
How To Use Bobbin In A Sentence

  • She threw down the book and hurtled the bobbin of thread across the room.
  • I have seen human bathers acting just like the birds, though from a different cause, bobbing down towards the water, but afraid to dip their heads, and the idea of comicality arose, as it does in most of the ludicrous actions of animals, from their resemblance to those of mankind. The Naturalist in Nicaragua
  • Cornelius observed that the wooden bobbin dangling on a string from the window blind was the shape of an acorn.
  • The valley is quiet and serene, and right now is bursting with the energy and exuberance of spring - the trees are budding, the daffodils bobbing, the birds are busy, the lambs are bleating and there are calves suckling.
  • In its original form, this involved saints like Columba taking to his coracle (that bobbing teacup of a leather boat, without rudder or oars), trusting the waves to carry him wherever they might.
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  • With that, she took the plunge into the Thames and was soon among her fellow athletes, bobbing along like beads cast into the water.
  • I can also just about spy my home for the week - bobbing along to meet my group at the end of our ride. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was bobbing along in my father-in-law's small yacht with my wife and small baby when we were attacked by a jet-skier who raced at us at high speed before turning sharply, sending a wall of water over us in the boat.
  • Worked at the bobbin mill down to the pond, tended a pup lathe till she up and took religion. KING OF THE MOUNTAIN
  • Hairgrips, a pencil, a bobbin, a teaspoon with an apostolic head.
  • NEW YORK — A bobbing little pompom put on a peak performance at the Westminster Kennel Club. Westminster Best In Show 2012: Malachy The Pekingese Wins Dog Competition
  • RH Tawney.had the measure of this kind of bobbins about 80 years ago: "While natural endowments differ profoundly, it is the mark of a civilised society to aim at eliminating such inequalities as have their source, not in individual differences, but in its own organisation. The Guardian World News
  • I knew my athetoid cerebral palsy would kick into high gear and my head control would vanish, leaving me bobbing for invisible apples. Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt » 2007 » May
  • She shook her head, her short blond locks bobbing around her head.
  • She rocked onto her toes and back onto her heels excitedly, her short brown ponytail bobbing as she did so.
  • You're in America now, sonny, so get your apple-bobbing face on.
  • The exhibition featured bobbin lace, patchwork and quilting, cross stitch, canvas work embroidery, macramé, and even miniature furniture.
  • Green and purple dotted the water, leaves bobbing like butterfly wings.
  • Holding the needle thread tail, take a stitch to draw the bobbin thread to the tuck surface.
  • We'd spent the night on an old trawler bobbing around in the estuary of the river.
  • Jealous of her. I bet it really got him going seeing my little pink dimples bobbing up and down there.
  • A later invention, the unicycle with an off-centre hub, would bring people out into the corridors to watch him as he rode it, bobbing up and down like a duck.
  • Some people are content with bobbing their heads to whatever comes on the radio.
  • The rivers of commuters streaming and bobbing down boulevards are long gone. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her laugh purred gently, her throat bobbing back and forth to expel the light sounds from her gaping mouth, her head tilted back and up. Pectoralis Minor
  • The largest is the drawer machine which has 4 feeds and knits from four bobbins.
  • The beat is so pounding and persuasive, it's impossible not to do a strange little stamping dance, bobbing your head back and forth like an inquisitive chicken.
  • He's just a regular shlub bobbing along on the surface of life.
  • It was only through sheer serendipity that he found what he was looking for bobbing about on the Clyde just a few miles from his home in Woodlands.
  • But bobbing her blonde hair was as close as she came to putting on a performance. Times, Sunday Times
  • I imagined some guy in the back of a white van bobbing is gun around in frustration cursing those damn mormons and their matrix-like bullet dodging abilities. How the DC snipers hacked an ex-police car to make a killing machine - Boing Boing
  • As he rose up through the branches of the Wonderful Tree he tore off one of the great twin fruits -- the magic double kernelled nuts that make people young, -- and the little girl-daughter saw it bobbing alongside the canoe, and pulled it in and began to pick out the soft eyes of it with her little golden scissors. Just So Stories
  • I stuffed Eva's lace pillow inside, hiding the threads, the lace, and the bonelike bobbins that were swinging like tiny Poe pendulums. 'The Lace Reader'
  • Your hired motor boat is bobbing up and down at anchor, occasionally nudging the pebbles on the beach as a bigger wave breaks.
  • The gums were full of budgies, skawking and whistling their parodies of songbirds; finches wheeled from branch to branch; two sulphur-crested cockatoos sat with their heads to one side watching her progress with twinkling eyes; willy-wagtails fossicked in the dirt for ants, their absurd rumps bobbing; crows carked eternally and mournfully. The Thorn Birds
  • It is a nebulae system, planets and stars bobbing in and out of blue, purple, and pink stardust.
  • Gasping for air, I scramble towards the raft and, with my four bobbing companions, swim to the safety of the shore pushing the raft in front of us.
  • Waihi Beach holidaymaker Jan Jerram said there were at least two containers bobbing in the waves, with one split open and what looked like bags of milk powder washing ashore. Containers Wash Up on New Zealand Beach
  • From time to time one of those floats is bobbing up and down in the water or has been pulled just under the surface and that's when Mr. Catfish is on the line.
  • He was also bobbing and weaving, so my camerawork is pretty darn manic. Michael Giltz: Toronto Film Fest Days 1 And 2: Midnight Madness
  • This weaving of small subjects is certainly very little removed from embroidery; it may fairly be called needlework, for it is as often carried out with needles as with bobbins, the former being frequently better suited to the size of the work. Embroidery and Tapestry Weaving
  • Visibility isn't the point since it's often lousy and if you get seasick all those boats bobbing about in the harbour can make you pretty miserable.
  • Well, there were a few things that weren't fantastic – they were "bobbins" – but that only made the fantastic stuff more fantastic. Frank Sidebottom's gone. I can barely believe it
  • Everywhere you look, you see these cheerful fires, and you can see boats bobbing in the water too.
  • Wind thicker threads on a bobbin by hand, use regular sewing thread in the needle, and stitch with the right side down.
  • Bernice ran forward into the darkness, her torch beam bobbing in front of her.
  • An interesting waterfowl is the Common Gallinule, which looks like a swimming chicken, bobbing its head forward and back.
  • The sun would be shimmering on the gently rolling waves and fishing boats would be bobbing in the water.
  • In a barn they found four men dismantling bobbins of yarn, packed with the Sovereign cigarettes.
  • I read somewhere that CRT HDTVs were incapable of outputting a true 720p/1080i picture and used a technique called bobbing and weaving to produce a faux 1080i image. High-Def Digest: All High-Def Disc News
  • Genuine bobbinet tulle is constructed by warp and weft yarns in which the weft yarn is looped diagonally around the vertical warp yarn to form a hexagonal mesh which is regular and clearly defined.
  • Lace is created by looping and twisting threads using a set of bobbins or a needle.
  • I worked in a Connecticut boatyard, where my workmates used to tease me about it but they couldn't physically do the eyebrow act without bobbing their heads.
  • At its head was a froth of splintered wood; plastic and cars bobbing along on its back. Times, Sunday Times
  • We were trolling along rather sedately down one of those country lanes that probably don't exist anymore when we spotted blue helmets bobbing up and down over the hedgerows (which certainly don't exist anymore).
  • Our most transparent screening solution is silver-plated (non-allergenic) bobbinet material
  • You can well imagine the reports from Normandy: the reporter would have his back to the sea so the camera caught the wreckage, the metal flotsam, the blasted craft and bobbing bodies.
  • Its job is to carry the top thread into the bobbin case so the stitch can be formed.
  • The faster you could put that bobbin on there, and get that thread over that knotter and get it tied onto that cone on the winder, or either on the spool on the spooler. Oral History Interview with Eva Hopkins, March 5, 1980. Interview H-0167. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
  • His pride and joy will be sitting bobbing about on its mooring happy to be released from its winter storage, itching to get its decks japped.
  • Pull the basting bobbin threads to gather the skirt.
  • Bones for the Pudding Bobbin chair, $1,975, To lighten up the upholstery's denseness — or "puddingness," as Mr. Dunham calls it — he introduced the wooden and rush furniture. Restraint With a Kick
  • Just offshore some mallard and pintail – birds usually found on fresh water – were bobbing up and down on the waves, along with two truly marine ducks, an eider and a common scoter. Birdwatch: Black redstart
  • They should be bobbing to the surface. Times, Sunday Times
  • By way of reply, Dempsey looked away from him, his head bobbing uneasily on his neck. COLDHEART CANYON
  • Cornelius observed that the wooden bobbin dangling on a string from the window blind was the shape of an acorn.
  • Kel and Mithendil stood silently for a moment, watching the bobbing fluff of red hair disappear behind a building.
  • Your net can be of fine mesh bobbinet; if you have only white, dye it black; all other colors are apt to dazzle the eyes. On the Trail An Outdoor Book for Girls
  • The sun would be shimmering on the gently rolling waves and fishing boats would be bobbing in the water.
  • Just offshore some mallard and pintail – birds usually found on fresh water – were bobbing up and down on the waves, along with two truly marine ducks, an eider and a common scoter. Birdwatch: Black redstart
  • And I just sit in the car taking in the music, bobbing my head and quietly singing along.
  • They should be bobbing to the surface. Times, Sunday Times
  • The marsh hawk perches in a bare cottonwood tree, scowling at a flock of bufflehead ducks bobbing on the marsh.
  • For example, if your machine has a frontloading bobbin, the flat side of the needle faces the back of the machine.
  • After Barbez, Billy S of Evil Weiner got up on stage and performed a solo (well, with two large bobbing ghosts), comedic skit as a witch-hatted thereminist (using an Etherwave like mine) attempting to play with the ghosts until the ghosts became disgusted with him and gave up as two members of the audience booed him. Impromptu ChHill thereminfest: Barbez and Evil Weiner@Templeball
  • A not-so-little forest of columbaria bobbing about in the future ice-free waters of an auroral Arctic. A Little Columbarium Forest in the Arctic
  • The exhibition featured bobbin lace, patchwork and quilting, cross stitch, canvas work embroidery, macramé, and even miniature furniture.
  • Serve it very cold with a few ice cubes bobbing in the bowl. Times, Sunday Times
  • His movie is like a cork bobbing amiably on waves of lightness and unforced gaiety.
  • You can read a book on one of the benches beside the water and watch swans bobbing around the boats in the marinas.
  • My fingers know what they must do, and I can spin the silk wisps into a fine shining strand on the crystal spindle and wind it onto the bobbins without even having to think about it.
  • But once the opening notes to "Huzzah 2" lurch in and the hook switched into the patois during the intro, the crowd was all in, hanging on his every word, hypnotically bobbing to the low hum of huzzahuzzahuzzahuzzah by song's end. Jerell Tongson: Grand Opening, Grand Closing: Action Bronson and Mr. M-fin' eXquire Shut Down Southpaw
  • This would appear to involve sitting in a bar and drinking local spirits, occasionally bobbing up to link together video segments with a smattering of lascivious small-talk.
  • When finished with the length you want, take the strands off the bobbins and lace them through the holes in the edge of the pouch, two strands per side.
  • Darning with flosses upon both white and black bobbinet, or silk net, was a very common form of the art, and veils of white with seed or all-over designs darned in white silk floss, may be called the "personal needlework" of the period, and some of the shawls were superb stretches of design and stitching. The Development of Embroidery in America
  • The scouts spend much of the afternoon emu-bobbing through the scrub.
  • ` ` But ye maun speak your mind on't forthwith, Monkbarns, if ye want the stones; for Deacon Harlewalls thinks the carved through-stanes might be put with advantage on the front of the new council-house --- that is, the twa cross-legged figures that the callants used to ca 'Robin and Bobbin, ane on ilka door-cheek; and the other stane, that they ca'd Ailie Dailie, abune the door. The Antiquary
  • The men pointed and stared for fifteen minutes before the police chief motioned toward a small wishing well protruding from the lower frame of the machine, exclaiming, “The little crank and shaft for the well bucket is the bobbin winder!” The Safe
  • Bobbing bunches of small boys run around like packs of pie dogs, yapping at everyone, teasing, pushing and screaming.
  • Fast flowing water and raw materials such as wool and wood made Ambleside a natural home to industry such as fulling mills - mills which removed sheep oils from woven cloth corn, wool, flax and bobbin mills.
  • A not-so-little forest of columbaria bobbing about in the future ice-free waters of an auroral Arctic. A Little Columbarium Forest in the Arctic
  • The bekk handled the six-wheeled ground vehicle like a drunk handled his tankard of bloodwine—carelessly, with much unnecessary bobbing and weaving and the ever-present threat of the insides being spilled out. Star Trek: Myriad Universes: Shattered Light
  • These bobbins are transferred to a machine called a spooler where the yarn is re-wound on a spool preparatory to making the warp. Textiles For Commercial, Industrial, and Domestic Arts Schools; Also Adapted to Those Engaged in Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods, Wool, Cotton, and Dressmaker's Trades
  • Across the stage, his DJ works a pair of turntables, scratching over savory beats, his perfectly flat-brimmed cap bobbing in rhythm.
  • Water particles move freely in the ocean, coming and going in all directions, bobbing up and down on the sea surface; some water particles collide with the sea surface and some blend in, just like the interflow of various opinions. More from Al Jazeera’s 2009/2010 Rebrand « Art & Business of Motion
  • When bobbin net (or bobbinet as it is now called) was first invented, it was made only one inch wide but now it may be purchased three and one-half yards wide if desired. The Art of Modern Lace Making
  • Her profession seems almost engraved in her form as she holds the distaff under her arm, draws the thread skillfully from it, and winds it on the bobbin with her other hand, all the while looking fixedly, eyes not quite focused, at us.
  • The national dance of Catalunya, the sardana is a gentle affair that involves bobbing up and down in a circle while holding hands boy-girl-boy-girl if numbers permit to the reedy sounds of a cobla band. 10 of the best outdoors activities in Barcelona
  • Look, toots ," Brian cajoled, bobbing the mask up and down. TOGETHER ALONE
  • In days gone by I would have ordered the non-standard bobbins my sewing machine uses from his shop and got them in mere weeks.
  • For years civilisation has been bobbing along on a digital sea. Times, Sunday Times
  • Every visitor to Venice is following a tour-guide, identified by a brolly or flag, but I feel smug about the fact the one in the cream fedora bobbing along a sea of bald and greying heads is by far the most knowledgeable.
  • It was of black bobbinet tulle covered in faceted clear sequins the size of a dime. Women I Have Dressed (and Undressed!)
  • These were barely needed as soon everyone was down in the basement bopping on the dance floor or bobbing in the dark room.
  • A later invention, the unicycle with an off-centre hub, would bring people out into the corridors to watch him as he rode it, bobbing up and down like a duck.
  • That man ferociously bobbing his head really seems to get it.
  • A bundle of black walked toward her, round, bobbing, and bubbling with good cheer.
  • The cuckoopint is an arum that appears in our woods in April, and is also known as lords-and-ladies, starch-root, Adam-and-Eve, bobbins and Wake Robin. The power of spring flowers
  • It is as if the novel's intellectual and ideological muddle is merely a superficial layer of flotsam bobbing on a boiling sea of emotion.
  • Clare is great when she is just talking, on Ramblings on Radio 4 or when fronting the BBC's rugby league coverage, but here she was like a woman possessed, stalking round the Liverpool Echo Arena in a strange shortie raincoat, bobbing and weaving like a prize fighter, screaming at us. Channel Four's Famous and Fearless was utterly pointless | Martin Kelner
  • I catch a glimpse of the snowman's head bobbing above the wall and can't stop laughing. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are plastic sunfish-looking creatures swimming about, along with a bobbing jellyfish complete with plastic tentacles, and a crab with snapping plastic pincers.
  • The scarf's purpose is to allow the bobbin case hook to get close to the needle eye and catch the thread to form a stitch.
  • Beneath the hot and sticky oppressive atmosphere of the venue, Jon pushed his way past the bobbing bodies toward the bar.
  • As Taj sang and strummed his big guitar, kids as young as five and as old as 17 were bobbing their heads to the rhythms of the blues.
  • The image of a bunch of hairy, hoary sexagenarians sitting in their Speedos in a row of lawn chairs at a cottage, say, going all silent and snickery, muttering and bobbing their eyebrows up and down as one of their friends 'daughters sashays past in her bikini is so barf-tastic it almost triggers my gag reflex just thinking about it. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • On the way back, the sword bobbing comfortingly along my leg, I met te Kiore, buckling the polished sword-club at his side. The Gates of Noon
  • Your hired motor boat is bobbing up and down at anchor, occasionally nudging the pebbles on the beach as a bigger wave breaks.
  • The material is much less strong, but offers a cheap alternative to traditional bobbinet.
  • Arctic icebergs tend to calve from fast-moving glaciers and, therefore, tend to look like small mountains bobbing in the sea.
  • I've remembered what it was… I was going to plug that sewing machine in and see if I could wind a bobbin.
  • Brian was scooting frantically along to his side, his head bobbing up and down like a boy in a toy store.
  • Some of them, indeed, may have spent their formative years bobbing in America's yacht basins.
  • Iridescent purple swamphens, lavished with outrageous lipstick (their bills and frontal shields actually) stomp over the leaves on gigantic spider feet, bobbing their ludicrous white-handkerchief tails behind them.
  • On the night of the rally, we walked with the crowd for nearly an hour, bobbing and weaving to avoid the umbrellas.
  • Wearing anything from period costume to Lycra leggings, the teams also have to perform tasks such as scoffing a piece of cake or bobbing an apple at various points.
  • Hairgrips, a pencil, a bobbin, a teaspoon with an apostolic head.
  • Most readily available topstitching thread is polyester, so pair it with all-purpose polyester thread in the bobbin.
  • The white children are bobbing in their rings, and two of them are splashing each other.
  • There was the occasional chatter of magpies or jays, and once the bobbing flight of a greater spotted woodpecker.
  • The purpose of this relief is to permit the bobbin case hook to pass the needle without touching it.
  • In such a place things are dumped over the side, and after a moment bobbing unnoticed on the surface, they sink to the bottom.
  • Despite the gloom of the grey mist around us, with our boats and their bodies bobbing about on a still, glassy sea, the experience could not have been more perfect.
  • I was talking to my friend and I wasn't paying attention to my lure, so I was kind of bobbing it up and down. Crazy ways you've caught fish
  • Press the bobbin all the way onto the bobbin winding spindle.
  • The purpose of this relief is to permit the bobbin case hook to pass the needle without touching it.
  • There are mallards galore, the males with their metallic green heads and the females a dowdy brown, and busy little black scaups, bobbing like bath toys.
  • Farther along the wharf we find a small fleet of fishing boats bobbing in a slick of diesel, their grizzled crews eyeing us suspiciously.
  • She selects rich, evocative fabrics like rayon satin, silk and rayon blend velvet, Merino wool and the delicate veil-like textile bobbinet.
  • Skirt the fleece, scour the wool, wash the wool, card it, thread the spool, spin it to thread, slide it off the bobbin, roll it into balls of yarn.
  • Serve it very cold with a few ice cubes bobbing in the bowl. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Hudson River swamped westside parkways, where motorists whose cars were bobbing in the floodwaters had to be rescued by police officers on rafts.
  • The flyer is a different shape too, and won`t accomodate the new Mazurka bobbins which is a pity as the new bobbins have two ratios. Archive 2006-01-01
  • Loud music and cheering; tons of people clattering into you; oversized cartoon characters bobbing in front of your eyes: no, you're not necessarily on something at a NYE all-nighter, you might actually be at the annual London Parade. This week's new events
  • The male moorhen about the same size as a small chicken was close to death when walkers spotted him bobbing in the River Ray.
  • It's not like taking a wee chunk out of one of the thousands bobbing around the solar system is some kind of cosmic vandalism.
  • Included in their varied contributions were poems and writings of Tim Bobbin and Edwin Waugh.
  • I did have one minor hiccough where the tension decided to go do-lally for no particular reason (i.e. wasn't at a bobbin change, etc) but I did catch it before I'd sewed too much, and of course, when the tension goes odd, it's often easy to unpick as one of the threads is just lying there with big loops around it ... One Hawaiian Down...
  • The bekk handled the six-wheeled ground vehicle like a drunk handled his tankard of bloodwine—carelessly, with much unnecessary bobbing and weaving and the ever-present threat of the insides being spilled out. Star Trek: Myriad Universes: Shattered Light
  • _ -- Dotted bobbinet with the dots either singly or in clusters. Textiles For Commercial, Industrial, and Domestic Arts Schools; Also Adapted to Those Engaged in Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods, Wool, Cotton, and Dressmaker's Trades
  • Knots of bird exploded, coalesced, twisted in ribbons, doubled and slid sideways, mounted in loose circles, became winged bobbins hurtling through a random warp of mosquitoes. Bird Cloud
  • He's a genealogist, been one of my poorer customers, lace bobbins, some three years. THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • Standard bobbins can not be used for E cores, since all three legs have to be used for the isolated topology.
  • The talks were closely monitored via mobile phone, and a bonfire of tyres and bobbins of rayon was kept burning.
  • It is a good article for collars and shirt bosoms; also, when much diluted, for thin white muslin and bobbinet. Young's Demonstrative Translation of Scientific Secrets
  • In days gone by I would have ordered the non-standard bobbins my sewing machine uses from his shop and got them in mere weeks.
  • Knees bent and her head bobbing, Liadan's fingers fairly fly across the fingerboard as she bends her pick out of shape.
  • The band kept the audience in a head-bobbing, toe-tapping trance as they soldiered through two hours of Morrison and company's brilliance.
  • They saw themselves as representative of the “Modern” or “New Woman,” who worked outside her home and followed current trends, such as bobbing her hair; at the same time, they tried to affirm Jewishness as compatible with Americanization. Annotated Bibliography and Guide to Archival Resources on the History of Jewish Women in America.
  •  Perhaps it was seeing the most desirous bachelor in the pueblo with his tentigo bobbing in midair. Regret
  • He carried her around in a ridiculous contraption, a sling that held the baby's back to his stomach, so that she hung there in front of him, her head bobbing absurdly.
  • Sekedar Cinta - the group's first single - is a hip tune that will have listeners bobbing their heads up and down.
  • An onion, bobbing up from the ocean?
  • Using yarn from bobbin, knit back by hand through each back bed needle.
  • I saw it now, a dull orange will-o'-the-wisp bobbing and winking through the trees.
  • The bobbin inside the left-hand jar was almost full of shiny pinkish thread, and it was rotating in a slow stately way in the air. THE LIVES OF CHRISTOPHER CHANT
  • There were private yachts, Adriatic liners, all brilliant with illumination, and hundreds of gondolas, bobbing, bobbing, like captive leviathans, bunched round the gaily-lanterned barges of the serenaders. The Lure of the Mask
  • Based on the original fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm, this dance theatre work unwinds its thread from the story like spun gold on a bobbin.
  • Bobbing for apples, for example, was used to predict upcoming nuptials - the first to grasp an apple without the use of their hands was said to be the next to marry.
  • Seventy-five thousand dollars' worth of steel, that's my guess," said the 42-year-old former lumberjack, who had been living almost full time on Barge 202, as authorities dubbed the rusting steel slab bobbing in a channel 82 miles east of Portland, Ore. Living Alone on a Steel Barge Clearly Has a Downside
  • Other craft are keelless -- they are canoes; bobbing, unsteady, likely to capsize in sudden emergency; prone to drift into muddy waters; liable to be swept anywhither by any current. Once Aboard the Lugger
  • A certain visible smugness on the bobbing bearded face made clear that this was a protest. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gaggii kept chanting until he was surrounded by a half circle of bobbing, corposant shapes, each yellow or red-orange, each an individually expressive nimbus. Cyber Way
  • On the other side of post at the sewage pond I saw the usual black-winged stilts plus a pair of spotted redshanks and an active green sandpiper bobbing its tail as it fed along the shoreline.
  • The platinoid wire is insulated and the covering of silk that insulates it is wound on the ebonite bobbins just where my finger is. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
  • I removed the finished thread from the bobbin, and wound it into a big off-white ball.
  • The roar of a sharp, white speedboat woke him as it skipped across the waves, out past the children bobbing in inflatable rubber rings.
  • The whole family filed into my surgery to thank me, bobbing and bowing, looking so doleful, then smiling.
  • Whether bobbing about on a dinghy or crossing the oceans on a Tall Ship, one can learn the mechanics of piloting and navigating.
  • If only I could package the smells of a spice market in Istanbul, the sounds of gypsy music from Prague or the sights of sampans bobbing over the waters of Hong Kong harbour, I would send them home.
  • Surfers bobbing in the line-up make up a community of sorts, one often strengthened by the presence of locals who know and look out for each other.
  • For sure, at times, it can be inconvenient and more but based on your fun journalized rendition of your ongoing life, you seem to be bitchen but yet bobbing and weaving your way through it all. Your Wish List
  • That's great news if you like the idea of bobbing to Gaga's mixes while waiting by the bakery case. Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Local News
  • Groups of cadets scoured the area 'emu-bobbing' to ensure there was no litter.
  • Many had been waiting patiently for several hours, bobbing to blasts of techno, country and rock music.
  • We tied up on a jetty on Havelock Island with blue boats bobbing in its bay and rising hills, covered in forests, as a background.
  • As we approached the jetty a speedboat whisked past sending our boat bobbing violently in its wake.
  • At its head was a froth of splintered wood; plastic and cars bobbing along on its back. Times, Sunday Times
  • The two men browsing in Benjamin Santoyo's downtown Los Angeles produce store acted like many of his customers, not so much interested in fruit and vegetables as in the enormous pinatas of Winnie the Pooh, The Incredibles, and an orange fish named Nemo, all bobbing from a string tied to the ceiling. Boing Boing: June 19, 2005 - June 25, 2005 Archives
  • A hugger-mugger horizontal tenement of ugly, awkward, moulded plastic bathroom fittings bobbing in cess.
  • The valley is quiet and serene, and right now is bursting with the energy and exuberance of spring - the trees are budding, the daffodils bobbing, the birds are busy, the lambs are bleating and there are calves suckling.
  • The small boat was bobbing on the sea.
  • But bobbing her blonde hair was as close as she came to putting on a performance. Times, Sunday Times
  • In days gone by I would have ordered the non-standard bobbins my sewing machine uses from his shop and got them in mere weeks.
  • When creating a lace appliqué, use the same color thread in the bobbin and the needle.
  • There are boats bobbing about, little clouds over the mountains opposite.
  • Before releasing the animals, he attached to each one's back a bobbin of thread, one end of which was tied to the release mechanism.
  • He speaks emphatically, does Robert Bruck, his bald head bobbing atop a thickset frame.
  • Main Street, when I saw Mary Sam's solferino bonnet bobbin 'up and down inside. Hepsey Burke
  • Her music is best described as sassy bar band roots-rock and Americana, but is infused with some serious bad-ass Boston swagger by way of Diamonds in the Dust, are garnished with pedal steel or a country sway, but allow plenty of room for rip-roaring electricity to pump you up and get you bobbing your head and dancing. Mainstream Isn't So Bad...Is It?

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