How To Use Bolt-hole In A Sentence
It was far too coy, with its prettified animals peering out from their bolt-holes in the paint.
Britain had long been a bolt-hole for pretenders to the imperial purple, and in times of crisis it had a history of seceding from the empire and looking after its own affairs.
Britain has become a bolt-hole for villainous individuals and criminal organisations from all over the world.
The hotel is an ideal bolt-hole for Londoners.
We had the utmost difficulty in making the bolt-holes fit, and as each sponson weighs about three tons they were not easy to move and adjust.
Life in a Tank

We should cherish these glimpses of her as it won't be long before she goes to ground again, squirrelling away in her Manhattan apartment or the Virginia bolt-hole she shares with two pugs and a Boston terrier.
We should cherish these glimpses of her as it won't be long before she goes to ground again, squirrelling away in her Manhattan apartment or the Virginia bolt-hole she shares with two pugs and a Boston terrier.
The hotel is an ideal bolt-hole for Londoners.
It's about three and a half months since I moved into this flat, and during that time it's been little more than a bolt-hole from the stresses and strains of work, to be honest.
It was the home of Horatio Welham---the reason Lucifer had chosen Colyton as his temporary bolt-hole.