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[ UK /bˈɒbəlˌɪŋk/ ]
  1. migratory American songbird

How To Use bobolink In A Sentence

  • I ended up seeing over 70 species and the highlights include a sandhill crane pair feeding along a road in farm field, a flock of male bobolinks competing with each other and of course an indigo bunting feeding below the finch feeders.
  • By Daisy called from hillside - By Bobolink from lane.
  • Magnetic cues, which help many bird species migrate, appear to be particularly important to Bobolinks.
  • Grasslands and prairies support a number of polygynous species as well, including meadowlarks, bobolinks, dickcissels, lark buntings, and great-tailed grackles.
  • The bobolink is a songbird, and so it provides the music. Billy Collins: A Poet's Affection For Emily Dickinson
  • I keep it, staying at home with a bobolink for a chorister and an orchard for a dome. Billy Collins: A Poet's Affection For Emily Dickinson
  • Discover the hermit thrush in shady maple and hemlock groves, bobolinks in golden hay fields, northern water thrush in swamplands, and hawks migrating in autumn.
  • With a bobolink [a type of blackbird] for a chorister [singer in the choir], Dean Sluyter: Emily Dickinson and the Buddha vs. the WWF
  • And eggs from Glynwood, which is managed to protect the bobolinks.
  • In breeding plumage, male bobolinks are mostly black, with a buff nape, white shoulder patches, and a white rump.
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