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How To Use Boastful In A Sentence

  • A couple of phone calls, arranged by a deep-sea diver I came to know while working on a story on the Miskito Coast of Nicaragua, led me to an alternately boastful and paranoidly surreptitious man named Steve. The Lampshade
  • Loman is a rather unpleasant figure throughout much of the play, a boastful blowhard, a bully, a coward.
  • He had a swashbuckling posture; but such was his powerful physique and piercing look, it seemed natural rather than boastful or proud. Seminary Boy
  • In love you have patience, kindness, the absence of jealousy, pride and boastfulness.
  • The sun dives deep into the foundations of your chart to give you a calm self-assurance that gets better results than other louder, boastful voices. The Sun
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  • Unlike your average male specimen, he did not look proud and boastful when first me, then Riley squealed over his car.
  • Emma asked Mrs. Elton about her musical abilities, and she was both modest and boastful.
  • Also, we're reluctant to appear boastful. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were no trophies about the house, no framed photos, no boastful talk. Times, Sunday Times
  • The brother's got the boastful swagger of your favorite rapper, the entrepreneurial instincts of a street hustler and a pen as swift as his tongue is sharp.
  • I tried to emphasize my good points without sounding boastful.
  • Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude.
  • The coquette Lady Betty Modish is led to accept the suit of the honourable Lord Morelove (contrasted with the boastful and immoral Lord Foppington) by a plot to excite her jealousy, followed by reproaches from Sir Charles.
  • Love is never boastful, nor conceited, nor rude; never selfish, not quick to take offense.
  • A relative newcomer named Hakaan Yildirim, who won Paris's prestigious Andam award for young talent, was a victim of boastful handlers who described him in hyperbolic terms he could never live up to. Zac Posen, Hakaan Yildirim among designers outshone in the City of Light
  • There, he tells Chloe and several other slaves his story, boastfully embellishing it and exaggerating his role in her successful escape.
  • She is neither diffident nor boastful about this fact.
  • That gave, or could have given the impression, or could have caused the danger of creating a certain kind of boastful attitude, creating CASTRO SPEECH DEDICATING ENGELS VOCATIONAL SCHOO
  • He oozes confidence in his ability to please, without any of the boastful pretense that a human with his charms would inevitably have.
  • The little shy sounds of Schumann are constantly forgetting that they are shy or child-like and strutting out boastfully in an ineffective dash or prance.
  • Jests against religion, sneers at the piety of the godly, irreverent and shocking swearing, and a boastful parade of the immoralities they have committed make up the conversation, I fear, of some circles.
  • Love is patient and kind, love is not jealous or boastful, it is not arrogant or rude.
  • So also among the Normans we find the barons originally amusing one another with "gabs," _i. e._ boastful and exaggerated accounts of their achievements. History of English Humour, Vol. 1 (of 2) With an Introduction upon Ancient Humour
  • Also known for his almost demonic pride, he produced masterpieces of boastful verses.
  • I am most unhappy at his boastfulness.
  • To the Pima, the Hohokam were a people of myth and legend, boastful predecessors who had been slain by the Pima's great hero, Elder Brother. A Doomed People
  • Baffled or humbled by the land, we are disinclined to be boastful.
  • It worms out and exposes to the brutal light of the sun anything that is bogus, boastful, ungenuine and untrue. Times, Sunday Times
  • And few are more humorous, possessing the ability to be simultaneously self-deprecating and boastful.
  • It was fortunate for me that I had my "Noctes Ambrosianæ" along, for when I had exhausted my praise of the surrounding glories of nature, my bookseller would not converse with me; so I opened my book and read to him that famous passage between Kit North and the Ettrick Shepherd, wherein the shepherd discourses boastfully of his prowess as a piscator of sawmon. The Love Affairs of a Bibliomaniac
  • Now he looks and talks the part, managing to sound ambitious without appearing boastful, confident without being arrogant. Times, Sunday Times
  • It contrives to combine boastfulness, ignorance, insecurity and hostility in ample and self-reinforcing measures.
  • Where else could a blonde giant with muscles of tensile steel and overleaping ambition go, carve out an empire and boastfully display his Aryan might as a symbol to the world of what strength, discipline and power can achieve?
  • He had a swashbuckling posture; but such was his powerful physique and piercing look, it seemed natural rather than boastful or proud. Seminary Boy
  • He can still be boastful though, brash and arrogant.
  • As I said to Squeege, it is very easy to jeer from the sidelines and make boastful claims of what you would do in the same situation. Think Progress » ThinkFast AM: June 6, 2006
  • Why didn't the so-called leaders ever challenge him on these gratuitous little cat-tortures-mouse things, on his nonsenatorial, noncollegial, boastful, egomaniacal dictates to them and everyone else? Brutus Denies All
  • There were no trophies about the house, no framed photos, no boastful talk. Times, Sunday Times
  • You have a considerable amount of self-confidence, and you like yourself without being conceited or boastful.
  • He is a rather unpleasant figure throughout much of the play, a boastful blowhard, a bully, a coward.
  • Gossips themselves are classified with people who are slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful.
  • They must choose between a brash boastfulness and a considered confidence that speaks to the convictions of people everywhere.
  • Against such descriptions, he juxtaposes the opinions of racists, embodied in the seedy character of Wilkes, the boastful character of Williams, and in the ‘other hangers-on’ and ‘tars’ at the Virginian tavern and Marine Coffee-House.
  • Then vanity drove men to build a boastful edifice. Times, Sunday Times
  • The meek man is thought to lose everything, but Christ promises the contrary, saying, 'No, it is the meek -- he who is not rash nor boastful -- who possesses his goods in safety, while the unsubdued person shall often lose his all and even lose his life.' Eric Simpson: The Meek Are Reconciled With The Earth: The Basis Of Christian Ecology
  • As I've said before, I don't want to put up pictures, because it seems boastful and ostentatious.
  • You have a considerable amount of self-confidence, and you like yourself without being conceited or boastful.
  • Their tenor was boastful and jeering and the only reasonable inference was they thought they had somehow fooled and misled the court. The Sun
  • However, on striking up a conversation, Chalk, a little the worse for drink, became talkative and boastful.
  • He had a swashbuckling posture; but such was his powerful physique and piercing look, it seemed natural rather than boastful or proud. Seminary Boy
  • Boastfully informing his two companions he was going to show them how a quarter-staff should be handled, Robin challenged the stranger, who, suddenly dropping his affected manners, snatched a stake from the hedge and proceeded to outfence Robin. The Book of the Epic
  • a grandiloquent and boastful manner
  • Love is never boastful, or conceited, or rude; never selfish, not quick to take offense.
  • His web site also displays a rather remarkable congenital boastfulness and an penchant for unusual capitalization "We are a better Charter Fishing Boat than the Saltwater Sport Fishing Charter Boats on the East Coast and in the Florida Keys, including the fleet of Deep Sea Fishing Boats in Key West". Carl Safina: Shark Attacked, Media Bites Rosie O'Donnell
  • Those who disclaim trifling and obvious qualities are called humbugs and are more contemptible; and sometimes this seems to be boastfulness, like the Spartan dress; for both excess and great deficiency are boastful. The NICOMACHEAN ETHICS
  • With regard to truth, then, the intermediate is a truthful sort of person and the mean may be called truthfulness, while the pretence which exaggerates is boastfulness and the person characterized by it a boaster, and that which understates is mock modesty and the person characterized by it mock-modest. The Nicomachean Ethics
  • The fact remains that brute force is boastfully invoked alike in the internal affairs and foreign policies of the totalitarian state.
  • Boyish boastfulness which is at the same time coarse and clumsy .... Letters of Anton Chekhov
  • Its constructor did not overrate the benefit he had conferred when he wrote in an inscription which can scarcely be called boastful: Chaldea From the Earliest Times to the Rise of Assyria
  • On the contrast, he had stopped acting arrogant and boastful, and was even becoming shy and modest.
  • Also, we're reluctant to appear boastful. Times, Sunday Times
  • Host council member Mary Cheh introduced Gray a "leader free of vanity and boastfulness"; former school board chair Peggy Cooper Cafritz rose to tell the crowd, "You absolutely could not be in better hands. DeMorning DeBonis: Oct. 8, 2010
  • Never arrogant or boastful, they stand their ground and carry themselves with authority.
  • Plato describes him as a vain man being both arrogant and boastful, having a wide but superficial knowledge.
  • And so much arrogance and boastfulness from the great Obama himself. Presidential hopefuls eye the economy
  • Never arrogant or boastful, they stand their ground and carry themselves with authority.
  • I don't know why I'm hanging with big-head, the boastful of all that is dumb guy stuff, otherwise known as Jordon.
  • He likes to talk big , ie is very boastful.
  • Love is patient and kind, love is not jealous or boastful, it is not arrogant or rude.
  • At the risk of sounding boastful, I had managed to go for quite a while without incurring any penalty for my illegal parking endeavors, so I was a bit miffed by the recent turn of events.
  • Those who disclaim trifling and obvious qualities are called humbugs and are more contemptible; and sometimes this seems to be boastfulness, like the The Nicomachean Ethics
  • They said that the Germans were furious and obscene at their feasts; the Normans, vain and boastful; the Potevins, traitors and always adventurers.
  • (Survey report 6801 summarizing Adm. 68/195, 156v, and other data in Adm. 68/194 and/196, found in the microfilms of the Virginia Colonial Records Project, Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library, University of Virginia; A letter of Carter's executors to Dawkins 1738 May 10 refers to "your ship Bailey.") [3] According to the Oxford English Dictionary, a "rodomontade" is "a vainglorious brag or boast; an extravagantly boastful or arrogant saying or speech. Letter from Robert Carter to Edward Athawes, July 31, 1731
  • It secured him, instantly, a reputation for boastfulness which was then at odds with his limited achievements.
  • It contrives to combine boastfulness, ignorance, insecurity and hostility in ample and self-reinforcing measures.
  • His defense attorney says investigators had no evidence that the suspect meant to act on what he calls boastful chatter. Undefined
  • No detail is too trivial to elude the boastful commentary.
  • I know I was not alone in hesitating, in having to fight very hard against those qualifications, the dreaded "even thoughs" of "I am great BUT NOT THAT GREAT please don't think I am bragging I am sure most other people in the world are way greater than me please don't hate me for being such a boastful wench. The Awesome Movement and the Dreaded Even Thoughs
  • The sun dives deep into the foundations of your chart to give you a calm self-assurance that gets better results than other louder, boastful voices. The Sun
  • No one resigns willingly such rights as yesterday gave me; and, let me speak a boastful word, sooner than yield them up to man of woman born, I would hold a fair field against all comers, with grinded sword and sharp spear, from sunrise to sunset, for three days 'space. The Betrothed
  • The industry has been quite creative, indeed even boastful at times, about their solutions to this ever-growing problem.
  • IT TOOK quite literally a bomb to shift the big powers into concerted action at the United Nations Security Council against a long-defiant, boastfully nuclear-capable North Korea.
  • And so it went on to the end -- boastful stanza and insulting remarks from Marcos; and by the time the _decima_ ended a dozen or twenty men had forced themselves in between the two so that there could be no fight on this occasion. Far Away and Long Ago
  • There was a rakish, vagabond smartness, and a kind of boastful rascality, about the whole man, that was worth a mine of gold. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
  • Roosters are defined as boastful, cocky, hard-working and flashy ding! ding! slide-whistle! ding! Archive 2005-02-01
  • They are witty, cleaver and gifted, stern and kind, boastful and shy.
  • The sun dives deep into the foundations of your chart to give you a calm self-assurance that gets better results than other louder, boastful voices. The Sun
  • Now he looks and talks the part, managing to sound ambitious without appearing boastful, confident without being arrogant. Times, Sunday Times
  • But I want to remind him of this one simple fact before he becomes excessively boastful, as he is wont to do.
  • At the risk of sounding a bit boastful, I'd like to think that I have a decent knowledge of video games, past, present, and to some extent, future.
  • And I don't mean that as an egotistical statement or a boastful statement.
  • But Ahmed's defense attorney countered during the bench trial that investigators had no evidence that Ahmed sought to act on what he called boastful chatter from a misguided student. Undefined
  • He had a swashbuckling posture; but such was his powerful physique and piercing look, it seemed natural rather than boastful or proud. Seminary Boy
  • This means investing in commercial research relationships, growing our own commercial centres of excellence, being networked to death, and being boastful and proud of what we have.
  • While duly respectful and betraying not a whit of boastfulness, that is a comment containing more than a hint of steel. Undefined
  • A sense of inferiority, whether justified or not, leads to boastfulness.
  • Ferrari seemed still somewhat disturbed in his mind -- but even his uneasiness dissipated itself by degrees, and heated by the quantity of wine he had taken, he began to talk with boastful braggartism of his many successful gallantries, and related his most questionable anecdotes in such a manner as to cause some haughty astonishment in the mind of the Duke di Marina, who eyed him from time to time with ill-disguised impatience that bordered on contempt. Vendetta: a story of one forgotten
  • It retells the rise and fall of a boastful but unenterprising man who marries a well-to-do, enterprising woman named Mary.
  • We're tired of Lori's yapping mouth and boastful monologues.
  • For Holy Scripture makes no distinction between them, except that those who are now boastfully called popes, bishops, and lords, it calls ministers, servants, and stewards, who are to serve the rest in the ministry of the word, for teaching the faith of Christ and the liberty of believers. Concerning Christian Liberty
  • On the third day following, happy and boastful we came together to build the forenamed castle with stones drawn from the tombs of the Turkish dead. De Re Militari: The Society for Medieval Military History » The Battle for Antioch in the First Crusade (1097-98) according to Peter Tudebode

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