
How To Use Bohemian In A Sentence

  • It was in stark contrast to her usual bohemian style. The Sun
  • Settling in Carmel, Calif., in 1930, she and Mr. Newell joined a bohemian community that included the photographer Edward Weston and the journalist Lincoln Steffens.
  • She loved the earthy, Bohemian feel of the place. Times, Sunday Times
  • Let's be honest, the tan-demic is really fashion's fault: In the last five years we've seen a very bohemian/hippie/California-girl style reign supreme, and naturally (no pun intended), what goes better with boho than a faux glow (or Uggs, for that matter)? Verena von Pfetten: Tan Is The New Tacky
  • The magazine's tony mix of intellect and bohemian chic was the perfect home for Gladwell's innate quirkiness. His obsessive theorizing was no longer weird.
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  • Detached translations also exist in Italian, Flemish, and Bohemian. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • Snapperton do last year at her dejeune dansant after the Bohemian The History of Pendennis
  • He vagabonded his way to Paris and immediately settled into a bohemian life.
  • Butterflies Are Not Free, burst with passionate songwriting in the style of what he calls "bohemian noir. NPR Topics: News
  • you write as if this fact whilst inarguably forever condemning me to the ranks of Bohemianism nevertheless earned for me the right of entry into any company
  • Frank had the close-set eyes and straight nose of his Bohemian ancestors and, by his late teens, a hardened face. The Sins of Brother Curtis
  • Jude is a tour de force, a refashioned version of the Jewish mother as a bohemian, a rebel against convention who critiques mainstream culture.
  • But he seemed able to keep the excesses of Hollywood at bay with a bohemian lifestyle that was perhaps a reflection of a childhood on the move. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then she was dressed in flared jeans and a bohemian silk coat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mixing prints, colours and fabrics gives it a beachy, bohemian vibe. Times, Sunday Times
  • Collier's book is the story of a young man trying to find love and success in bohemian London in the 1920s. MIND MELD: Non-Genre Books for Genre Readers
  • Settling in Carmel, Calif., in 1930, she and Mr. Newell joined a bohemian community that included the photographer Edward Weston and the journalist Lincoln Steffens.
  • I was tall and slender with long dark hair and a penchant for Anna Belinda clothes, and fancifully thought our bohemian style set us apart in our particular pocket of south London. Family life
  • Her character, Angela, goes for a Bohemian lifestyle and an affair with bumbling cop Matthew Modine.
  • The artist's subjects - taken mainly from the city's streetlife and bohemian subculture - included portraits and scenes of sexual violence and deviation (particularly shoe fetishism).
  • So many, and not just the young, want the ambience - a louche, bohemian, coffee house style - and not the substance.
  • The same result was attained on other frontiers by his successful campaigns against the Wends and Bohemians.
  • Lucien was living from hand to mouth, spending his money as fast as he made it, like many another journalist; nor did he give so much as a thought to those periodically recurrent days of reckoning which chequer the life of the bohemian in Paris so sadly. A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
  • Batman's Alley" is more than just a street—it's an open-air graffiti gallery in the heart of the bohemian Vila Madalena neighborhood. Sao Paulo: Brazilian Beauty
  • Ever since Charles Baudelaire, abnegators have initiated a Bohemian-mannered vagrom tradition in the literary realm.
  • Its population is apparently split between creative bohemians and moneyed green-welly-ites. Spending review 2010: living with the cuts
  • She would have been a wacky, bohemian artist with a love of the oblique. Times, Sunday Times
  • led a gay Bohemian life
  • Smetana, Dvorak and Janacek often remarked on the inspiration they found in contact with the Bohemian hills, forests and rivers.
  • More sedate but nonetheless oozing French bohemian cool are overcoats with ruched hemlines in soft corduroy by Lilith.
  • And everyone - aristocrats, bohemians, and philosophers alike - denounced the bourgeoisie as selfish money-grubbers.
  • When Pope John XXIII condemned the Bohemian Reformer John Hus to the flames as a heretic, at the Council of Constance in 1415, he also anathematised the Englishman John Wyclif.
  • Usually after ruining Bohemian Rhapsody. Times, Sunday Times
  • Still, the ambiance was wonderful: comfortably bohemian, chicly shabby, unfussily inviting and many other jolly terms designed to defuse my wife's urges toward home improvement. Blessings of the Season
  • Artists and antique dealers have moved in, giving the neighbourhood a raffish bohemian energy.
  • In those days Norman Podhoretz dubbed the Beats as “know-nothing bohemians,” and Robert Brustein declared them leaders of “the cult of unthink.” The Typewriter Is Holy
  • Some of the most interesting parts early in the movie occur when Varda moves away from the bohemian rhapsody, and follows Clarke, as she is guided through late 1960s LA in a taxi, allowing Varda's documentary instinct to kick in.
  • There too mashers, fake swells, or bohemians were to be found, whilst going up to London often provided the opportunity for provincial businessmen to indulge in activities more anonymously than they could achieve nearer home.
  • Chemtrail HAARP weather control Nikola tesla UFO NASA CIA NSA Weather Control elf vlf Radio science wmd mind control earthquake eastland starwars communications scalar scalar weapon clouds chemtrails electromagnetic Psychotronic Mind War conspiracy America Bohemian Grove storm bluebeam protests harp alex jones zero point gwen alaskaaerosol barium contrails eiscat haarp ramfjordmoen norwayBigfoot Kentucky Backyard Strange Creatures SkunkApes 2012 Aliens - Articles related to Military cargo plane crashes at Elmendorf Air Force Base in Alaska; no word on casualties
  • “I had learned who thou wast—a gipsy—a Bohemian—a gitana—a zingara. IV. Lasciate Ogni Speranza. Book VIII
  • He scoffs at neo-bohemian escapism in ‘What Are We Looking For,’ repeating the title in a glazed-over voice amid detuned horn hits.
  • I even found the book in a bohemian bookstore called Malaprops in Asheville, N.C. where I stood agog for a solid forty five minutes before heading to the checkout counter.
  • Or maybe they're just so drunk, they're under the misguided belief that Oxford Street is a daggy bohemian end of Kings Cross they've never encountered before.
  • It's like going to a party where all your favorite writers are discussing the real-life issues that inspire their fiction - morphogenic field theory, the breakup of the Soviet Union, the history of Bohemianism. Boing Boing: April 8, 2007 - April 14, 2007 Archives
  • Japanese pattern, and while the ivy that covered the Gothic ceiling trailed long tendrils of the palest and most delicate green, each leaf glossed as if it had been varnished, this unheroic-hero, this pantheistic-devotee, this heathenized-Christian, this half-happy-go-lucky æthestic Bohemian, lay upon his pillow, the incarnation of absolute repose. In the Footprints of the Padres
  • The true cause of its abscondence, as in so much else of his work, was undoubtedly that ultra-Bohemian quality of indifference which distinguished Diderot -- the first in a way, probably for ever the greatest, and, above all, the most altruistic of literary Bohemians. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
  • Parrish, artistic and tolerant, encouraged Fisher to write, providing her with well-funded bohemianism and what Ms. Zimmerman calls an "equitable partnership with a man who valued" her creativity. The Romantical She
  • Alternatively, you can always stay at our pension, Na Louzi, which is truly Bohemian, a woody little place with rickety stairs and a dozen styles of ancient door lock and handle.
  • If our culture was hard-won, the stalwart conservatism of her background made Roundhay a den of Bohemian anarchists in comparison.
  • Or they could change their image, and set themselves up as mysterious, bohemian artists. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is America's most bohemian clothes store, notorious for its range of subversive clothing that includes a discontinued line of T-shirts that featured a Palestinian child holding an AK- 47 over the word "victimized". The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • During the day the bridge is so crowded with tourists and street vendors that it's difficult to move, but I manage to buy some beautifully crafted Bohemian glass trinkets for my mom and some friends.
  • Which band had a hit with 'Bohemian Rhapsody'?
  • The 300-year-old inn exudes bohemian bonhomie and is one of the best loved in Puerto Rico.
  • Broadly they fall into two camps: French or Bohemian, depending on whether they cloud and whether they taste predominantly of aniseed.
  • She has a fine collection of Bohemian glass.
  • After a very proper upbringing he chose to lead the Bohemian life of an artist.
  • It's as though a grimy pall has been lifted off the city and a Bohemian spirit has returned once more to Bohemia.
  • The tourist resort threatens to change Key West's bohemian culture.
  • Why do we live along with the Bohemians in garrets if we don't have something we're passionate about?
  • The background is complex and unconventional enough to send even a modern bohemian rushing to cover the piano legs.
  • Punning on the political spoilsman, he produced three volumes of war correspondence from the viewpoint of a tipsy literary bohemian among the common soldiers.
  • My father was a footballer, having played for Shelbourne and Bohemians, and was a big influence on me.
  • The Bohemian works were written for the keyed trumpet's predecessor, the valve trumpet.
  • Moravian wine is better than Bohemian wine.
  • The sharp Bohemian, by playing at all trades, brushing against gentry of all sorts and scouring all neighborhoods, becomes at length a living cyclopaedia. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 29, August, 1873
  • The tourist resort threatens to change Key West's bohemian culture.
  • The Bohemian works were written for the keyed trumpet's predecessor, the valve trumpet.
  • There remain the demand for an unbaptized child to kiss, the torture to which the heroes of the two Bohemian sagas submit, the requirement in the Pomeranian tale to place seven brothers on the stone haunted by the seven mice, and lastly the personal violence to the damsel involved in striking her with a birch-rod or a bunch of juniper and in beheadal. The Science of Fairy Tales An Inquiry into Fairy Mythology
  • In fact, he learned how to paint like a master after extensively touring Bohemian Europe, especially the fleshpots of Paris (where he clashed with Picasso) and Italy.
  • a bohemian community of artists
  • She had not spoken to him since the night of the Viceroy's party, when she put her Bohemian head out of the ticca-gharry to wish him good-night, and he walked home alone under the stars, trying to remember The Path of a Star
  • The festivities were capped by an emotional presentation of a set of Bohemian cut glass from the staff to Bernard and Laura.
  • All have damask walls, marble floors and Bohemian crystal chandeliers.
  • Many people of a bohemian persuasion passed through her living room, from artists to drug addicts, not that those classifications were mutually exclusive.
  • as an opera singer you live a bohemian lifestyle
  • If our culture was hard-won, the stalwart conservatism of her background made Roundhay a den of Bohemian anarchists in comparison.
  • Although it would remain under Bohemian control for most, but not all, of the next several centuries, Moravia was actually run as a separate margravate, usually under the control of a younger son of the Bohemian ruler.
  • Note too the typical rhomboidal treatment of the ceiling, almost Art Deco in feel, but again a Bohemian invention.
  • There are ten rooms with a bohemian feel and marble floors, as well as a delightful patio area. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this Bohemian hothouse, our quirks and foibles flourished unchecked.
  • They gained a footballer with intelligence and one or two faintly bohemian qualities. Times, Sunday Times
  • This hop is responsible for the characteristic flavor of Bohemian Pilsners (most notably Pilsner Urquell). Long Island Beer Events
  • This stunning slip-over jumper dress has a soft, bohemian quality that feels totally effortless.
  • We haven't adopted the more damaging aspects of truly bohemian lifestyles. Times, Sunday Times
  • Let's be honest, the tan-demic is really fashion's fault: In the last five years we've seen a very bohemian / hippie / California-girl style reign supreme, and naturally (no pun intended), what goes better with boho than a faux glow (or Uggs, for that matter)? Verena von Pfetten: Tan Is The New Tacky
  • The strings add a treacly overbearingness to something that wasn't very fun to begin with - I know they were trying to be Queen a la "Bohemian Rhapsody", but couldn't even get close to Paul McCartney's "Back Seat of My Car" in terms of rock opera. Skydiving naked from an aeroplane
  • An unsuccessful attempt at Bohemian jollification is interrupted by the arrival of Musetta with Mimi, who could hardly drag herself up the stairs.
  • the urban setting and jazz score give the film a bohemian feel
  • Turn right out of Gare du Nord and it's only a short walk through the backstreets to Montmartre, a bohemian hill with spectacular views across the city.
  • Walking the gallery, we see them gradually transformed from craftsmen and aspiring gentlemen to bohemians, political agitators, philosophers and pranksters.
  • Those studios, although illegal, had been cheap and spacious and, in a way, Miss Melville had envied their ` Bohemian " atmosphere. MISS MELVILLE REGRETS
  • The word "bohemian" actually means a "socially unconventional person, especially a writer or artist", and watching the film, you recognize swiftly that this descriptor truly applies to most of the Carnegie studio residents profiled in the film; there are no household names to be found. John Farr: A Sour Note at Carnegie Hall Few Heard, Coming From Above
  • But he lived the unconventional and bohemian lifestyle of the professional jazzmen, playing one-night stands up and down the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • Personalize chenille throws with bohemian motifs and cowgirl bibelots created from crafts- and leather-store supplies.
  • Note too the typical rhomboidal treatment of the ceiling, almost Art Deco in feel, but again a Bohemian invention.
  • Favored by charismatic icons like Greg Noll and Bunker Spreckels, baggies were the flowing emblem of coastal American bohemianism, with its beach bonfires, Volkswagen vans and salt-kissed hair. Show Some Leg
  • Owen's thoughts divagated suddenly, and he thought of the pain Harding would experience were he suddenly flung into Bohemian society. Sister Teresa
  • I dipped into the heritage-soaked Latin Quarter and the bohemian - if sometimes sleazy - area of Montmartre.
  • We also learned that the Bohemian section of town was where young urbanites came to feel cool.
  • Simplicity and genuineness were the foundation-stones of her character, and she certainly dispensed with many of the useless conventions of society, but she was a serious-minded woman for whom the cheap affectations generally labelled as "bohemianism" could have no attractions. The Life of Mrs. Robert Louis Stevenson
  • Why is Joe, a Fifties Edinburgh bohemian, so fascinated by forsaking his middle-class existence to become a coal shoveller?
  • Nim went from a nice big bohemian, Upper West Side brownstone to a huge mansion in Riverdale that Columbia University owned in the Bronx, where he continues to be taught to use sign language.
  • A futuristic fairy tale about the misfit freaks who inhabit a bohemian flophouse in downtown Los Angeles, the story was written by U2 singer Bono and features several burnt-out rock stars.
  • The study of medicine, combined with the ardor of youthful revolt and the seductions of a new bohemian life, had so sensualized the mind of Schiller that, for a brief period in his career, he found pleasure in exploiting the indecent. The Life and Works of Friedrich Schiller
  • It was a bohemian few years after her parents' divorce, following her mother from place to place as she worked in repertory theatre. Times, Sunday Times
  • The building has the bearing of one that has pulled clear of its bohemian past. Times, Sunday Times
  • As its subtitle indicates, it is about the underground, the hidden traditions of bohemianism and leftism that lie beneath the surface of capitalist America.
  • The energy Metcalf took with him to Paris brought him success, working alongside Constantin Brâncusi, living the romantic and Bohemian life of an artist. Santa Clara del Cobre & Erongaricuaro
  • Solitary figure: A youthful Mr Brown on the book cover, looking bohemian with floppy hair and winkle-picker shoes Home | Mail Online
  • Her darkly mascaraed eyes speak of New York City and bohemian lofts.
  • Both shared an interest in resisting the amoral libertarianism of bohemians and rationalists.
  • We splurged on Bohemian glass for gifts, and for ourselves.
  • The twentieth-century elaboration of a consumer economy and the concomitant diversification of sources of individual identity — the layering of identity derived from consumption choices and leisure pursuits atop the older, producerist identification with work — made mass participation in bohemianism possible for the first time by the 1960s. 33 But hippies gained what they believed to be a powerful new tool for the mass transformation of consciousness in the form of LSD. Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 1965–83
  • His parents had left him some money and he lived a bohemian lifestyle. Times, Sunday Times
  • The book contains fascinating chapters on young militants, flappers and bohemian aesthetes, and on street life.
  • Djuna Barnes was one of the bohemian set in 1920 and 30s Paris, and her creative circle of acquaintance included Gertrude Stein.
  • He fancied himself a poet and Bohemian, smoked and drank every night, held court on politics and literature, took home a lengthy succession of women, and dropped Day's anarchism, pacifism and religion, in that order.
  • Drinking coffee at night still seems naughtily bohemian in this city, and there's an undercurrent of guilty complicity in the air.
  • Or book a table at Byzantium, a stylishly bohemian room with wood vigas overhead.
  • David is supposed to be her soul mate, but Murphy and Franco render him a self-dramatizing bohemian.
  • I heard talk in the hostel of aqueducts and Bohemian quarters and local volcanoes, but I haven't seen them yet.
  • He had given up painting in 1878 and existed in the bohemian squalor of his Chelsea mansion, in a state of deep melancholy, sustained by a diet of 180 grains of chloral a day, washed down with whisky.
  • CAS, which is 60% proof, is handmade using traditional Bohemian skills and combines pure alcohol with wormwood, herbs and thujone.
  • From fun ponchos to trimmed mukluk boots, these prints are alive and well today, giving a “bohemian chic” look to anything you pair them with. Before You Put That On
  • Most of his sharpest invective is directed against his wife's mother, who did not want her to marry into bohemian squalor. Times, Sunday Times
  • Flo is tall, angular and stately, a fascinating mixture of formal hauteur and bohemian ditziness.
  • Hundreds of restaurants offer everything from traditional Bohemian cooking to international cuisine.
  • After a very proper upbringing he chose to lead the Bohemian life of an artist.
  • Cops would tell us to go home, and that intensified this bohemian romance all the more.
  • Painting was dying again and artists no longer expected to pursue the old bohemian ways of existence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ludvik Moser began making glassware at Carlsbad in 1857 and today Bohemian crystal is prized around the world.
  • I could browse bohemian bookstores in far-off, mysterious Hollywood.
  • Batman's Alley" is more than just a street -- it's an open-air graffiti gallery in the heart of the bohemian Vila Madalena neighborhood. Sao Paolo: Pounding Heart of Brazil
  • This hymn is found in many manuscript Polish and Bohemian hymnaries of the fourteenth centuries.
  • Much better are Czech puppets, reasonably priced and wonderful creations - from the simplest hand puppet to terrifyingly complicated creations, from Bohemian witches to Harry Potter, wolves, cats and dragons.
  • The pages that follow are filled with legendary men, the surrealists and cubists and dadaists who shaped bohemian Paris, all of them presented here fighting and eating and jostling to make a living, as well as making love, just like Kiki herself. Kiki de Montparnasse by Jose-Luis Bocquet and Catel Muller – review
  • a bohemian life style
  • His pale skin and delicate features are complemented by a grizzle of stubble in keeping with his bohemian, New Agey image.
  • References to Bohemian metalworking and glass traditions appear here and there.
  • It's a winning fable about a bohemian family who live in a ramshackle house next to an incomplete stretch of motorway. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oddly, all this strut and swagger did not carry over into his love life, which was anything but bohemian. Times, Sunday Times
  • Played out against a backdrop of the infamous club, their romance develops as we meet the high life and the low life, slumming aristocrats and the fashionably rich, mingling with workers, artists, Bohemians, actresses and courtesans.
  • She grew up in bohemian SoHo, the eldest of three children, and regularly cites her mother's little sayings as yardsticks by which she measures her unusual life.
  • The restaurant is arty but clean; gritty but stocked with white truffle oil, aïoli for the fries, and Triple Karmelite on tap - the kind of bohemianism that accepts American Express. LA Weekly | Complete Issue
  • This is not to say that there are no descendants of the early Bohemian nobility and royalty remaining today.
  • Many people of a bohemian persuasion passed through her living room, from artists to drug addicts, not that those classifications were mutually exclusive.
  • Gone are the bohemians and artists that might have slummed it on the water in 1960s and 1970s. Streets on the Thames
  • The most prestigious traditional Bohemian glass decoration, Tiefschnit, or deep, intaglio carving, was also adopted by the artists of the avant-garde.
  • Hundreds of restaurants offer everything from traditional Bohemian cooking to international cuisine.
  • To this day the English word "bohemian" has a similar meaning. : Breaking News
  • And the interesting fact developed that he had studied with the celebrated Bohemian pedagog Sevčik and with Leopold Auer as well, two teachers whose ideas and methods differ materially. Violin Mastery Talks with Master Violinists and Teachers
  • He also jokingly refers to himself as the moody, bohemian member of the group, which is pretty much how most folks remember the man behind that amazing, ulcerous voice. Cobain's Journals: The Writer Behind The Rock Star
  • David Myers' novel The Bohemian Bourgeois is the true inheritor of that line, his protagonist's name appropriately alliterative, his behaviour equally roguish.
  • Shrimpton, dressed in a simple, unostentatious black dress – more bohemian than haute couture – is quick to lament the fashion world's excesses. The Saturday interview: Jean Shrimpton
  • But under this title lurked also the far stricter sects of the Bohemian and Moravian Brethren, who differed from the predominant church in more important particulars, and bore, in fact, a great resemblance to the German Protestants. The Thirty Years War — Volume 01
  • The area boasts a large artistic community, especially in the bohemian town of Hebden Bridge, where red-eyed stoners rub shoulders with pale-faced pilgrims en route to Sylvia Plath's grave.
  • Kunckel had described experiments to calcine gold with aqua regia to make a transparent red color. 7 The affiliation of the best examples of this product with German and Bohemian glassmakers was exploited by Mayer Oppenheim when he applied for patents in Britain to make ruby and garnet colored glass. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • After his enforced retirement from the army, Gillray's father became a sexton for the Moravians, a fundamentalist Christian sect of Bohemian origin.
  • Might as well look the part, since all artists were considered crazy and bohemian.
  • The first from Bohemian Rhapsody era and the other from I Wanna Break Free moustachio-ed housewife video. Two Nights Out
  • Symbolic of the new freedom were the pre-World War I bohemians of New York's Greenwich Village and the sexually precocious young women of the 1920s, the so-called flappers.
  • He gets a job working for IBM, the acme of corporate, conformist paternalism, the antithesis of bohemianism.
  • The most prestigious traditional Bohemian glass decoration, Tiefschnit, or deep, intaglio carving, was also adopted by the artists of the avant-garde.
  • The area boasts a large artistic community, especially in the bohemian town of Hebden Bridge, where red-eyed stoners rub shoulders with pale-faced pilgrims en route to Sylvia Plath's grave.
  • It was not to be thought of... In Bohemian circles possibly. THE GOLDEN LION
  • To keep on the Paris analogy, Broadway in Kits, could remind me of Paris Bld St Germain, with which it shares the same width 26 to 30m, not because of the architecture but because of the fair “rive gauche” or gentrified bohemian feeling, provided by urban form, shop mix, restaurants style…: Olympic Line (short) closure notice « Stephen Rees's blog
  • He thought I was a drug-taking bohemian good-for-nothing.
  • Rows of brightly decorated wooden huts sell Czech handicrafts, wooden toys and puppets, jewellery and attractive Bohemian glass.
  • Then indeed I should be everybody's equal, and it would matter to nobody that I had been a Bohemian and a _declassee_. The History of David Grieve
  • It was reinforced in the middle of the sixteenth century by the attempts of Ferdinand I, the Holy Roman emperor and Bohemian king, to bring the population back under the influence of the Roman Catholic Church.
  • Then he argues that this means attracting bohemian types who like funky, socially free areas with cool downtowns and lots of density.
  • The harvest petered out, the woman never appeared, but the Bohemian farmers, as they had done since Alobar could remember, left a few acres of beets undug so that they might complete their cycle and provide the seed for next year's crop. La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
  • Grandmother murmured something in embarrassment, but the Bohemian woman laughed scornfully, a kind of whinny-laugh, and, catching up an empty coffee-pot from the shelf, shook it at us with a look positively vindictive. My Antonia
  • Existing petrological and geochronological data are used to present a new model for Carboniferous collision at the western margin of the Bohemian Massif.
  • It has a lovely, weathered, Bohemian charm to it.
  • Also secured was official authority of the Bohemian kings over Moravia.
  • The lustres of the chandelier are bright, and clusters of rubies leap in the bohemian glasses on the 'etagere'. Men, Women and Ghosts
  • Moreover, the Bohemian had sung songs of worldly vanity and impure pleasures, he had derided the cord of Saint Francis, made jest of his miracles, and termed his votaries fools and lazy knaves. Quentin Durward
  • In Vila Madalena, a bohemian outpost set in rolling hills, the nighttime vibe is one of all-out revelry. Sao Paulo: Brazilian Beauty
  • Since her mother's new husband was also a Bohemian, the torment had continued unabated. SIGNIFICANT OTHERS
  • Bohemian late Gothic forms are included in this Baroque fantasy and there are some good 18C confessionals.
  • The naif became the world's most famous exponent of bohemian life and, of course, a star in Parisian gay society.
  • We splurged on Bohemian glass for gifts, and for ourselves.
  • The Utterwords and the Hushabyes represent, respectively, the last vestiges of Colonialism and Bohemianism.
  • A typical military entrepreneur of the 17th century, the Bohemian apostate Protestant Wallenstein is a complex and somewhat mysterious figure.
  • Although Bohemian glass decorators were certainly present in London around the dawn of the eighteenth century, the locals were already carving their own path.
  • There's the arty Bohemian society of the Verdurins, the most hideous vulgarians in literature.
  • His inexhaustible gift of lightning repartee I saw illustrated on another occasion, when he presided at the midnight "gambol" of a Bohemian club, at which it needed the utmost tact and presence of mind to "ride the whirlwind and direct the storm. America To-day, Observations and Reflections
  • After his enforced retirement from the army, Gillray's father became a sexton for the Moravians, a fundamentalist Christian sect of Bohemian origin.
  • The fact that any guests would be Jews or Bohemians barely registered on her.
  • They became a glamorous fixture of bohemian Sixties society. Times, Sunday Times
  • Who knows why those Bohemians always get such a bad rep?
  • People rush off to antique shops and pay a fortune for Bohemian glass but forget it came from the same glass works that now make Czechoslovakian Glass.
  • Returned to the talkative territory of Village bohemianism, these neglected love poems disclose the public value in questioning some of the private-to-public relays then assumed in bohemian wisdom.
  • The thin-lipped reproachful glance, the bohemian toss of the head, the casual business with the cigarette case - they are all in evidence.
  • In those days, says Heylin, Greenwich Village was ‘the epicentre of a buzzing folk revival’, a bohemian quarter located in a web of small streets.
  • This is the story of a true bohemian. Times, Sunday Times
  • And Midge, Don's one-time Bohemian lover, is a heroin junkie peddling her paintings and even herself for the next fix. Matt's TV Week in Review
  • ONE BROKE GUY: For a more authentic and even gamier slice of Brooklyn bohemian humor than you're likely to get in the comparatively shrill 2 Broke Girls, MTV premieres the very hip and sexually frantic new comedy I Just Want My Pants Back 11/10c with back-to-back episodes following a new episode of Jersey Shore, where most of the participants long ago forgot where they shed trou and with whom. Thursday's TV: Sweeps Begin, and MTV Loses Its Pants

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