
body and soul

  1. with complete faith
    she was with him heart and soul

How To Use body and soul In A Sentence

  • She gave herself to him body and soul.
  • In the thirteenth century, the popedom was at the summit of mortal dominion; it was independent of all kingdoms; it ruled with a rank of influence never before or since possessed by a human sceptre; it was the acknowledged sovereign of body and soul; to all earthly intents its power was immeasurable for good or evil. Fox's Book of Martyrs Or A History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Triumphant Deaths of the Primitive Protestant Martyrs
  • Water, especially in a cleansing bath before a ritual, always soothes my body and soul.
  • The church will sanctify your body and soul on Sundays.
  • One of the chants of the production's liturgy is that two things are certain: that we will die; and that we must transgress the limits of our existence, break and smash taboos, in the urge to transform suffering into pleasure; body and soul, pain and pleasure homoousian. Superfluities Redux
  • Both in practice and in theory, he moved always toward new interconnections between body and soul, life and art, morality and psychology.
  • In the most famous example, from the Book of Genesis, Enoch father of the even hoarier Methuselah doesn't simply keel over at the ripe old age of 300 but is "translated," body and soul, into heaven. Foreign to Familiar, Essence Intact
  • In all these, the common denominator is the willingness, eagerness, or desperation to eschew all pretense of privacy, discretion, decorum, and personal space to expose mind, body and soul in any and all ways possible the sleazier, more embarrassing or self-immolating, the better! Lorraine Devon Wilke: You're Not Keeping Up With The Kardashians Either
  • Forgive me for needing you in my life;Forgive me for enjoying the beauty of your body and soul;Forgive me for wanting to be with you when I grow old. Sandra Robbins Heaton.
  • The Celt, undisciplinable, anarchical, and turbulent by nature, but out of affection and admiration giving himself body and soul to some leader, that is not a promising political temperament, it is just the opposite of the Anglo-Saxon temperament, disciplinable and steadily obedient within certain limits, but retaining an inalienable part of freedom and self - dependence; but it is a temperament for which one has a kind of sympathy notwithstanding. Celtic Literature
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