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body type

  1. a category of physique

How To Use body type In A Sentence

  • Two competing ideal female body types developed: the buxom blonde and the elegant brunette.
  • His figures are realistic and dynamic, with an astounding range of body types.
  • If you are now starting a fitness programme, it is a good idea for you to know what is your body type - mesomorph, ectomorph, endomorph, or a cross between two types.
  • Just like we have different temperamental traits, genetic endowment with body type, different hair and eye color, we can have different 'food personalties'. Donna Fish: What is Your Food Personality and How Does it Differ from that of Your Kids?
  • Neither is seen very often and their stocky body types and powerful forequarters are somewhat similar.
  • Nevertheless, this is only true if your body is of the right body type (body condition) and if you really are adiposis then trust me, it is not. Nine tips to lose weight for lazy human being
  • Two major adult body types characterize the phylum: the medusa is typically a mobile pelagic organism, and the polyp is typically a sessile benthic organism.
  • Almost all use a serif face for body type.
  • Main Characteristics Radial symmetrical  include the hydroids, jellyfish, anemones, and  corals have tentacles with stinging cells in their tips  which are used to capture and subdue prey one of two basic body types, polypoid or  medusoid. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Marble portrait statues, with body types modelled on Greek prototypes, are well represented.
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