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How To Use Blustering In A Sentence

  • The blustering rudeness of contemporary atheists appears to have driven at least one person closer to God: A new form of Christian evangelism: atheist conferences « Anglican Samizdat
  • I had to look up what rodomontade means and it means arrogant boasting blustering or ranting talk Think Diouf is vile? Listen to the fans | Kevin McKenna
  • We are expected to follow their fickle games, before launching our rich domestic cargo upon those blue, blustering flames.
  • INDIANAPOLIS -- "No money!" yelled a man in the passing car, his words trailing in the blustering wind of downtown Indianapolis. Will Mari: Local Gay Community Backs Clinton In Indiana
  • George probably lifted the footnotes from a short, blustering and inaccurate open letter by Nepstad himself. The sadists, the masochists and the scientists
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  • By now the skies were black, a chill wind was blustering down the street and the rain was slashing sideways.
  • blustering (or blusterous) winds of Patagonia
  • He has been blustering for decades that you can control people if you just hit them hard enough and cow them.
  • Christmas Day itself generally dawns grey, with an easterly blustering off the Pacific, but it doesn't matter!
  • Throughout the blustering winds parting the tall grass, a figure darted through the brush, and just like that moved as fast as the bolts of lightening above.
  • Some comprimario and secondo roles were doubled up: Vladimir Hristov was both a George Clooney-suave Marchese d'Obigny and a bland Dr. Grenvil; Giorgio Dinev, previously seen enjoyably blustering as Tosca's Spoletta, doddered formulaically as Violetta's servant, but had mischevious sparkle as Gastone — having introduced his friend Alfredo to Violetta, he worked the room, pointing out his handiwork to the other guests, a proud yenta. Pretty Woman
  • The wind is blustering through the trees outside, and every so often assails the outside walls of my house as if testing their fortitude.
  • Many came, blustering, promising, drinking heavily and falling in the pre-rutted lanes. The Soul of Yeats « Unknowing
  • Wilson was a blustering kind of chield, without the heart of a sprug.’ Guy Mannering
  • Traditionally it's been a venue for blustering declarations from fulminating premiers, but today instead of foot-stamping there was backslapping.
  • Justin is, what over here UK we call a 'Walter Mitty', a blustering gobhsite, a wannabe-never-gonna-be, just full of piss and wind. Justin Hoffer: Raging Chickenhawk!
  • There is then in the structure of his words something tragic and something comic, something blustering and something low, an obscurity, a vulgarness, a turgidness, and a strutting, with a nauseous prattling and fooling. Essays and Miscellanies
  • The purple heather, the blustering gales (or wuthering winds if you're an Emily Bronte fan) and the winding paths that encourage all day dalliance - what's not to love?
  • The arctic wind blustering over the Baltic Sea is biting, teeth-chattering cold.
  • A blethering, [160] blustering, drunken blellum; [161] From Chaucer to Tennyson
  • Why McKenna's mentioned Alex Salmond in an abysmal piece about some media fodder Rangers footballer and why he believes Salmond will talk about it in an arrogant, boasting or blustering way in parliament is beyond me. Think Diouf is vile? Listen to the fans | Kevin McKenna
  • In the same prolusion, Strada quotes the "blustering" line, afterwards censured by Dryden; but erroneously reads, The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 06
  • You travel invisibly, whirling, blustering, tearing things apart, a vortex in grass flattened out as if a derro's slept there overnight.
  • In turn, the state, blustering about the end of civilization like the swaggering capitano of the commedia dell'arte, plays the villainous authority who thwarts the inamorati.
  • In fact, I’ll say it again … all this blustering is media propaganda. Sir Ronnie Flanagan - HMIC Policing Report « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • 'Aweel,' said the postilion, 'it might be sae, I canna say against it, for I was not in the country at the time; but John Wilson was a blustering kind of chield, without the heart of a sprug.' Guy Mannering — Complete
  • Howie manages to pull of a tricky acting feat - he's at once judgmental, blustering, self-righteous, and yet somehow pitiable.
  • The loudest voices are those of the blustering schoolyard bully who crudely masks his own inadequacies by calling others sissies and punks.
  • Zephyrus, the wester, here a noted bad character, rose from his rocky couch strong and rough, beating down the mercury to 56 degrees F.: after an hour he made way for Eurus; and the latter was presently greeted by Boreas in one of his most boisterous and blustering moods. The Land of Midian
  • I had to look up what rodomontade means and it means arrogant boasting blustering or ranting talk Think Diouf is vile? Listen to the fans | Kevin McKenna
  • He was still blustering, but there was panic in his eyes.
  • Ted and I trundled, and when I say "trundled", I mean "took a cab" down into Cobh today, and found ourselves laughing as we scurried around in the blustering rain. Daily life
  • It will be fun when his silly blustering posts attract no more response than our silly spambot trolls do. Think Progress » ThinkFast: April 8, 2010
  • By now, though, the wind was gathering itself for a grand, blustering, trouserflapping finale and the last four holes would be brutal.
  • A series of ads for Borden dairy products featured dialogues between Elsie the cow and her blustering husband Elmer.
  • Recall his blustering campaign rhetoric about defeating the Taliban; recall the public commitment last Obama Never Considered Diplomacy In Afghanistan
  • Some comprimario and secondo roles were doubled up: Vladimir Hristov was both a George Clooney-suave Marchese d'Obigny and a bland Dr. Grenvil; Giorgio Dinev, previously seen enjoyably blustering as Tosca's Spoletta, doddered formulaically as Violetta's servant, but had mischevious sparkle as Gastone — having introduced his friend Alfredo to Violetta, he worked the room, pointing out his handiwork to the other guests, a proud yenta. Pretty Woman
  • But Syjuco is only in his mid-30s, and he already possesses the wand of the enchanter, conjuring up striking scenes like this one: After buying a tiger for a pet, Salvador's blustering father decides to hand-feed the wretched animal some bacon. 'Ilustrado' by Miguel Syjuco, reviewed by Michael Dirda
  • I bet if I excused myself to go to the bathroom, he would still be blustering when I got back.
  • They could shift product at prices that barely cover costs while blustering their way through the protests and anti-dumping litigation. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm looking about the country-side and I see but a horde of lameter privatemen and half-pay officers maimed in limb or mind sitting about the dram bottle, hoved up with their vain-glory, blustering and blowing, instead of being honest, eident lairds and farmers. Gilian The Dreamer His Fancy, His Love and Adventure
  • It was thought," says Nashe, in his Quaternio, "a kind of solecism, and to savour of effeminacy, for a young gentleman in the flourishing time of his age to creep into a coach, and to shroud himself from wind and weather: our great delight was to out-brave the blustering boreas upon a great horse; to arm and prepare ourselves to go with Mars and Bellona into the field was our sport and pastime; coaches and caroches we left unto them for whom they were first invented, for ladies and gentlemen, and decrepit age and impotent people. Bracebridge Hall
  • Given in his oscillations of mood to a lugubrious woebegoneness ” "He could be just the saddest-looking thing," remembers Roger Wilkins, one of his administration deputies ” Johnson while president brooded ponderously over how he was discounted by the intellectual left as a blustering boor. The Big Guy
  • The wind is blustering through the trees outside, and every so often assails the outside walls of my house as if testing their fortitude.
  • a blustering kind of chield, without the heart of a sprug. ' Guy Mannering, Or, the Astrologer — Volume 01
  • It takes a huge amount of blustering and a large measure of deafness to defend the sales of British gold.
  • Fur stroked against his nose as several other dogs joined them behind the sled, the only thing that protected them from the blustering wind.
  • ‘Aweel, ’ said the postilion, ‘it might be sae—I canna say against it, for I was not in the country at the time; but John Wilson was a blustering kind of chield, without the heart of a sprug. Chapter XI
  • USA should restore ties, and try to address the moderates in Iran without assuming the civilisationally-superior tone of hectoring or blustering. proudlyleft New Statesman
  • When the blustering wind and swirling snow make sledding and building snowmen feel like work, ditch your icy mittens and spend the afternoon by a warm stove, sipping hot chocolate and munching on cookies.
  • Some comprimario and secondo roles were doubled up: Vladimir Hristov was both a George Clooney-suave Marchese d'Obigny and a bland Dr. Grenvil; Giorgio Dinev, previously seen enjoyably blustering as Tosca's Spoletta, doddered formulaically as Violetta's servant, but had mischevious sparkle as Gastone — having introduced his friend Alfredo to Violetta, he worked the room, pointing out his handiwork to the other guests, a proud yenta. Archive 2008-03-01
  • Some comprimario and secondo roles were doubled up: Vladimir Hristov was both a George Clooney-suave Marchese d'Obigny and a bland Dr. Grenvil; Giorgio Dinev, previously seen enjoyably blustering as Tosca's Spoletta, doddered formulaically as Violetta's servant, but had mischevious sparkle as Gastone — having introduced his friend Alfredo to Violetta, he worked the room, pointing out his handiwork to the other guests, a proud yenta. Pretty Woman
  • The only sounds we could hear were the blustering wind, and fluttering paper pressing against ruined hedges and walls.
  • Recall his blustering campaign rhetoric about defeating the Taliban; recall the public commitment last December of Defense Secretary Robert Gates to strengthen military bases in Afghanistan. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • For when they were returning from the games over Pelias dead he slew them in sea-girt Tenos and heaped the earth round them, and placed two columns above, one of which, a great marvel for men to see, moves at the breath of the blustering north wind. The Argonautica
  • The only draw back on that evening was the blustering wind, which with the seven pound mainline I was using, made the almost weightless end tackle difficult to cast more than about fifteen yards.
  • It offends commonly if it be too [1510] hot and dry, thick, fuliginous, cloudy, blustering, or a tempestuous air. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Anyway, this river just happens to be where the climate is all windy and blustering so the currents lap at you and force you to go into the opposite direction, no matter how hard you try to fight against it.
  • Of course they have their counterpart on the other side of the argument: the florid-faced, overweight beefeater astride his long-suffering mount, pompously blustering his right to do whatever he jolly well pleases.
  • Jay started blustering around telling anyone who'd listen, and there weren't many volunteers, that the mess from the earlier food fight would have to be cleared up.
  • The weather begins to turn foul, with high winds and blustering rainsqualls, and because we laid over a day at the Judith to swim and loaf we begin to feel pressed to make time.
  • Beyond, the Pacific, dim and vast, was raising on its sky-line tumbled cloud-masses that swept landward, giving warning of the first blustering breath of winter. Chapter 21
  • When the blustering wind and swirling snow make sledding and building snowmen feel like work, ditch your icy mittens and spend the afternoon by a warm stove, sipping hot chocolate and munching on cookies.
  • We are expected to follow their fickle games, before launching our rich domestic cargo upon those blue, blustering flames.
  • It was thought," says Nashe, in his Quaternio, "a kind of solecism, and to savour of effeminacy, for a young gentleman in the flourishing time of his age to creep into a coach, and to shroud himself from wind and weather: our great delight was to outbrave the blustering Boreas upon a great horse; to arm and prepare ourselves to go with Mars and Bellona into the field, was our sport and pastime; coaches and caroches we left unto them for whom they were first invented, for ladies and gentlemen, and decrepit age and impotent people. Bracebridge Hall, or The Humorists
  • And indeed, why should he have thought this difficult? seeing the herb ethiopis opens all locks whatsoever, and an echinus or remora, a silly weakly fish, in spite of all the winds that blow from the thirty-two points of the compass, will in the midst of a hurricane make you the biggest first-rate remain stock still, as if she were becalmed or the blustering tribe had blown their last. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Like a blustering, hectoring aunt at a family gathering, he won't be missed by most.
  • Reagan and Bush Sr. succeeded in falsifying, blustering, and smearing their way out of political trouble. Did the Marines Die for Absolute Power? « Blog
  • Now, sir, this kind of blustering and bravado may sound very big up in A Controversy Between "Erskine" and "W. M." on the Practicability of Suppressing Gambling.

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