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How To Use Body weight In A Sentence

  • Neither of us was even slightly the worse for wear as we both have the body weight to adsorb such a piddling amount of alcohol. What was Althouse drinking?
  • Hydrotherapy - relaxed swimming and flotation decrease the energy required in everyday life just to support the body weight, allowing the diversion of this energy to recovery.
  • Everything one does during the day tests the spine's ability to support body weight.
  • For at least fifteen hours a day they get us from A to B and take our body weight.
  • The most obvious difference is size: relative to body weight, a human brain is twice as big as a chimp brain.
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  • He had lost half his body weight and suffered muscle wastage during his time in hospital. The Sun
  • A nonpermeable patch containing 2 ml/kg body weight of Margosan-O@ was placed over small shaved areas on a group of albino rabbits. Chapter 15
  • Pediatric Dose Administer as in adults; adjust for body weight 3.
  • Genetic mouse models have provided surprising insight into mechanisms linking serotoninergic compounds with the regulation of feeding behavior and body weight. Health News from Medical News Today
  • When you're submersed up to your neck, the water cancels out about 90 percent of your body weight, significantly reducing stress on your weight-bearing joints, bones and muscles.
  • She has shed more than half her body weight and is glowing with health and happiness. The Sun
  • However, the problem with calisthenics have been they require lifting almost your full body weight and are too difficult for the deconditioned clients to perform.
  • There were no differences in age, gestational age, ratio of primiparae to pluriparae, body weight, or height between the treatment and control groups.
  • Thus, it is essential to monitor urine flow, serum tonicity, and body weight during the deprivation.
  • A feedback loop for weight loss has been postulated to explain why patients can generally lose only 10 to 15 percent of their body weight.
  • The pig is a fast-growing animal with the potential of achieving more than a hundredfold increase in body weight before 12 months of age.
  • Our study has shown that aspartame is a multipotential carcinogenic compound whose carcinogenic effects are also evident at a daily dose of 20 milligrams per kilogram of body weight mg/kg, notably less than the current acceptable daily intake for humans. Flawed aspartame study | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • A dog needs a ratio of two tablespoons lean ground meat per cupful of white rice cooked in chicken broth, fed at the rate of one cup per ten pounds of body weight.
  • There is a need for more information on growth rate, health, egg production, feed conversion, body weight, carcass yield, laying intensity, fertility, hatchability, and egg weight - especially under free-ranging conditions. 5 Chicken
  • An equation is established for the calculation of the increase in fetal body weight to fertilization age.
  • Net effect of regulation in normal adult is to adjust energy intake to output and so maintain body weight constant. The Dictionary of Nutritional Health
  • These results did not differ when acid output was expressed as mmol/h/kg lean body mass or mmol/h/kg fat free body weight.
  • He also leaned laterally during single leg stance, which may indicate weak gluteus medius muscles relative to his body weight.
  • The rap of knuckle, the slap of the palm, the hammer-stroke of the closed fist against the door, the shouting matches, the horizontal force of his charging shoulder, and on the other side, the full opposition of her body weight - were all transduced bi-directionally by those compressed layers of laminated wood. Justinker Diary Entry
  • Results There was no significant difference of the ratio of thymus to body weight and thickness of foot pad between metolachlor groups and control group.
  • The focus was on well-being and a positive healthy lifestyle as well as to impart awareness and knowledge about biological, psychological, and sociocultural aspects of body weight. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Weight Acceptance Prevents Weight Gain?
  • The recommended daily amount of protein consumed is 1.0 to 1.2 grams per kilogram of body weight.
  • The bowling action commonly sees cricketers put up to 10 times their body weight through the joints below the waist. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the same issue of AJOG, Holly Hull from Columbia University, New York, NY, compared body weight and composition (air-displacement plethysmography) in 33 neonates born to mothers with a normal pregravid BMI to 39 neonates born to overweight/obese mothers with normal glucose tolerance. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Time to Limit Weight Gain in Pregnancy?
  • An equation is established for the calculation of the increase in fetal body weight to fertilization age.
  • Ohki-Hamazaki H, Wada K (2000) Differential effects of social isolation upon body weight, food consumption, and responsiveness to novel and social environment in bombesin receptor subtype-3 (BRS-3) deficient mice. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • At first it seems like we are going to make good progress because the top crust of the snow is frozen enough to hold our body weight.
  • To lose body weight, essentially you have to burn more calories than you take in.
  • As low a dose as 1 mg / kg (body weight) of NAB739, given at 1h postinfection and repeated at 3 h postinfection, displayed potent bactericidal effect. Health News from Medical News Today
  • I like my swimmers to perform body weight, upper body movements such as chin-ups, horizontal body weight rows, push-ups and one-arm holds.
  • Serious adverse effects result when the amount ingested exceeds 50-175 mg/kg of body weight. 1 Potentially lethal intoxications occur with ingestions exceeding 500 mg/kg. 2 The infrequency of pure salicylate overdoses allows its complex nature to be underestimated. Aspirin: effects, poisoning
  • She has shed more than half her body weight and is glowing with health and happiness. The Sun
  • My body weight was suspended dangerously against it. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was more than a pleasant surprise and I ate a small part of my body weight in the stuff.
  • She has shed more than half her body weight and is glowing with health and happiness. The Sun
  • When blood pressure could not be maintained with a dose of 20 µg per kilogram of body weight per minute for dopamine or a dose of 0.19 µg per kilogram per minute for norepinephrine, open-label norepinephrine, epinephrine, or vasopressin could be added. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Giving the two together as Contrave, in a sustained-release formulation taken twice a day, led to average weight loss that ranged from 5% to 9.3% of a patient's body weight in four clinical trials. Regulators to Review New Drugs to Curb Appetite
  • Body weight drills such as calisthenics and plyometrics keep your nervous system sharp. EzineArticles
  • We were not able to adjust for the possible confounding effect of body weight as this information has not been collected.
  • The addition of cane sugar, in amounts sufficient to cause a mild degree of glycosuria (50 to 100 g daily), had the immediate effect of preventing the loss of body weight, and in most animals, of causing it to become increased, especially when large amounts were given. John Macleod - Nobel Lecture
  • For those with osteo-arthiritis, she suggests swimming and water exercises, because in the water one does not have to carry one's body weight.
  • The following morphological measures were obtained from each otter: body length, total length (nose to tip of tail), baculum length, testicle width (in millimeters), and body weight (in kilograms).
  • The precise factors that control an individual's body weight are not yet fully known. The Vitality Diet
  • The brain accounts for merely three per cent of body weight.
  • In this position, your upper body weight will more likely balance on your skeletal structure, enabling the surrounding back muscles to relax.
  • For instance, a triceps dip is a wonderful exercise using your body weights.
  • The gene is also associated with increased body weight.
  • Considering that you can also shift your body weight when you swing your clubs, the options to pick a distinctive tee shot are almost infinite.
  • Also they continual body weight loss into the breeding season will adversely affect fertility.
  • But it will be difficult for those who have a high degree of ectomorphy to achieve a significant increase in their body weight.
  • Certain microbial supplements show the potential to reduce the severity of colds and other infections, temper body weight, and even help the elderly fight osteoporosis. Boing Boing
  • Men need two grams of protein per kilogram of body weight when they train intensely, says Sternlicht.
  • It is said that Sucralose breaks down into 1,6-dichlorofructose, which is toxic and can lead to shrunken thymus glands up to 40% shrinkage and enlarged liver and kidneys, Atrophy of lymph follicles in the spleen and thymus Increased cecal weight Reduced growth rate Decreased red blood cell count Hyperplasia of the pelvis Extension of the pregnancy period Aborted pregnancy Decreased fetal body weights and placental weights Diarrhoea. Splenda - Does more harm than good???
  • Supports relieve excessive pressure and foot strain by distributing body weight across the feet and by cushioning the impact of walking, he says.
  • The loads at "breakpoints" of nonlinear correlation and the loads of heart rate be at stable status during walking were about 32%, 23%, and 14% of body weight, respectively.
  • Note how the knees are still flexed and the bulk of the body weight has moved to the right.
  • Nutritional objectives should involve: encouraging selection of foods from all food groups; drinking plenty of water; maintaining ideal body weight; encouraging the use of low-fat dairy products; encouraging the consumption of unsugared fruit juices; teaching a greater variety of preparation styles; and introducing a greater variety of vegetables.
  • These movements include push-ups, crunches, dips, pull-ups, lunges, body weight squats, back extensions or any other calisthenics.
  • Intravenous fluids dramatically improved his condition and restored his body weight.
  • The device reduces the physical load on hips, knees and ankles by supporting part of the user's body weight and enabling them to continue to walk naturally. Times, Sunday Times
  • Soldiers also perform a lot of natural exercises which involve only their body weight, for example, chin-ups, push-ups etc.
  • Wroe's team recognized that for marsupials (like koalas, wombats, and kangaroos) brain size could be used to estimate overall body weight.
  • As a rough guide, a horse needs 2.5 per cent of his body weight in food every day.
  • Regular activity helps maintain a healthy body weight by balancing caloric intake with energy expenditure.
  • Net effect of regulation in normal adult is to adjust energy intake to output and so maintain body weight constant. The Dictionary of Nutritional Health
  • After a three month dietary run-in period patients were stratified on the basis of fasting plasma glucose concentration and body weight.
  • The bowling action commonly sees cricketers put up to 10 times their body weight through the joints below the waist. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is very important to control body weight, restrict the drinking, reduce intake of superfatted foods, prevent and treat diabetes mellitus for hypertension prevention and control.
  • It was a shame that my body weight was still surprisingly light compared to the other teenagers.
  • I meant to post that my fixed gear commuter bicycle has cottered cranks and a rear rack and it frequently carries about half my body weight in groceries. Leaving The Irony On: So Much for Sincerity
  • Several months later, the pressure ulcer had not healed and the patient experienced a decrement of about 10% from pretrauma body weight.
  • These results did not differ when acid output was expressed as mmol/h/kg lean body mass or mmol/h/kg fat free body weight.
  • As a rough guide, a horse needs 2.5 per cent of his body weight in food every day.
  • About half of body weight is predetermined genetically, but the rest is down to social factors. Times, Sunday Times
  • About half of body weight is predetermined genetically, but the rest is down to social factors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Furthermore, the study delivered evidence that a dose of 1.0 mCi / kg body weight results more frequently and for a longer period in pain reduction than a dose of 0.5 mCi / kg body weight. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • In a recent study, (Kobayashi Y et al, 2001) when evodiamine was supplemented at 0.02% in the form of ethanol extract of Evodia fruits in a high-fat diet for 21 days, the body weight, perirenal fat weight and epididymal fat weight were found to be significantly reduced compared to the control group. Wil's Ebay E-Store
  • A rorqual may engulf nearly 70% of its total body weight in water and prey during this action, which in an adult blue whale amounts to about 70 tons (Pivorunas 1979). From cigar to elongated, bloated tadpole: rorquals part II
  • At present I think all we can say is that protein intake in general should be, particularly for women, at a level of about 1 gram per kilogram body weight per day.
  • Erdmann [254] found that in doses of between 0.5 and 0.6 gram per kilo of body weight, furane-alcohol kills a rabbit by respiratory paralysis; and that the symptoms of poisoning are All About Coffee
  • Within parentals, we used correlation to investigate the relationship between body weight and risk.
  • Similarly, obese women craved high fats more frequently than nonobese women and depression symptoms were intensified with increasing body weights. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Food Cravings, Mood, and Nicotine Addiction
  • In the most recent studies, lead was not detectable in most foods and the average dietary intake of lead was about 1 microgram (a microgram is a millionth of a gram) per kilogram of body weight/day. Public Health Statement for Lead
  • Your daily calorie intake should equal approximately 13 times your body weight if you're active.
  • The researchers used a dose of either 0.8 or 8 milligrams per kilogram of an animal's body weight.
  • More than 3 million deaths in 2010 were attributable to excess body weight - more than three times as many as undernutrition.
  • Encouraging the consumption of this single food, milk, may have lasting implications for nutrient density, bone health and body weight.
  • In ancient Assyria, such miscreants were gibbeted, or impaled between the legs, on the sharp top of a pole planted upright in the ground, their screams heard for miles as their own body weight slowly drove the stake into them until they died. Obama's military victory.
  • This time I manage to land with my entire body weight centered on my right buttock.
  • The majority of their upper body weight is directed into the sacroiliac area.
  • • Lead to a mild hematotoxicity if a dose of 1.0 mCi / kg body weight and of 35 mCi are administered, respectively. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Leptin improved animal body weight recovery and behavioral parameters after cerebral ischemia.
  • She was wearing trainers but didn't realise her body weight would indent it.
  • They support compressive loads arising from body weight and muscle tension and anchor one vertebral body to the next.
  • The sailor controls the mast with their arms and steers in a standing position, moving body weight to guide the vessel.
  • We determined each player's weight loss by calculating the variation between body weight before and after each training day.
  • Thus, it is essential to monitor urine flow, serum tonicity, and body weight during the deprivation.
  • I tried to appear more casual and passive, shifting my body weight to one leg and bending my opposite leg at the knee a bit.
  • The research also determined that body weights of collected bluebills were greater than or similar to estimates from birds collected in the 1980s before the precipitous decline.
  • He effortlessly climbs a ladder with 120 grams of weights - equal to three times his body weight - strapped on his back.
  • She has shed more than half her body weight and is glowing with health and happiness. The Sun
  • Another limitation is the natural variability of blood pressure and its likelihood of being transiently elevated for example, by alcohol intake, other drugs, or fluctuations in body weight.
  • You can benefit just as much from exercises that use body weight - pushups, crunches, etc.
  • Well, Angela, the ideal liposuction patient is healthy with a consistent body weight and good skin elasticity.
  • It was more than a pleasant surprise and I ate a small part of my body weight in the stuff.
  • Excess body weight contributes to obstructive sleep apnea, as does extra tissue at the back of your mouth and in your throat.
  • Keeping your legs straight, raise your body and bottom off the ground until your body is straight and your shoulders and heels are supporting your body weight.
  • It also helps to know how to keep your body weight centered, how to take turns on slippery surfaces, how to ride through powder and crud, when to let the pressure out of your tires, and to simply get off and walk or carry your bike.
  • I consider it no small irony that the first syllable of the word dioxins sounds like die: So potent is this group of more than 100 cancer-causing industrial chemicals that the Environmental Protection Agency is currently considering setting the "safe" daily level for human exposure at seven-tenths of a picogram per kilogram of body weight. Jennifer Grayson: Eco Etiquette: Help! Am I Doomed By Dioxins?
  • In the study, researchers at Indiana University found that a large dose -- 9 milligrams of caffeine per kilogram of body weight -- was as effective as the use of an albuterol inhaler, which is commonly used to treat or prevent exercise-induced asthma. Medindia Health News
  • He is also exploring the effect of experimental changes in body weight on energy expenditure in humans.
  • The loads at "breakpoints" of nonlinear correlation and the loads of heart rate be at stable status during walking were about 32%, 23%, and 14% of body weight, respectively.
  • Longevity of monandrous females was not related to female body weight, nor was there any relationship between degree of polyandry and female body weight.
  • For this reason, body fat can be as important as body weight when you are trying to reduce your waistline or change your lifestyle.
  • Losing excess body weight is more likely to help improve hip and knee joint health. The Sun
  • Excess body weight contributes to obstructive sleep apnea, as does extra tissue at the back of your mouth and in your throat.
  • Growth charts, ideal body weight, and body mass index were mostly used to assess and monitor overweight.
  • We mix up cardio, stretches and body weights to hone and tone her body. The Sun
  • People's body weight can fluctuate during the day.
  • Leafcutter ants can carry 20 times their body weight in their jaws and grow to up to 1.6 cm. The Sun
  • A specific body weight was not strived for.
  • These movements include push-ups, crunches, dips, pull-ups, lunges, body weight squats, back extensions or any other calisthenics.
  • Female beluga can produce 12% of their body weight in caviar and beluga caviar can demand $200 / kg.
  • I consider it no small irony that the first syllable of the word dioxins sounds like die: So potent is this group of more than 100 cancer-causing industrial chemicals that the Environmental Protection Agency is currently considering setting the "safe" daily level for human exposure at seven-tenths of a picogram per kilogram of body weight. Jennifer Grayson: Eco Etiquette: Help! Am I Doomed By Dioxins?
  • That’s why those protein frenzies are a big mistake unless you want to eat 7 times your body weight in bacon every year for the rest of your life. Cheeseburger Gothic » Burger lite.
  • D. TRANSTIBIAL AMPUTEES: STEP OVER STEP: When ascending stairs, the transtibial amputee who does not have the ability to dorsiflex his foot/ankle assembly must generate a stronger concentric contraction of the knee and hip extensors in order to successfully transfer body weight over the prosthetic limb. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • They have a pulley attached to their harness which snaps the rope tight and means they are only actually holding about 10 kg, not your whole body weight.
  • When he reaches the top of that he shadow boxes, all the while wearing a burden equivalent to a quarter of his own body weight.
  • One third of their dry body weight is energy-giving fat but far from losing weight on their exhausting journey south, they actually appear to gain it! Butterflies by the million : the Monarchs of Michoacán
  • As its body weight increases by around 40 percent, the lemur's tail swells massively with stored fat reserves.
  • To allow the practitioner to use his or her body weight, the patient usually lies on mats on the floor during treatment.
  • The open springs are interlinked, spreading body weight evenly across the surface of the mattress.
  • Each year in the UK up to 15 front-seat passengers are killed by the impact from an unbelted rear-seat passenger being thrown forward with a force of up to 60 times their own body weight even at a mere 30 mph.
  • It is found to be as effective as insulin in the restoration of blood glucose and body weight to normal levels.
  • Thus, when a person is dehydrated by more than 2% of body weight, both heart rate and body temperature are elevated during exercise.
  • The major anomalies were an increased frequency of cryptochordism; a decrease/delay in ossification centers of the hyoid, metacarpus, and metatarsal bones; delay in eruption of incisors; and a decrease in body weight.
  • Body weight and physical strength diminish rapidly.
  • Health professionals define ‘overweight’ as an excess amount of body weight that includes muscles, bone, fat and water.
  • I'm sure you have sensitive infra-spectrum machines that can determine minute differences in body weight, distribution, height, hair color, number of tooth extractions, simply from the tread of a well-worn work boot. Self-Destruction, Vol. 1
  • The fins comprise only a minor portion of a shark's total body weight.
  • The bats ate up to 2.5 times their body weight (which can be as much as a pound for the species on Guam) in food such as cycads seeds every night and, on special occasions, Chamorros ate the bats. Scientific American
  • EPA scientists already concluded in a preliminary report that people shouldn't consume more than 0.7 picogram of dioxin per kilogram of body weight a day. EPA Misses Deadline on Dioxin Guidelines
  • Sailors steer dinghies using a rudder and the crew use their body weight to counterbalance the forces developed by the sail and their common characteristic are lifting centreboards.
  • The rats received either 60 or 300 micrograms per kilogram of body weight.
  • They also showed trends toward losing lesser amounts of body weight.
  • The birth type had significant effects on the degree of cashmere fineness, the body weight of Cashmere goat, the birth weight, the weaning weight and the daily weight gain.
  • James Goodwin was at least a good three inches shorter AND was half his size when it came to body weight.
  • We recorded variations in body weight weekly throughout the experimental period.
  • Even a normal, healthy body weight may arouse feelings of tension and panic.
  • My body weight was suspended dangerously against it. Times, Sunday Times
  • This Mycin expert system was designed to identify bacteria causing severe infections, such as bacteremia and meningitis, and to recommend antibiotics, with the dosage adjusted for patient's body weight.
  • The brain accounts for merely three per cent of body weight.
  • The gene is also associated with increased body weight.
  • She has shed more than half her body weight and is glowing with health and happiness. The Sun
  • In this study, the dose of ursodeoxycholic acid varied with body weight.
  • The relation of body height to body weight, Rohre's index, ponderal index and somatotype ectomophy component shows that students of ju-jitsu have slim and muscular body types.
  • In their case it is the explosive effort involved in propelling their body weight that results in increased muscular development, whereas the long, drawn-out, submaximal effort made by endurance athletes only makes their muscles smaller and leaner. MAIL CALL
  • These results did not differ when acid output was expressed as mmol/h/kg lean body mass or mmol/h/kg fat free body weight.
  • Average body weight for Taiwan native goat ( kg ).
  • The appetite hormone ghrelin is produced mainly in the stomach and is thought to regulate body weight.
  • Experimental diabetes mellitus was induced by IV injection (caudal vein) of alloxan monohydrate at a dose of 50 mg/kg body weight.
  • Rarely moving, never eating, standing in frigid cold, the fathers-to-be will lose half their body weight incubating their egg over the next two months.
  • Those include: total body weight on the downhill skate, an upward rising motion with the body during unweighting, misguided information on over-rotation, or hip angulation.
  • Dr. Mike Fitzpatrick, a New Zealand toxicologist estimated that babies fed a strict diet of soy milk “ingested the estrogenic equivalent, based on body weight, of five birth control pills a day.” Food and Drink
  • To adult sea cucumbers , the mid-value of particle sizes in gut contents was negatively correlated with the body weight.
  • Nutrition, body weight, and stress affect menstruation and ovulation.
  • The entire body weight is thus carried by the thumbs and the big toe, even as the bones of the rest of the body are cracking with pain.
  • Losing excess body weight is more likely to help improve hip and knee joint health. The Sun
  • Put a towel on the handles and using your body weight, press down to extrude the noodles.
  • This cultural difference in body weight preference may have reflected the documented tendency for plumpness to be considered attractive in food-scarce areas.
  • I agree with hhazzahh, that a recumbent might be the solution to your problem in that it at least relieves your ailing knee of the strain of having to carry half your body weight ...and anyway, you'd like to think that recumbents are good for something. The Guardian World News
  • The excess body weight has now gone, along with his addiction to alcohol and drugs.
  • But because many species are cold-blooded, some sharks eat only about 2 percent of their body weight each day.
  • I do calisthenics, which is basically using your own body weight, like you do in yoga, to strengthen your core. Hindustan Times News Feeds 'Views'
  • These movements include push-ups, crunches, dips, pull-ups, lunges, body weight squats, back extensions or any other calisthenics.
  • The proper sequence consists in correcting the deformity, providing the simplest apparatus to keep the limb in good position, preventing erroneous deflection of body weight during walking, and then allowing the child to grow and develop until he has reached the age of five before considering such an operation as transplanting tendons, and the age of ten before deciding to ankylose Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Because I was sitting on the starboard side, my body weight only added to the mix.
  • A heavy body weight is a disincentive for movement and physical activity, creating ‘movement inertia.’
  • From time to time they plunge off the hillside, flapping furiously as though their wings are not big enough to maintain their body weight. Times, Sunday Times
  • From time to time they plunge off the hillside, flapping furiously as though their wings are not big enough to maintain their body weight. Times, Sunday Times
  • Conclusions Partial intravenous feeding has an important clinical significance for the increase of body weight and the cure rate of newborns with serious disease.
  • Precise medication dosing is based on the exact body weight. Surgery Concerns for Children « Happy Healthy Hip Parenting
  • Lean on the handrails to support the majority of your body weight and gyp yourself out of the workout you deserve.
  • The toes were all of equal length, allowing the body weight to be evenly distributed over them.
  • They measured changes in body weight, body fat (DEXA) and metabolism (indirect calorimetry). Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Spicing Up Weight Loss?
  • His first tackle on Shane Williams was a lift and then a spin before he dumped him on the floor, using his own body weight and momentum to deck the Welsh wing.
  • Swimming is a good option: the joints are exercised but your body weight is supported by the water, making injury less likely.
  • Average body weight for Taiwan native goat ( kg ).
  • In Table 1, these data are expressed in measurement units per kilogram of body weight.
  • No one consumes more soy per kilogram of body weight than infants who are fed soy-based formula.
  • For many people, physical inactivity may be a more significant factor in the development and maintenance of excess body weight than in the consumption of extra calories.
  • All were of normal body weight, taking a normal diet, and had a normal bowel habit.
  • Loading dose is based on ideal body weight with maintenance infusion titrated to the desired end point.
  • By the end of this experiment, the control littermates became obese, whereas the transgenic mice still maintained a normal body weight and fat mass composition.

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