How To Use Boarding house In A Sentence
Its central location, and its adjacence to several restaurants and boarding houses, rendered it a convenient place for business people to lodge, and the handsome widow found no trouble in filling her rooms with desirable and well-paying patrons.
An Ambitious Man
The Merchant Shipping Act of 1823 replaced bonding with a law that confined Lascars to East India Company boarding houses and threatened those who did not board the next ship home with imprisonment for vagrancy.
Home for the next eight years was a series of boarding houses as she did the provincial seaside resorts and more repertory theatres.
Times, Sunday Times
There's Mog Edwards, the draper in love with Miss Myfanwy Price; Polly Garter, the town prostitute in love with babies; and the formidable Mrs. Ogmore-Pritchard, twice widowed, who keeps a boarding house but will not have any guests in it lest they breathe on the furniture.
A Gloriously Musical Play for Voices
A taxi brought us to a boarding house she knew, and we're shown into an apology for a bedroom.

The concession was granted as the Duke toured the new extension, which provides accommodation for 20 boarders at Wentworth House, a girl's boarding house.
Currently boarding houses, which the city officially calls congregated living spaces, are permitted for dwellings with up to 12 sleeping rooms and 24 occupants if parking and other standards are upheld. stories
But there are also tableaux from different eras, including holidaymakers at breakfast time in a Fifties boarding house and then the same trippers enjoying a cup of tea in a beachside bathing hut.
She is a wealthy English authoress living in and running a boarding house in Umbria, Italy.
This beautiful chateau had gone from a boarding house to a morgue in just one day.
It needs to look at infrastructure and the streets of tatty old ex-boarding houses.
Set in a soi-disant boarding house in a seaside town, The Birthday Party has the feel, off the top, of a slightly absurdist comedy.
Await in those days, beijing is here the first clothbound builds the export boarding house that sell.
Later that afternoon, after he'd run all his errands, Clay walked back to the boarding house.
A boarding house/hotel and commissary was also on the property.
At night I lay on the bed in the cavernous room at the boarding house.
Times, Sunday Times
American living in a London boarding house was completely the gift of my journals from the early 1960's.
An Interview with Gail Godwin about her novel Queen of the Underworld, and her memoir The Making of a Writer, both published in early 2006.
He had regained her trust the night before, after telling her of numerous time that she had let him back into the boarding house when he had returned after curfew.
This was set in a cheap boarding house inhabited by a collection of semi-human misfits, degenerates, and murderers, who were what they were because poverty had made them so.
Close to the waterfront were the ship's brokers and chandlers and cheap seaman's boarding houses, interspersed with taverns and druggeries.
Home for the next eight years was a series of boarding houses as she did the provincial seaside resorts and more repertory theatres.
Times, Sunday Times
Rotherly is a Girls Boarding House for the Westgate School in Winchester.
An example is the Yemeni community of South Shields, which began at the end of the 19th century when Yemenis working as stokers on steamships moved ashore and set up boarding houses in the dock area.
The play is set in the sea-side boarding housekept by a childless couple.
Quick cuts between scenes stitch the boarding house residents' stories together, giving a sense of the whole without dwelling on any single individual.
Simply to imagine it is to defy credibility: A phone rings in a boarding house in Mobile, Alabama.
The grand resort hotels, smaller inns, and boarding houses were concentrated on the region's many lakes, nowhere more so than on the two large lakes on the region's eastern edge.
At night I lay on the bed in the cavernous room at the boarding house.
Times, Sunday Times
Sri Owen, a London-based food writer, consultant and co-author of the forthcoming "Oxford Companion to Southeast Asian Food," fondly remembers the gado-gado of her university days: "We stopped at this place to have our gado-gado as a one-dish lunch before we cycled back to our boarding house.
The Dish: Gado-Gado
Resolved That in the opinion of this Board it is inexperient for the University to undertake the building of additional dormitories, or boarding houses for the accommodation of students, unless & until it shall appear that suitable & sufficient accommodations will not be afforded by private enterprise on reasonable terms, & that it is
Board of Visitors minutes
When we dash from the street into the hallway of the boarding house, some one calls my name.
Mary looked at the army of women celibates in offices and in stores and in their apartments and in their boarding houses, women celibates five and ten and fifteen and twenty years into the period when nature has by irrepealable edict ordained love.
The Women of Tomorrow
About thirty of us live together in a special boarding house.
In the boarding house he had lived in there was a privy in the backyard.
The boarding houses are Grange Court, Sandon Lodge, and Hainault House.
Since then, police have distributed mugshots to mosques and boarding houses across West Java and set up road blocks.
she rooms in an old boarding house
Nobody wants a return to the bad old days in the 1980's/early 1990s when the cheapest wooden boarding house charged US $20 for a tiny unventilated room, and a room in one star hotel cost over $50.
Her stepmother wants the family's boarding house for herself - and is prepared to have her lying stepdaughter committed to an insane asylum to get it.
Simply to imagine it is to defy credibility: A phone rings in a boarding house in Mobile, Alabama.
But for the residents of Mrs. Payne's boarding house, the battlefield is the supper table, and the enemy is the resident of the room next door.
A Different Stripe:
I backed the car into the garage and walked round to the front door of the boarding house.
Nakabatyag na mi sa krisis kay daghan nang bakante sa boarding houses diri sa Opon.
Global Voices in English » Global Recession: The world is talking. Are we listening?
This boarding house is merely the world in little.
Inside were the business records of his own great-grandfather, who ran a boarding house in Utica during the Depression.
City Abuzz Over New Discovery
For over a century the sign ‘No Irish’ was a regular feature in the digs and boarding houses of Britain.
He is now on probation, living in a boarding house in another part of the town since his arrest.
Boarding houses and bars were constructed for their accommodation and refreshment, for quarrying is thirsty work.
At night I lay on the bed in the cavernous room at the boarding house.
Times, Sunday Times
They had to pretend couple boarding house in the local farmers.
It was composed one miserable, dreich November in a boarding house on the English south coast, where Hudson was invalided for weeks, dangerously sick.