How To Use Bolshevik In A Sentence

  • Gingrich, whose "Contract With America" was a brilliant piece of political phrasemaking, is well aware that the phrase "social engineering" originated with Lenin's attempts to radically rebuild Russian society in the years that immediately followed the Bolshevik Revolution. Richard (RJ) Eskow: America's Real Radicals: The 40 Extremist Senators Who Voted Against Medicare
  • A Russian guide told the visitors of the events on that dark night of Jan 17, 1918, when the Bolshevik Guards called the tsar and his family to the cellar and shot them. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • But, under Lenin's brilliant leadership, the Bolshevik party was able to resist all such deviations.
  • Dogs of every description from the poodle to the St. Bernard and from the wolfhound to the half-breed dachshund, which is half German and half Bolshevik and looks the part. The History of the American Expedition Fighting the Bolsheviki Campaigning in North Russia 1918-1919
  • Accordingly, Wilson refused to take on any “mandate,” such as the Armenian territories of Turkey that had been victim of widespread massacres, or embark on an invasion of Russia to assist the anti-Bolshevik forces that were battling communist troops there. Shaping the World at Versailles: A Q&A With the Author of A Shattered Peace - Freakonomics Blog -
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  • The Vatican had taken a consistently anti-communist line in the years since the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.
  • For the Bolsheviki it was important that the problems of the Revolution should be solved in the quickest possible manner—but the Bolsheviki were not interested in how these problems were to be solved…. Chapter 12. The Peasants’ Congress
  • The Bolsheviks seized power in Russia only weeks before the 14 Points speech, and Marxist-Leninism was to prove a powerful, similarly universalist, rival to liberal democracy for the rest of the 20th century.
  • To the victims, the abstract Leftism of some of the Bolsheviks seemed in practice much the same as colonial domination.
  • To-day the Bolsheviki were in power, while yesterday's coalitionist ministers and their co-workers found themselves cast aside and suddenly deprived of every bit of influence upon the further course of events. From October to Brest-Litovsk
  • The Bolshevik Party always had rightist, compromising tendencies and ultra-left tendencies.
  • But they left largely unchallenged the Bolshevik view of October 1917 itself as the greatest achievement of the world revolutionary movement.
  • Now, did the SPD misjudge the relative danger of bolshevik revolution vs. that of a right wing resurgence? Matthew Yglesias » The Real German Resistance to Hitler: The Social Democrats
  • Just then a mob of Bolsheviks crowded into the room.
  • Seventy-four years after the Bolshevik Revolution, the Soviet era ended.
  • In 1917, the Bolsheviks inherited a health situation from imperial Russia that was appalling.
  • The consistently revolutionary wing of Social Democracy, the Bolsheviks, became the authentic vanguard of the proletariat.
  • The radical right's anxieties had been further strengthened by the effects of the Bolshevik revolution of 1917.
  • Many of them had found, after the Bolshevik Revolution, that they could survive well enough under the Soviets, and left it at that. KARA KUSH
  • You have been promised land and freedom, but the counter-revolution will profit by the anarchy called forth by the Bolsheviki, and will deprive you of land and freedom…. Chapter 5. Plunging Ahead
  • The 1917 Bolshevik revolution brought more bloodshed.
  • A Bolshevik from his thick neck to the top of his Slavic head. COVER STORY
  • The split between Menshevik and Bolshevik, the dispute over collectivization and industrialization, the polemics concerning Karl Kautsky and Georgi Plekhanov and Otto Bauer — all of these have come to appear as arcane as the strife over the Nicene and Athanasian Creeds. The Old Man
  • After Communist parties’ failure to establish political dominance in Western Europe after World War II, Gramsci’s path of “cultural Bolshevikism” became attractive to many West European leftists. Gramsci's Ghost
  • That said he was clearly an anti-Leninist and anti-Bolshevik (esp. after the Communists started shooting at him), but prior to 1945 that was a common place to be on the spectrum. Matthew Yglesias » George Orwell Was a Socialist
  • The Vatican had taken a consistently anti-communist line in the years since the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.
  • By the end of the war, Woodrow Wilson hoped for a liberal revolution in Germany, whereas the Bolsheviks anticipated a socialist revolution.
  • They bequeathed an invaluable legacy of moral integrity, revolutionary thought and political organization on which their Bolshevik heirs were to draw.
  • (The three are clearly modelled on Bukharin, Zinoviev and Kamenev, the prominent Bolshevik leaders whom Stalin supplanted and executed). Background information for George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four
  • They bequeathed an invaluable legacy of moral integrity, revolutionary thought and political organization on which their Bolshevik heirs were to draw.
  • As far back as 1905 he deemed it impossible for the Bolsheviks to participate in the Petrograd Soviet, unless the Soviet recognized beforehand the leadership of the Social Democrats.
  • Yet for lack of personnel, funds, and initiative, Bolshevik Party members were not making sufficient capital out of the situation.
  • Under Stalin and the Bolsheviks, any such opposition was impossible and Bishop von Galen would have been quickly disposed of.
  • He engineered the Bolshevik seizure of power in 1917 along with Lenin.
  • His parents had escaped from the USSR at the time of the Bolshevik Revolution and settled here. KARA KUSH
  • Originally staged in January 1904, the play is set after the abolishment of serfdom, but well before the Bolshevik Revolution.
  • By February 1917 revolution overthrew the Russian Tsar and brought the working class to power, led by the Bolsheviks in October.
  • Ideology which leads to solutions that do not work, such as Bolshevikism and Bushevikism, inevitably lead to national disaster. Badtux the Snarky Penguin
  • Fascism, Christianity, Anti-Semitism, Capitalism plus a hatred of Bolshevikism and Communism were the engines on that Nazi Train. Religion is what keeps the poor from killing the rich
  • Ultimately, it took the Bolsheviks less than forty-eight hours to seize control of Petrograd.
  • It admits that a third of its executive committee are Trots, and there does seem to be a hardline Bolshevik edge to the organisation's campaigning.
  • The consistently revolutionary wing of Social Democracy, the Bolsheviks, became the authentic vanguard of the proletariat.
  • Under the able leadership of the old Bolshevik A.P. Smirnov, the commissar of agriculture, expertise and science were privileged over politics.
  • < P align = justify > I scroll down the alphabetized list, stopping randomly at tonitrophobia (thunder), pogonophobia (beards), and bolshephobia (Bolsheviks). Hurlophobia
  • Both grim and funny, this historical novel peers into the inner world of an upper class Russian girl turned loyal Bolshevik, highlighting her youthful fling at revolution-making in Petrograd, her fall from grace under Stalin, and an historian's effort, after the end of communism, to ascertain her fate. Is “Intelligent Design” Un-Christian?
  • Bolsheviks Bolshephobia books bibliophobia bound (being) or tied up merinthophobia bowel movements (painful) defecaloesiophobia brain disease meningitophobia bridges (crossing) gephyrophobia buildings (high) batophobia bullets ballistophobia (see also missiles) bulls taurophobia buried alive (being) taphephobia cancer carcinomophobia cats ailurophobia Pangsuan Diary Entry
  • After the Civil War, the Bolshevik party had recreated itself in response to events; it was virtually a new organization.
  • With the death of Lenin, the Leninists soon found themselves in a minority in the Bolshevik party they had created.
  • I don’t think that Orwell was against collectivization per se, only forced collectivization, which is why he despised Joseph Stalin and the Bolsheviks. The Volokh Conspiracy » Animal Farm:
  • Although he was publicly committed to the idea of autonomous socialist republics, Lenin’s intentions with regard to the newly emerged independent Lithuania make clear what in his view that meant: “We must ensure that we first sovietize Lithuania and then give it back to the Lithuanians,” he noted in July 1920.16 The process of sovietization was a bloodbath, as the Bolsheviks repressed the populations using every means at their disposal. Deathride
  • The consistently revolutionary wing of Social Democracy, the Bolsheviks, became the authentic vanguard of the proletariat.
  • Where the Bolsheviks collectivised everything and left the individual with nothing, Ayn demanded a mirror-image world where everything was privatised and nothing - no scrap of humanity - was left for the public sphere. Johann Hari: The Last Person On Earth To Turn To Now Is Ayn Rand
  • He criticized the Bolsheviks' seizure of power in 1917 but was later reconciled with the regime.
  • There is an insightful section on the Bolsheviks' fear of hooliganism and their tendency to link disorder and barbarism with popular culture.
  • Every day hundreds of thousands of ‘hungry, tired and angry people’ listened to Bolshevik propaganda served up gratis on the streets of Petrograd.
  • In the mid-1920s Stalin, who was by then the ruling party leader, abandoned the Bolsheviks' previous internationalism.
  • Until the late summer the Bolsheviks were outnumbered by moderate socialists in most popular forums.
  • After the Bolshevik revolution of 1917 her commitment to the international socialist movement intensified.
  • Yet for lack of personnel, funds, and initiative, Bolshevik Party members were not making sufficient capital out of the situation.
  • Sudden bursts of light tend to remind our more fragile ballerinas of Bolshevik gunfire.
  • In 1942 the Italian government sanctioned a film version of the novel, intended as anti-Bolshevik and anti-Russian propaganda -- in blatant disregard of copyright infringement. Love, Politics And Ayn Rand
  • In the Soviet context an inordinate amount of attention has been paid to the willed aims of Bolshevik leaders.
  • The family was executed by the Bolsheviks at Ekaterinburg in July 1918 to prevent the Romanovs from falling into White Russian hands. Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity': The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations during World War I
  • The anti-Bolshevik Finnish Senate has recently declared Finland's independence. Archive 2009-04-01
  • At a Bierkeller during the Weimar Republic, Brander's Nicholas Folwell song is anti-Bolshevik, and we suddenly see that everyone present is a Nazi Brown Shirt. Gilliam's Faustian Pact
  • `You're just out of this world - And you want to be a Bolshevik ! THE OUTSIDER
  • The Red Army emerged victorious, and the Bolsheviks assumed total control of the country.
  • The analogy between Russia on the eve of the Bolshevik Revolution and the 1997/98 situation was also popular with many political scientists.
  • Anton Denikin was a Russian general who fought for the Whites during Russia's civil war against the reds - Lenin's Bolsheviks.
  • This did not mean that the Bolsheviks were simply old-style imperialists whose commitment to national self-determination was fraudulent.
  • However, after the Bolshevik revolution, state communism began to dominate the non-social democratic wings of the labour movement at the expense of more heterodox forms of socialism.
  • Unfairly and inaccurately called a traitor and a Bolshevik, she never reneged on her commitments to civil liberties or to pacifism.
  • But the Bolsheviks were determined to frustrate them and immediately after October a bitter struggle ensued between the workers and the party.
  • It was now clear: the Allies were fighting an undeclared war against the Bolsheviks.
  • Eventually, by 1917, sheer war-weariness was taking its toll, quite apart from other factors such as the growing militancy from organized labour and the Messianic appeal of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia.
  • The Communists were in control of the unemployed demonstrations, they had the reflected glory of the Bolshevik revolution.
  • The secret lapel cameras and mobile car lenses of yesteryear coupled with the two way mirrors of brothels in discreet and affluent London addresses which collated intelligence on KGB suspects and assets of Bolshevikism have now it seems given way to the very easy to spot digital camera held aloft by plod. Indymedia Ireland
  • Lenin named his small movement the Bolsheviks, a word meaning majority.
  • Trotsky rejected, for example, Lenin's wish to appoint him commissar of home affairs in 1917, pointing out, according to Deutscher, that counter-revolutionaries would "whip up anti-Semitic feeling and turn it against the Bolsheviks. A Jewish Revolutionary
  • He is either a youthful snob-Bolshevik who in five years' time will quite probably have made a wealthy marriage and been converted to Roman Catholicism; or, still more typically, a prim little man with a white-collar job, usually a secret teetotaller and often with vegetarian leanings, with a history of Nonconformity behind him, and, above all, with a social position which he has no intention of forfeiting. Notable & Quotable
  • The radical right's anxieties had been further strengthened by the effects of the Bolshevik revolution of 1917.
  • Bolshevik Revolution
  • Bolsheviks Bolshephobia books bibliophobia bound (being) or tied up merinthophobia bowel movements (painful) defecaloesiophobia brain disease meningitophobia bridges (crossing) gephyrophobia buildings (high) batophobia bullets ballistophobia (see also missiles) bulls taurophobia buried alive (being) taphephobia cancer carcinomophobia cats ailurophobia Pangsuan Diary Entry
  • The only positive line of local-central political communication was the Bolshevik Party network.
  • The Bolsheviks expropriated the property of the landowners.
  • Knocked down and bruised in the street demonstrations which preceded the Bolshevik Revolution of November 1917, her existence after November was a kaleidoscopic series of varied and strenuous activities.
  • To the victims, the abstract Leftism of some of the Bolsheviks seemed in practice much the same as colonial domination.
  • A Bolshevik from his thick neck to the top of his Slavic head. COVER STORY
  • Lands imperial armies had conquered, cossacks homesteaded, Bolshevik engineers industrialized, Red Army troops defended—all signed away, with a few strokes of a borrowed pen. The Return
  • Many of them had found, after the Bolshevik Revolution, that they could survive well enough under the Soviets, and left it at that. KARA KUSH
  • Moreover, the Bolsheviks, in continuing to see law principally as a means of defending the state, unconsciously served as perpetuators of Russian tradition.
  • As far back as 1905 he deemed it impossible for the Bolsheviks to participate in the Petrograd Soviet, unless the Soviet recognized beforehand the leadership of the Social Democrats.
  • Busheviks" is a term tossed off lightly by "Murrikkkans" who don't realize their own current "Czarists" aint fit to carry the Bolshevik jockstrap. On Bushevicks, Bolsheviks and Scum: For The Record
  • Even the minor skirmishes are elusive, and the surprisingly low casualty figures for the Whites, as the anti-Bolshevik forces came to be known, suggest there were very few pitched battles: most of the devastation was wreaked on the hapless civilian populations caught in the proximity to the two armies. Deathride
  • A lot of the Bolsheviks were simply dreadful, too: Nazi, terminist, terrible. A History of Warfare
  • A hundred million Christians were under the heel of the most barbarous tyranny in history: the Bolshevik regime of the greatest terrorist of them all, Joseph Stalin.
  • One of the greatest lies consistently perpetrated is that the Bolshevik revolution 'went wrong' only when Stalin 'usurped' power. First They Came For - In Defence of Free Speech
  • The first recorded use of the term iron curtain was derived from the safety curtain used in theatres and first applied to the border of communist Russia as "an impenetrable barrier" in 1920 by Ethel Snowden, in her book Through Bolshevik Russia Number Ten is Rotten to the Core
  • In the Soviet context an inordinate amount of attention has been paid to the willed aims of Bolshevik leaders.
  • His letters and articles prodded the Bolshevik central committee to seize power in November.
  • After the Bolshevik revolution of 1917 her commitment to the international socialist movement intensified.
  • Seventy-four years after the Bolshevik Revolution, the Soviet era ended.
  • In Ekaterinburg, the local Bolsheviks, led by Yakov Yurovsky, feared that the family might be liberated by advancing monarchist forces. Great dynasties of the world: The Romanovs
  • It was from the Monastery of St. Ipaty in Kostroma, forty miles east of Yaroslavl, that the first Romanov czar emerged from hiding, in 1613, to end the Time of Troubles — a fifteen-year interregnum of civil war, invasion, and famine following a disputed succession to the throne — and inaugurate the dynasty that would rule until the Bolshevik Revolution. Escape to Old Russia
  • The consistently revolutionary wing of Social Democracy, the Bolsheviks, became the authentic vanguard of the proletariat.
  • But they left largely unchallenged the Bolshevik view of October 1917 itself as the greatest achievement of the world revolutionary movement.
  • I was there during the putsch when the real government of Kerenski was tossed out by Lenin, Trotsky and their Bolsheviks …. Noble House
  • This hope was not realized, as we know, and the break-up of the government came within a month, when the Bolsheviki at last accomplished their long-planned armed uprising, and by force established what they called the dictatorship of the proletariat. The Russian Revolution; the Jugo-Slav Movement
  • But they left largely unchallenged the Bolshevik view of October 1917 itself as the greatest achievement of the world revolutionary movement.
  • “These Bolsheviki will try to dictate to the intelligentzia? Chapter 5. Plunging Ahead
  • Unlike the above policies of segregation that brazenly named the objects of their scorn - − "masterless men," "cripples," "negroes," and "Bolshevik bums" − - today's vagrancy laws are dressed up in post-civil rights legalese. Paul Boden: The Quality of Whose Life? Part 3
  • The Bolsheviks, on the insistent urging of Lenin, moved with caution in relation to nationalisation during this period.
  • Almost all the intelligentzia being anti-Bolshevik, there was nowhere for the Soviet Government to recruit new staffs…. Chapter 11. The Conquest of Power
  • Prior to 1917 the Bolsheviks had opposed the concept of federalism, preferring regional autonomy within a unitary state.
  • Yet for lack of personnel, funds, and initiative, Bolshevik Party members were not making sufficient capital out of the situation.
  • The Bolshevik Party was therefore especially eager to win over minds by means of cultural and ideological propaganda and education.
  • `You're just out of this world - And you want to be a Bolshevik ! THE OUTSIDER
  • The idea of Hitler as madman is a subtext throughout much that has been written about him, and particularly when it comes to the war.48 Bolshevik propaganda, antifascism, and barely disguised sympathies have precluded the same treatment of Stalin. Deathride
  • His father was a democrat in czarist Russia, and he was quite a reformer. At the time that the Bolsheviks took over in 1919, there was a brief window of time prior to the family's flight.
  • We shall have to wait for the year 2017 to see what the culture-ideology of consumerism makes of the Bolshevik revolution!
  • As a matter of fact, the Bolsheviki had by this time established an important propagandist subcentre in Russian Turkestan, not far from the Afghan border, and this bureau's activities of course envisaged not merely The New World of Islam
  • He fears a further decline in peasant confidence in the Bolsheviks.
  • Early last century, the Bolshevik was plotting the overthrow of capitalism.
  • Seventy-four years after the Bolshevik Revolution, the Soviet era ended.
  • As a result, in the course of their rise through the party hierarchy, even Bolsheviks of working-class origin became intellectuals.
  • Bolshevikism has been condemned to the trashcan of history as a failure. Badtux the Snarky Penguin
  • In “Trust Operation” (1921–1926), the State Political Directorate (OGPU) set up a fake anti-Bolshevik underground organization, “Monarchist Union of Central Russia”. Death of Polish President Kaczynski
  • As it turned out he wasn't a closet Bolshevik at all, rather a secret Tory with a clever eye for career advancement.
  • That has been the argument of the Bolsheviks, and their heirs, who abolished history, who continue to abort reform.
  • Some nationwide systems of Bolshevik political control are examined in the next chapter, whereas here more neutral communications networks are studied.
  • The measurements were taken by the commander of the British anti-Bolshevik squadron of 22 ships, Admiral Sir Edwyn Sinclair Alexander-Sinclair. British warships sunk 90 years ago found off Estonian coast
  • More than 500 works, including Imperial Easter Eggs, featuredPeople are fascinated by the objects created by Karl Fabergé, not just because they are beautiful and crafted from precious metals and jewels, but also because they are associated with the last tsar of Russia, Nicholas II and his family, who were murdered in 1918 by the Bolsheviks during the Russian revolution. Fabergé Revealed at Virginia Museum
  • His parents had escaped from the USSR at the time of the Bolshevik Revolution and settled here. KARA KUSH
  • The Bolshevik Party was therefore especially eager to win over minds by means of cultural and ideological propaganda and education.
  • The October Revolution was carried through in a nearly bloodless coup by the Bolsheviks under the leadership of Lenin.
  • The fort became a prison and was blown up by partisans during the Civil War following the Bolshevik Revolution.
  • But under NEP many of the more hardened Bolsheviks found that their rough-and-ready methods were no longer appreciated by party organizers who now worked in neat offices with neat typists and neat rows of rubber stamps.
  • He met Lenin (who was anxious to draw in anarchist support) and clearly felt some sympathy for the Bolshevik leader.
  • The Communists were in control of the unemployed demonstrations, they had the reflected glory of the Bolshevik revolution.
  • In its name Jacobin guillotines and Bolshevik execution squads never ceased their gruesome work. Letter from the Gdansk Prison
  • Trying to balance Jewish talent and many gifts against Jewish cancers like Bolshevikism, the modern ACLU, and the Sandra Bernhards. Rush Limbaugh accuses Obama of tearing his words out of their original parody context to stir up racial fears.
  • It amply justifies my contention that for Stravinsky in the Twenties, the word "modernism" had become "a code for that specifically postromantic legacy of revolution and chaos exemplified in politics by the Bolsheviks, and in music by the expressionistic atonal works of Schoenberg. 'Jews and Geniuses': An Exchange

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