
How To Use Bolivia In A Sentence

  • Bolivian music also uses the charango, which is a cross between the mandolin, guitar, and banjo.
  • That's even more striking when considering that Bolivia's known gas reserves have grown ninefold since privatization.
  • Traditionally, Bolivian men living on the Altiplano would wear homemade trousers and a poncho.
  • She heard a rumor about an ancient temple in Bolivia that contains an ornate stone dais.
  • Bolivia, who lost their previous two games by 5-1 scorelines, added the third goal two minutes from time.
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  • The pages brim with incisive descriptions and exquisite pictures of Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile and Patagonia.
  • Leaf-green pierid butterflies alight on the sandy shores of the Tuichi River in Bolivia's Madidi National Park. Color + Design Blog by COLOURlovers / Feed
  • EL ALTO, Bolivia — Tattered dummies look down on this city from street poles in barren squares, like scarecrows for anyone with bad intentions. The Wind From The South
  • Bolivia returned to democratic rule in 1982, after a series of military governments.
  • In some areas chicha was believed to cure bronchitis, colds, and other chest ills as well as to accelerate the birth process - it was the Bolivian equivalent of chicken soup.
  • El anuncio del presidente de Bolivia, Evo Morales, sobre una eventual demanda contra el Perú ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia de La Haya, para revertir el asilo concedido a los tres ex ministros bolivianos del gobierno de Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada, es considerado “una posición de ignorancia” por parte de expertos y autoridades peruanas, quienes señalan que de concretarse dicha querella el mandatario boliviano hará un “papelón internacional”. Global Voices in English » Peru: Deteriorating International Relations with Bolivia
  • Note: Although I have used slavery as an example, the same model could be used for Industrial Revolution era workers forced off the land during the Enclosure Acts, native North Americans during the "colonisation" of this continent, redistribution of wealth to peasants in Bolivia, etc. Inheritance
  • But while other favourites Macedonia, Georgia and Bolivia, are pulling in the money, it's peanuts compared with Miss Ireland, he said.
  • Evo está en el mejor momento de su relación con Chile y al mismo tiempo en el peor con el nuestro, traicionando lo que ha sido siempre el comportamiento del pueblo boliviano. Global Voices in English » Peru: Deteriorating International Relations with Bolivia
  • People in that part of Bolivia have a lot of Quechua and Aymara words in their vocabulary, and ones with final falling-sonority diphthongs are pretty typical.
  • Bolivia returned to democratic rule in 1982, after a series of military governments.
  • Those Bolivians did some crazy things before the war, didn†™ t they? ” She leaned in conspiratorially. “He bred these at the beginning, before they got really good at it. 365 tomorrows » 2007 » April : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • It imposed an economic program that ended hyperinflation and stabilized Bolivia's economy.
  • The tamarillo is generally believed to be native to the Andes of Peru and probably also, Chile, Ecuador and Bolivia.
  • The Long-tailed Sylph occurs in highlands of northwestern South America from Venezuela to Bolivia.
  • There are two species: Pudu pudu is distributed in parts of southern Bolivia and throughout much of southern Chile nearly to the Straits of Magellan. 26 Mouse Deer
  • The blending and intermarriage of races for over 500 years has made Bolivia a heterogeneous society.
  • Just listen to the white noise and stare at the carnage, which begins with what starts out as a well-coordinated assault on a Bolivian drug lord's compound by a Special Forces unit led by "Colonel" Clay (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), a veteran so grizzled that his grizzles have grizzles. Politics
  • For three weeks since arriving in Bolivia I'd resisted the lure of the far south-west.
  • He has collaborated with the Brazilian Landless Peasants Movement and with Bolivian resistance to a money-swindling dam.
  • The Andean Community of Nations is a trade bloc that currently includes: Colombia, Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador. Hugo Chavez and Alvaro Uribe Meet in Bogota to Discuss Humanitarian Agreement
  • Who on earth is going to leave Bolivia empty-handed? Global Voices in English » Brazil: Bolivia expels Brazilian citizens
  • The viceroyalty's territory was vast and included what is now Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay and parts of Bolivia, Peru, and Chile.
  • As his accreditation in Bolivia was not recognized here, he had to recertify his educational credentials. Steve Mariotti: My Favorite Teachers, Part 1
  • Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega also supported Bolivia and Venezuela in expelling the American ambassadors and announced that Nicaragua, like Venezuela, was prepared to establish closer military links with Russia. Excellent wayne madsen americas roundup
  • If it had been in force last April, it would, quite simply, have been illegal for the Bolivian government to renationalise the Cochabamba water company.
  • Milhares de brasileiros que vivem em território boliviano estão ameaçados de expulsão porque Evo Morales, sob a alegação de garantir a soberania do seu país, quer assentar 4 mil famílias de camponeses oriundos de La Paz e Cochabamba, em 200 mil hectares de terras localizadas na região fronteiriça. Global Voices in English » Brazil: Bolivia expels Brazilian citizens
  • A few final days in La Paz, a final 18 hour Bolivian flota ride, then a few sweaty days in Santa Cruz to meet up my my parents (first time I had seen them in almost a year!), and we were off for the next adventure: getting to Samaipata from Santa Cruz in the rainy season! Life blurs in constant motion « Wanderings
  • This salt flat in Bolivia, the landlocked heart of South America, is a harsh and eerie landscape, perhaps the closest thing nature has to a void.
  • In 1776 Argentina was incorporated into the viceroyalty of La Plata, with its capital in Buenos Aires; in addition to Argentina, the viceroyalty of La Plata comprised Uruguay, Paraguay, and Bolivia.
  • The gas revolt is the second wave of protest to rock Bolivia this year.
  • In Bolivia, three foreign nationals were killed and two arrested in what the Bolivian government called a thwarted assassination plot on President Evo Morales. Democracy Now!
  • The Chávez-influenced states are largely poor; the percentage of people living in poverty is more than 60 percent in Bolivia. The New World Order
  • Bolivians in golden cowboy boots, a South African woman in miners' gumboots, and six dignified Lebanese men holding hands all stomped merrily.
  • The film certainly provides stimuli in its first 10 minutes we get our title gang of renegade heroes, evil Bolivian drug lords and their drug-mule children, a smoking school bus, girls in bikinis, enough high-caliber firepower to light up La Paz, an exploding helicopter, poignancy, death, a thirst for revenge. Only Action Clich
  • We can apply the term imperialism to a country like Brazil for a number of reasons: the foreign investments of its transnational companies (Petrobras, Vale Rio Doce, Odebrecht) [7] mean that it has significant economic weight and can influence the political decisions of foreign governments (this is the case in Paraguay, Bolivia and Ecuador, despite the fact that these countries 'respec Recent articles from
  • Lustrous pyrrhotite crystals on quartz and wolframite were recovered at one time from the ‘Cables’ section of the Chicote Grande mine, Bolivia.
  • In the latest issue of The Nation, NYU professor and Hugo Chavez sycophant Greg Grandin praises "Ecuador, Bolivia and Venezuela, where progressive movements are fitfully trying to 'refound' their societies along more inclusive lines. Reason Magazine
  • The Bolivian Montane Dry Forests are tightly interdigitated to the east and west with Southern Andean Yungas and Puna, respectively. Bolivian montane dry forests
  • Locally stalactitic malachite, occasionally associated with well-crystallized azurite, occurred in the copper ores at Corocoro, Bolivia.
  • The hand-knit alpaca sweaters are made in Bolivia by women looking to support their children and extended families.
  • I realized that, after crossing the border back into Bolivia, I had a wide grin splattered across my face for the entire 2 hour drive from the border to La Paz. Bolivian Homecoming « Wanderings
  • George Monbiot compara dois casos recentes de nacionalização de recursos petrolíferos - o boliviano, cujo presidente aposta numa redistribuição dos lucros petrolíferos em programas de aumento do nível de vida dos povos indígenas, e o chadiano, cujo presidente, descontente com a quota de lucros petrolíferos que o banco mundial lhe deixava gastar em armas, apostou na nacionalização para dar livre curso à mais pura rapina. Leituras
  • For this time I had walnuts from France, Brazil nuts from the UK (originally from Bolivia, the package says), pistachios and hazelnuts from Italy, and almonds from Spain.
  • Bolivia is a country rich in resources, yet its majority Indian population is mired in unemployment and abject poverty.
  • Cocaine is an alkaloid which is contained in the Erythroxylon coca which grows in the Andes mountains of Peru and Bolivia 1000 to 3000 m. above sea level. 1 The first use of cocaine in history was by the Peruvian Indians in the 6th century who chewed on the coca leaves for the sense of wellness and endurance which it produced and who believed it to be a part of the Inca religion. 2 Cocaine Toxicity
  • The trials on the use of triclabendazole in treating fascioliasis were carried out in Bolivia, Chile, Cuba, Iran and Peru. Chapter 2
  • Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad played a more friendly political game than usual, suiting up for a genial game of futsal (indoor soccer) with Bolivian President Evo Morales, reports Sky News. Ahmadinejad, Morales Soccer Game In Iran (VIDEO)
  • The name's play on words is a nod to indigenous culture in Bolivia where approximately 60% of the country self-identifies as indigenous; the term "colla" refers to indigenous people living in the western highlands of Bolivia. CounterPunch
  • As night falls and temperatures drop below zero, the Bolivians start to party with fireworks and high jinks into the early hours.
  • The Bolivian government has granted logging concessions covering 22 million hectares.
  • And there is plenty of humor at a drinking party of Bolivian literati.
  • In December 2005, Morales became Bolivia's first indigenous president, after promising to hold a Constituent Assembly that would rewrite the constitution and "refound" the Bolivian state. Foreign Policy In Focus
  • The Southern Andean Yungas are loosely bordered to the east by the Chaco, and tightly interdigitated to the west with Bolivian Montane Dry Forest, spanning southwestern Bolivia and northwestern Argentina. Southern Andean Yungas
  • Well in Bolivia, the Brazilians were the gringos. Brazil Makeover Helped Humala Shed His Chávez Image
  • The third was known as Bolivian, but it referred to coca found along the eastern slope of the Andes in both that country and Peru. One River
  • To be sure, indigenity remains far more complex than any single political narrative can capture, and pueblos originarios does not fully capture the identity of any Bolivian. Nathaniel Loewentheil: Bolivia: One Llama's Great Incan Adventure
  • The man at the centre of the puzzle was born in Torquay in 1867 and first fell in love with South America when he helped the Bolivian government to survey its frontier with Brazil.
  • The foundation of the Bolivian diet in the Andean highlands or altiplano is the potato.
  • Felipe Caceres, Bolivia's top antidrug official said Tuesday Mr. Sanabria's security unit "was riddled" with corruption. Smuggling Scandal Shakes Bolivia
  • During a fallow period in my research in Bolivia (ok, I was broke) I worked in La Britannia, Bolivia's only British pub.
  • A former coca-growers union leader, Morales is Bolivia's first indigenous president and is seeking to "refound" the country on behalf of its long-suppressed native majority. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • Neste ponto, o estado do Acre e o departamento boliviano de Pando são separados pelo Rio Abunã. Global Voices in English » Brazil: Bolivia expels Brazilian citizens
  • - Os funcionários do governo boliviano disseram que iriam subir o rio e na volta não queriam mais me encontrar na minha colocação. Global Voices in English » Brazil: Bolivia expels Brazilian citizens
  • Esta claro que la ambición de todo gobernante boliviano, post “Guerra del Pacifico” quizo, a todo costa, recuperar la salida al mar. Global Voices in English » Peru: Deteriorating International Relations with Bolivia
  • Analogous to the above mentioned gold deposits, recent fluviatile alluvial tin deposits are exploited, e.g. on the Rio Huanuni, Dept. Oruro, Bolivia. Chapter 17
  • A charango and a quena provided the chorus and even the Afro-Bolivian saya provided their song, one of pity mixed with resignation. Global Voices in English » Bolivia: Farewell to Aymara Hip Hop Artist Abraham Bojorquez
  • Experts from Bolivia, Peru and Colombia are meeting at the conference to study the efforts by governments to replace coca crops with products like pineapples, bananas and palm hearts.
  • Critics of the deal charge that it will yield super-profits for energy transnationals and enrich a small group of local businessmen, while robbing Bolivia of its most valuable natural resource.
  • Buying a round of coffee – thick black syrup in a tin mug, diluted with lukewarm water – I offered a 10 boliviano note, about 90p, and asked the stall-holder to keep the difference. South America could be a good friend, but we ignore it
  • Bolivia plans to open three indigenous universities next year that will teach in Aymara, Quechua, and Guarani, which are co-official languages in the South American country, along with Spanish.
  • Solares said that the minimum salary needs to be raised from 440 bolivianos to 3,000 bolivianos a month.
  • As part of a U.S. funded plan, farmers have been paid $2,500 for each acre of hectare of Bolivian coca destroyed.
  • Ironically, the drink is not available yet in Bolivia.
  • On a recent trip to Bolivia, I had a craving for sopa de mani, which is a traditional peanut soup. DCist
  • It is the largest ever private foreign investment in the Bolivian mining sector.
  • Habitat association and notes of the southern helmeted curassow (Pauxi unicornis) in Carrasco National Park, Bolivia. Bolivian Yungas
  • Bolivia and Ecuador are also threatened by glacier melt and Colombia's costal and riverside cities are being wiped out by floods and landslides - disasters that are only expected to get worse, according to a study by the Pew Center on Climate Change. Glacier melt in Peru becomes more than a climate issue
  • Thousands of people have rallied in La Paz, Bolivia to demand higher salaries as the cost of food and fuel increases. Thousands Protest in Bolivia Over Rising Prices
  • Bolivian officials want her extradited, but Brazil has said her asylum request could take up to a year to process. Times, Sunday Times
  • The second type consists of mountains in the tropical and subtropical dry zones with hot climates at low elevation and only limited advection of moist air, such as the Bolivian Altiplano.
  • The article notes that the Carter's "have birded in 25 countries, including Nepal, Japan, the Philippines, China, and recently Bolivia," and boast a very respectful life-list total of about 1,155 species. Jimmy Carter—Celebrity Birder
  • The blog Un Boliviano en Argentina [es], written by Juan Vasquez, a Bolivian immigrant living in Argentina posts a cultural question that discusses the problem inherent to culture and idiosyncracy: un tiempo atras en una conversacion con unos compañeros, discutimos por un tema puntual dentro de la colectividad, q es la del trabajo infantil. Global Voices in English » Latin America: The Problem of Child Labor – Part II
  • Domestic biomass fuel combustion and chronic bronchitis in two rural Bolivian villages.
  • And there is an unpublished libretto for an opera scored by Alberto, Bolivia's most famous composer.
  • And in Bolivia, a peasant revolt grounded in opposition to neo-liberal policies recently unseated the pro-business president.
  • Eu não vou deixar ela na chave para um boliviano chegar e se apossar dela. Global Voices in English » Brazil: Bolivia expels Brazilian citizens
  • When Lourdes Condori, 25, found out she was pregnant with her son Kevin, she decided she didn't want to carry him in an aguayo - the colorful Andean weaving indigenous Bolivians use to carry everything from groceries and clothing, to babies. NPR Topics: News
  • ‘Chacaltaya has split in two,’ scientist Edson Ramirez said as he led a visitor up toward a once-grand ice flow high in the thin air of the Bolivian cordillera.
  • Bolivia's first Indian president says the charter will "decolonize" South America's poorest country, undoing the influence of its Spanish conquerers. - Latest Popular Stories, Instablogs Community
  • CANCUN, Mexico AP — Delegates from almost 200 nations worked Thursday to clear away a host of disputes and to take small steps forward in easing the impact of climate change at a conference whose limited goals drew an accusation of "ecocide" from Bolivia's President Evo Morales. Evo Morales: 'Ecocide' Will Result From Governments Avoiding Strong Emissions Reductions At COP 16 Climate Change Conference
  • A new Scytalopus tapaculo from Bolivia, with notes on other Bolivian members of the genus and the magellanicus complex. Bolivian Yungas
  • It is the largest ever private foreign investment in the Bolivian mining sector.
  • Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Balazs said "the pieces of the mosaic don't fit" based on what has been reported by the media about the alleged plot and what he called insufficient information received officially by Hungary from Bolivia. Salon
  • There is something comical about the imperialist ranting of twin sister Paula, who slanders the neighbouring Peruvians for their panpipe music and the Bolivians for wearing too many clothes. Diciembre
  • An official vote count will be announced Feb. Morales says the charter would "decolonize" Bolivia by championing indigenous values lost since the Spanish conquest. Top Stories - Google News
  • Bolivia and China are both in the so-called G77 group of developing nations, which act together at climate change talks. -- Top News
  • Once elected, Morales, together with the social movements (particular the indigenous and campesino organisations that make up the heart of the MAS), sought to implement the key demands that emerged from the peoples 'struggles: winning back control over Bolivia's natural resources, in particular the nationalisation of gas; and a constituent assembly to draft a new constitution to "decolonise" the state and end the political exclusion of the indigenous majority. Elections - fresh news by
  • Intelligentsia sells $19, 12-ounce bags of Anjilanaka organic beans from Bolivia, which boast hints of "white grape, honey and apple skin," the website says, while Blue Bottle's $18 Sidamo Taramessa comes from a cooperative farm in Ethiopia and tastes "punchy," "winy" and "leathery," the company says. The Hot Blonde in the Coffee Shop: A Lighter Roast
  • It is the largest ever private foreign investment in the Bolivian mining sector.
  • Bolivia has maintained a navy and schoolchildren are taught that a return to the sea is a patriotic duty. Times, Sunday Times
  • A young child wrapped in an aguayo, a traditional sling, on mother's back in La Paz, Bolivia. NPR Topics: News
  • I used to teach English as a foreign language, in Bolivia, and believe me, I quickly learnt that even people with no English whatsoever quickly get confused by this kind of unnatural, stilted, contextless speech.
  • He was still on the road, but now managed a group of panpipe musicians from Bolivia, even dressing up himself as an "authentic" Inca warrior to sell CDs and collect money from the audience.
  • There are exceptions, such as German manganite, some Bolivian and Chinese cassiterite, Russian ilvaite, Brazilian and Namibian schorl, Panasqueira ferberite, and rutile, especially that from Graves Mountain, Georgia.
  • Striking an anti-imperialist theme, the Bolivian remarks that the atmosphere must be "decolonized" and that rich nations are using more than their fair share of the atmosphere by emitting too much carbon. Nikolas Kozloff: Evo Morales for the Nobel
  • Bolivian President Morales says army, police officials in contact with CIA; offers no proof Teenage girl decapitated 700 years ago reburied in English churchyard Hood not so good? -
  • Morales won widespread support from the lower class with his campaign against the eradication of Bolivia's once-prolific production of coca, which is used to make cocaine. Bolivia
  • Ingredient: Bolivian uric acid, breast wooden fruit extraction, Hydrolyzed wheat protein.
  • Tribal leaders say the road, which is in the early stages of construction, would bisect their reservation in Bolivia's eastern Amazon lowlands. Indian Protests Spur Bolivia Crisis
  • This entry from Business & Politics in Bolivia explains: You shouldn't be surprised by the fractioning of the land, this is a common feature of 'ancestral' altiplanic methods of production. Archive 2006-10-01
  • O seringueiro Djalma Soares, 55 anos de idade, vivia em território boliviano desde os nove anos. Global Voices in English » Brazil: Bolivia expels Brazilian citizens
  • Bolivia has one of the world's most far-reaching micro-credit industries. Bolivia's first crop insurance scheme promises to empower farmers | Mattia Cabitza
  • Un charango y una quena hicieron de coro y también los de la Saya Afroboliviana pusieron su canto, uno muy lastimero mezclado con resignación. Global Voices in English » Bolivia: Farewell to Aymara Hip Hop Artist Abraham Bojorquez
  • Bolivar's anticlerical policies of the mid-1820s affected both the male and female orders, and Bolivar's program has received ample attention for Bolivia.
  • Juan Carlos launches into a lecture on Bolivia's ecological cosmology.
  • In Bolivia the word adios is sparsely or never used. 2008 November « Brandino’s Bolivia Blog
  • Alpacas originate from South America and in particular Peru, Chile and Bolivia.
  • O seringueiro Djalma Soares, 55 anos de idade, vivia em território boliviano desde os nove anos. Global Voices in English » Brazil: Bolivia expels Brazilian citizens
  • I also came as a stranger to Bolivia to work and to tend people and use my knowledge to help them.
  • I am forcibly reminded of Bing Crosby and David Bowie duetting on Little Drummer Boy (round about the time the Thin White Duke moved to Berlin with Iggy and singlehandedly rescued the Bolivian economy as I recall) Heretofore nobody had known Ziggy really wanted to be an all round family entertainer (a term guaranteed to bring a shudder to anyone who can remember when the UK thought that Cliff Richard was a dangerous rocker, daddio) A Delightful Holiday Reheat « Whatever
  • The United States says that Bolivia - the world's third-largest producer of coca, after Colombia and Peru - produces too much excess coca, which is often processed into cocaine and sold in South America and Europe. Bolivia walks thin line as it struggles to battle coca production
  • Big puffy dresses and boller hats whereas in Argentina the women wear whatever they want. 64\% of Bolivias population in below poverty level and this because apparent immediately. Recent Updates
  • A Bolivian religious fanatic who claimed he had a bomb briefly hijacked a jetliner from the beach resort of Cancun as it landed in Mexico City. Daily Express | World News :: Hijacker 'looked for sign from God'
  • La clase política de Honduras, incluido el mismo Partido Liberal, sostiene que Zelaya pretende reformar la Constitución de la República, por medio de la consulta al pueblo (la cuarta urna), como lo hicieron Hugo Chávez en Venezuela y Evo Morales en Bolivia, para luego perpetuarse en el poder. Global Voices in English » Honduras: Does the Country Need a New Constitution?
  • He survived typhoid and hepatitis in Bolivia and viral pneumonia in Peru. Times, Sunday Times
  • The next day we lurched out of the last depressed mining town, past mountains of slag dug into hideous goblin-warrens by workers who rinse tin ore from crushed rock for as little as one boliviano a day.
  • For three weeks since arriving in Bolivia I'd resisted the lure of the far south-west.
  • In the Tacna-Arica dispute, Bolivia took the stand that neither Chile nor Peru was entitled to the provinces. E. Bolivia
  • Eu não vou deixar ela na chave para um boliviano chegar e se apossar dela. Global Voices in English » Brazil: Bolivia expels Brazilian citizens
  • How do you explain the rise of indigenous movements in Bolivia and the rest of Latin America?
  • The Bolivian jungle is a dorado dream destination, but it's certainly harsh on the angler. The Jungle Angler's Survival Guide
  • Bolivian officials want her extradited, but Brazil has said her asylum request could take up to a year to process. Times, Sunday Times
  • The choir behind Carreras is at least 40 mixed voices, and the instrumental accompaniment includes the charango guitar, the quena flute, Bolivian panpipes known as the siku and a variety of traditional folk percussion instruments. Audiophile Audition Headlines
  • For thousands of years, indigenous Bolivians have chewed coca leaves, which contain small amounts of cocaine, to ward off the altitude sickness that can accompany living at high mountain elevations.
  • Scandal of the week Bolivia say claims that half their U15 Youth Olympic Games winning side was over-age are "outrageous". Said & Done
  • As one pure-bred Marxist at the public university described it to me, Bolivia has to "decolonize" from the imperialist powers. Nathaniel Loewentheil: A Ballot of Bolivian Identity: Today's Presidential Election
  • However, when the Spanish authorities realised what was happening, they declared the entire area of what is now Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Bolivia as a viceroyalty, and made Buenos Aires the capital.
  • During the tour of Latin America, the Abkhazian delegation will visit Venezuela, Argentina, Ecuador, and Bolivia. 2010 February « The View From LL2
  • Controlling an empire that included modern Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and parts of Chile and Argentina, the conquistadores fell to fighting among themselves.
  • He survived typhoid and hepatitis in Bolivia and viral pneumonia in Peru. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first product in Bolivia to earn organic certification from Bio Latina, achiote provides an ecologically-safe alternative to synthetically-produced dye.
  • The Bolivian portion of this ecoregion is delineated following Ribera et al., and follows the Rio Madeira boundary south until it abuts with the Beni biomes and later the Chiquitano dry forests, whose distinct vegetation justifies this separation. Madeira-Tapajós moist forests
  • Police internal-affairs units set up under U.S. tutelage were dismantled following Mr. Sanabria's appointment to head the antidrug police in 2007, a Bolivian law enforcement officer said. Smuggling Scandal Shakes Bolivia
  • Ingredient: Bolivian uric acid, breast wooden fruit extraction, Hyaluronic acid, Lecithin.
  • The high Andes peaks constitute its natural frontier with Bolivia and Argentina.
  • Moments of grace come easier if you're acullicando, as the descendants of the Tiwanaku empire of Bolivia and Peru call chewing coca.
  • Short, bandy-legged and remarkably intense, Daniel plays Hatuey, the leader of the resistance against Columbus and the first Indian to be burned on a cross, as well as the firebrand leader of the Bolivian resistance against the water privateers. 'Unknown': Unmoored, Overcooked
  • The latest to go was in Bolivia, whose president hoped to save himself by having the army shoot several hundred protesters.
  • One of the most enjoyable events in Bolivia is Carnival, the period preceding Lent.
  • Whether you're planning to flash your Florins in the salsa bars of Aruba, bum around the Andes on your Bolivianos, or simply eke out your Euros on the French Riviera, chances are you'll be needing some holiday money in the coming months.
  • Our cats live with more dignity than those in any zoo, " said Tania Baltazar, 37, the president of Inti Wara Yassi, the nonprofit group that manages Ambue Ari and two other refuges in Bolivia.
  • It is a joyful celebration in which Bolivians give thanks for their freedom as a nation.
  • It would recognize broad new rights for Bolivia's Indians, termed "original indigenous peasant peoples" in the document, and demand "decolonization" of all aspects of society. Vote for Jesus?
  • Various types of cloud forests extend from 800 to 3,500 meters, including the montane cloud forests (yungas, ceja de selva, or ceja de la montaña) that cover more than 500,000 km2 in Peru and Bolivia and are among the richest and most diverse forests on Earth. Biological diversity in the Tropical Andes
  • The companies pumped nearly $3.8 billion into exploration from 1996 to 2002, finding immense gas deposits that multiplied Bolivia's proven and probable reserves nearly ninefold, to 52 trillion cubic feet.
  • I guessed the people featured weren't Bolivian - their flawless features seemed strangely misplaced next to those of the people who went about their lives beneath their glassy eyes.
  • Argentina lives and breathes football, from the northern border with Bolivia down to the southern tip of Tierra del Fuego.
  • Rhodonite is found as a gangue mineral in hydrothermal silver veins cutting volcanic rocks in the Pacocollo, Carangas, and Todos Santos areas, Bolivia.
  • A report from the Department of Statistics of the Embassy of the United States in Bolivia reveals that seven of the nine prefects (governors) of the Andean country will lose the revocatory referendum to be realised the next 10 of August.
  • In Bolivia, the leftist government of Evo Morales government moved to abrogate contracts of foreign energy companies like Brazil's Petrobras. Brazil Makeover Helped Humala Shed His Chávez Image
  • The president said the charter would "decolonise" Bolivia by championing indigenous values lost since the Spanish conquest.
  • The workers blocked access to an oil refinery and interrupted road travel into Bolivia.
  • Quinoa, domesticated thousands of years ago on Bolivia's arid high mountain plains and now often misrepresented as a grain, is actually a chenopod, related to species like beets and spinach. NYT > Home Page
  • The senior workers are demanding that the government grant them a minimum pension of 1,000 bolivianos a month.
  • The new constitution seeks to give the central government greater control over natural resources and "decolonize" the country by redistributing wealth and recognizing new rights for Bolivia's majority indigenous population. Bolivians Projected to Approve New Constitution
  • Bolivia the descendants of the old civilized nations still constitute the bulk of the population, and the Quichua is the dominant language outside of the cities. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • Bolivian officials want her extradited, but Brazil has said her asylum request could take up to a year to process. Times, Sunday Times
  • A collection trip to Bolivia yielded strains of peanuts that may be resistant to tomato spotted wilt virus, a disease that reduces peanut size and yield.
  • One of the most enjoyable events in Bolivia is Carnival, the period preceding Lent.
  • Using authority granted by a congressional joint resolution in May 1934, President Roosevelt embargoed all U.S. arms shipments to Paraguay and Bolivia in an effort to end their military conflict.
  • The proposition: If poor people from Bangladesh to Bolivia can be good credit risks, as a global boom in so-called microlending has proved, why not the millions of immigrants working in the United States? - News
  • A Central Bank report acknowledged that the average rate of the devaluation of the boliviano was 4.5 percent between 1993 and 1995, and 5.5 percent between 1996 and 1998.
  • Bolivia returned to democratic rule in 1982, after a series of military governments.
  • She heard a rumor about an ancient temple in Bolivia that contains an ornate stone dais.
  • On Thursday, there were also protests in the main Bolivian cities of La Paz, Santa Cruz and Cochabamba. Bolivian President Rattled By Protests
  • This reputation is based on the abundance in that country of two species, the _Cinchona calisaya_ and _Boliviana, _ the best known and most valued in the market. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 23, February, 1873
  • At about the same time that shipping became a major industry, Bolivian tin magnate, Atenor Patiño, built Las Hadas, as a "playground" for his jet setting friends. Manzanillo... Bustling Port / Quiet Resort, Or Both?
  • Caesalpinia spinosa/Coulteria tinctorea (known as "tara" in Bolivia): slow-growing, leguminous, very drought-resistant tree for high altitudes; young seeds reportedly edible by humans but mature seeds toxic; not palatable to goats. Chapter 25
  • New records and a status assessment of a rare dwarf brocket deer from the montane forests of Bolivia.
  • Once concentrated in Colombia, a close U.S. ally in combating drugs, the cocaine business is migrating to nations such as Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia, where populist leaders are either ambivalent about cooperating with U.S. antidrug efforts or openly hostile to them. Cocaine: The New Front Lines
  • Bolivia returned to democratic rule in 1982, after a series of military governments.
  • When the tin market collapsed in the 80s, tens of thousands of unemployed miners turned to the cultivation of Bolivia's other major export - coca leaf.
  • Bolivian delegate Pablo Solon protested that the weak pledges of the Copenhagen Accord condemned the Earth to temperature increases of up to 4 degrees Celsius 7.2 F, saying that is tantamount to "ecocide" that could cost millions of lives. UN Climate Deal Marks A Tiny Step Forward For Fighting Climate Change
  • Robert Wallace, working for the New York-based Wildlife Conservation Society, was surveying in Bolivia's Madidi national park five years ago when he found what he concluded was a previously unrecorded species of titi monkey.
  • Bolivians who keep close relatives' skulls at home as a macabre talisman flock to the cemetery chapel once a year to have the craniums blessed and to bring themselves good luck in the future.
  • That would seem to make it clearly taller than the famous Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, which is about 30 meters tall, excluding its large base, and the 34.2-meter-high Cristo de la Concordia in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Come Ye: Poland's Big Jesus Statue Draws Pilgrims, Chafes Nonbelievers
  • The new president, like the old, is a representative of some 100 oligarchic families who have long monopolized wealth and power in Bolivia.
  • Bolivia, the only landlocked country in the Western Hemisphere, is home to almost eight million people.
  • Bolivia has been in the international press recently as the Santa Cruz department voted on an autonomy referendum (not terribly dissimilar from the relative autonomy US states enjoy) that it hopes will grant it more power to allocate its own resources from the oil and agriculturally rich eastern region of the country. Dispatch from Oblivia « Wanderings
  • The living conditions of this rice growing family in Bolivia’s lowlands are affected by the various endemic diseases they are exposed to: malaria, yellow fever and some of the more exotic or emerging arboviral haemorrhagic fevers. Chapter 14
  • Meanwhile the reverberation of the Bolivian events will spread throughout the continent.
  • The life of a Peace Corps/Bolivia trainee is at once complex and simple; exhausting and fulfilling … Sigue siendo… « Wanderings
  • Back then, each ride cost between sixty centavos and one Boliviano and could take anything from ten to forty minutes, depending on the traffic and other passengers.
  • But the short term hurdles to financing and management might not be Bolivia's biggest problems. Bolivia's Leftward March Halts As Oil Big Quits

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