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bolt out

  1. leave suddenly and as if in a hurry
    The listeners bolted when he discussed his strange ideas
    When she started to tell silly stories, I ran out

How To Use bolt out In A Sentence

  • I saw a man bolt out of [ into ] our backyard.
  • I saw a man bolt out of our backyard.
  • I'll usually bolt out of bed and stumble around as if drunk, in an effort to find the obnoxious noise and shut it off.
  • Alex carefully took a bolt out of her crossbow and held it deftly into her mouth.
  • Perhaps you find yourself hunching or slouching as you talk about what you want, or having a strong desire to bolt out of the room.
  • Time will bolt out the truth of things.
  • Especially in daily life, you will win special esteem if you can bolt out strings of prevalent and up-to-date remarks.
  • like a bolt out of the blue
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