How To Use Boneheaded In A Sentence
So no matter how boneheaded an incompetent manager I am, my department is 100% guaranteed to be profitable as long as I'm good at keeping my receipts?
It also means that if you point out to hizzoner that he's made a boneheaded call, he may stick it to you by making deliberately boneheaded calls.
Arbitrary Power in America's Pastime
Someone on the park staff, for some still undetermined boneheaded reason, decided to dye all of the park's monkeys various colours of the rainbow.
In a boneheaded error straight out of an Evelyn Waugh novel, a high-level muckymuck at the Times must have barked, "Get me Billy Crystal for the Op-Ed page!" and some poor schnook thumbed through a rolodex and called The Wrong Guy.
But his methods are so boneheaded and his argument so incoherent, it's impossible to tell what he wants to do besides humiliate his actors, insult lesbians and drive his defenders into a state of apoplexy.

A blockbuster in France, this car-chase pic may be as boneheaded as any Hollywood actioner but the vehicular stunts are far wilder than anything in The Fast and the Furious.
First there were the utterly boneheaded proposals to move large chunks of the Ashford work to Chertsey.
If I knew he was boneheaded enough to act on it, I never would have made that joke.
He admitted this was what he called a boneheaded mistake.
The Elephant Bar
Obama, who said he knew nothing of Rezko's criminal activities, called "boneheaded" his own decision to buy a house in Chicago's Hyde Park neighborhood in July 2005, on the same day Rezko's wife bought the vacant lot next door.
Blagojevich's wife received tens of thousands from Antoin Rezko, prosecutors allege
Rereading Charlie's TV columns in the Guide from 2000 to 2010, the striking thing is how quickly and incisively he skewered the core of each show, pinpointing either its brilliance or boneheadedness.
Charlie Brooker: 10 of the best Screen Burn columns
And Richard Clark tries and tried to warn you boneheaded Good Bushies burt you refiused to listen. veritas
White House forcefully responds to Cheney
What evil glee I felt when Webber's boneheaded phantom timeout lost the championship game for them … I still chuckle when I see that replay (though of course freaking Carolina getting the title irked too).
A Sea Of Blue
You both want to admit your feelings but are just too boneheaded to do so.
I think I now fit into both camps as I'm pretty sure I will be similarly boneheaded in the future.
Our boneheaded entertainment products are probably the biggest part of the problem.
How stupid do you have to be to make the same boneheaded, hey-look-at-me play twice?
That defense tactic dredges up what Obama has called his boneheaded but innocent past ties to Rezko, a notorious fixer who was convicted of public corruption in 2008. -
‘That's not a question,’ he responded, refusing to dignify the boneheaded inquiry.
I mean when Senator Patty Murray calls the idea boneheaded you know you really shot yourself in the foot.
Ladies Logic
Instead of writing in opposition to your nemesis, write in favor of your cause; instead of calling the boneheaded author's integrity into question, extol the virtues of those who oppose that person; instead of pointing out flaws in the author's logic, create a flawless argument of your own.
Edward Muzio: The Power of Shutting Up in the Internet Age
Sadly, though, boneheaded sexism is on the rise throughout the rock scene.
But Larry Ceisler, a Philadelphia Democratic consultant, had called Obama's remarks "boneheaded" the Friday I posted them and quickly the adjective had become a campaign staple.
Mayhill Fowler: Bittergate: the Untold Story Behind the Story that Rocked the Obama Campaign
The only difference here is that the offer was made and the Chancellor gave some truly boneheaded explanation forwhy.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Kmiec on Chemerinsky:
But, more importantly, boneheaded statements tend to beget more boneheaded statements.
RUTH MARCUS, BERWICK AND HER HUSBAND - Ruth Marcus finds Obama's recess appointment of Donald Berwick to be "boneheaded," "outrageous," "cynic [al]" and an abuse of the system.
Most of the British generals were either boneheaded, or brutes, or both.
I don't think anything he did with the man classifies as boneheaded or as palling around.
New RNC Ad Hits Obama's Ties To Ayers
Being boneheaded is not something to strive for.
So it seems there's room for improved viewership so long as boneheaded moves in the scheduling department can be avoided.
The boneheaded and the brashly patriotic rejoice at the formal induction of words like 'chuddies', 'changa', 'aloo' and 'theek' into the Oxford English Dictionary
The Times of India
But I am saying that our anti-communism was often boneheaded and dangerous.
Sadly, it does not make up for the boneheaded move of not calling his inamorata to tell her that he wasn't going to show in the first place.
William Bradley: Mad Men: "Wee Small Hours" -- HuffPost Review
Imagine endorsing a sentiment as boneheaded as that!
Yesterday we said that we're now in the unenviable position of having to climb down from the consequences of our own boneheaded policies.
In the face of overwhelming evidence, I admit I'm wrong. Trying to justify the Chinese MSN word blocker is one of the more boneheaded things I've done.