How To Use Bombing In A Sentence

  • In one appearance, after the first bout of bombing, he was wearing uncharacteristic horn-rimmed spectacles.
  • Transport aircraft carrying supplies kept the German columns moving swiftly, and finally relentless bombing helped to force Warsaw into submission.
  • Unfortunately, alternatives to bombing the North Vietnam were hard to come by.
  • Lieutenant General Fritz Bayerlein provides a vivid account of what it was like to endure carpet-bombing.
  • He allegedly said he would have continued bombing ethnic minority communities if he had not been caught.
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  • A similar blend of fuel oil allegedly was used in the Oklahoma City bombing.
  • The accused is linked to the bombing that took place in Abuja," said Hein Louw, the magistrate overseeing the court proceeding. Nigerian militant leader charged over car bombs on independence day
  • Hiroshima -- As a mountain range rises angularly in the background, two Japanese misses, one in modern dress, the other clad in a traditional Japanese kimono, pose beside the Peace Bridge in Hiroshima during a day of remembrance, the ninth anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima with atomic bombs. Archive 2009-01-01
  • German saboteurs plotted a wartime bombing campaign in Britain using exploding cans of processed peas, according to secret files made public for the first time today.
  • There must be a man who shadow-managed this bombing.
  • Meanwhile, all of Africa and large parts of Asia would lie dark and unlit as if during a wartime bombing raid, a fate that one or two places down there would actually be enduring.
  • Detectives suspect the van bombing was a revenge attack.
  • Despite all the talk of precision bombing and surgical strikes, ‘collateral damage’ is reaching an embarrassing level.
  • Since the bombing had started, the ritual checking of number seven Lyra Street had given Vi comfort.
  • So why would the BBC ignore a story about an African government's armed forces bombing a town and killing civilians in contravention of a peace deal and UN Security Council resolutions? Another story that the BBC won't be covering, preferring instead to cover Israel's wickedness
  • It was not immediately clear whether the teenager was connected to any of the militant groups that have carried out suicide bombings.
  • The city's historic center, which had been largely spared massive bombing raids until then, was almost completely destroyed during this attack.
  • They have not yet found a comparable party of Iranians, however minuscule, to defend the theory of the emancipationist bombing of Iran. David Bromwich: One More War, Please
  • Where did you hole in when bombing?
  • A bombing raid on Hamburg resulted in a firestorm that killed more than 50,000 people.
  • Europe has a similar interest, having suffered, with the train bombings in Madrid, the kind of fanatic nihilism that visited the Twin Towers.
  • Shahzad, a recently naturalized U.S. citizen living in Connecticut, was taken off an airliner bound for the Persian Gulf sheikhdom of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates about 53 hours after the attempted bombing, authorities said. Times Square bomb suspect Shahzad said to implicate himself; probe expands to Pakistan
  • It is hard to see what more could be done other than a punitive and probably ineffectual bombing campaign.
  • Bombing his own men and planes was more than even the most phlegmatic observer could stomach, and it looked like the end for him…
  • For more than a week before the Inchon landing, the Allied forces used diversionary tactics by bombing nearby areas.
  • There has been a series of car bombings.
  • Military officials gave a few broad statements about the bombing raid.
  • It is infiltrating their organizations beyond bombing their training bases.
  • We are all aware that the Obamas have a wonderful marriage, and his uxoriousness is the talk of all the women's magazines; but is she really influential when it comes to surging in Afghanistan; bombing Iran; and the political haggling over taxes? Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • The British found that night bombing and incendiaries greatly increased their coercive power.
  • If the wars of terror against some states continue, then we will continue to be shocked by another suicide bombing, another execution of a hostage.
  • The thing Matt hasn’t pondered is this: had prosecutions been pursued, then Obama’s policy of massive drone bombings in Afghanistan – that kill civilians right and left – would have led to prosecutions after his team leaves office as well. Matthew Yglesias » The Yoo and Bybee Rulings
  • The heavy bombing almost annihilated the town.
  • An effort to upgrade security after the 1993 World Trade Center bombing was sidetracked by budget considerations.
  • Quoting the SAS motto Who Dares Wins, he called on worshippers to ‘out-imagine’ those who carried out suicide bombings.
  • Afghanistan has long pressed the U.S. to tackle what it calls the bases of terrorism in Pakistan, and Obama's reported pledge will likely please Karzai, who has accused Pakistan's intelligence service of supporting the Taliban in plotting bombings and other attacks in Afghanistan - claims that Pakistan, a key U.S. ally in its war on terror, flatly denies. Top Stories - Google News
  • The bombing of wedding parties reveals much about the directionless and aimless war in Afghanistan.
  • CAMBODIA l975 Troops, bombing Gas captured ship, 28 die in copter crash. Think Progress » Williams Confronts Kristol: ‘You Just Want War, War, War, And You Want Us In More War’
  • As with the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the launching of Sputnik, epochal events can briefly change all the rules of the political game.
  • I think we should compile a list of several sites to start google-bombing with links. Google Bomb Them Back To The Stone Age! | Jewschool
  • The Oklahoma bombing of 1995, which killed more than 160 people, emerged out of a netherworld of shadowy right-wing militias that grew up during the Eighties and early Nineties.
  • Yesterday the prime minister described the bombings as an attack on our values as a society.
  • After beating Andre Ooijer the Frenchman crossed for Silva to finish at the far post after bombing forward.
  • Few episodes in American history attracted more conspiracy theories than the Oklahoma bombing case.
  • Just what Israel was afraid of, another suicide bombing another attempt to take innocent lives.
  • The town lay in ruins after years of bombing.
  • There has been a new wave of bombings since the peace talks broke down.
  • Pakistan also seen more terrorism than usual in recent weeks, with suicide - bombings in Islamabad and Peshawar.
  • A jury had convicted Ghailani in November on one count of conspiracy while acquitting him on more than 280 other counts stemming from the truck bombings at the U.S. embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam. 224 people died, and thousands more were injured in the attacks. Guantanamo Detainee Sentenced to Life in Prison
  • The latest bombing has blunted residents' hopes for peace.
  • The guy picked up for this bombing is a naturalized US Citizen. Rubio: Miranda rights could hamper terror investigations
  • MIT Press The bombing for the sake of "frightfulness" (an imitation of the Germans) and the insolent demand for unconditional surrender, and the blind policy with Russia were all blunders as well as wrongs, and have produced a stale-mate where materially there was a clear victory. 'The Letters of George Santayana'
  • Religious leaders have called for a total cessation of the bombing campaign.
  • You all know that I love photo-bombing photos, so I am certainly happy to do it under any circumstances.
  • The bombardment includes the use of fuel-air explosives, cluster bombs, bunker-busting bombs and carpet-bombing.
  • March Colonel James Doolittle and his raiders train at Eglin AAF in Florida for their B-25 bombing raid on Tokyo, which they conduct on April 18.
  • Toward the end of the war, electronic bombsights, which could aim through clouds, gave American bombers some precision-bombing capability.
  • The bombing was the latest in a spate of terrorist attacks.
  • The expectation in both camps is that a bombing so close to election day would mean certain defeat for Peres.
  • With that apercu, the President joined a long line of gaffe-making chief executives that includes Ronald Reagan ("We begin bombing in five minutes") and Jimmy Carter (who told congressmen that, if Sen. Edward Kennedy were to run against him, "I'll whip his ass"). President Bush’s Swearing Ceremony - Tuned In -
  • The second scenario would involve a limited invasion of special forces and a sustained bombing campaign.
  • The whole community was astir when the news came that the enemy bombing would be restored.
  • The loss of a comrade in battle or death of a relative as a result of blockade or bombing often causes real bitterness which may be visited upon enemies who could have had no hand in the original act.
  • Aerial bombing of rebel positions is continuing.
  • Four men, who formed a splinter group from the Klan, called the Cahaba Boys, were identified as complicit in the bombing . The Guardian World News
  • Many civilians died as a result of allied bombing.
  • The bombing of Dresden was one of the worst massacres in European history.
  • If World War II inspired George Lucas, it was with dive-bombing fighter planes and aerial dogfights.
  • One reason is "survivor bias"—having survived not only the bombings but homelessness, hunger and a typhoon in the immediate aftermath, the subjects may be a hardier lot than the Japanese population at large. Coal Is More Dangerous Than Nuclear
  • The other five are alleged to be members of the group behind the train bombings.
  • To minimize collateral damage maximum precision in bombing was required.
  • They planned to take out the enemy arsenal by bombing it.
  • Why was Ferguson sitting in midfield instead of bombing forward to help the strikers?
  • We in Fontanellato were not afraid because we thought that apart from houses and farms we had nothing worth bombing.
  • The continued ‘area bombing’ of towns and cities, instead of strategic targets such as oil supplies and transport, was undoubtedly a serious mistake.
  • Critics of the war have called for more covert action as an alternative to bombing.
  • They said they have been ordered to carry out suicide bombings but decided instead they would give up.
  • The aircrafts homed in last night by radio beacon after bombing.
  • Haifa bombing achieved what Saddam 'scuds' could not in 1990. Open Democracy News Analysis - Comments
  • They conducted a campaign of bombings and assassinations.
  • Bara also warned that such a hasty accusation could prompt a perception among the public that it is merely camouflage for the real masterminds of the bombings.
  • As bombing raids attacking Britain's cities increased during World War Two, thousands of children were uprooted from their families and sent to the safety of the countryside.
  • The US is bombing Taliban and al - Qaeda sanctuaries in Pakistan.
  • Short of carpet-bombing the entire country and creating huge civilian casualties, weather conditions will prove inimical to a broadly based ‘search and destroy’ mission.
  • Government aircraft have been bombing civilian areas.
  • And the bombing continues as we go to press.
  • But it made no mention of a halt to the mainland bombing campaign.
  • The article begins with an artist's rendering of the ‘smoke’ that billowed from the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, with text that glossed the final days of the war.
  • It was just a few days after the bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City.
  • The chief architect of this incredible advance in bombing efficiency was unquestionably Don Bennett.
  • Not to mention that the only effective way to attack these targets would be through carpet-bombing with depth charges.
  • Suddenly a police car came bombing down the high street.
  • General Curtis LeMay was a tough, often brilliant, pugnacious deployer of air power -- organizing the debilitating and destructive carpet bombing campaigns of Japan and later viewed by many as being a bit too trigger happy when it came to using nuclear weapons against the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Steve Clemons: Take Michael Hayden Off the "Curtis LeMay Today List"
  • They talk of ‘carpet bombing’ and razing whole cities to the ground.
  • KABUL — The bombing in February of a guest house favored by Indians in Kabul has forced India to temporarily suspend its medical aid and teaching missions in the Afghan capital because most the staff were either killed or wounded, officials said. Indian Efforts in Kabul Suspended After February Bombing
  • Police made several arrests over the weekend in connection with last year's courthouse bombing.
  • Since the bombing had started, the ritual checking of number seven Lyra Street had given Vi comfort.
  • But he said he did not want to comment further until more was known about the reasons for the bombing.
  • From now on things worsened with killings and bombings almost a regular occurrence.
  • The overwhelming mass of academic evidence given to the committee ruled that the bombing of Kosovo was illegal under international law.
  • I have no difficulty in labelling most of the bombing campaigns (particularly the firebombing in Japan, arguably also the starvation inevitably caused by the submarine and mining campaigns) as war crimes. War Crimes, Past and Present
  • A deadly car bombing at the United Nations building in Abuja has brought more attention to an Islamic group.
  • Clearly enthused at the prospect of seeing Lara Croft – adventurer, archaeologist, skin diver, jet pilot, skilled equestrian, and expert markswoman – leap onto a well-tuned mountain bike and go bombing down a Himalayan mountain. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • Last year the government of Argentine after years of investigation OF bombing in Argentine BY Iranian government and gave the result of their investigation to interlope. Legitgov
  • Scrutiny Hooligans is google-bombing Charles Taylor for Congress. March 2006
  • Army co-operation and close air support were in their infancy in the USA and dive-bombing seemed to be the answer.
  • CNN MILITARY ANALYST: Well, basically we reject the term carpet bombing, because it brings back images of World War II, in which you did indeed carpet bomb cities. CNN Transcript Nov 5, 2001
  • While the bombing is the biggest Mauritanian “story” to catch western media attention since the election Mauritanians are more concerned with other troubles related to legitimacy and creeping despotism. Global Voices in English » Mauritania Experiences First-Ever Suicide Bombing
  • He was one of eight reporters to be able to fly in bombing missions over Germany and he landed in Holland with the 101st Airborne for Operation Market Garden. Things To Remember About Walter Cronkite | myFiveBest
  • Bombing would have been, it was believed, a merciful end to those who suffered unimaginable horrors there.
  • The bombing formed part of a nationwide campaign of terror.
  • Nobody has claimed responsibility for the bombing.
  • The expectation in both camps is that a bombing so close to election day would mean certain defeat for Peres.
  • The formation was not broken even then, each battleplane continuing to cover its individual bombing plane with the shelter of its wings, so to speak, though at the same time fighting off the aggressors. Air Service Boys Flying for Victory or, Bombing the Last German Stronghold
  • The Bali government has set aside special funds for the reconstruction of the area damaged in the bombing.
  • United States Air Force Zhong Baoju Persian Gulf War's actual combat situation, has made the calculation to the B-2A bombing capacity.
  • Meanwhile, the massive aerial bombardment/bombing of military targets continued unabated.
  • Rear Admiral Harry Harris, Commander, Joint Task Force Guantanamo what drives human beings to take their own lives, whether it be through suicide bombing or just plain suicide, is desperation, fueled by a belief that nothing less could possibly make a difference … Think Progress » ThinkProgress is leaving Las Vegas.
  • This summer the bombing was more intensive than ever in all the rebel areas, according to what Jean-Pierre heard from the guerrillas.
  • Israeli authorities say the restrictions are necessary to prevent suicide bombing s against targets in Israel.
  • Years after the bombing, a former Klansman was convicted of the crime.
  • Also killed in this bombing, is STO supporter Zoe Graystone. CAPRICA Recap, Ep. 6 Teaser, Marsters Debut « Giant Killer Squid - Film, Comics, News, Reviews and more
  • Those feelings were reinforced by news reports saying McVeigh confessed to the bombing during interviews with his defense team.
  • On 17 June, he was flying his third mission of the day and bombing a bridge near Paris.
  • During my youth, we were constantly running away from the shelling, bombing, booby-trapped cars and assassinations that the Syrian Army was perpetrating in Lebanon against the Christian population. Assad Has No Friend in Lebanon's Christians
  • Yet the actual experience of bombing was sharply differentiated.
  • The chief architect of this incredible advance in bombing efficiency was unquestionably Don Bennett.
  • US forces are again bombing people in Baghdad and strafing them from helicopter gunships.
  • The FBI is now on the case, helping Iraqi police investigating the bombing.
  • On the question of refugees, suffice to say that the crisis was hardly helped by the bombing campaign itself.
  • The Minister said the bombing was a despicable crime.
  • Airships were also constructed, especially by Germany, which used Zeppelin airships for bombing attacks against civilian targets.
  • Yet all of its military uses, from scouting to strategic bombing, had already been foreseen by an eager, if overly sanguine, public.
  • On our bombing run with the bomb doors open we could hear the shrapnel from the anti-aircraft guns pinging on our bomb casings.
  • The most terrifying aspect of nuclear bombing is radiation.
  • Nationalist sentiment has increased in the area since the bombing.
  • Last night's bombing had caught her unawares in the West End.
  • Politicians were quick to condemn the bombing.
  • There was widespread international condemnation of the bombing.
  • However, polygyny itself is not a sufficient cause of suicide bombing.
  • The bombing took place during the hours of darkness.
  • Hitler had already made one bad mistake, when he'd switched his tactic to focus on the bombing of British cities, just at the time when he was winning the air battle over England.
  • But the feeling is very heightened during this month, and if they see innocents -- we're getting reports now of hospitals, of the Red Cross buildings, homes for the elderly being bombed, which is really you have to expect when the Americans are bombing from such high altitudes and we warned them this would happen, that -- what will be the repercussions. CNN Transcript Oct 24, 2001
  • The government started also bombing us from above, from the air.
  • There was widespread international condemnation of the bombing.
  • Politicians were quick to condemn the bombing.
  • The bombing formed part of a nationwide campaign of terror.
  • The bombing was apparently a diversionary tactic, while the Navy landed its troops ashore.
  • I don't know where you get the term martyr to equate it with suicide bombings. CNN Transcript Apr 12, 2002
  • Interwar gunnery and bombing training in the RAE were poor, and the service's navigation skills were no better.
  • As regards economic factors, the submarine campaign had shut down Japanese industry before strategic bombing even started.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt described the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1947 as 'a day that will live in infamy'.
  • The night dive here produced more dive-bombing by huge tarpon, feeding on a bait-ball of silversides attracted by our floodlights.
  • The public mood changed dramatically after the bombing.
  • In past weeks, bombers have carried out heavy suicide bombings but in single strikes.
  • MARIA RESSA, CNN JAKARTA BUREAU CHIEF (voice-over): The alumni of this Islamic boarding school includes nearly all of Indonesia's top terrorist suspects, like the suicide bomber from last month's Marriott Hotel blast in Jakarta and the men now on trial for the Bali bombing last year, which killed more than 200 people. CNN Transcript Sep 5, 2003
  • At least 300 civilians are unaccounted for after the bombing raids.
  • Politicians were quick to condemn the bombing.
  • The Dutch minister of defense called Akashi in Zagreb and Annan in New York to say that bombing was endangering Dutch troops and must be halted. DELIVER US FROM EVIL
  • She stands accused of aiding and abetting the bombing.
  • From the fall of France in May 1940 the role of the RAF was essentially defensive, save for raids on enemy airfields and occasional bombing attacks to boost morale.
  • Mafia "pentito," or mobster-turned-witness, Gaspare Spatuzza told a court in Turin that a Mafia clan leader later jailed for the attacks had named Mr. Berlusconi, who had not entered politics at the time, in connection with the bombings. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Fifthly, because CNN passed on administration and pentagon propaganda through 'imbedded' reporters and journalists, as opposed to Turner's CNN in 1990 having had Peter Arnett reporting independently from Baghdad on civilian damage caused by the bombing while the Bush I administration was projecting an image of "smart bombs, surgical precision, little civilian life lost", and accusing Arnett and CNN of "unpatriotic journalism". CNN Sold Us the War. Now It Sells Us the Heartbreak with Unctuous Consoling, "Heroic! Brave!"
  • The most bitter objection that has been leveled at U.S. civilian leaders for the air war against North Vietnam was that they micromanaged the campaign by picking bombing targets themselves.
  • They were planning bombing raids in some of America's major cities.
  • Income inequality in Byelorussia is among the lowest in the world and the government, rather than spending money on bombing other countries, has a large budget for education. Belarus: That's enough democracy | Editorial
  • The bombing has been far more widespread than the military will admit.
  • No organization has admitted responsibility for the bombing.
  • It is unjust to start bombing on the basis of those surmises.
  • Friday's attack occurred one day after the start of the holy month of Muharram, which is especially important for Shi'ites and is often marred by bombings by Sunni extremists. Suicide Bomber Strikes in Northwest Pakistan
  • I found out about the bombings from/on the Internet.
  • The target area was illuminated by flares from a C-130 aircraft; however, the flares dimmed as the B-57 began its third bombing run on the target. Eaton, Norman D.
  • On a recent holiday to Italy, I sat in the main square in Sienna eating pizza surrounded by dive-bombing pigeons.
  • At least 10 people were reported killed, including five U.S. soldiers who died in roadside bombings in Baghdad Saturday. Balloon Juice » 2005 » July
  • Bombing civilians in retaliation is ineffective and counterproductive.
  • There would be very little use for their strategic bombing role something that I think would be assumed by the Ohio Class boomers but their long loiter time and stealthiness make them excellent recon platforms. Cheeseburger Gothic » It’s like an unexpected fanfic festival.
  • KURTZ: I myself would avoid the phrase saturation bombing in this context. CNN Transcript Dec 22, 2001
  • Its leaders contended that the defensive power of their multi-gunned B17 Flying Fortresses, operating in formation, would permit precision bombing in daylight without unacceptable losses.
  • There was a call today to reopen the investigation into the bombing.
  • Five suspects accused of masterminding the June bombing are on trial in the southern port city, charged with conspiracy, murder and terrorism.
  • They came bombing through the square on their motorcycles at 4 p.m.
  • Near the end of the war, planes started carpet-bombing all of the major Japanese cities, using incendiary bombs.
  • We begin bombing in five minutes. - joking during a mike check before his Saturday radio broadcast Think Progress » Maddow Corrects GOP Rep. Schock On Basic Facts Of Abdulmuttalab Case
  • There are reports of two controlled explosions in the aftermath of the bombing.
  • NEW DELHI/BANGALORE: Last week's bombings at the M. Chinnaswamy stadium in Bangalore have set off an intense debate on the safety of India's sports venues. The Hindu - Front Page
  • Chemical agents can be delivered in artillery shells or missiles, by aerial bombing, or by spraying.
  • Precision bombing was used to destroy enemy airbases and armaments factories.
  • Meanwhile, Defense Secretary Gates and other U.S. military leaders have quite rightly thrown cold water on the prospect of any significant Western military intervention, including a "no fly zone," which, as U.S. military leaders have rightly pointed out, would not simply be a matter of waving your magic wand and saying "no plane flying for you," but would require bombing Libya's extensive anti-aircraft missile capabilities in order to let U.S. planes own the sky. Robert Naiman: In Libya, Diplomacy Could Save Lives and the World Economy
  • All sustained strategic bombing campaigns, moreover, depend on a disproportion between the economic resources of the attacking and defending sides.
  • After the bombing, there was a public clamour for vengeance.
  • Far from being a bunch of incompetent buffoons the agency was assigned the delicate task of choosing the target, keeping it a secret from other NATO allies and providing the necessary cover story once the bombing occurred.
  • After it survived the 1993 bombing, people thought the towers were invincible.
  • There is another battle going on that is a long way from the bombings and fighting on the frontline.
  • The chief architect of this incredible advance in bombing efficiency was unquestionably Don Bennett.
  • The city was subjected to heavy bombing.
  • This followed the discovery of a large quantity of explosives under an apartment block in Ryazan shortly after the Moscow bombings.
  • Richard was crippled in the bombing of 1984, and had been in a wheelchair ever since.
  • A wave of bombings ripped through the capital's business district.
  • This vast necropolis of some two and a half million tombs, some with fractured columns and chipped headstones, still bears witness to the ferocity of second world-war bombing raids.
  • Grand juries in California and New Jersey have indicted Kaczynski on charges relating to the bombing deaths.

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