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  1. of or relating to a bolometer

How To Use bolometric In A Sentence

  • Its visible portion covers a range of about one octave; bolometric indications already in 1884 comprised between three and four. A Popular History of Astronomy During the Nineteenth Century Fourth Edition
  • The bolometric detector is achieved by means of technologies used in the semiconductor field.
  • Just as in conventional bolometric sensors, joule heating raises the temperature of the structure, causing a resistance change that is sensed externally.
  • It includes a set of 52 bolometric detectors, which work by converting radiation to heat.
  • As to the eye, we have reason to believe, from the bolometric observations of LANGLEY (1888), that the mean wave-length of the visual curve of intensity nearly coincides with that of the true intensity-curve, a conclusion easily understood from Lectures on Stellar Statistics
  • Because of their intrinsically red colors and dusty circumstellar envelopes, tracking the numbers and bolometric fluxes of AGB stars requires the NIR observations we propose here. SpaceRef Top Stories
  • Does the bolometric correction account for this emission?
  • Confirmatory evidence of the extraordinary promptitude with which our satellite parts with heat already to some extent appropriated, was afforded by Professor Langley's bolometric observations at Allegheny of the partial eclipse of September 23, A Popular History of Astronomy During the Nineteenth Century Fourth Edition
  • At the compromise distance of 570 light years, the star has a total bolometric luminosity some 85,000 times that of the Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • The only mistake I can see is the 0.98 albedo of Venus-not sure where that came from, but the bolometric Bond albedo of Venus is RealClimate
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