Life of the Poet, and Notices, Critical and Biographical by Allan Cunningham
  • Darion found Bonnie on her balcony the next night, playing moodily with a moonflower off the vine that clung in an intricate arrangement around the French doors leading out.
  • Short fushionless dirt, that canna grow straucht oot o 'the halesome yird, like the bonnie lint-bells, but maun stick itsel' upo 'a buss! Robert Falconer
  • Penn wanted to heroize Bonnie and Clyde, killers yes, but more sinned against than sinning. STAR
  • She and Bonnie counter-attacked with as many spells, attacks, and blasts that they could manage, but nothing worked.
  • Daniel decides, on the spur of the moment, to marry a daffy little blonde hayseed named Bonnie Dee Peacock.
  • Tonight, Ms. France (who's become quite the gal-about-town since Glamour 's Bonnie Fuller was-there'snosugarcoatingit - askedto leave) co-hosts a party with New Age designer Donna Karan to "kick off" the "Miracle on Madison Avenue" charity shopping event, which is coming on Dec. 2. The Eight Day Week
  • I like it far better than the town, for there isna a wheen duddie bairns to be crying after ane, as if ane were a warld’s wonder, just because ane maybe is a thought bonnier and better put-on than their neighbours — though, Jeanie, ye suld never be proud o’ braw claiths, or beauty neither — wae’s me! they’re but a snare — I ance thought better o’them, and what came o’t?” The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • The film's final scene, in which lawmen find and gun down Bonnie and Clyde, is one of the most memorable in American cinema. Fresh Air Remembers 'Bonnie And Clyde' Director
  • Together this Bonnie and Clyde of the Valley held up gas stations and liquor stores, stick-ups that got him a jail sentence and Sill nine months in a girls' reform school where she learnt to play the church organ.

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