bog spavin

  1. spavin caused by collection of fluids
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How To Use bog spavin In A Sentence

  • Bog spavins can be large and highly visible, and make horse-owners very nervous, but they're just lumps - not lamenesses.
  • The dilatation of this articular synovial sac is what is denominated bog spavin, the term thoroughpin being applied to the dilatation of the tendinous capsule. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • Bog spavin is often present in case of thoroughpin but the two conditions are separate and distinct excepting in that both may occur simultaneously and as the result of the same cause. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • -- Bog spavin is an extensive distention of the capular ligament of the hock-joint by synovia (Fig. 48). Common Diseases of Farm Animals
  • Thus it seems that subjects of rather faulty conformation, animals having lymphatic temperaments and the coarse-bred types, are prone to synovial disturbances such as thoroughpin, bog spavin, etc., sometimes having both legs affected. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • Just last Wednesday evening I was seeing to a horse over on Atlantic—a case of bog spavin—and as chance would have it, a fire broke out in one of the warehouses, and there he was, already on the scene, furiously scribbling notes. Firehorse
  • This puts more stress on the hocks and the outside of the legs; bog spavins and thoroughpins can result.
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