- either of two wars: the first when the Boers fought England in order to regain the independence they had given up to obtain British help against the Zulus (1880-1881); the second when the Orange Free State and Transvaal declared war on Britain (1899-1902)
How To Use Boer War In A Sentence
- Small wonder that, by the time of the Boer War, the pacifists felt like a small and beleaguered minority.
- So that it was somehow not so much of a shock, she was in a way prepared, when three years later, in the Boer War, her beloved Guy died. THE GOLDEN LION
- Commander Unkles said it was a "furphy" for people such as Craig Wilcox, author of Australia's Boer War, to suggest the laws of 2010 were being applied to the case. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
- Several yeomen are known to have volunteered for service at Waterloo, but no formed units saw action until the Second Boer War.
- It is generally believed that 16, 175 Australians fought in the Boer War, though this does not allow for double-counting of those who served in two contingents.
- This wall plaque is worth about £120 - Boer War items are quite collectable.
- Once again, however, it took the fears engendered by the Boer War to arouse widespread interest in the issue.
- They meant the Boer War, recalled by Francis from boyhood, concluded twelve years earlier. DARE CALL IT TREASON
- His father was a bitter-ender in the Boer war who refused to give up his guns in defeat and named his son after a dead Boer general.
- I was comforted when Matata showed me a Boer war rifle wrapped in rags in the bottom of the canoe.