
How To Use Bodily In A Sentence

  • The openings permit solid and semi-solid bodily exudates to pass through the top sheet to the absorbent core as the diaper is worn.
  • Since the anito is the cause of all bodily afflictions the chief function of the person who battles for the health of the afflicted is that of the exorcist, rather than that of the therapeutist. The Bontoc Igorot
  • All doctors have been doused in a variety of bodily fluids. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whatever the fate of sense-datum theories might be as general theories of exteroception, their appeal as a model for understanding pains and other intransitive bodily sensations is very strong. Pain
  • Another one is control of our bodily appetites and thoughts, which we're not so good at, these days.
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  • His mind was employed upon Christ, and even bodily he felt as if set free from a great burden which had bowed him down.
  • As such daily refit their bodily strength till they reach Jerusalem, so the spiritual worshipper is daily supplied with spiritual strength by God's grace till he appears before God in heaven. appeareth ... Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • But it is not only bodily health that follows from employing our legs in their proper office. Times, Sunday Times
  • The material, called a hydrogel, contains a polymer that senses and binds to glucose in bodily fluids.
  • The column was transferred bodily to a new site by the bank of the river.
  • After we had lost all steerage way we were swept bodily southwards by the inblowing winds towards the cyclone's centre.
  • Infected dogs also shed the virus through bodily secretions and excretions.
  • So police officers are being compromised by being pressurised to lie and then being pressurised to drive in a way that could result in death or bodily injury to themselves or to innocent members of public who you have sworn to protect all so that someone snotty superintendent can get a bung from the Home Office Policing Pledge Response Times – The Ugly Truth! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • So here again we have her as that which is both of the body and outside of bodily experience, both in the world and otherworldly.
  • Jejune pygmy. theirs decivilize bodily an unreckoned aquamarine amid than despite Credit card beyond providing seeing till beside bribe. ON THE BUBBLE WITH ALEXANDRA SOKOLOFF
  • He didn't cause any bodily harm to the person. Times, Sunday Times
  • Chelmsford crown court had heard her admit grievous bodily harm and she was sentenced to two years prison, suspended for two years. The Sun
  • Related to these accounts of bodily transformation was the doctrine of metempsychosis, that is, the migration of the soul into another body after death.
  • Affects include desires, wishes, a sense of health or debility: They are ideational indicants of bodily thriving or declining.
  • The birds and lady-beetles devour them bodily, the larvæ of the lace-wings and syrphid-flies extract their blood while the wasps live as internal parasites. An Elementary Study of Insects
  • Even under the weight of negative male definitions of female bodily processes, there remain hints of its positive aspects for women.
  • The term set point is often used to describe a physiological version of that same mechanism that controls our body temperature, weight, or any one of many other types of bodily homeostasis. The Answer
  • At my first admission into this printing-house I took to working at press, imagining I felt a want of the bodily exercise I had been us'd to in America, where presswork is mix'd with composing. Archive 2006-04-01
  • The jury found him not guilty of one charge of grievous bodily harm - a fractured big toe on the child's left foot.
  • The citizens, clearly, are the distributors of bodily nourishment, circulating their life-giving vigor even to the heart and foreclosing the possibility of that organ exercising arbitrary rule over the body.
  • Also, he knew he needed bodily nourishment to bring up his declining health.
  • Some organisms, such as flukes, have life cycles that take them literally through one or more host organisms, and many insects undergo significant metamorphic changes in bodily form through their life cycle. The Biological Notion of Individual
  • For anyone drawn to Stoic philosophy, for example, bodily suffering could not finally be of great significance.
  • On the first of October all was ready for this audacious squibbing of the hornet's nest, and the fleet of investment (which kept its distance according to the weather and the tides) stood in, not bodily so as to arouse excitement, but a ship at a time sidling in towards the coast, and traversing one another's track, as if they were simply exchanging stations. Springhaven : a Tale of the Great War
  • This, by which the gods are divine, must be the oldest God of them all: and our own soul is of that same Ideal nature, so that to consider it, purified, freed from all accruement, is to recognise in ourselves that same value which we have found soul to be, honourable above all that is bodily. The Six Enneads.
  • White was arrested the next day in Bingley but denied any involvement although he was found guilty of charges of aggravated burglary and assault occasioning actual bodily harm at trial.
  • Suspected items are not to be used as weapons or to cause bodily harm or damage to personal property in any way.
  • Tilkin tried to move but Bromm bodily forced him to the ground on his knees.
  • He was last week found guilty at Ipswich crown court of false imprisonment, conspiracy to apply a corrosive liquid and conspiracy to cause grievous bodily harm. The Sun
  • angelica vestis" of the tertiary order; and the "beatified" Duchess who had sold her jewels to buy corn for the poor during the famine of 1670, and had worn a hair-shirt under a corset that seemed stiff enough to serve all the purposes of bodily mortification. The Valley of Decision
  • I was brought up to believe my body is disgusting, bodily functions should not be spoken about, and sex is an animal instinct.
  • Morgan admitted four specimen counts of rape and two charges of assault causing actual bodily harm.
  • They are accused of public violence, assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm and malicious damage to property after a demonstration outside the mayor's house in protest at electricity cut-offs in the city.
  • In secular society, vanity is most readily identified with the sin of pride in bodily appearance, manifesting in luxurious garb and flamboyant ornamentation.
  • The Chinese can take this, Finch muses, because they are more nonchalant about bodily functions, such as burping, farting or even going to the bathroom - an act performed squatting sans doors in some places in China. Top Stories
  • Fluid streaming appears to have bodily transported material between different layers.
  • It is a bedside story with a difference, featuring allegations of theft, grievous bodily harm and murder. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were both found guilty of causing grievous bodily harm.
  • In contrast to masturbation, love-making involves the bodily contact of all erotogenic zones which causes in lovers ecstasy and joy. Come, Come Now
  • But it does play on social mores and our embarrassment about natural bodily functions, albeit in a crude way.
  • Section 18 requires an intention to do grievous bodily harm or an intent to resist or prevent the lawful apprehension or detainer or any person.
  • The pair denied conspiracy to murder, the alternative charges of conspiracy to cause grievous bodily harm and conspiracy to rob. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's more to eating than just bodily needs.
  • The audience rose bodily to cheer the hero.
  • They were instead charged with affray and causing actual bodily harm, but were acquitted. Times, Sunday Times
  • a boy, that diabolized my imagination, -- I mean, that gave me a distinct apprehension of a formidable bodily shape which prowled round the neighborhood where I was born and bred. Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works
  • With bodily force and strategic cajoling - namely, the false promise of a rest just a few portages away - I managed to coax her back into the boat.
  • Parretti had a lengthy criminal record that included fraud and conspiracy to commit bodily harm.
  • He pleaded guilty to criminal damage and inflicting grievous bodily harm. The Sun
  • Webster's defines fetish as ‘an object of irrational reverence or obsessive devotion… an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification.’
  • Many also practised severe austerities, subjecting themselves to extremes of temperature, hunger and thirst, painful bodily distortions, and various other kinds of self-denial.
  • Chelmsford crown court had heard her admit grievous bodily harm and she was sentenced to two years prison, suspended for two years. The Sun
  • She is being lifted bodily by a policeman, easily, for she is slight and frail.
  • Factory labour should conform to natural bodily rhythms, leave space for initiative and allow contemplation of the finished product. The Times Literary Supplement
  • We're talking serious grievous bodily here, maybe loss of life and limb.
  • It is concerned with the automatic control of bodily function.
  • He has previous convictions for theft, robbery and assault causing actual bodily harm.
  • Science Friction also draws a parallel between the biogenetic pursuit of outward, bodily perfection and the religious pursuit of inner perfection of the soul through devotion to God and prayer.
  • No. I've been thinking euphemisms like 'overcautious' and 'reluctance to risk bodily harm.' Crashlander
  • The idea of being 'inseminated' definitely bothers me, because it feels like a violation of my bodily integrity ... Tick Tock that Biological Clock - Feministing
  • The sporting mesomorph was driven by somatotonia, 'bodily assertiveness and a desire for muscular activity'. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The next time I saw him, it was in the communal dorm bathroom, a pit of uncleanliness marked by vomit, bodily fluids, and the other detritus of intoxication and self-abuse. The Parable of the Spider
  • Underlying every thought and bodily motion are nerve and muscle cells sending or receiving electrical signals.
  • The task must be to destabalise and desacralise gender, and this cannot be done whilst upholding a belief in the ability to “match” bodily organs to gendered behaviour. Rad Geek People’s Daily – 2008 – December – 04
  • I feel like dragging them bodily behind the bar and squeezing till their pips squeak. Times, Sunday Times
  • Incorporation here is a bodily procedure of internalization that effects a psychological identification.
  • Coverage Highlights: Foreign Commercial General Liability Limits of Coverage: $1 million per occurrence This policy provides coverage for third party bodily injury and property damage claims.
  • Spencer delights in mining the crudest elements of sex and bodily functions for toe-curling but breathtaking entertainment. This week's new comedy
  • You will have an intravenous drip to maintain your bodily fluids until you are able to eat and drink.
  • Through direct contact with infected blood or bodily fluids. Times, Sunday Times
  • Analysis of police statistics showed that common assault, and assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm, were mostly committed at home or at places of entertainment, such as bars and shebeens.
  • Spartan boy who let a beast gnaw out his bowels till he died without expressing a groan, is a faint bodily image of this dilaceration of the spirit and exenteration of the inmost mind, which Calantha with English literary criticism
  • I shall now try to make explicit these other lines of thought about the location of bodily sensations.
  • Scientists provided the key to understanding the genetic code that determines every bodily feature.
  • The bodily rooted nature of all moodedness, i.e. of all affectedness by the world, implies also that the union of souls in love or friendship can be described suggestively in a poetic language as 'one soul in two bodies' or 'two hearts beating as one'. Archive 2008-02-01
  • The most important pose to skip is the headstand, because it causes blood and other bodily fluids to rush toward your upper body and stresses your heart and blood vessels.
  • O'Grady opened the door and threw Carl bodily out into the night where he staggered a few paces before falling headfirst into a patch of mud.
  • Here again I would stress that the attention which is desiderated in connection with the bodily function must be some close and intimate service to the person or claimant.
  • Section 18 requires an intention to do grievous bodily harm or an intent to resist or prevent the lawful apprehension or detainer or any person.
  • Another 40 people are facing charges of riot and conspiracy to cause grievous bodily harm.
  • Cops also recorded 1,800 grievous bodily harm offences and 13,600 robberies at knifepoint. The Sun
  • He was released on police bail after being questioned on suspicion of three counts of murder and 18 counts of causing grievous bodily harm with intent. The Sun
  • The medulla, or brain stem, controls or influences all of the bodily functions that you do not have to think about, like breathing, heart rate, temperature and consciousness.
  • Overtraining depletes the bodily reserves, so when a flu bug or other illness starts making the rounds, the body is not ready to fight it off.
  • At a hearing last month he pleaded guilty to actual bodily harm and criminal damage and was sentenced at Maidstone crown court yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • What the nurse does is nurse a bodily injury or take care of the consequences of bodily injury.
  • When you're a child you always imagine that your own bodily imperfections are somehow freakish.
  • She also sees the desire to articulate color in words as an attempt to disembody women from menstruation, their bodily function. Female Purity (Niddah) Annotated Bibliography.
  • He admitted causing actual bodily harm after seeing the footage and was jailed for five months. Times, Sunday Times
  • The heart performs a vital bodily function.
  • First of all, the brain controls many bodily functions, either directly via nerve impulses or indirectly via hormones.
  • A spectacular side-on picture best illustrates the new elephants' unusual bodily characteristics.
  • Acrobatics has maintained its status as a spectacular bodily art; complex gymnastic feats are now often performed with apparatus such as balls, unicycles, trampolines, tightropes, and trapezes.
  • The whole side of the peat-stack had tumbled bodily into the great "black peat-hole" from which the winter's peats had come, and which was a favourite lair of Jock's own, being ankle-deep in fragrant dry peat "coom" -- which is, strange to say, a perfectly clean and even a luxurious bedding, far to be preferred as a couch to "flock" or its kindred abominations. The Lilac Sunbonnet
  • Is there, then, any explanation of that vision more rational than that the spirit thus closely affined with my own was enabled, through its innate potencies, or through some agency of which we are ignorant, to impress upon my bodily perceptions its uncontrollable emotions? The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 57, July, 1862
  • bodily functions
  • I feel like dragging them bodily behind the bar and squeezing till their pips squeak. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now, Loetscher and his colleagues have linked our ability to think of random numbers - an example of abstract thought - to bodily movements.
  • Matrimony, even as in bodily medicines, some are applied externally, such as plasters and drugs, while others are acts of the person who seeks to be cured, such as certain exercises. Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars) From the Complete American Edition
  • It is a genuine attack by the self upon the body, by which mental anguish is swapped for bodily pain.
  • Or it may simply be that dads would rather stay at the office, where everybody behaves like a grown up, than go home to the squirminess and bodily fluid-filled drudgery of family life. Top Stories
  • She had balked, not stupid enough to go to his turf, alone, so he could do her bodily harm.
  • The Roman Catholic church also the doctrine of Immaculate Conception and her bodily assumption into heaven.
  • For him, all forms of bodily discipline are essentially the same: democracy and totalitarianism are equally carceral.
  • He was jailed for 18 months for grievous bodily harm by a court in Guernsey after it heard that he had spat blood at police. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's the tireless dissector of reality TV culture, video artist Gillian Wearing; king of libidinal bodily performance art Matthew Barney; and Tom Burr, an artist with a gift for drawing out the latent sex appeal of art, buildings and fashion. This week's new exhibitions
  • But a lesser plea of inflicting grievous bodily harm was accepted by the CPS. The Sun
  • Basanti queen of the Hijdas beauty beyond compare zeenath in serpentine snare sohel on the balls of his toes leaps in middair his entire body in prayer kaajal her bodily muskish odour attired emotions in good care babita, priya from singapore samba footed on the holy square The Hijdas of Moti Katra « bollywoods most wanted photographerno1
  • Many bodily changes occur during adolescence.
  • Where the man could have disappeared to was a mystery on a road apparently without any offshoots, so we concluded he must have thought we contemplated doing him some bodily harm, and had either "bolted" or "clapp'd," as my brother described it, behind some rock or bush, in which case he must have felt relieved and perhaps amused when he heard us "trigging" past him on the road. From John O'Groats to Land's End
  • Just as he, a spiritual being, could not become bodily until he had come to bodily birth, so too bodily beings cannot become spiritual unless they are reborn in another kind of birth.
  • All the bodily defects and deformities that orthopedy treats, give but a feeble idea of the humps, the tortuosities, the dislocations we have inflicted upon ourselves in order to depart from simple common sense; and at our own expense we learn that one does not deform himself with impunity. The Simple Life
  • They're in a big apartment building which looks like an English housing estate from the outside but is clean, the lifts work, and there are no bodily excretions in sight or smell.
  • Among the things that we share in common with animals are certain characteristic bodily functions.
  • Soon bodily effluvia and contaminated clothing are everywhere in Sunderland, and so is the epidemic.
  • A man has been charged with causing grievous bodily harm with intent. The Sun
  • And it's the bodily imperfections and decay which lead us to desire a permanence of the human essence.
  • Now, it seems clear that, since believing and considering have different effects if one produces bodily movements while the other does not, there must be some intrinsic difference between believing and considering*; for if they were precisely similar, their effects also would be precisely similar. The Analysis of Mind
  • We know of Jonson's unseemly bodily figure, his 'ambling' gait, which rendered him unfit for the stage. Shakspere and Montaigne
  • Then came a long period of bodily privation, of daily hunger after food.
  • Forbidden sexual feelings, destructive or violent impulses, bodily instincts and drives were hidden there - or repressed, as Freud called it.
  • The whole of its supernaturalism is borrowed bodily from Persia, which had "imparadised Earth by making it the abode of angels. Arabian nights. English
  • A man is in custody charged with grievous bodily harm. The Sun
  • It is not moving bodily; it is pivoting from the handle.
  • You were on a motorcycle Contact Ostroff Injury • You were a pedestrian Law to learn about the complexi - ties of auto accident insurance and • Your injuries are considered a serious impairment to a significant bodily function. your rights. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • He pleaded guilty to causing actual bodily harm.
  • The amount of bodily fluid you’ve probably swallowed is way nasty than that. Avoid the Subway on 35th Like the Plague (Literally- some guy was given the plague by a knife left in his sandwich) | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • You can contract Aids if your bodily fluids come into contact with the bodily fluids of someone else who is infected with HIV.
  • There are laws circumscribing the right of individual citizens to cause bodily harm to others.
  • The intoxicated state is characterized by illusions, visual hallucinations and bodily distortions.
  • Coarse flannel is more irritating than any other material in ordinary use, and should therefore never be used when a sufficient amount of bodily heat can be maintained without it; as its use weakens, in the end, the perspiratory, and calorific, and depurating powers of the skin -- for the skin has all these powers -- and even, in some cases, brings on eruptive and other diseases. The Young Woman's Guide
  • I suppose it gives a sense of gritty realism, and it contrasts the physical, bodily duties of the slaves with the luxurious lifestyle of the so-called white plantocracy - but as a stylistic trait, this insistence on bodily functions is too monotonous. The Long Song: Andrea Levy: Books
  • The points on the ear have their reflex to different bodily functions or organs.
  • THE extraordinary bodily, as well as mental superiority which Wallace and Bruce possessed over their contemporaries, is thus recorded by Hector Boetius: – The Scottish Chiefs
  • The main body of the army having bodily moved to the left meanwhile, I followed it on the 18th, encamping at Pond Spring. She Makes Her Mouth Small & Round & Other Stories
  • Yet, as will be discussed in a later section, Descartes also holds that rest and motion are different bodily states, a view that is incompatible with a strict relationism as regards motion. Descartes' Physics
  • The museum claimed to serve the cause of moral reformation, but it really worked on base emotions and bodily appetites.
  • To know intense joy without a strong bodily frame, one must have an enthusiastic soul. Middlemarch
  • The fault requirement for the offence of assault occasioning actual bodily harm reveals that it is an offence of constructive liability.
  • Considering all these facts, we must regard the fall of arterial pressure, the depression of the fontanelle, and the turgescence of the vessels of the limbs as phenomena concomitant with bodily rest and warmth, and we have no more right to assign the causation of sleep to cerebral anæmia than to any other alteration in the functions of the body, such as occur during sleep. Scientific American Supplement, No. 1178, June 25, 1898
  • The only time that ritual bodily cutting, otherwise anathematized, is not only allowed but enjoined in Judaism is ritual circumcision (berit milah), performed as a sign of covenant with God (significantly, on the male organ). Ritual in the United States.
  • From these indiscretions and their consequences may be dated all his bodily sufferings in future life: in short, rheumatism sadly afflicting him, while the remedies only slightly alleviated his sufferings, without hope of a permanent cure; though confined to his bed, his mind, ever active, still allowed him time to continue the exercise of his intellectual powers, and afforded him leisure for contemplation. The Life of Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1838
  • This view proposes a way out of the mind-body problem, as the mind becomes a material substance that is comparable to any other bodily organ.
  • I tauld your honour I was fleyed wi 'a bogle that night, but ye wadna listen to me --- I aye thought there was witchcraft and deevilry amang the Papishers, but I ne'er saw't wi' bodily een till that awfu 'night.' ' Rob Roy
  • The most violent responses are called anaphylactic reactions; even a small taste of the allergen, skin contact, or, in some cases, environmental exposure will shut down bodily functions within seconds. OUR BODIES, OURSELVES
  • The monument was moved bodily to a new site.
  • When something dark and chitinous scuttled out from the scrub, Darius was forced to bodily haul him out of its way.
  • Because sense-datum theories are most plausible when applied to intransitive bodily sensations, many philosophers, who believe that a naturalist account of ordinary perception can be given without introducing sense-data, have attempted to understand pains and other bodily sensations as species of ordinary perception (exteroception). Pain
  • Smaller edifices, like temples and mausoleums, were adapted bodily to their new office, while the larger ones, such as thermæ, theatres, circuses, and barracks were occupied in parts only. Pagan and Christian Rome
  • As I approached where our driveway should be, I was overcome with my bodily need to be home: to be safe from this insanity, to be under the hemlocks with my family where I could calm my heart and catch my breath and sooth my animal body.
  • At least the feud had taken a useful turn this past summer, erupting in gowns made of the thinnest, gauziest possible materials-costly, of course, since that meant gossamer linen and silk, and each gown had to be made of three or more layers if the lady who wore one didn't want to reveal every possible bodily secret to the world. Brightly Burning
  • They were both found guilty of causing grievous bodily harm.
  • For not every fear justifies the action it produceth, but the fear only of corporeal hurt, which we call bodily fear, and from which a man cannot see how to be delivered but by the action. Leviathan
  • The Virgin birth, the bodily Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Resurrection of Jesus, the survival of our own souls after death: these are all claims of a clearly scientific nature.
  • To implant eight is an act of medical negligence that could properly be considered grievous bodily harm. Times, Sunday Times
  • The audience rose bodily to cheer the speaker.
  • Then, with a desperate effort threw himself bodily away.
  • The arts, including song, dance, music, sculpture, and bodily adornment, are essential elements of Kongo "therapeutic" practices, not merely adjuncts.
  • The historic popularity of opium, and of late of the coal-tar products (phenacetine and acetanilide), in the beginning of an acute illness, is largely based on the power which they possess of dulling pain, relieving disturbances of the blood-balance, and soothing bodily and mental excitement. Preventable Diseases
  • By the ancients man was called a microcosm, from his representing the macrocosm, that is, the universe in its whole complex; but it is not known at the present day why man was so called by the ancients, for no more of the universe or macrocosm is manifest in him than that he derives nourishment and bodily life from its animal and vegetable kingdoms, and that he is kept in a living condition by its heat, sees by its light, and hears and breathes by its atmospheres. Angelic Wisdom Concerning the Divine Love and the Divine Wisdom
  • I heard footsteps running up from behind me but before I could turn on my own I was being bodily forced to turn by the very strong hands of David.
  • To apply the term instinct to the regular and involuntary movements of the bodily organs, such as the beating of the heart and the action of the organs of respiration, is manifestly an extension of the ordinary acceptation of the term. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 31, May, 1860
  • Just as he forgave the sins of the paralytic and restored him to bodily health, so he continues his work of healing and salvation today through the sacrament.
  • He had had to cope with unexpected physical pain and with severe bodily privation. THE LONGEST WAY HOME
  • Most people consider elimination to be a very private bodily function and therefore find it an embarrassing subject to discuss with hospital staff.
  • This does not conflict with the Sikh's aim to move beyond bodily concerns; since the body is one's vehicle for enlightenment one should care for it appropriately.
  • At Grimsby crown court he pleaded guilty to causing grievous bodily harm. Times, Sunday Times
  • Firstly, it seems to leave out the role commonly ascribed to the so-called motoric part of the nervous system in bringing about bodily action; and secondly, the acknowledgment of the dependence of consciousness on corporeal 'dying' implies that willing is an unconscious activity because of its being based on life processes of the body. Man or Matter
  • We were then lifted bodily into the mail van and told not to move for at least half an hour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Emphasis on the sanctity of the human body can also be seen in the cult of the martyrs and saints, in which bodily remains are imbued with divine power.
  • The falling bodily strength of teenagers is a matter requiring serious consideration on a national level.
  • Lacrimation is the bodily process of secreting what? Times, Sunday Times
  • The two defendants deny conspiracy to murder, conspiracy to cause grievous bodily harm and conspiracy to rob. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a genuine attack by the self upon the body, by which mental anguish is swapped for bodily pain.
  • They didn't cause him any bodily harm.
  • Many of us overfocus on bodily features that we dislike while ignoring our overall appearance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Insofar as individuals have the presumable right to good health and protection from harm, and preventable or reducible bodily risk, the rhetoric of endangerment is a relative of entitlement discourse.
  • No one spoke to Renna during the long march into the mountains—in fact, no one spoke at all, even during the brief periods when they stopped to attend to bodily functions and sip a bitter tealike substance. Sanctuary
  • Interestingly, the anterior cingulate cortex doesn't distinguish between psychic and bodily injury.
  • Through direct contact with infected blood or bodily fluids. Times, Sunday Times
  • If 'ultimacy' is one resonance of adoring, being bodily is another. Archive 2008-01-01
  • I went to check out the other room to assure a ‘shaken’ up Terry that it was free from all human bodily trimmings and clippings.
  • Both deny conspiring to cause actual bodily harm.
  • They didn't cause him any bodily harm.
  • Traditionally then, women are desacralized at the height of their bodily power.
  • Several bodily fluids fluoresce under laser or UV light; however, it is usually necessary to develop latent fingerprints using fluorescent powders or sprays to enhance the details of the print.
  • Kompuu was bodily forced into a chair by a large sink.
  • Students'parents are concerned that any dancing involving bodily contact may lead to puppy love.
  • The Strasbourg case law refers to actual bodily injury or intense physical or mental suffering.
  • Some of the things which are done by a man like us are intellectual, and some are sensible and bodily.
  • As the children filled their forks with nourishing food, bodily complications were discussed.
  • Because health officials and journalists used the phrase "bodily fluids" instead of specifying semen, blood and vaginal secretions, many people feared they could contract AIDS from toilet seats or drinking fountains. NYT > Global Home
  • I had lifted her bodily on to my knee, for she was the daintiest little bundle imaginable, and if the cab had been roomier I'd have done the deed then and there, for she kissed most artistically, and what with abstinence and encountering a little goer so unexpected, I was randier than the town bull. THE NUMBERS
  • The holy Bible (I say) assigneth no locall or bodily situation beneath the earth, or vpon the earth, or in any other place of this world, to that prison of the damned: but it affirmeth that this earth shall perish, and that a new earth, and new heauens shall be created for the habitation of iust and holy men, Reuel. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Actual bodily harm is any hurt or injury calculated to interfere with the health and so called comfort of the victim and must be more than merely trivial or transient.

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