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How To Use Body politic In A Sentence

  • The argument tearing at the insides of the American body politic this week is between two different sorts of logic. Times, Sunday Times
  • HAVING set forth, in the two preceding chapters, the nature of a commonwealth institutive, by the consent of many men together; I come now to speak of dominion, or a body politic by acquisition, which is commonly called a patrimonial kingdom. The Elements of Law Natural and Politic
  • It represented an extreme example of a theocracy - of a body politic organised essentially around religious principles.
  • I reckon giving that young whippersnapper an early taste of local body politics will immunise him against parochial politics for life.
  • We do have the capacity to rise up as a body politic and let our voices be heard and rescue ourselves from our five years caricature of democracy, but we do not often bestir ourselves to do so.
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  • Fight we must, but it is discouraging that we are at war with our own sick body politick. Stephen Herrington: A Message Washington Will Hear
  • The body politic is frozen, incapable of making either bold advancements forward or retrenching, and then reverting back to simpler time. Matthew Yglesias » Olivier Blanchard on the Case for Higher Inflation
  • HAVING set forth, in the two preceding chapters, the nature of a commonwealth institutive, by the consent of many men together; I come now to speak of dominion, or a body politic by acquisition, which is commonly called a patrimonial kingdom. The Elements of Law Natural and Politic
  • Well, I don't want people who favour strong central governments to negatively impact those of us who think of governments as arrogant, incompetent, intruders into the body politic of the nation. tom celandine High court rules in voting rights dispute
  • What's puzzling is how the GOP failed to recognize and appropriately adjust to the stagnant fallaciousness of the Limbaugh-Republicanist political calculus when, prior to its colossal Palin error, Rush, for all his supposed influence on the body politic, had failed in his campaign to prevent McCain from capturing the nomination in the first place. BOOTLEG REPUBLICANISM
  • wing of our cancered body politic, HYPOCRISY IS A SACRAMENT To majority media and other Democrats : we police our own, and you don’t get to judge - E_Pluribus_Unum’s blog - RedState
  • Their maturation has been a long time reaching this point but I'm afraid suppuration will begin again from the re-infection and contamination by the homo-haters that are spread throughout the body politic. SEVEN THOUSAND Lashes and Twenty Blows to the Head
  • The origins of this state of laws can be traced to the development of feudalism and the consequent horizontal and vertical associations that were created in the British body politic.
  • That such a populace of deluded hypocrits are allowed to take part in our "body politic" is a testament to the LIBERAL nature of our constitution. DNC: Barbour 'defended the indefensible'
  • This new policy has touched a nerve in the American body politic.
  • Freedom of speech is necessary for the health of the body politic.
  • A work that details every expression of lack of vigour in the different organs, limbs and brain of the body politic, therefore, paradoxically leaves a general impression of rude health.
  • It's causing a negative drain on the whole body politic. Times, Sunday Times
  • The next chapter will extend further the explanation of how the structures interact to produce different forms of the body politic.
  • Freedom of speech is necessary for the health of the body politic.
  • It will take years for India's body politic to get back into health. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't just want post offices and pubs but the renewal of the body politic. Times, Sunday Times
  • The body politic may have undergone radical surgery and it may have aged considerably, but it has continued to endure.
  • By bestowing gifts of monopoly and protection, mercantilist policies paralyzed the body politic.
  • The hierarchy immanent in this account of the body politic relies on the mystical correspondence between the three vital organs in humoral physiology: the liver, the heart, and the brain.
  • you lost because your policies are horseshit. further, the great body politic has figured out that every case you numbnuts make is based on crap figures, limbaughian hallucinations or outright greed. i think the term lying swill comes quicly to mind. "The bottom line is that they were elected on a mandate to get the nation out of the mess in Iraq."
  • Instead, she should recognize that the body requires more than just food and that the body politic relies upon harmonious social relations for its health.
  • By venturing into the pit of vipers we call the Body Politic, our Pagan leaders pay a price for our future.
  • To keep despotism at bay, the executive's discretionary power must be minimised by a sovereign body politic with the means to minimise it. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was blood in the veins of the body politic and on the floor. Times, Sunday Times
  • Much of our body politic is tainted with 24-hour, downloadable vitriol and indiscriminate blathering that goes beyond the pale and mires everyone involved in sludge. Jorge-Mario Cabrera: We Are All Arizona -- Now More Than Ever Before
  • The hearings helped purge the poison from the American body politic.
  • Our experiences and opinions diverge in areas and on issues I consider most important to the larger ‘body politic.’
  • For most of Elizabeth's reign, Ireland remained a festering sore in the Tudor body politic.
  • The body politic may have undergone radical surgery and it may have aged considerably, but it has continued to endure.
  • In middle life, if the individual worker for better things is not merely a prophesier but has become an actual agent for the realization of his ideal in practical achievement, he suffers many a disillusion, not in respect to his ideal, but in respect to the ease of working it into the body politic or into the compelling purpose of the social mind. The Family and it's Members
  • The body politic is stagnant, its membership mediocre and undeservedly self-satisfied.
  • There still may be much about Cameron's Tory party that is deeply difficult to stomach, but ejecting a government that is corrupting the very well of democracy seems a perfectly good reason to put those reservations to one side and to remove this bacillus from the body politic. Banana Republic News
  • But like boils that erupt at separate places on the skin, they are fevered into being by one invisible short-circuited wiring in the body politic beneath.
  • Sometimes the body politic is lulled into thinking along unreasoned lines.
  • In its exploration of the corporeal body the play insists on the integral relationship between love, food and sex for the maintenance of a healthy body and a healthy body politic.
  • Although the Vice President for the Commonwealth is the Principal Vice President, the Vice President for Education, Intelligence, and Research is arguably the most important Vice President, the key figure in rethinking and reinventing and reinvigorating the American body politic. Robert David Steele: Michael Bloomberg, Vice President for Education, Intelligence, & Research -- Creating a Smart Nation
  • Political unification is a process that unites divided political systems into a single body politic.
  • This is a poison spreading through the body politic of the country.
  • A combination of theophobia-the irrational fear of all things religious-and political dextrophobia-an unhealthy worry about the right side of the body politic-runs unchecked in the blood stream of such schools, disabling the open-mindedness normally prized. The Scriptorium Daily: Middlebrow
  • The underlying analogy is threefold: to consume wine or to abstain from its consumption is to welcome into or exclude from the body politic an outcast which is also to grant or deny representation within a symbolic order. Economies of Excess in Brillat-Savarin, Balzac, and Baudelaire
  • In particular it provides for the election of our near cousins - the local body politicians.
  • As a third term, the covenant engages aspects of the body politic as well as the modern contract.
  • It was easier when the body politic watched the jiggling mammaries on TV and drank beer by the caseload to forget their domestic trifles, but that darn internet went from being a cybernetic version of the Home Shopping Network for fatasses incapable of bestirring themselves beyond their own barcalounger, to something that could actually be used to communicate concepts requiring critical thinking and studied responses. Firedoglake » It’s High Time for Some Truth
  • It is also doctorly in the sense that Obama thinks about the body politic as a whole thing. Getting to Know Him
  • And our body politic needs some medical attention. Times, Sunday Times
  • The body politic may have undergone radical surgery and it may have aged considerably, but it has continued to endure.
  • Today, I think the rhetoric coming from the right wing media is the toxic poison that is spreading this culture war into our body politic so quickly.
  • This was the line pursued at the time by the body politic and large sections of the media to justify a knee-jerk reaction and savage state repression.
  • Exploiting an extraordinary cast of characters to the full, Coe dissects the body politic of Conservative Britain in the 1980s.
  • His death will open the way for a new Libya, but may widen cracks that already exist in its body politic. Times, Sunday Times
  • The body politic may have undergone radical surgery and it may have aged considerably, but it has continued to endure.
  • A new isolationism is metastasizing in the American body politic. William J. Astore: The New American Isolationism: The Cost of Turning Away From War's Horrific Realities
  • The body politic languished in a discomposed mood, scrutinizing her every fidget to see if she would continue her quest for glory or tack back to safe harbor. Brad Parker: Captain Hillary Sails 'Round Good Hope At Last
  • Citizenship in the form of legal status does not guarantee that they will be constitutive of the American body politic.
  • The Health Corps will cleanse the virus of Jewry from the body politic. 08 « November « 2008 « Niqnaq
  • It represented an extreme example of a theocracy - of a body politic organised essentially around religious principles.
  • Distrust comes from an Administration that lied, wasted lives, dollars and resources, committed TREASON against the American People, stacked the DOJ against the Republic, violated Constitutional Principles and warrantlessly spied on Americans against FISA and TORTURED people in violation to the Constitution AND International Treaties, And distrust comes from a body politic of Congress that tolerates an Administration that engages in and in some cases, in collusion WITH Congress to remain criminal. Think Progress » Former government employee Dana Perino doesn’t trust the government.
  • What about that curiously incurious cadaver, the body politic?
  • In other words, the tribuneship was designed to be a political dead end—a place to confine the ranting and the rancorous, the incompetent and the unpromotable: the effluent of the body politic. Imperium
  • When the phrase was first coined, the three estates of the body politic were the lords, the clergy and the commons.
  • So, as distaste and apathy mar the health of the body politic, what remedies can be found? Times, Sunday Times
  • It is impossible, that the People, as one Body Politick, should covenant with the Aristocracy or Optimates.
  • The next chapter will extend further the explanation of how the structures interact to produce different forms of the body politic.
  • There was blood in the veins of the body politic and on the floor. Times, Sunday Times
  • The history of revolutions is the scar tissue on the body politic of the nations of Europe. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It is perhaps not surprising that some neoconservatives have charged in return that, in the mouths of their critics, neoconservative is a code word for Jewish, since the kind of takeover of the American body politic alleged is all too similar to the kinds of conspiracies laid at the feet of Jews in the history of anti-Semitism. Francis Fukuyama on the Neoconservative Legacy: an Excerpt from America at the Crossroads
  • And some of those busts - also called panics, recessions and depressions - can be so severe that they upset the body politic and cause society to run to one of the other isms - communism and fascism mostly - run by dictators and strong men. Larry Beinhart: Capitalism 104
  • The body politic is shedding bodies all over the place. Times, Sunday Times

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