
How To Use Boned In A Sentence

  • I'm a big-boned man of 47. The Sun
  • We now sell a boned and rolled loin of lamb for $26 a kilo, that only takes you 45 to 50 minutes to roast.
  • A great many women have gone on record saying that they find him utterly adorable and wouldn't, as the saying goes, kick him out of bed, whether he turned up for the event wearing boxer shorts or a flowing beribboned peignoir.
  • Yet unlike the systemic risk problem, which is endlessly jawboned in Washington today, no one is really talking about the dispersion of responsibility problem. Legislating a Conscience on Wall Street
  • As skiers did prior to machine grooming, we sidestepped and herringboned uphill to pack down the powder and skied down several times.
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  • That is because grounds will have some 'special double wide' seats for those supporters who are, er, big-boned. The Sun
  • his lanky long-boned body
  • He is a physically imposing man, tall and big-boned, who looks as earnest and stern as a Presbyterian minister.
  • If you have big-boned forearms, try a chunky cuff while a slim wrist suits more delicate bracelets or bangles. The Sun
  • Mary dangled be-ribboned trinkets before her the minute she opened her eyes, and they were all in danger of hurting her with overkindness. Three Little Cousins
  • Rub each of the boned chicken legs all over with a little olive oil and the thyme leaves.
  • She was a tall, big-boned woman whose straight blond hair was faded, and tinged with gray.
  • The bottom portion of her face became rounder with larger eyes and simply outlined lips, always accompanied by the pony-tailed, beribboned hair.
  • Take a pig being scalded, boned, and chined down the back, then soak the collars clean from the blood the space of two hours, dry them in The accomplisht cook or, The art & mystery of cookery
  • The EC allows irradiation for mechanically deboned chicken meat.
  • Big oil will make more money and like we saw when Dubbyah ‘jawboned’ the price of gas down to 4 bucks a gallon [snark] the oil companies made a record profit. Think Progress » Bush Official Dan Bartlett Admits Authorizing Offshore Oil Drilling Will Be Unlikely To Win Over Any GOP Votes
  • We decided to go with the 12-pounder and the man cut its head off, cut its tail off, shaved off the scales, butterflied it and deboned it.
  • Craig Janek and Dr. Sean Funston "ribboned" the royal path for Duchesses Meg Walker and Jennifer Dominguez and Dukes Keith McFatridge and Dr. James Grant. The Daily News - News
  • What wretched ends on curs'd ambition wait I See! where, a prey, unboned Curio lies, The Works of the Greek and Roman Poets
  • Several of his photographs of Helen recall her portrait, and in one she even wears the same white dress and beribboned shoes.
  • Rub each of the boned chicken legs all over with a little olive oil and the thyme leaves.
  • The winter-inspired menu will consist of a warming vegetarian soup starter followed by a choice of hearty and wholesome Main Courses such as Chef Templeton's famous deboned ox tail or the delicious Springbok Pinotage Pie.
  • Women were more conservative, in full skirts and beribboned white felt hats.
  • Australia won a turgid match and it is fitting that it was the raw-boned Owen Finnegan who scored the breakthrough try.
  • Whatever your favorite types of meat - boned chicken breast, lean cuts of beef or even pork - buy large discounted packages.
  • You've that fine-boned look through the face that some of the Angevin ladies have. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • Lard the boned chicken with pig fat.
  • Hence the urgency to fast-track a raw-boned 17-year-old from Everton, who might as easily be mangled by the demands of the international game as made by them.
  • Maybe it's the beribboned high waistlines, maybe it's the delicate petticoats or maybe it's those slightly ridiculous bonnets, but whatever the reason, behind-the-hand sniggers are a certainty.
  • A Courtesan is played by an Asian girl hardly older than three, whose comehither gesture and coy posture, rouged lips and beribboned hair, faithfully mimic the conventions of Chinese painting.
  • Sir Walter Scott gave an account of an unidentified friend who had been in Paris and discovered a ‘tall, thin, raw-boned, grim-looking old man’ with a sunburned and heavily freckled face.
  • For sweet 'n' sour chicken, NASA freeze-dries the boned, skinless chicken chunks after traditional preparation in a terrestrial kitchen, and the sauce goes into space as a dry mix with instant starch that is then rehydrated. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • In January 1986, just before he was to head to the city to try his luck at St Kilda, raw-boned ruckman Chris Ralston took a few photos of his home ground at Osborne, in the heart of the Riverina.
  • Finally came the gown, which might consist of a boned bodice and stiffened skirt to match.
  • Yes, there she was, beribboned and frilled, a grave look on her face as she ate while around her grown men traded subtle insults and subtler hints, and the women gossiped, gossip with as many messages hidden in it as any man's talk.
  • It was harder to ride than my own old-fashioned bike, which had big wheels and a beribboned basket. The Dark Side of Innocence
  • Its well-muscled body is supported by stoutly boned, short to medium legs that give the cat a low-slung appearance.
  • We decided to go with the 12-pounder and the man cut its head off, cut its tail off, shaved off the scales, butterflied it and deboned it.
  • Then there was the saloon-keeper's collared and ribboned ratter, which got an extra lump because the 'barkeep' was liberal; and the rounds-man's Cat, that brought no cash, but got unusual consideration because the meat-man did. Animal Heroes
  • The Otterhound has good substance with strongly boned legs and broad muscles, without being coarse.
  • David Binney, the American saxophonist, is based at New York's 55 Bar, as is the raw-boned and independent guitarist Wayne Krantz, who joins him on this set.
  • The bride wore an ivory satin dress with a boned bodice, scooped neckline, full skirt, a long train, tiara of crystals and a veil with small crystals at the hem.
  • At once, though almost insensibly, the attitude of Mr. Vanney eased; obviously there was no fear of his being "boned" for a job. Success A Novel
  • A man with delicate good looks and haunting eyes, staring out at us from portraits, beribboned and aristocratic.
  • They were small breeds, lighter-boned and lighter-thewed, these Romans and Jews, and a blonde like me they had never gazed upon. Chapter 17
  • A boned and stuffed quail, on a chestnut and cinnamon risotto with soused figs?
  • Inside there was a small-boned Beninois fellow with an accounts book and a calculator in front of him. A DARKENING STAIN
  • It has a semi-cobby compact, muscular and heavy boned body type, a straight tail, and a heart-shaped face. Archive 2010-01-01
  • If you agree with the conclusion you are as thin-backboned as Gaius Baltar and just as easily manipulated (this is coming NOT-from an atheist BTW). Battlestar Galactica: Watched The Finale? Still Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers!
  • Her recipes are very bare boned, which is great for individual interpretation but not so great when you are staring at a recipe, puzzled by something. Archive 2009-09-01
  • The notochord is the supporting axis of the pioneer backboned animals, namely the Lancelets and the Round-mouths (Cyclostomes), such as the The Outline of Science, Vol. 1 (of 4) A Plain Story Simply Told
  • He was a big-boned man of perhaps sixty, with a thick black moustache and a head of curly Mediterranean hair.
  • Cook for 3-4 minutes and then add 250g of fresh salmon which has been boned, skinned and chopped.
  • There is no bulging sack and casual scattering of beribboned boxes.
  • A big-boned and racy Languedoc Syrah, it has a warm perfumed nose that hints of heather and dried spices.
  • If all else fails, steam 12 ounces of boned, skinned sole fillets in a single layer until opaque but still moist-looking in the center, about 5 minutes.
  • The red snapper we had chosen came to the table deboned and butterflied, where it was served onto our plates with a garnish of endive, radicchio, lemon wedges and capers.
  • Or the plump and moist quail which the menu calls deboned, but isn't quite. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • I can have a five-footer skinned, deboned and processed in about 15 minutes," she says. Alligator Farmers Snap Back At Florida's Plan to Sever Funding
  • This isn't always obvious, but footwear is a good clue – serious dancers will be wearing beribboned espadrilles. 10 of the best outdoors activities in Barcelona
  • To his detractors, Gideon was dangerous—a pie-in-the-sky slave to political correctness who thought the enemies of Western civilization could be jawboned into holding hands and singing “Kumbaya.” Gideon’s war
  • a boned (or deboned) fish
  • A fair rule of thumb is that you will get about 40% of the live weight of a deer if carefully deboned so as not to have excessive waste. How much meat do you get out of a deer when you debone it? Let's say a big whitetail doe.
  • Lard the boned chicken with pig fat.
  • She was a tall young woman, with a rather high-cheek-boned, high-coloured face, and candid grey eyes, and she stood without speaking, her hands folded one over the other. On Forsyte 'Change
  • Ditto the very good Cornish hen, which is similarly transformed by being deboned, cooked in a densely flavored turmeric emulsion, and dusted with a coating of crisped shallots.
  • Don't big-boned passengers occupy comparatively more space standing up? Times, Sunday Times
  • The nurse called a cheery greeting to a young man in a beribboned cap, and he whistled in reply. The Mad Ship
  • To escape the whispers, I fled outside where wild flowers ribboned under the fence, or to the old stables.
  • Growing up I was called chubby or “big-boned” by adults. CSS: Shaping the New You
  • As soon as we were out of doors, Egbert, with the manner of a little footpad, demanded a shilling of me on the ground that his pocket-money was "boned" from him. Bleak House
  • They were a strong-boned, iracund herdsman-and-fisher people.
  • Her rich contralto, with both range and depth, is unwavering throughout this sometimes rawboned story.
  • Venison steaks (or a boned roasting joint) may be encased in puff or shortcrust pastry, in the same way as fillet of beef.
  • The Tupperware saleslady was a big-boned Armenian woman whose spiel had been written expressly for housewives. SIGNIFICANT OTHERS
  • The bride wore a vanilla satin strapless boned top and midnight blue velvet fishtail skirt, with a vanilla and blue wrap.
  • After we left, the newlyweds would slip off to an historic San Antonio hotel, carrying a ribboned picnic basket of champagne and pate and Brie and baguettes.
  • Then being deboned, mechanically separated, and reformed into a tasty sauce-slathered McPatty. The McRib Officially McReturns
  • The other two-a big-boned bay and an unusually wellformed Andalusian gray, with a small head and long sweeping tail -- had ladies 'saddles. Barbara Blomberg — Complete
  • Halladay, who jawboned his way into being traded to a contending team so he finally could pitch in the playoffs, made a stunning debut, culminating with a dribbler in front of home plate that catcher Carlos Ruiz pounced on and threw to first for the final out. Top Moments: Rethinking Kanye West, the Beatles and The Event
  • He was pensively turning one of the pieces in his hand, a crinolined woman wearing a beribboned bonnet languidly weeding a gulden path with a slender hoe. The Lighthouse
  • Since the 1970s, many evolutionary biologists have considered an eel-like, deep-sea-dwelling creature called the hagfish to be the closest extant relative of a last common ancestor for all backboned creatures. Wired Top Stories
  • His attention left the sleeping women and went to the hand carved, silk draped and beribboned crib.
  • He ribboned his shirt for bandages.
  • The dresses themselves are simply cut - strapless with a boned inner corselette, beautifully tailored by Grace-Duff (an elegant answer to the awkward built-in shelf bra). Theartblog
  • This kind of boned chicken may be very well for the mental invalid, but the ordinary child prefers to separate his meat from the "drumstick" by his own unaided effort, and there is no doubt that it is better for him to do so. A Librarian's Open Shelf
  • "How can it be this good?" I thought as I dismantled a partially deboned hunk of quail and scarfed up its sublime, crackly crust.
  • In one corner we have rangy, raw-boned Clint Eastwood; in the other that nimble little street-fighter, Martin Scorsese.
  • It was an absolutely gorgeous boned corset covered in silver sequins from Cabaret in Edinburgh.
  • Suitable meats include poultry, rabbit, or beef that has been deboned.
  • In that case I usually go for a boned loin, ready-tied and scored by the butcher.
  • Reverend Jenkins was tall, rubicund, big-boned yet fragile-looking, with a full shock of longish white hair topping the bill. Shortcut Man
  • Caramelised venison chop and noisette (boned out cutlet) with honey and blackcurrant fromage blanc Friday morning hair and black history.
  • At this moment there arrived at the same patch of greensward a pedestrian some years older than Percival St. John, -- a tall, muscular, raw-boned, dust-covered, travel-stained pedestrian; one of your pedestrians in good earnest, -- no amateur in neat gambroon manufactured by Inkson, who leaves his carriage behind him and walks on with his fishing-rod by choice, but Lucretia — Volume 04
  • Though he felt light-headed from the morning and afternoon group-meditation sessions and the trancing suck of the desert sun, he pushed himself up and tottered back to the yurt on legs that might as well have been deboned for all the stability they offered him, this perfect gift of the dragonfly inside him and no way to get it out. The Silence
  • Cook the marinaded boned meat over the BBQ and you'll get rid of the rest. What is the easiest way to clean a goose properly? and what is a good recipe for goose?
  • * Six toes with functioning three-boned dewclaw, allowing them to grip rocks and climb. The Volokh Conspiracy » Puffins:
  • The raw-boned wing still had much to do, but he cleverly chipped ahead over the cover and won the race for the touchdown, Stenhouse converting from the touchline.
  • The abattoir at the Bagenalstown meat processing plant will remain open and the cattle will be slaughtered there and deboned in Clonmel.
  • Add the deboned meat and continue to cook, stirring, until drumsticks and meat are golden brown, four to five minutes.
  • This stuff was actually quite easy after I boned up on my HTML.
  • The quartz grains are largely unstrained (mono-or polycrystalline), but minor ribboned quartz, characteristic of highly deformed terrains, is found as a significant detrital phase only in this member.
  • You will need to order the boned shoulder of lamb ahead of time.
  • The steer was a big one, raw-boned, leggy, a typical old-time long-horn of the Texas ranges, and now in fear and rage it put forth all the strength of which it was capable. The Dude Wrangler
  • Did we overlook when you "jawboned" the medical establishment (with private, sweetheart deals) or when top aides, invariably representing the "fortunate few," offered blarney but no job creation to "hardworking people" no longer working, hard or otherwise. The Smirking Chimp - News And Commentary from the Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy
  • He's not fat, he's big-boned.
  • As a raw-boned 26-year-old who had already been playing first-class rugby for almost a decade, Telfer made his debut for the Lions on the 1966 tour to New Zealand.
  • This kind of boned chicken may be very well for the mental invalid, but the ordinary child prefers to separate his meat from the "drumstick" by his own unaided effort, and there is no doubt that it is better for him to do so. A Librarian's Open Shelf
  • His fine-boned hand—Declan supposed it never lifted anything heavier than a pencil—fluttered to his neckcloth as he cleared his throat. The Year of Living Scandalously
  • Have the turkey thighs boned and skinned at the meat market.
  • The bridesmaid wore a boned bodice and full-length skirt in claret red heavy satin, and a claret and gold feather headdress.
  • For appetisers, the not-so-big-boned beauty had cigarettes and bottled water, followed by a heaping ball of bread. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fish, which was deboned, was glistening, fresh, soft and succulent.
  • There was a very slim, languid-looking beauty in a gold sari reclining in the palankeen, another plump piece in scarlet trousers and jacket beside her, and a third, very black, but fine-boned as a Swede, with a pearl headdress that must have cost my year's pay, sitting in a kind of camp-chair alongside - even the ladies 'maid standing beside the palankeen was a looker, with great almond eyes and a figure inside her plain white sari like a Hindoo temple goddess. Fiancée
  • Its full skirt will look great when you are swirling on the dancefloor, and it's more comfortable than a traditional boned ball gown.
  • This news reminded me of a Monty Python sketch, in which a chocolate maker gets in trouble for having too-accurate names- a chocolate named “Crunchy Frog” actually has a dead frog in it… the police say “I must warn you that in future you should delete the words ‘crunchy frog’, and replace them with the legend ‘crunchy raw unboned real dead frog’, if you want to avoid prosecution.” full script Naming controversy over novelty baked goods | Baking Bites
  • a rawboned cow hand
  • I have a steel-boned underbust corset that I can wear for you too, or I can bring it along for you to lace me into.
  • Now I'm a perfectly healthy, big-boned girl with impeccable vision.
  • But dead ahead, far away across the valley where the ground began to rise sharply again in stands of pine, a narrow white swath of cleared ground ribboned through the dark trees, clearly visible.
  • From one end of the town to the other clotheslines, dining-room chairs, porch rockers and upstairs bedrooms are overflowing with silk foulards, frilled dimities, beribboned and belaced organdies, not to mention the billows of dotted swiss and muslin. Green Valley
  • I'm sure the suede lining helped, but it's rare to find a holster so nicely boned that doesn't require a break-in period.
  • No, I was just a tall, big-boned, and still very clumsy girl.
  • So the health certificate required by the 1991 version of the 1964 Directive was amended, the amendment being different depending on whether the meat was fresh bone-in bovine meat or deboned bovine meat.
  • Despite his military uniform and beribboned chest, he has become a music hall joke.
  • Namibia has a quota of only 200 tons for exporting deboned mutton under the Cotonou Agreement that will lapse in 2008.
  • My mother is a big-boned woman.
  • Matthew has personally skinned, boned and portioned 40 stone of fish. I believe I can fry
  • The drum or the drummy is the single-boned portion of a wing that closely resembles a drumstick or a chicken leg, but is definitely not part of the leg," Roth says. Local Breaking News
  • A-list items include boned corsets made out of bronze PVC with black criss-cross lacing, and black velvet hooded opera capes with brocade closures.
  • When it comes to vertebrate backboned creatures other than humans, only one—the naked mole rat—has achieved the same grade of social organization. SuperCooperators
  • It is decked out in camel-boned ice buckets, babouche slippers, sequin-edged curtains and artworks by Bridget Riley.
  • Krystal and Katie laced up the boned corset and pulled until Kirby complained that she couldn't breathe to sing.
  • SERVES 6wild sea bass 1 weighing approximately 1kg, skinned, filleted and pin-bonedlemon grass 1 stick, cut into 6 chunkstiny tomatoes 6 quarteredpetits pois 6 tbsp broad beans 6 tbsp briefly blanched and skins slipped offwhite wine 6 tbspolive oil 6 tbspfresh dill a handful, choppedsea salt and pepperCut three pieces of greaseproof paper about 35cm square. Seaside recipes: crab tart, sea bass with pea and mint soup
  • Every one will remember the figure of Mrs. Pardiggle in Bleak House, that raw-boned lady who enjoyed hard work, and did not know what it was to be tired, who went about rating inefficient people, and "boned" her children's pocket-money for charitable objects. At Large
  • She was a tall, big-boned woman wearing jeans and a plaid button-down shirt. AFTERMATH
  • Because it is a rich livestock raising area, the regional menu leans heavily toward meat dishes, such as barbequed and stewed mutton, barbacoa de lomo (barbequed filet mignon), lechón (baked suckling pig) and cordero asado, boned leg of lamb stuffed with rice, spices and fruit. April in Aguascalientes: Food and Drink at Mexico's National Fair
  • The flesh was ribboned across the wound, glistening with blood and a foreign, clear, viscid liquid that looked like saliva. MINUTES TO BURN
  • Here I am wearing a very cute suedette, boned corset dress with a tiered ruffle skirt (perfect for hiding a multitude of sins i.e. my bum) for just €55, with an over-sized fringed bag (€30) and long necklace (€20). Irish Blogs
  • Had she, in the long-ago spring, bowled her hoop through that same crocus-gold park, dressed in a pinafore and tightly-laced black boots, a lonely child, but full of hope at the time, her long beribboned hair flowing out behind her?
  • He fetched up for a moment at a drawing easel, his reiterant cry checked on his lips, and threw a laugh of recognition and appreciation at the sketch, just outlined, of an awkward, big-boned, knobby, weanling colt caught in the act of madly whinneying for its mother. CHAPTER IX
  • In her girlhood the sound of the horn had called to her blood with all the intoxicating associations it awoke in the raw-boned, energetic rider in the plum-coloured coat -- but to-day both the horn and the familiar landscape around her had grown strange and unhomelike. Virginia
  • “Such a well-appointed room,” Miss Osborne commented, stepping around a ribboned hatbox as if she were avoiding a pile of dog waste. Earl of Durkness
  • Congresswoman Weintrob jawboned local officials about their responsibilities toward the immigrant community.
  • Three times in one week a visitor showed up at my office early in the morning: an enormous, thick-boned man with sparkling blue eyes — a colossus from the Securitate. Herta Müller - Nobel Lecture
  • His wife comely as a girl, hair down and beribboned, partlet lost—as if out maying. Tempted by Your Touch
  • Similarly, one does not throw the press, the public and even the elected representatives of the opposition party out of the room in which government control of one-sixth of the nation's economy is being horse-traded, logrolled, bribed and jawboned into shape in violation of the people's will, all the while praising the closed-door process as "the most transparent in history. Summit Daily News - Top Stories
  • Caramelised venison chop and noisette (boned out cutlet) with honey and blackcurrant fromage blanc Friday morning hair and black history.
  • Barbara's elegant mother, however, would have preferred a more feminine daughter than this big-boned, overweight youngster.
  • Kristen stared at the ruby red prom dress with the boned corset top done in satin with a embroidered flower motif.
  • But don't overlook other cuts of meat on offer, from boned and rolled roasts to fillets and cured bacon.
  • A frillier dress, of sea-green, with a ribboned stomacher, and a raised chin make her air more confident.
  • Add four boned and skinned duck breasts.
  • The house speciality is manchoorie balti, where a whole chicken is marinated and barbecued, then boned and slow-cooked to a secret recipe.
  • Most of my dresses have been in ivory, though I am also working on gold designs and the most popular design is a boned bodice.
  • The respondents were asked to detail how many suspender belts they had, along with boned or unboned corsets and even "expectant mothers' corsets" that contained steel needed for the war effort. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • The stereotypes, of course, change: before, it was the dark hair, the small and small-boned haughty elegance, the slightish mouth.
  • A big raw-boned poley bull nominated himself to be my first opponent.
  • Congresswoman Weintrob jawboned local officials about their responsibilities toward the immigrant community.
  • My father is six-foot-two, a big-boned farmer with a thick, strong body.
  • Her big-boned body felt clumsy and she placed the tray on the coffee table with a loud clatter.
  • The brigandish guise which the Canaller so proudly sports; his slouched and gaily-ribboned hat betoken his grand features. Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • It is old-timey looking compared to the other yarn-draped and ribboned ones, but there is something classical about it, too. THE BINGO PALACE
  • The lean and raw-boned McGrath's physical strength is matched by mental attributes.
  • Something like the same effect occurs in one of Italy's most celebrated dishes, Arrosto di maiale al latte, in which a boned pork loin is braised in milk.
  • Almost overnight, big-boned, N-frame six-guns like the Model 28 found themselves out of vogue, replaced by underweight versions sporting a slimmer and trimmer body.
  • Sluggish Saints finally replied on the stroke of half-time with a Martin Gleeson try but had no one to match the raw-boned power of Trinity forwards Dallas Hood and Michael Korkidas.
  • The meat had been deboned, defatted, and served in a pool of black-truffle sauce.
  • She even bought a foolish little beribboned and belaced nightgown. Of Course You Can Buy This - A Dress A Day
  • “Nevertheless, I must warn you that in future you should delete the words ‘crunchy frog’, and replace them with the legend ‘crunchy raw unboned real dead frog’, if you want to avoid prosecution.” Akshully - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • A great black pot with open lid swung over it, from which rose a slight steam and a bubbling noise; and this huge, gaunt, bareboned, hungry man, looking into it, saw a large raw swede, just as from the field, with only the greens cut off, simmering for his supper. The Toilers of the Field
  • Congresswoman Weintrob jawboned local officials about their responsibilities toward the immigrant community.
  • Mammals are then grouped with the classes of other backboned animals, such as reptiles, into a "subphylum," Vertebrata, which is part of the "phylum" Chordata, containing all animals which have a nerve chord at some time in their life cycle. Lazarus, Elvis, zombies and Jimmy Hoffa
  • A big-boned, sharp-tongued farm girl, Josie is the beating heart of this play and the kind of role actors dream of through years of movie walk-ons and commercials.
  • Anyway, I've boned up on it overnight, and I'm sad to report that the NT's proposed laws are a bit of a disappointment.
  • Horsehide holds its hand-boned fit much better than cowhide.
  • To his peers he was a rough-edged, raw-boned culchie.
  • A boned and stuffed quail, on a chestnut and cinnamon risotto with soused figs?
  • It was expertly grilled, neatly deboned, and served with a boat of whipped mustard hollandaise thick enough to eat with a fork.
  • For main courses, the boned skate wing, with mussel, parsley and caper tartare, was simply divine.
  • And knowledgeable supporters of a certain vintage at Ayr RFC may recall the raw-boned, fair-haired youngster making his mark in the side's back row some nine seasons ago.
  • The meat had been deboned, defatted, and served in a pool of black-truffle sauce.
  • Both are significantly smaller than our "big-boned" domestic house cat who now weighs in at a pudgy 15 lbs.
  • Some of the walls were herringboned with neat chisel marks from the old days, beautiful under the flashlight's beam.
  • His tall, rawboned body had been designed for physical work. TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH
  • And take a look at supportive underwear; there are briefs which help hold your tummy in, and if you're really keen, boned basques which squeeze you in.
  • The brewer was large, raw-boned, and round as a butt of beer, but very fat, unwieldy, short-winded, and phlegmatic. The Life and Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves
  • He yanked it aside, and thrust the snowball onto her white neck, above the ribboned collar of her flannel nightshirt.
  • His sad, raw-boned face reminded me of the boy in the film.
  • Customers can take bones when they buy deboned meat if it is for human consumption.
  • She was, to put it politely, a big girl: big-boned and blubbery, with long, mousy brown hair that hung like curtains in front of her face. The Dark Side of Innocence
  • The flesh was ribboned across the wound, glistening with blood and a foreign, clear, viscid liquid that looked like saliva. MINUTES TO BURN
  • Supposin ', f' instance, thet at the resurrection he was to be shamed out of all countenance findin ''em here - with the brewer's name blowed in each one - an' all the white ribboned angels a-flyin 'round. In Simpkinsville : character tales,
  • The cheapest pieces of beef, suitable for baking or roasting, consist of the thick part of the ribs, cut from towards the shoulder, the mouse buttock and gravy pieces, and also what is commonly called the chuck of beef, which consists of the throat boned and tied up with string in the form of a small round. A Plain Cookery Book for the Working Classes
  • And they're just as gracefully-sexy today as they were raw-boned ugly 50 years ago.
  • She used to say she and Rose Kennedy had much in common; both were iron-backboned New Englanders with nine children, then she'd laugh and go back to washing the laundry. Christopher Burgess: Grandparents Day -- Celebrate Your Grandchildren Online, Safely!
  • Finally, backboned America has a forum besides Dennis Kucinich's website. Justin Hudnall: Putting Impeachment Center Stage
  • These days, the university operates a system of selection that is the envy of Oxbridge and many raw-boned cartilaginous youths are broken on the altar of inaccessibility.
  • The overwhelming feel here is of a big-boned, but savoury southern Rhone wine.
  • A new release of Shrook is out, V2. 11, and along with other problems that have been fixed, it seems to have unboned the atom parsing that was boned in the previous release. Shrook V071

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