bombardier beetle

  1. beetle that ejects audibly a pungent vapor when disturbed
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How To Use bombardier beetle In A Sentence

  • Additionally, the Bombardier Beetle has the ability to direct its defensive spray toward its aggressor with pinpoint accuracy.
  • The great family of ground beetles (Carabidæ) almost all possess a disagreeable and some a very pungent smell, and a few, called bombardier beetles, have the peculiar faculty of emitting a jet of very volatile liquid, which appears like a puff of smoke, and is accompanied by a distinct crepitating explosion. Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection A Series of Essays
  • The bombardier beetle's name might scare off predators if they knew it.
  • He points to an Earth bug called the bombardier beetle that produces a boiling-hot spray that is 25 percent hydrogen peroxide as a defense weapon. Is This Really Necessary? « UDreamOfJanie
  • He points to an Earth bug called the bombardier beetle that produces a boiling-hot spray that is 25 percent hydrogen peroxide as a defense weapon.
  • If you are curious about the bombardier beetle, by the way, what actually happens is as follows.
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