How To Use Bone marrow In A Sentence

  • Batten SJ (1984) Genesis of B lymphocytes in the bone marrow: extravascular and intravascular localization of surface IgM-bearing cells in mouse bone marrow detected by electron-microscope radioautography after in vivo perfusion of 125I anti-IgM antibody. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The percentages of aneuploid bone marrow leukocytes were higher than those of aneuploid sperm for the two upper THH dose groups and for the positive control group.
  • The chemotherapeutic equivalent of that surgical assault—of eviscerating the body and replacing it with an implant—was a procedure known as autologous bone marrow transplant, or ABMT, which roared into national and international prominence in the mid-1980s. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • Other findings include disseminated intravascular coagulation, bone marrow aplasia with leukopenia and thrombocytopenia, elevated liver enzyme values, hypocalcemia, hyponatremia and rhabdomyolysis. Colchicine Poisoning
  • A search for a suitable bone marrow or umbilical cord donor for Garrett is under way.
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  • He serves short ribs, potatoes, fried bone marrow, corn puree and pickled sea beans glasswort. Top Chef All Stars Ep. 12: A Final Five!
  • The men were initially found to have no sperm in their ejaculate, a condition known as azoospermia, a finding that occurs more than 70 percent of cancer survivors after bone marrow transplantation. Current News - Top Stories
  • The British Bone Marrow Registry, which is run by the National Blood Service, was formed in 1987 and works in conjunction with other UK donor registries.
  • The results of a computed tomography of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis performed after surgery as well as the results of a bone marrow biopsy were negative.
  • The workers were found to have increased risk for leukemia and multiple myeloma (cancer of the bone marrow).
  • Peripheral blood stem cell or bone marrow transplantation often leads to chimerism, wherein the patient possesses a mixed cell population.
  • The donor will then be asked to donate bone marrow.
  • Cells treated with Delta - 1 promptly began repopulating the bone marrow in the animals.
  • In people with leukemia, the bone marrow produces a large number of abnormal white blood cells.
  • An 18-year-old Korean boy, who had one side of his jawbone and most of his teeth removed due to a tumor, had stem cells taken from his bone marrow, which were then "multiplied and specialized to form an osteoblast which is a bone-forming cell. Headlines
  • The crux of the argument appears to be that bone marrow is a replenishable substance like blood but is treated like a finite organ under the law for no good reason. The Volokh Conspiracy » Jeff Rowes Guest-Blogging This Week on the Bone Marrow Compensation Case
  • An international search for a bone marrow donor led to Janet Pope, a doctor's receptionist from Princes Risborough.
  • A bone marrow transplant cured the problem, but complications followed with his heart, which meant more surgery. Times, Sunday Times
  • This case demonstrated that the FDG-PET could detect more lesions of metastatic Ewing's sarcoma than bone and gallium scans, especially for those with bone marrow involvement.
  • Dec 04, 2008 | not rated yet | no comments yet Stem cells derived from bone marrow may serve as a novel therapeutic option to treat a disease called epidermolysis bullosa - latest science and technology news stories
  • But the dad of two found a bone marrow donor - and the transplant in October cured him. The Sun
  • Sections of the bone marrow demonstrated areas of erythroid hyperplasia; however, there was no evidence of malignant lymphoid infiltrates or a significant increase in blast cells.
  • The corrected reticulocyte index should be elevated in patients with an acute anemia but a competent bone marrow.
  • There are 2,000 children worldwide who need a bone marrow transplant.
  • Karas remembered hearing, "It was a little 1-year-old boy with this horrible disease called osteopetrosis, and the only cure was a bone marrow transplant, and would I be willing? Top Stories - Google News
  • Primary lymphoid organs in the thymus and bone marrow constitute the major site of lymphocyte development.
  • Autologous bone marrow transplantation was being viewed in a different light.
  • In general, magnetic resonance is excellent for imaging soft tissue and bone marrow.
  • In 2 cases, a bone marrow trephine biopsy was also available for examination.
  • AML is a cancer of immune cells called myeloid cells, which accumulate in bone marrow and replace normal cells, then spread to other parts of the body. Undefined
  • The myeloid lineage gives rise to the rest of the white blood cells or leukocytes, which all derive from the bone marrow in adults.
  • A transplant is effective as it replaces the patient 's bone marrow with healthy immune cells. The Sun
  • Her slim chance for survival lay in finding a bone marrow donor.
  • What's much safer is an autologous transplant where a person's own stem cells are harvested either from their blood or bone marrow.
  • Methods Specimens of bone marrow in these patients were analyzed by cytomorphology, cytogenetics and molecular biology.
  • Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC), initially identified in adult bone marrow, have also been described in fetal haemopoietic tissues where they accompany the migration of haemopoietic development.
  • It is usually found in the lymph nodes but can also spread to involve other organs such as the spleen and bone marrow.
  • There are two basic reasons for carrying out bone marrow transplantation for leukaemia and lymphoma.
  • A competitive pathway also converts 6-MP to its cytotoxic 6-thioguanine nucleotides (6-TGNs) that are associated with bone marrow suppression (leukopenia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia). Clinical studies: IBD treatment safety
  • These small, enucleate cells are produced from large parent cells, the megakaryocytes, in the bone marrow.
  • Bone marrow smears were examined to determine the extent of genotoxicity after particular treatment times.
  • Dr. Ernest McCulloch, who with biophysicist James E. Till was the first to isolate and identify a stem cell, opening the door immediately to bone marrow transplants and eventually to what researchers expect will be a host of treatments for a broad spectrum of ailments including spinal cord injuries and Alzheimer's disease, died Jan. 20 in Toronto. Ernest McCulloch dies: Scientist who first identified stem cells was 84
  • His topic was the regeneration of damaged heart muscle, by use of bone marrow stem cells.
  • If you haven't been tested for bone marrow donation, consider getting tested.
  • We could do bone marrow transplants, but in those days it was very toxic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bone marrow and stem cell transplants help treat certain cancers, such as leukemia and lymphoma, and some noncancerous conditions, such as aplastic anemia and some inherited immune disorders.
  • Bone marrow 'stromal' stem cells are able to differentiate into various types of tissue that form the skeleton, including bone and cartilage. Health News from Medical News Today
  • The only effective cure at present involves a bone marrow transplant from a donor with matching tissue. Times, Sunday Times
  • A similar situation has been noted in paediatric oncology, with a lower than expected number of referrals for bone marrow transplant.
  • The scientists said their new technology, called immuno-isolation, sorts mesenchymal stem cells from other cells residing in a bone marrow sample, using a specific antibody. The Money Times - finance news, lifestyle, markets, investment, personal finance, banking, retirement planning
  • The entirety of human blood, for instance, can arise from a single, highly potent blood-forming stem cell called a hematopoietic stem cell, which typically lives buried inside the bone marrow. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • The recycled iron is stored in the liver, spleen and bone marrow until needed. The Medicine Chest - your family's guide to prescription drugs
  • Benzene is especially noxious, with the ability to cause bone marrow cancer and leukemia.
  • He is expecting to have a bone marrow transplant operation in the next few weeks. Times, Sunday Times
  • White blood cells are produced by the bone marrow, the soft spongy centre of bones.
  • Stephen Merrill, another mathematician at Marquette, recently studies bone marrow transplants in the treatment of advanced breast cancer.
  • Matching bone marrow donors are usually blood relatives.
  • A search for a suitable bone marrow or umbilical cord donor for Garrett is under way.
  • In other areas, such as blood and bone marrow donation, living donors are the norm.
  • Bilateral bone marrow biopsies and a unilateral bone marrow aspiration were performed.
  • Megaloblastic anemia is characterized by the presence of megaloblasts in the bone marrow.
  • Divide veal, scallions, Brussels sprouts, sake, bone marrow and bouillon into four bowls.
  • This was the linguine cooked in red wine, pecorino and bone marrow. Times, Sunday Times
  • When a child has leukemia, large numbers of abnormal white blood cells are produced in the bone marrow.
  • To our knowledge, this is the first reported case in which florid parvovirus infection and subsequent recovery was documented by sequential bone marrow examination.
  • Transplants of stem cells from either the same person or another person are used to repopulate and regenerate the bone marrow, ‘rescuing’ the patient from aplasia.
  • In the process she has faced round after round of blood transfusions and radical hospital treatment to negate the effects of the illness that is destroying her bone marrow.
  • The generation of blood cells takes place primarily in the bone marrow and spleen.
  • Bone marrow and axillary lymph node biopsies both contained mixed cellularity Hodgkin lymphoma.
  • Increasingly senior educational roles were capped by 18 years as staff development instructor in oncology, haematology and bone marrow transplant.
  • But in lab tests the team have managed to heal cartilage tissue with stem cells taken from the patient's own bone marrow. The Sun
  • As stated, a bone marrow biopsy was negative for plasma cell dyscrasia in our case, which further supports the diagnosis of a localized plasmacytoma.
  • There are 2,000 children worldwide who need a bone marrow transplant.
  • Objective To observe the differences of colony forming unit-fibroblastic(CFU-F) numbers in bone marrow aspirated in various ways from New Zealand white rabbits.
  • Side effects include bone marrow toxicity, hepatitis, reversible oligospermia, yellow discoloration of urine and of soft contact lenses, nausea, headache, and abdominal discomfort.
  • A child of Svetlana had desperately needed a bone marrow transplant.
  • Cancer Cytogenetics Laboratory: tissue biopsies and bone marrow aspirates for karyotype and SNP array. Hematopathology
  • There are two basic reasons for carrying out bone marrow transplantation for leukaemia and lymphoma.
  • Red blood cells are produced in the bone marrow.
  • The recycled iron is stored in the liver, spleen and bone marrow until needed. The Medicine Chest - your family's guide to prescription drugs
  • A year ago today, she was undergoing a transatlantic bone marrow transplant in a last-ditch attempt to beat leukaemia.
  • His sister was found to be the one-in-a-million bone marrow match he needed.
  • Increase the neutrophilic granulocyte count after bone marrow transplantation.
  • Aplastic anemia ( anemia of bone - marrow failure ): Inadequate blood - cell formation by bone marrow.
  • This requires a bone marrow examination from the crest of the hip bone using local anesthesia.
  • Stem cells are harvested from bone marrow, umbilical cords, the brain and spinal cord and other tissues.
  • Several different and diverse types of leukocytes exist, but they are all produced and derived from a multipotent cell in the bone marrow known as a hematopoietic stem cell. - Articles related to Mobile phone is dirtier than toilet flush handle
  • Under normal conditions of hemopoiesis, the bone marrow acts as a site for the turnover and traffic of mature leukocytes to the peripheral circulation.
  • If you require a bone marrow transplant a compatible donor will need to be found.
  • The BBMR is a division of the National Blood Service, which works in co-operation with the other UK bone marrow donor registries.
  • THE third of four young brothers with a rare disease is set to return to school after a life-saving bone marrow transplant. The Sun
  • A gram-positive coccus was isolated from the bone marrow of a 5-year-old patient with leukemia.
  • It was the same story at the butcher, which stocked beef knuckle and bone marrow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Donnall Thomas, had shown that bone marrow, much like a kidney or liver, could be harvested from one patient and transplanted back—either into the same patient (called autologous transplantation) or into another patient (termed allogeneic transplantation). The Emperor of All Maladies
  • In adults, normal bone marrow contains largely fat and therefore has a high signal.
  • Now blood tests have shown the cancer is gone, paving the way for a bone marrow transplant to ensure it stays away. The Sun
  • Our bone marrow contains fat in the form of small globules.
  • Further tests, including a bone marrow sample for leukaemia, failed to confirm a diagnosis but the illness was linked to a rare from of pure red blood cell aplasia.
  • Doctors told him he was unlikely to live much longer without a bone marrow transplant. The Sun
  • Bone marrow cells exhibited chromosome aberrations, aneuploidy, and changes in the mitotic index.
  • The bone marrow helps regulate the number of white blood cells in the body.
  • In the EU, approximately 13,000 cancer patients undergo autologous bone marrow transplant each year.
  • The term refers to any of a group of malignant diseases of the bone marrow and other bone forming organs.
  • She carried a heavy workload, much involved in paediatric oncology and the early days of bone marrow transplantation.
  • You can donate blood, bone marrow, even kidneys and even part of your liver as a living donor.
  • Then a hollow needle is inserted into the bone, and a syringe is used to draw out the liquid-like bone marrow.
  • While bone marrow is part of the osseous system, the bones do not constitute one organ, and marrow-like functions occur in the liver, spleen, and lymph nodes altogether encompassing the reticuloendothelial system. The Volokh Conspiracy » Jeff Rowes Guest-Blogging This Week on the Bone Marrow Compensation Case
  • Some bones have a hollow cavity containing bone marrow in which new red blood cells are produced. Biology Basic Facts
  • Bone marrow biopsy and other hematologic tests were consistent with agranulocytosis and marked erythroid hypoplasia of the megakaryocyte type.
  • Multiple myeloma is a hematological malignant neoplasm of the bone marrow.
  • Many different tissues can be transplanted such as whole organs like the heart, or cells as in bone marrow transplantation.
  • A recent study has suggested that iliac crest bone marrow biopsy is less sensitive and more invasive than either bone scintigraphy or MRI.
  • Although the extension of infection appeared to be primarily direct, lesions suggesting hematogenous dissemination were occasionally noted in bone marrow and skin.
  • In some cases you may be able to exchange cards or letters with the person who received your donated bone marrow.
  • In people with leukemia, the bone marrow produces a large number of abnormal white blood cells.
  • The first year consists of clinical rotations in hematology, oncology, bone marrow transplantation, neuro-oncology and clinical laboratories. Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Fellowship Program
  • Common sites of metastases include liver, bone, bone marrow, extradural space, orbits and skin.
  • Donations can be in money, goods, blood, organs and bone marrow. But what happens when you mix heartfelt charity with a handful of self-gratification?Sperm donation.
  • In normal circumstances 99 percent or more of these friendly-fire-prone T cells are killed off quite efficiently; the body recognizes them as autoreactive—long before they escape out of the bone marrow—because they have a protein sequence on their surfaces different from the good kind of T cells that help to defend us from invading foes. The Autoimmune Epidemic
  • A blood test will show if you are a possible bone marrow donor.
  • Now blood tests have shown the cancer is gone, paving the way for a bone marrow transplant to ensure it stays away. The Sun
  • Case 2 involved a 3-year-old boy who received a mismatched unrelated bone marrow transplant for metachromatic leukodystrophy.
  • In a mouse study, Dickek and his team transplanted bone marrow containing macrophages that overproduce a protein-digesting enzyme known as urokinase into aged, atherosclerotic mice. Innovations-report
  • Divide veal, scallions, Brussels sprouts, sake, bone marrow and bouillon into four bowls.
  • Patients receiving total body irradiation for bone marrow transplant conditioning must also be considered at risk.
  • There is also an acute shortage of bone marrow and stem cell donors. Times, Sunday Times
  • We need fat - for the protection of internal organs, for brain tissue and bone marrow. The Sun
  • Currently people from these communities are under-represented on the blood and bone marrow donor registers.
  • The term distinguishes the cells from hematopoietic stem cells, which give rise to blood cells, and which are found in bone marrow. Featured News and Stories
  • Stem cells are cells taken from bone marrow which have the ability to grow into several different types of tissue.
  • Now, the Hebrew University group has developed a technology called immuno-isolation in which MSCs are sorted out from the other cells residing in a bone marrow sample, using a specific antibody. Health News from Medical News Today
  • But many T cells are “born” faulty when they are first produced in the bone marrow; they mistakenly react to the body itself, rather than to outside pathogens: they are “autoreactive.” The Autoimmune Epidemic
  • The safety profile of the formulation is generally favorable, with no demonstrable ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity, bone marrow suppression, or cardiovascular adverse effects.
  • We do not know whether the tumor in the bone marrow represents a primary or metastatic process.
  • It is in a critical stage and the only way to save her is through a relatively harmless bone marrow transplant.
  • He received two blood transfusions after a bone marrow transplant and wanted the name so he could sue the donor.
  • Brucellosis is diagnosed in a laboratory by finding Brucella organisms in samples of blood or bone marrow. Brucellosis
  • The concept that autologous bone marrow stem cells target a specific organ and replace diseased cells is particularly attractive.
  • Increasingly senior educational roles were capped by 18 years as staff development instructor in oncology, haematology and bone marrow transplant.
  • Doctors have been using adult stem cells, such as the blood-forming type in bone marrow (called hematopoietic stem cells), to perform bone marrow transplants for over 40 years. FAQ: What's Up With Stem Cells?
  • There is also an acute shortage of bone marrow and stem cell donors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Evaluation of the bone marrow revealed a small monoclonal population of cytoplasmic kappa light chain-restricted plasma cells in an otherwise normocellular marrow.
  • Most of the bone marrow-derived cells in the brain tissue were glia (support cells) and other non-neuronal cells.
  • St. John is known as a carnivore's paradise -- its signature dish is roast bone marrow, served with a parsley salad -- but Mr. Rowe says the restaurant's insistence on British cuisine has resulted in widespread use of local fruits and vegetables. How Sustainable Is Your Restaurant?
  • There is a generalized infection with involvement of the liver, spleen, bone marrow, and lymph glands.
  • Other potential side effects of colchicine include bone marrow depression, hepatotoxicity, alopecia, neurologic disturbances, and renal damage.
  • Unlike blood or bone marrow donation, altruistic acts by strangers are illegal under the Human Organ Transplants Act 1989.
  • The only effective cure at present involves a bone marrow transplant from a donor with matching tissue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two laboratories collaborated in this project, one analysing bone marrow cells and the other analysing gut cells from the same animals.
  • When a child has leukemia, large numbers of abnormal white blood cells are produced in the bone marrow.
  • The researchers show that HIV can target haematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs) from the bone marrow before they give rise to white blood cells. Scientific American
  • Other findings include disseminated intravascular coagulation, bone marrow aplasia with leukopenia and thrombocytopenia, elevated liver enzyme values, hypocalcemia, hyponatremia and rhabdomyolysis. Colchicine Poisoning
  • The interior of the epiphyses is where red blood cells are produced, called homopoiesis, in the red bone marrow. We���re Born With 270 Bones. As Adults We Have 206
  • An equivalent number of reticulocytes are released daily from the bone marrow.
  • The iliac crest bone marrow biopsy is the gold standard for detecting of bone marrow metastases in small cell lung cancer.
  • Objective:To observe the effect of different extraction sites of peanut seed coat on mice with thrombocytopenia in the bone marrow megakaryocyte number.
  • Signals are sent to the bone marrow to produce more white blood cells, which can arteries. The Sun
  • Vunjak-Novakovic G, Min BH, Kaplan DL (2005) Influence of macroporous protein scaffolds on bone tissue engineering from bone marrow stem cells. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In general, mitoses are more likely to be seen in malignant neoplasms. Remember, though, that normally cells are actively dividing in bone marrow, gonads, and gastrointestinal tract.
  • Some inherited diseases are now known to be caused by telomerase defects, including certain forms of congenital aplastic anemia, in which insufficient cell divisions in the stem cells of the bone marrow lead to severe anemia. The 2009 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine - Press Release
  • In contrast, autologous transplants usually result in relapse within one year, due to residual disease in the patient, or in the bone marrow preparation.
  • Autologous transplants are stem cells from the patient's own bone marrow or peripheral blood.
  • He received two blood transfusions after a bone marrow transplant and wanted the name so he could sue the donor.
  • Immunology Laboratory: tissue biopsies, body fluids, bone marrow aspirate, and peripheral blood for flow cytometry for leukemia, lymphoma, ALPS (autoimmune lymphoproliferative disorder), and DHR (chronic granulomatous disease). Hematopathology
  • The red bone marrow, found in the skeleton, is were haematopoiesis happens. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • General, was dealing with a shortage of busulfan, a drug used in bone marrow transplantation. Top Stories
  • This common procedure is performed to diagnose conditions affecting the blood or bone marrow, such as anemias and leukemia. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • In utero bone marrow transplantation induces tolerance by a combination of clonal deletion and anergy. Fetal Stem Cell Transplantation, In Utero Stemm Cell Publications
  • You explained that Alice has a very rare tissue type and that, although efforts continue, searches of the bone marrow registries worldwide have not so far found a good match.
  • Some bones have a hollow cavity containing bone marrow in which new red blood cells are produced. Biology Basic Facts
  • Interestingly KGF levels correlated with hydroxyproline content of the lungs after bleomycin injury in controls but not in HSC-KGF treated mice (which we would have predicted to be lower due to the reduced injury), suggesting that the raised levels were indeed due to the local KGF delivery by bone marrow derived cells PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Mum Allison is hoping to hear news today on whether or not she can donate bone marrow to Joshua.
  • A team of intrepid roller skaters aim to cover 1,500 miles across Europe in aid of a bone marrow charity.
  • Patients undergoing such treatment are at high risk for bone marrow aplasia.
  • If you have had an autologous transplant, your body will not reject the bone marrow.
  • Those policy arguments are indeed much less strong when talking about replenishable substances like blood and indeed bone marrow. The Volokh Conspiracy » Jeff Rowes Guest-Blogging This Week on the Bone Marrow Compensation Case
  • Iron staining of the bone marrow aspirate revealed increased storage iron.
  • Since most of the patients are not eligible for allogenic transplantation, autologous bone marrow or more increasingly mobilized peripheric blood stem cells obtained by apheresis are used for grafting.
  • Luckily, the same defect that allows autoreactive T cells to escape from the bone marrow also results in a flaw on the surface of these T cells that allows them to be singled out and destroyed. The Autoimmune Epidemic
  • One, a 20 year old female, had deposits in the brain, liver, lung, bone marrow, adrenal glands, and ovaries.
  • Bearded vultures are the only living birds known to access bone marrow, which they do by dashing bones onto rocks from great heights.
  • A widower, whose wife died from leukaemia last year, is appealing to people to join the bone marrow register on her birthday.
  • The more health insurance plans opened their floodgates for bone marrow transplantation, the more women fled from clinical trials, fearing that they might be assigned to the nontreatment arm by what amounted to a coin flip. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • As in our case, the severity of peripheral neutropenia did not correlate with the cellularity of the bone marrow myeloid compartment.
  • Her mentor, Jim Teyechea, pushed Nogales' plight into the national spotlight, before he died of bone marrow cancer.
  • Bone marrow and umbilical cord blood are known to contain what are called hematopoietic blood-making stem cells. New Stem-Cell Discovery May Sidestep Ethical Debate
  • Tissues such as corneas, skin, bone, bone marrow, cartilage, tendons, veins, and fascia also can be transplanted successfully.
  • Leukocytes are produced or stored in many locations throughout the body, including the thymus, spleen, and bone marrow.
  • There is also an acute shortage of bone marrow and stem cell donors. Times, Sunday Times
  • In November, German haematologist Gero Huetter announced that he had cured a man of HIV through a bone marrow transplant from a donor who had a genetic resistance to the virus.
  • Bone marrow is a spongy tissue in the hollow centre of bones. The Sun
  • Today, 10 antiangiogenesis drugs for cancer have been approved in the United States, helping more than 1.2 million patients with cancers of colon, lung, breast, kidney, liver, pancreas, stomach and bone marrow live longer and better. Dr. Dean Ornish: Top 10 Medical Events Of The Decade
  • Some bones also bear evidence that hominins used fist-sized stones to break them open to acquire bone marrow.
  • The shaft contains osteoblast, bone forming cells of the red bone marrow, and blood vessels that carry nutrient to the bone. We���re Born With 270 Bones. As Adults We Have 206
  • Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC), initially identified in adult bone marrow, have also been described in fetal haemopoietic tissues where they accompany the migration of haemopoietic development.
  • If the results are abnormal, you may be referred to a hematologist, a doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating bone marrow and blood disorders.
  • Apelin, a newly described inotropic peptide (related to the force of heart muscle contraction) with important cardiovascular regulatory properties, contributes to functional improvement in patients with severe heart failure after they have undergone implantation with bone marrow mononuclear cells (BMMC). - latest science and technology news stories
  • Some bones have a hollow cavity containing bone marrow in which new red blood cells are produced. Biology Basic Facts
  • What's much safer is an autologous transplant where a person's own stem cells are harvested either from their blood or bone marrow.
  • The situation was that I needed to give my bone marrow. The Sun

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