How To Use Bombast In A Sentence

  • Certainly both the music and these performances have real rhythmic life and a good deal of energy, even if some passages are over-scored and tip over into brassy bombast.
  • I had not changed my intellectual belief as to my correspondent's behavior, but the impropriety of complicating an awkward business by placing myself in the wrong to the extent of losing my temper was so obvious that I blushed in recalling the bombastic periods of the torn composition. The Secret of a Happy Home (1896)
  • Many stewards were taken aback at the prospect of such a drawn-out dispute and the union appears less bombastic this time around. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was more bombast and bluster than football, the most notable happenings on the park being the accumulation of bookings.
  • Either way, they made this noble symphony sound bombastic and sometimes comical. Times, Sunday Times
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  • But for many years now bombast, rant, and confident obscurity have been his reigning notes.
  • They jump effortlessly from new wave-tinged rockers to Queen-like bombast to stunning Beatlesque ballads to jazzy art-pop, without losing their touch with hooks that lodge themselves in your cranium and refuse to let go. Tony Sachs: One More Once: A Listen Back At The Records That Made 2010 More Bearable
  • The problem most of the reviews expose is Erikson's verbosity and a very slow and meandering buildup with many subplots leading nowhere, but the reader's patience is ultimatelly paid of by another bombastic ending (yup, a convergence). Archive 2008-07-01
  • Johnson's expression is manly, vigorous, grandiloquent and bombastic.
  • This gives me hope for media bombast in general, that it can be scaled back without the whole house of cards collapsing.
  • Other pieces might show the company's mettle in less bombastic fare. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many stewards were taken aback at the prospect of such a drawn-out dispute and the union appears less bombastic this time around. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a tad far-fetched and the bombastic soundtrack gets a little bruising after a while. Times, Sunday Times
  • For all their bluster and bombast, each display of physical power proves in the end to be ineffectual.
  • -- 'For my own part,' he at once replied, 'I look upon Aeschylus as the first of poets, for his verses roll superbly; 'tis nothing but incoherence, bombast and turgidness.' The Eleven Comedies, Volume 1
  • The song's arrangement is nearly perfect with Branch slowly building the first verse into a bombastic chorus in which she asks the song's title repeatedly.
  • When you combine that with bombastic music and visual clichés it makes for an exhausting hour. Times, Sunday Times
  • The courtyard will play host to the dreamscape of the haplessly bombastic Ignatius J. Karen Dalton-Beninato: The Goddess Fortuna in an Attempt to Make Sense of It All
  • More foundation and less rhetoric, son, he would say, but Gregory found that his oratorical bombast impressed other people. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • Without any trace of arrogance and bombast he replies.
  • But her manner is unlike that of her combative, bombastic alpha male peers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bombast, condescension, arrogance and swagger all seems slightly silly in retrospect.
  • RE: To refute yet another bombastic talking point, however: that figure, in context, is a long-term projection, based on present economic conditions. Think Progress » Sen. Alexander: Using Reconciliation To Pass Health Care Reform Would ‘End The Senate’
  • Finlandia is not a long piece but manages to combine both bombast and lyricism, with a main theme that I really like.
  • The candidate spoke in a bombastic way of all that he would do if elected.
  • He last worked with them on Born in the USA, an extraordinarily bombastic album that still represents the acme of 1980s stadium rock.
  • The difference between us is that you write like a bombastic lecturer and not like a prudent and circumspect lawyer.
  • As far as a show of bombastic masculine bravura was concerned, this was a total flop.
  • Either a quintessential cult record or another cocky slice of childish bombast, the CD is still a more personal confession than many of its posey peers.
  • He contributed a great deal to the program with his ability to view engineering problems theoretically and mathematically and with his memorable teaching style, which was sometimes described as bombastic but nonetheless endeared him to students. Lewis, Warren K.
  • Behind the gatehouse, around the monastic cloister, there were similar conversions, the whole façade being topped with a bombastic row of crenellations (battlements).
  • When bombast fails only the shield of diplomacy can protect us
  • Many of us wish he'd just go away, but ignorant bombast is a money maker in our society. On Rush Limbaugh And The Humane Society
  • Composer Christopher Dedrick combines bombastic orchestral arrangements coupled with delicate choral and piano pieces for the instrumental score.
  • Says The Guardian, Whereas Viva La Vida is bombastic arena-pop and If I Could Fly is noodly guitar soloing, Foreigner Suite is something even worse an 18-minute folk-jazz opus. Cat Stevens ponders Coldplay lawsuit
  • Some songs were clearly tailor-made to showcase his guitar prowess, namely a bombastic take on "Big Love" and a searing, extended solo on "I'm So Afraid. Most Popular
  • This is an important but ponderous book, but if one can endure the Communist bombast, it is well worth reading.
  • Crowds delighted in speeches filled with double talk ridiculing the pompous, bombastic oratory that characterized familiar memorial rituals.
  • There's no emotion or umbrage here or even shit-picking attached to telling you that when I read "harangue" I assume "bombastic ranting," which is not my connotation, but a standard and prevailing definition of the word "harangue. Readercon 16: Day 1
  • This was the opposite: he regarded Strauss's music as ‘bombastic, sham and hollow’, and despised the composer for claiming to be apolitical while cosying up to the Nazi regime.
  • (See mele beginning _Ko'i maka nui_, p. 228.) _Ko'i honua_ (ko'i ho-nú-a) -- a compound of the causative _ko_, _i_, to utter, and _honua_, the earth; to recite or cantillate in a quiet distinct tone, in distinction from the stilted bombastic manner termed ai-ha'a (p. 58). Unwritten Literature of Hawaii The Sacred Songs of the Hula
  • All this madness yet proceeds from ourselves, the main engine which batters us is from others, we are merely passive in this business: from a company of parasites and flatterers, that with immoderate praise, and bombast epithets, glossing titles, false eulogiums, so bedaub and applaud, gild over many a silly and undeserving man, that they clap him quite out of his wits. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Students' formal vocabulary can be quite extensive and the more advanced sometimes produce somewhat bombastic performances.
  • It lets down the charm of their formidable buoyancy and their obvious talent for sonic collage; they're at their most interesting when revelling in bombastic beats and unexpected sounds.
  • he lectured bombastically about his theories
  • Certainly the bombast of cable's top yak show host, Bill O'Reilly, seems anything but cool.
  • It wants to stand as a sweeping spectacle of one of the darkest chapters in our young nation's history, but it only wants to accomplish it with words, not deeds, bombastic brays from bearded windy windbags, not gripping historical drama.
  • Her wild, rash and unprecedented bombast was a shameful act of utter disrespect, not only to her constituency but also to the nation.
  • Another example would be the glitter of metal: the image adds a connotation of cruelty to the glory of a pasha, previously described with true oriental bombast, as the light of lights.
  • The exchanges themselves are unsubtle and bombastic.
  • The bombastic sci-fi series returns with a prequel exploring the early days of humanity's battle against a subterranean alien horde. Times, Sunday Times
  • His performance veers between extreme bombast and lazy naturalism - a shaky line few actors could get away with, but he pulls it off brilliantly.
  • And what of dignity or meaning could be said? where talking of sacred subjects is not allowed, under the pretext that it scatters those blessings which should be carefully treasured up; and bestowing much information concerning the secular plans of economy practiced by your own to the other sex is not approved; and where to talk of literary matters would be termed bombastic pedantry and small display, and would serve to exhibit accomplishments which might be enticingly dangerous. The Communistic Societies of the United States From Personal Visit and Observation
  • Sitting centre-stalls, listening to the opening bombast of the Brahms First, I saw the old-timers around me beam with relief and satisfaction.
  • It may be bombastic or vituperative or full of pop psychology, but it seldom presents a critical argument based on facts or logic.
  • Although chaotic in structure and bombastic in style, this documentary has a more involving narrative than many feature films. Times, Sunday Times
  • The end of the twentieth century also brought evidences of decline, marked by ephemera, bombastic spectacle, revivals from better times, and periodic infusions of life from Europe and England.
  • Your misuse, from my perspective, of the word bombastic really threw me off for some reason. The Tail Section » Stephen King Explains How he Would End LOST!
  • Some critics were turned off by Williams' bombastic, proclamatory emceeing, which often made no pretense of rhythmic consistency or tonal variety.
  • The courtyard will play host to the dreamscape of the book's protagonist, the haplessly bombastic Ignatius J. Karen Dalton-Beninato: The Goddess Fortuna in an Attempt to Make Sense of It All
  • One bit of sloppiness and his backing of a fruitless theory made him increasingly irrelevant which is actually unfortunate—he was otherwise an interesting, if bombastic and overzealous, thinker who contributed to many disciplines but his theory, called recapitulation or the biogenetic law, was abandoned because his theory didn't fit the facts. The Haeckel-Wells Chronicles - The Panda's Thumb
  • Good Kill is less bombastic but has made a bigger impact with critics. Times, Sunday Times
  • The drumming is every bit as good as the guitar and bass. ‘Endlessly’ too, is a welcome change from the bombastic operatics, as Matt brings it all down, swooning over a drifting, two tone synth, backed by a simple, lamenting tin-beat.
  • Others there be that fall into the contrary vice by vsing such bombasted wordes, as seeme altogether farced full of winde, being a great deale to high and loftie for the matter, whereof ye may finde too many in all popular rymers. The Arte of English Poesie
  • The piece, scored for four percussionists, is played by the group using a big array of gongs, tam-tams, tom-toms, suspended brake drums and so on, but is neither bombastic nor boring.
  • Coming in the midst of a presidential campaign, the air attack has generated the inevitable political rhetoric, bombast and pressure.
  • Coming in the midst of a presidential campaign, the air attack has generated the inevitable political rhetoric, bombast and pressure.
  • The bombast, condescension, arrogance and swagger all seems slightly silly in retrospect.
  • The independent film holds the hopes of the discerning critic, weary of mainstream bombast, in its hands.
  • So jumping right in, since I've not only drunk the Kool-Aid but have spiked it and then beer-bonged the thing, I am always riding the thin line between bombastic rhetoric and thoughtful insight. Alison Wise: The Clean Economist: Framing the Future
  • To the news, now," she keeps trying to say, while Scarborough and his brother-in-bombast laugh at her, deride her desire to do anything resembling actual journalism, and harass her with infantilizing, patronizing comments such as this one from Joe: "By the way, Mika's father called her mousey a couple weeks ago, and Mika's been yelling at me all morning to prove to her father that she is no mouse. Jennifer L. Pozner: Paris Isn't Burning - Much to MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski's Chagrin
  • Sure, the quarterbacks meeting room is still full of bombast about gashing defenses aerially, Carr said. Should the Giants Just Pass More?
  • The chorus unveils gleaming shards of bombastic wit and cut-throat tuneage before the shroud of unfriendly uber-noise descends once more.
  • Despite the bombastic patriotism, drooling machine porn, all-round political dodginess, atrocious comedy, antiquated alien-invasion plot, etc, there's something oddly compelling about metropolitan destruction and high-tech combat rendered on this scale. This week's new films
  • And he was talking about trade, talking about what he calls the imperialist U.S., even saying that this is something that is -- absolutely should not happen, in his very bombastic way. CNN Transcript Nov 4, 2005
  • A bombastic first half found her youthful band cranking up the volume on Ready to Go. Times, Sunday Times
  • Meanwhile, the bombastic score signposts plot points with sledgehammer subtlety. Times, Sunday Times
  • Barrel-chested and bombastic, he's always been the quintessential, larger-than-life, rah-rah leader.
  • If post-rock has proved anything, it's that subtlety and bombast aren't mortal enemies.
  • He manages the great funeral oration impressively, if not without some undue bombast; for the rest, a pigeon-toed Antony speaking in a faintly campy drawl is rather problematic.
  • If he did he'd have surely come up with better arguments than bluster and bombast.
  • The title track, an echoey and bombastic pop ballad, was clearly overproduced, but rode all the way to No. 2 on the success of the film and the soundtrack.
  • Gongorism of many passages in Calderon's best pieces, their obscurity and extravagant bombast, should be charged to the account of a meddlesome collector and editor, that is, to Vera Tasis, and not to The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • But let's not compound our losses with deluded bombast about what we have to gain.
  • When Thor is exiled to Earth, cosmic bombast gives way to the terrestrial banality of his romance with Natalie Portman's astrophysicist, Jane, who talks earnestly about resolving her particle data and knows about Einstein-Rosen bridges, the fanciful wormholes through which bad guys and good guys alike shuttle between realms like Metro North commuters. 'Thor': A Vehicle of Low Norsepower
  • But here is the crux of the problem - not just in this bombastic film title, but in the whole project of dramatizing the Christ story.
  • The bombastic sci-fi series returns with a prequel exploring the early days of humanity's battle against a subterranean alien horde. Times, Sunday Times
  • We've been reminding him of all the calumnies and vituperations and bombast he has heaped upon the trade unionists of this country in recent years.
  • The other survivor is a bombastic general from the other clan, in thrall to military glory, in love with death. Little Big Soldier
  • Yearning guitar licks, frenetic scratching, and bombastic drums are the order of the day on nearly all of the tracks giving the album both a cohesive and monotonous feel.
  • Let your extemporaneous descantings and unpremeditated expatiations have intelligibility and veracious vivacity, without rhodomontade or thrasonical bombast. December 7th, 2005
  • Readers interested in the known facts concerning the "master-mind, the thinker, the explorer, the creator," the forerunner of Mesmer and even of Darwin and Wallace, who began life with the sounding appellation "Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus ab Hohenheim," should consult Browning's own learned appendical note, and Mr. Berdoe's interesting essay in the Browning Society Papers, Life of Robert Browning
  • Indonesian Forestry Ministry spokesman Ahmad Fauzi Masyhud said his office has not yet received the report, which he described as "bombastic. Breaking News: CBS News
  • Given the star's history of bombastic public behavior, she may be greeted with skepticism about her intent.
  • In the hymnal we have Wagner but we also have Brahms (the academic festival overture’s hymn), and one doesn’t see those chaps a whole lot in hymnals — give me more of the latter and dispense with the great bombaster. Deliberations on O Holy Night « Unknowing
  • Subtitled A Serio-Comick-Bombastick-Operatick-Interlude, it employs local performers including an escapologist, an Indian dancer, a transsexual comedian, an MC and a rap artist dressed as an owl. Artist of the week 114: Matt Stokes
  • Best known as the frontman for Pearl Jam's artful bombast, singer Eddie Vedder takes it down a notch—and then some—with the sounds of his coming solo album "Ukulele Songs" May 31. A Summer Sampler
  • While I have no footing to argue with you about Lesley Gore’s version of “He Gives Me Love (La La La)” sank like a stone (because … it did!), I think there’s a flavor of the bombastic in Lesley’s version (including a Spanish-style acoustic guitar) that’s just as present in the Spanish-language original. Gruesome Twosome: Crazy About The La La La Edition :
  • Sky Sports has ditched some of the bombast ahead of the double-header: there's been no talk yet of "Grand Slam Sunday" or the "awesome foursome". Super Sundae: Time to talk the talk, hype the hype
  • From what I heard, I missed the usual ridiculous bombast, including Millen calling Ron Jaworski a "Polack" and subsequently having to apologize on the air. Driven Away from ESPN
  • He was referring to the bombastic Transformers-style introduction ceremony the Heat held in the off-seasons with Wade, LeBron James and Chris Bosh. So There Is Crying in Basketball...
  • Glenn Beck, the bombastic belcher of dubious political punditry, publicly exposed himself on his radio program ... Mike Green: Glenn Beck attacks 11-year-old Black Girl
  • They know exactly when to unleash the bombastic, fuzzy electric guitar to propel a sunny-day strummer to psych rock heaven.
  • Johnson's expression is manly, vigorous, grandiloquent and bombastic.
  • These are best described as a stupefying roar of bombast occasionally interrupted by a few words of real sublimity. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • They vary up the torture tactics via new school hardcore, the furious primal bombast of thrash metal and every barbed edge in-between.
  • The seduction hilariously unfolds over a bombastic bass track laced with suggestive whinnies.
  • _Bombast_ was a kind of loose texture not unlike what is now called wadding, used to give the dresses of that time bulk and protruberance, without much increase of weight; whence the same name is given a tumour of words unsupported by solid sentiment. Notes to Shakespeare — Volume 01: Comedies
  • It was powerful stuff, delivered with plenty of bombast, but to the audience it was just be a sign of how far the music industry has gone from its roots.
  • The first movement opens with a striking fanfare, and fanfares return in the otherwise peaceful finale, and overall, the mood is heroic, but without militarism or Soviet bombast.
  • Just when it seems like it's going to turn bombastic or become overproduced and yawn-inducing, it surprises.
  • In its popular use, the adjective " rhetorical " has become a slur, conveying images of bombast and bloatedness. The Syntax of Style
  • He followed with a montage of euphemisms applied to Rahm by a pantheon of talking heads, who described him as "bombastic" and "brusque," said he "isn't afraid of breaking a little china," and "isn't a shrinking violet. On 'Daily Show,' Stewart Nails Rahm Emanuel, Chicago Politics
  • The government fears that the union bureaucracy cannot indefinitely contain the mounting anger of public-sector workers with bombast and impotent protests.
  • On the other hand, you must carefully shun the affectation of _bombastic diction_ -- it is lamentable to see a preelucidated theme rendered semidiaphonous, by the elimination of simple expression, to make room for the conglomeration of pondrous periods, and to exhibit the phonocamptic coxcombry of some pedant, who mistakes sentences for wagons, and words for the wheels of them. The Mirror of Taste, and Dramatic Censor, Vol. I, No. 5, May 1810
  • It combined the delicacy of ballet with the bombast of a Lloyd-Webber musical, and every move was executed like the denouement of a Shakespearean tragedy.
  • Meanwhile, the bombastic score signposts plot points with sledgehammer subtlety. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you have a provable scientific claim, especially one where you cite significant observable effects, there is no need to promote it through the medium of bombast and obfuscation.
  • William was not the bombastic chowderheaded demagogue he was portrayed as - and in fact he actually won his case.
  • Rosenthal – creator of TV series London's Burning and co-author, with Barbra Streisand, of the film Yentl – includes among his dramatis personae a bonkers lyricist, an arrogant director, a bad-tempered composer and a bombastic producer. This week's new theatre
  • But with any luck, it will be a eye-feast of hundreds of thousands of good-humored, well-behaved Americans, there to answer the cynicism of Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally, at which the notion that the election of a black president somehow sullied the nation's dignity was dressed in sanctimony and a display of patriotism so bombastic that it was almost camp. Adele Stan: 4 Reasons Why Jon Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity Is Great for Progressives
  • While we study the pictures we are assaulted by an overblown, portentous, bombastic Bernard Herrmann score that borders on self-parody.
  • He delivers a Ride Of The Valkyries in which he supplants bombast with an intelligent compliment to the story as it appears on stage.
  • He was vacillating, bombastic, insecure and perfervid by turns, but his poetry is as delicately complex as any.
  • You shall find that of Aristotle true, nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura dementiae, they have a worm as well as others; you shall find a fantastical strain, a fustian, a bombast, a vainglorious humour, an affected style, &c., like a prominent thread in an uneven woven cloth, run parallel throughout their works. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Glenn Beck, the bombastic belcher of dubious political punditry, publicly exposed himself on his radio program when he attacked Malia Obama, the 11-year-old daughter of President Barack Obama. Mike Green: Glenn Beck attacks 11-year-old Black Girl
  • A lot of nationalistic bombast was spouted during this era, but there was also a quiet betrayal of an entire generation.
  • Well, it's bombastic production and surreal lyricism.
  • Is it any surprise, then, that a Cuban bandleader enamored of the Kenton band would abandon the rumba for a bombastic new variation called the mambo? When Cuba Invaded America
  • Most things sound a lot crazier from the outside, and so once I’d decided to write about the friendly, slightly bombastic man on the television screen, I thought I should try his program, as outlined in his book The Total Money Makeover. Lead Us Not Into Debt
  • If he did he'd have surely come up with better arguments than bluster and bombast.
  • The speech lacked his usual bombast. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sorel shared this disdain for patriotic and obscurantist bombast.
  • This song has been on repeat play for the past two mornings - a glorious slice of late 80s bombastic synth-pop, featuring everything except the kitchen sink thrown on to multiple sequencers.
  • That's the mantra of many a hack desperate to meet an inelastic deadline or dying to use a bombastic headline.
  • Unlike his colleagues -- the wonderful Rachel Maddow, the great Lawrence O'Donnell, the increasingly nutty Chris Matthews and the goodhearted but bombastic Ed Schultz -- Olbermann almost never had conservatives as guests. Michael Sigman: One More Thing About Keith
  • There are a multitude of directional effects and surround sounds to be found on this track, including a rollicking score at the film's bombastic finale.
  • But not overly strong on our sense of irony, if the rhetorical bombast of this article is anything to go by.
  • the building was bombastically spacious
  • Readers interested in the known facts concerning the “master-mind, the thinker, the explorer, the creator,” the forerunner of Mesmer and even of Darwin and Wallace, who began life with the sounding appellation “Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus ab Hohenheim,” should consult Browning's own learned appendical note, and Mr. Berdoe's interesting essay in the Browning Society Papers, No. xlix.] Life of Robert Browning
  • For all their bluster and bombast, each display of physical power proves in the end to be ineffectual.
  • To refute yet another bombastic talking point, however: that figure, in context, is a long-term projection, based on present economic conditions. Think Progress » Sen. Alexander: Using Reconciliation To Pass Health Care Reform Would ‘End The Senate’
  • He is opinionated, irreverent, sometimes bombastic and often contradictory.
  • When you combine that with bombastic music and visual clichés it makes for an exhausting hour. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a huge scent, beloved of perfume historians but a little too bombastic for modern sensibilities. Times, Sunday Times
  • The answer, it turns out, has something to do with excess humbug production and a decline in the exchange rate between bluster and bombast.
  • I know something of those whom we in Italy call improvisatori; and I could speak in this oriental style for eight hours together without the least effort, for it requires none to be bombastic in negligent verse, overloaded with epithets almost continually repeated, to heap combat upon combat, and to describe chimeras.” A Philosophical Dictionary
  • But it's hard not to examine the writing or the characterization without regretting their overwrought, bombastic tones.
  • Shark Tank (back on Friday at 9 p.m.), the Montreal native has become known as the bombastic investor who routinely dashes the dreams of budding entrepreneurs, quite often in the most withering manner imaginable. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • innumerous," and the rest of his bad English -- in spite of bombast, horrors, maundering, sheer stuff and nonsense of all kinds, there is Literary and General Lectures and Essays
  • The bombastic, vainglorious Nivelle had virtually announced to the world his grandiose expectations, making the dreadful defeat doubly damaging.
  • In such circumstances, some recalled the bluster and bombast of Lenihan's late lamented father in other testing times.
  • They know exactly when to unleash the bombastic, fuzzy electric guitar to propel a sunny-day strummer to psych rock heaven.
  • When you combine that with bombastic music and visual clichés it makes for an exhausting hour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unless he acts, allies insist, he will be painted as an impotent puppet, thwarted by London Labour, and vulnerable to the opposition leader's bombast.
  • But the music was everything I imagined it would be, all bombast woodwind and deep gravelly voices.
  • Chris Christie, a Republican whose style Malloy has called "bombastic," wants to end cost of living increases to state retirees. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • For all its ire and bombast, there's rarely blood spilt, ground shifted or damage done.
  • The early subtlety has given way to cheap bombast.
  • Coming in the midst of a presidential campaign, the air attack has generated the inevitable political rhetoric, bombast and pressure.
  • Meanwhile, the bombastic score signposts plot points with sledgehammer subtlety. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is an unashamedly bombastic work but one cannot help being moved by the grandeur and sublime beauty of the piece.
  • It often sounds like so much bombast and this can unsettle an audience. Times, Sunday Times
  • The president conveyed strength and reassurance and firmness, without bombast, without posturing.
  • Number two, he's very bombastic in his motion papers, saying the prosecutors should be recused or the prosecutor should be substituted or thrown off the case.
  • Though conservative, Brooks the Journalist is reflective rather than bombastic; his zingers barely singe, let alone burn.
  • Coming in the midst of a presidential campaign, the air attack has generated the inevitable political rhetoric, bombast and pressure.
  • Quite a wonderful story, wich not only establishes unequivocally the internal complicities of some sectors of the Venezuelan government with the FARC after 6 years in office they cannot claim that Granda roamed freely in Venezuela because of the Adecos but allows us to watch Chavez and his administration at its most restrained bombast. 01/09/2005 - 01/16/2005
  • Many stewards were taken aback at the prospect of such a drawn-out dispute and the union appears less bombastic this time around. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's tension, restraint and bombastic operatics. The Sun
  • We have reacted like frightened sheep to the onslaught of ads and bombast from the likes of Sarah Palin, who catered to our racism in the face of a potential black president, and to our fears of making grandma "shovel ready" during the health care reform debates. Brian Ross: Tea Party Hypocrisy: The New Taxation Without Representation
  • Therefore, to make you happier, I will expand the sphere of my so-called "slippery" use of the term "harangue" -- which you somehow connote only with Nick and his "bombastic ranting" as you say -- to inlude not just the initial Anonymous comment, but Nick, yourself, and anyone else who jumps to malicious, bucolic, or any other conclusions about another individual, based on a pittance of data. Readercon 16: Day 1
  • One reader, Nick Antonicello of Venice Beach chimes in with the following question, "How does Bill Rosendahl, with his bombastic and clownlike approach to government service, earn more than a U.S. senator or member of Congress? Archive 2009-03-01
  • ‘He knows his stuff but he's extraordinarily bombastic,’ cautioned one art critic.
  • It is all told in his ornate, nay, bombastic prose.
  • The other survivor is a bombastic general from the other clan, in thrall to military glory, in love with death. Little Big Soldier
  • She can be difficult, maddening and infuriating, but underneath all the bombastics, ultimately engaging.
  • Meanwhile, the bombastic score signposts plot points with sledgehammer subtlety. Times, Sunday Times
  • He responded by calling him ‘a bombastic gasbag.’
  • When Bombastês sees himself flouted, he goes mad, and hangs his boots on a tree, with this label duly displayed: Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama, Vol. 1 A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook
  • In the deepest, darkest recess of their minds, they know they have been cuckolded, which is precisely why they are outwardly belligerent, bombastic, bellicose and dripping with false bravado. Wake Up Time for the "Stupid White Man"
  • For all their bluster and bombast, each display of physical power proves in the end to be ineffectual.
  • The album featured a liberal use of theremin, glockenspiel and organ; its far-off vibe could be bombastic and quaint, earthy and robotic at the same time.
  • The piece, scored for four percussionists, is played by the percussion group using a big array of gongs, tam-tams, tom-toms, suspended brake drums and so on, but is neither bombastic nor boring.
  • Instead, it's old-fashioned dexterous bombast, headbanging with caution and poise enough to harness wild arpeggios, but never letting a pedigree get in the way of impassioned squawking and battering.
  • A bombastic first half found her youthful band cranking up the volume on Ready to Go. Times, Sunday Times
  • Back in the 1990s Ed Schultz was one of a legion of bombastic conservative talk-radio hosts.
  • This album, a cathartic set of techno-bombastic scores, brought in a wide range of artists such as spoken word sassy girl Maggie Estep, Songs of Faith and Devotion session vocalists Douglas McCarthy (Nitzer Ebb) and Hildia Cambell, and Recoil mainstay Brooklynvegan

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