How To Use Body image In A Sentence
When I posed this question to Gayle Bessenoff, a body image researcher at Southern Connecticut State University, she referred to objectification theory.
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Social media should be used for promoting positive body images.
The Sun
These are women keen to preserve a good body image.
Times, Sunday Times
As I grew older, body image was very important to her, so it must be her fault that I rebelled by becoming the opposite of her ideal image.
Social media should be used for promoting positive body images.
The Sun
Your in-body image stabilization is top-notch, and your 11-point biaxial focusing grid gives you the fastest focus we've ever seen.
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The female body imaged in the film is not abstract, generalised or idealised.
Society has got itself into a right old muddle about body image.
Times, Sunday Times
Now about showing off the "wiggly" stuff: trust me on this: Mexican women here at Lake Chapala have a whole different body image than women from NOB.
CLOTHES - what's hot and what's not in Mexico
Society has got itself into a right old muddle about body image.
Times, Sunday Times
Society has got itself into a right old muddle about body image.
Times, Sunday Times
The topic she really dislikes talking about is body image.
Times, Sunday Times
Research suggests that women with poor body image misinterpret negative emotions such as anger, sadness and feeling unlovable as "feeling fat.
Gabrielle Bernstein: How to Address an Eating Disorder
A growing body of research has examined the relationship between reading magazines of this genre and the development of cognitions consistent with body image disturbance and unhealthful attitudes about food.
They usually focus on one of three areas: normal eating; comfortable exercise; or improved body image.
In seriousness, the amendments want to remove the proposals to tackle the unreal body image expectations in the media, and the ‘name blanking’ proposals intended to tackle discrimination at work.
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What an incentive to carry with my new body image.
One final but critical aspect of Touch / Training is body image.
The poll also showed that our body image has far-reaching effects on the way we live our lives.
The Sun
Release from concern about body image because of an expected weight gain may be another reason.
Coping with Bulimia
~ Distorted Body Image Could Be Linked To Abnormal Brain Function -- Body Dysmorphic Disorder BDD, or dysmorphophobia, is a hidden disease that affects nearly three million Americans.
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All these and many other meanings come up in the form of eating incidents and moments of body image distortion that may at first all sound alike.
Eating Problems: A Feminist Psychoanalytic Treatment Model
Based on the theme of body image, the show is designed especially, but not exclusively, for young adults.
These are women keen to preserve a good body image.
Times, Sunday Times
With anorexia, bulimia or other eating disorders not otherwise specified, sometimes referred to as EDNOS, extremely disturbed eating behavior becomes a viable method of altering a perceived (and usually distorted) negative body image.
Glenn D. Braunstein, M.D.: The Unattainable Lightness of Being: Eating Disorder Madness
Along with an intense fear of becoming overweight and preoccupation with body image, both anorexia and bulimia can include binging and purging.
As a child in Germany he was frail and sickly, and because of this he became obsessed with his body image.
Issues common to the school-age child and adolescent include changing physical characteristics and body image concerns.
Currently the college offers an associate's degree in sonography, which is a method to make body images with sound waves.
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The clutter of cosmetics and beauty aids on the bathroom counter, while a typical part of a teenage girl's armamentarium, emphasizes the complex interplay of emotion and body image in this patient.
Many people ignore the fact that the idealised body images that surround them are just that - idealised - and actually unattainable for most of us.
The internal turmoil is deepened by a distorted body image, which is created through self-doubt and lack of self-worth.
He needs to overcome a negative body image .
These are women keen to preserve a good body image.
Times, Sunday Times
The topic she really dislikes talking about is body image.
Times, Sunday Times
Our body image in fact is central, if ambiguously so, to our mental and physical well-being.
Psychological effects include intense visual hallucinations, depersonalization, auditory distortions and an altered sense of time and body image.
Students ordered held in case of suspected drug lab at Georgetown
Release from concern about body image because of an expected weight gain may be another reason.
Coping with Bulimia
Camera systems must have passed routine quality control checks with the collimation used and were photopeaked at 140 keV [+ or -] 10%. Whole-body images were acquired with a scan speed of 15 cm/min.
Most theories of dieting, body image, and eating disorders assign a major role to sociocultural factors, such as the media.
Yau has chosen to use people with ‘normal’ body shapes to illuminate the fact that many of our conceptions of body images are unjustified.
Although body image is just one part of our self-image, during the teen years, and especially during puberty, it can be easy for a guy's whole self-image to be based on how his body looks.
The activity that unifies the diverse sensations taste, smells, kinesthesia, touch, sound, vision - and which structures the infant's behaviour, is the apperception of the body image.
As a professional keenly aware of the complexities involved with body image, I've ached at particular moments when Oprah's actions lent direct endorsement to the diet industry's marketing gurus, reinforcing messages that encourage striving for a body size, shape, and image discrepant from one that can be sustained with a healthy approach.
The Dieting Dilemma: Oprah Finally Gets It
But I rather like my body image, and I reckon I would be sorted if I just got a hula hoop to firm up my stomach muscles.
He needs to overcome a negative body image .
Body image in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis
Current orthopaedic research projects
some teenagers are obsessed with their body image
Early on, bingeing, vomiting and restricting food are usually driven by concerns about weight and body image.
They, too, demonstrated distorted body images, hyperactivity and food refusal.
Clearly his body image isn't affecting his self-confidence too much.
The Sun
The activity that unifies the diverse sensations taste, smells, kinesthesia, touch, sound, vision - and which structures the infant's behaviour, is the apperception of the body image.
Arriving at positive realizations about our sensuality, body image, and love life can be a difficult process.
The topic she really dislikes talking about is body image.
Times, Sunday Times
Young women are taught from the moment they're born that the way they should experience their bodies is as someone looking at them, as opposed from internally," says Nita Mary McKinley, a professor of interdisciplinary arts and sciences at the University of Washington-Tacoma who has studied body image for more than a decade. - What's a girl to do? 'Hot' and brainy brings mixed emotions
The ideal body image imprinted on my brain during adolescence belonged to the crew of sylphs that called Kate Moss their chief.
How did having cancer affect your body image and self esteem?
Other potential symptoms include acusis, synesthesia, tactile paresthesias, illusions, distortions of body image, derealization, depersonalizations, and mood disturbances.
I don't seem to have any kind of realistic body image and almost never enjoy what I see in a full-length mirror.
This aspect of body image is often neglected in the research, but has important implications for therapy with clients with disturbed body image.
Gay culture has developed a powerful, even merciless system of rewards and penalties based on body image.
I use the term enhancement instead of enlargement for breasts because the suggestions should include body image visualizations and firming and strengthening in the muscles to support the breasts as well as a shapely form.
Life of Brian:
In my opinion, Jewish women are the authority on this body image stuff -- Jews invented the word zaftig and live lives peppered with proverbs like "Worries go down better with soup" and the ever-uplifting, "Eat and drink for tomorrow you may die.
Leslie Goldman: Oy, You Should Eat!
Along with an intense fear of becoming overweight and preoccupation with body image, both anorexia and bulimia can include binging and purging.
You will need time to adjust to your new body image.