How To Use Bodily function In A Sentence
In this paper, the term functional ingredients refers to substances purported to improve bodily functioning that are added to traditional foods through a manufacturing or other process.
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Four important bodily functions are provided by the muscles of our bodies.
The sole non-Japanese entry to this list is a South-Korean scifi spectacular that positively revels in gratuitous depictions of squash-and-stretch violence, sexuality, and bodily functions.
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Sponge cells perform a variety of bodily functions and appear to be more independent of each other than are the cells of other animals.
Also at the library’s Theater Division are letters the actor Zero Mostel wrote to his wife, Kate, that catalog his every “gaseous” meal and bodily function.
If the neurons control automatic bodily functions, heart rate and breathing are impaired.
It plays a vital role in regulating many bodily functions and is contained in body fluids, which transport oxygen and nutrients.
When your thyroid stops working properly and doesn't produce enough hormones, chemical reactions all over your body go out of kilter and many bodily functions simply slow down.
All need appropriate sport to regulate bodily function in the person's whole life mileage.
The nervous system regulates our bodily functions .
The heart performs a vital bodily function.
The villagers have to go down to the lake to perform most of their bodily functions.
Although we share many instincts and bodily functions with animals, our ancient sages and philosophers just could not comprehend the source of the great gap between human and animal minds.
If the neurons control automatic bodily functions, heart rate and breathing are impaired.
Her attempts to gentrify descriptions of bodily functions regularly ended up in the book of fame in the back.
Fortunately, his head injuries left his bodily functions unimpaired.
Most of the bodily functions can be described by words suited to polite society or physiological terminology: for example, eructate, masticate, sternutate, micturate, defaecate
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol V No 4
Her attempts to gentrify descriptions of bodily functions regularly ended up in the book of fame in the back.
This reflects the presumed scenario of sexual repression or abuse which associates pleasure with control and isolates the victim in an impassive relationship to bodily function.
The subset containing fabliaux with lavatory humour, tales concerning basic bodily functions of excretion or flatulence, are fewer in number.
Among the worst offences were falling asleep on duty, refusing to follow orders, or ‘unclean behaviour’ - such as relieving bodily functions inboard, rather than using the rudimentary toilet facilities.
Other monitors may be used to keep track of your heart rate, circulation, blood pressure, temperature, body fluid balance and other bodily functions.
The subset containing fabliaux with lavatory humour, tales concerning basic bodily functions of excretion or flatulence, are fewer in number.
Gradually, his body was forgetting basic bodily functions.
Also at the library’s Theater Division are letters the actor Zero Mostel wrote to his wife, Kate, that catalog his every “gaseous” meal and bodily function.
The intimate aspects of bodily function are more easily expressed with a person of the same gender.
Some of them modify mental as well as bodily functions and have effects beyond the repertoire of conventional laboratory experiments in pharmacology.
Joking and speaking about bodies and bodily functions in the presence of such cousins is considered a serious faux pas.
It should give us some insight into why his fans were so obsessed, five gruelling nights a week, with celebrity, bitchery and bodily functions.
Four important bodily functions are provided by the muscles of our bodies.
The most violent responses are called anaphylactic reactions; even a small taste of the allergen, skin contact, or, in some cases, environmental exposure will shut down bodily functions within seconds.
The Chinese can take this, Finch muses, because they are more nonchalant about bodily functions, such as burping, farting or even going to the bathroom - an act performed squatting sans doors in some places in China. Top Stories
But it does play on social mores and our embarrassment about natural bodily functions, albeit in a crude way.
It is concerned with the automatic control of bodily function.
Spencer delights in mining the crudest elements of sex and bodily functions for toe-curling but breathtaking entertainment.
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Here again I would stress that the attention which is desiderated in connection with the bodily function must be some close and intimate service to the person or claimant.
The medulla, or brain stem, controls or influences all of the bodily functions that you do not have to think about, like breathing, heart rate, temperature and consciousness.
She also sees the desire to articulate color in words as an attempt to disembody women from menstruation, their bodily function.
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The heart performs a vital bodily function.
First of all, the brain controls many bodily functions, either directly via nerve impulses or indirectly via hormones.
bodily functions
Among the things that we share in common with animals are certain characteristic bodily functions.
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I suppose it gives a sense of gritty realism, and it contrasts the physical, bodily duties of the slaves with the luxurious lifestyle of the so-called white plantocracy - but as a stylistic trait, this insistence on bodily functions is too monotonous.
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The points on the ear have their reflex to different bodily functions or organs.
I was brought up to believe my body is disgusting, bodily functions should not be spoken about, and sex is an animal instinct.
Most people consider elimination to be a very private bodily function and therefore find it an embarrassing subject to discuss with hospital staff.
No one spoke to Renna during the long march into the mountains—in fact, no one spoke at all, even during the brief periods when they stopped to attend to bodily functions and sip a bitter tealike substance.
I cannot tell the difference, and I am mightily suspicious of those who claim they can, believing that such overdeveloped taste buds must be having a depleting, detrimental effect to some other bodily function.
He and his scruffy band of followers held that life should be conducted in accordance with nature to the point of performing bodily functions in public like dogs hence the term cynic, from the Greek word for dog.
Alexander the Great
The child was not able to speak, walk properly or control bodily functions.
The intimate aspects of bodily function are more easily expressed with a person of the same gender.
Pitta governs bodily functions concerned with heat and metabolism, and directs all biochemical reactions and the process of energy exchange.
We will use the term functional symptoms, which does not assume psychogenesis but only a disturbance in bodily functioning.
The body stops maintaining bodily functions and begins to decay on the spot.
The disease ravaged his frail body, leaving him unable to speak or control bodily functions in his final days.
Topics ranged from fuels for missile operations to human bodily functions in space.
The intimate aspects of bodily function are more easily expressed with a person of the same gender.
What is physical discomfort but the persistence of some body part or bodily function in distracting the attention of the mind?
For this reason, self-delusion is as involuntary as any bodily function regulated by the medulla oblongata, since the very future of our species depends on it.
Archive 2010-06-01