How To Use Blurred In A Sentence
The markings are so blurred that it is difficult to identify.
Brick with blurred colors or flecks of color in earthy tones of red, brown, black and buff appear completely at home in a rustic setting.
Her head spun and her vision blurred from the effort but through the confusion she could see a faint light spread out from her hand and wash over her body.
His father blurred the distinction between art and life.
Times, Sunday Times
This can cause corneal abrasions, bleeding in the front or middle part of the eye, and blurred vision.
Times, Sunday Times

Tears blurred her vision as she swung out, hammering on the horn.
The map was a cartographer's bird's-eye view, but the icy mountains unfolded white and hazy and shadowed, outlines blurred and overlapping.
Their shape could not be clearly defined as their outline seemed blurred in a haze of grey smoke surrounding them, but they seemed human shaped.
Vigilance is needed for any features of possible optic neuropathy, such as blurred vision, impaired colour perception, and reduced visual acuity
Both antihistamines and anticholinergics can have anticholinergic side effects, including dry mouth, urinary retention, blurred vision, and exacerbation of narrow-angle glaucoma.
Here's the most succulent bit: Distinctions between the body and landscape will be blurred in the new practice of geomedicine and the related science of medical geology.
Archive 2006-04-01
These days, the meaning has become blurred.
Times, Sunday Times
Her voice seemed to come from miles away and her image was blurred.
No Way Home: A Cuban Dancer's Tale
Venus' face is a blurred reflection in a mirror and in Mars (which depicts the unheroic body of a strong old man got up in drapes and a helmet) the face is in shadow.
After weeks and weeks of blurred vision and of holding books and paper at arm's length, the whole world, near and far, leapt into sharp focus once more.
The lines have become blurred.
The Sun
We would like to have very black and very white, very good, very evil, very clean-cut distinctions and those distinctions can be blurred if we aren't careful.
The line between monetary and fiscal measures has become increasingly blurred.
Times, Sunday Times
Everyone has his inherent power, which is easily concealed by habits, blurred by time, and eroded by laziness.
Her voice seemed to come from miles away and her image was blurred.
No Way Home: A Cuban Dancer's Tale
Personally, I have seen some suspicious tracks, but they were rain blurred, and have heard some screeches (not owls) that I couldn't put a name to, but have no real reason to believe that there are any in my neck of the woods.
How many people out there think or know there are mountain lions in your state? Please remember to list your state.
The boundary between the two degrees of disability obviously is blurred, and reasonable people will often disagree about a particular case.
His eyes became accustomed to the darkness, he saw veils of moving smoke, lighter shapes that suggested vast nudities, then rows of bent heads with blurred outlines.
Death in Ecstasy
The line between monetary and fiscal measures has become increasingly blurred.
Times, Sunday Times
He had been struck by sunstroke and his vision was blurred.
People appeared as tiny black dots in the grainy, blurred footage, and there seem to be about two dozen in the alley, although it is difficult to determine the exact number.
The tears blurred her vision.
Fiction and reality were increasingly blurred.
Meditative and soft, his blurred landscapes exude a sense of atmosphere.
The invention is applicable, in particular, to the production of a main beam with a blurred, achromatic, cut-off at the bottom; this beam may be autonomous, or it may be complementary to a dipped or passing beam.
From the far edge of her weighted drowse a voice filtered through in blurred staccato bursts.
The Temperature of Porridge
In the 'afters' she is not only slimmed down, but kind of blurred, so that the physicality is veiled.
Lego is, like, the perfect device to enculturate a citizenry intolerant of smell, intestinal by-products, nonadherence to unified standards, decay, blurred edges, germination, and death.
The line between Allen's own personality and his screen characters is distinctly blurred here, a trait of many of his subsequent movies.
Forrest Gump was a long, historical dramedy that further blurred the line of time.
The military distinction between combat and support has grown more blurred.
Times, Sunday Times
I believe this freedom is compromised in many instances by the dichotomy of the child-womanthe blurred sexuality of the young female runner evolving into womanhood, secure at first in the perfect form of her childness in flight and then confronting new contradictions and conflicts over her maturing body.
Young Runners
The face is in focus and the edges are all blurred!
But on the doorstone he found three drops shaken, dried now but plain to be seen, and on the new and unstained timber with which the left jamb of the doorway had been repaired there was a blurred smear of blood at the level of his own shoulder, where a gashed and bloodied sleeve had brushed past.
The Hermit of Eyton Forest
The action obscures her face, but the rest of her body remains unblurred.
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In this industry, the lines are often blurred between what is part of the game and what should be allowed as entertainment.
She suffered a suspected fractured cheekbone and claimed to have had blurred vision and numbness in her face following the fracas.
All the players are on the field gettings penalties and scoring goals but their uniform colors are blurred, even the umpires and field judges are difficult to distinguish from the players from where I sit.
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However, Brian Martin, from Glasgow, claims his operation made his left eye worse and left the vision in his right eye blurred.
The boundaries between history and storytelling are always being blurred and muddled.
15Elshtain argues that medieval men and women inhabited a structured but loose-fitting 'saeculum', in which distinctions between war and peace, reason and emotion, nature and culture, science and faith, domestic and civil, proper and uncouth, even male and female were to some degree blurred.
Arms and the Woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity
Symptoms of pink eye can include redness, blurred vision, sensitivity to light, itching of the eye, a gritty feeling in the eye, pain and increased tear production.
Instead, its darkness interpenetrates the figure; their contest is fought out through brushy, blurred and sharp lines, and through the quiet waves of energy rippling along the velvet, planed-down blackness.
Intermediate uveitis is characterised by floaters and blurred vision and varies in severity.
Hell, the CBC even re-aired the incident unblurred in news coverage, and again, no issue.
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His blurred tone and urbane, eloquent solos are enjoyable enough, but the star here is the tenorist.
Afterall, Hooky spent more time at the Hacienda and the Dry Bar than most and is therefore better qualified to comment, even if, at his own admission, much of the time spent there was slightly blurred by "overindulgence".
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Speedboat blurred traditional narrative and character development with the authority of a French antinovel.
Yet she could feel for her father, in spite of the fact that whatever her accent or grammatical mistakes, her mother's conduct was always right and her father, with his charming air, a little blurred by what he called misfortune, his clear speech to which Henrietta loved to listen, was fundamentally unsound.
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The distant beat of voices echoed through the room, soft voices which blurred and repeated the same words, the same tune, over and over again.
I also had to add a pinch of coniine (which causes blurred vision) as well as -- the cherry on the cake -- a dash of stramonium (which can cause dizziness and hallucinations).
Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine
The shine of rain on the asphalt blurred abnormally, looking less liquid than electric.
The darkness was unworldly, he thought; objects blurred into each other, colors shifted to become unnatural.
Impressionism is not some hazy notion about how a bunch of maverick artists at the end of the 19th century decided to paint the world as if it looked blurred.
The Commission's creativity and inconsistency have blurred the significance of these distinctions.
The voice had a faint Silesian accent, blurred by the hint of a lisp, and it took me back over twenty years.
As the name implies, this operation involves emphasizing the boundary or edge features on the image so that it looks less blurred.
The past has been blurred, welcome to the future.
When she finally did open them, everything blurred out of focus, then came in clear.
The lines between industry and services, moreover, are now blurred.
Times, Sunday Times
Although there are effective drugs like Diamox acetazolamide to prevent and treat altitude sickness, buying drugs in mass quantities for an unknown number of soldiers is expensive and wasteful, and some drugs have unwanted side effects such as blurred vision and excess blood acidity.
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From the blurred picture you can see the vital point when the clubhead is catching up with the hands.
As the disease progresses, the cone becomes more pronounced, causing vision to become blurred and distorted.
The picture of an agency which dispassionately administers scientifically-designed standards is blurred further by organizational practices.
Without her beloved husband, life is only tolerable blurred.
Times, Sunday Times
A silvery-white figure approached her, its edges blurred and its features undistinguishable.
Patients with age-related macular degeneration may complain of acute loss of vision, blurred vision, scotomas or chronic distortion of vision.
Both the camera man and the film editor who saw the unblurred footage blinded themselves immediately afterwards.
Tallulah Morehead: Survivor 21: Infants vs Senior Citizens : Jeff Probst and the 7 Dwarfed-Intellects.
Beyond loomed the fortress, all its lineaments blurred, softened, qualitied like a dream by the flooding moonlight.
Sir Mortimer
For many television viewers the dividing line between fact and fiction is becoming increasingly blurred.
It's only to be expected that most of the pictures are not of the highest quality, often out of focus or a bit blurred.
For many television viewers the dividing line between fact and fiction is becoming increasingly blurred.
This loss of coherence, appropriately called decoherence, is among other reasons why we perceive everyday objects as separate and not as blurred together.
In local news, the battle lines between rival news operations are being blurred even more.
Soon enough the attackers emerged, their blurred forms now visible under the crimson light.
While details are blurred by the years, the most memorable moments have new definition.
He knew they blurred his faculties, knew what they turned him into but he couldn't resist them.
He has blurred the thin line that separates an actor from a director/writer.
This was a long time ago and my memory is blurred by sheer excitement.
Times, Sunday Times
Today, the line has been blurred, with deals coming in under the euphemisms of product integration, sponsorship and marketing partnerships.
She reached towards the radio to switch off the song before the next verse, but she was too far away and her vision was blurred from tears.
In reality, of course, the 3 versions of the developmental role are blurred.
We certainly wouldn't be trying to emulate people with blurred vision.
Words blurred together into a mass of sound, as Izzy looked at the woman beside her, slumped over pain and tiredness being etched into her very being.
At the sight of its hoarily sprinkled blackness he always felt as if he were standing on the verge of some frightful revelation; a vague reminiscence, no doubt, from the scene of his life's tragedy, all distinct memory of which had been blurred away by his illness.
Strangers at Lisconnel
On every side the foliage blurred into ambiguous vistas, where fireflies loitered; and the long shadows of the nearer trees, straining across the grass, were wried patterns scissored out of blue velvet.
The Cords of Vanity A Comedy of Shirking
The lines have become blurred.
The Sun
Mists condensed in the still air and blurred the vigorous shapes and almost made soft rain.
Years of hard living had blurred but not erased her girlhood beauty.
From an imaging perspective, several photographs were either underexposed or blurred due to insufficient exposure time.
His vision was blurred .
His face is pointed, bird-like, the expression blurred, the eyes dark, lively, at times restless.
The Dramatic Works of Gerhart Hauptmann Volume I
Rarely do three horses cross the winning line as one blurred image.
Times, Sunday Times
= blónde female person blòodstained one word blòodthirsty one word blürred cf. cûred bŏard wooden, directors
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For a time, all you can see are blurred shapes swimming around on a glass slide, then suddenly everything becomes clear and you are studying a blood corpuscle or a cancerous cell.
The lines dividing the first form of self-assertion from the second aren't merely being blurred; they're getting paved over.
Clinically , all developed blurred vision, 12 had hearing loss, 11 had headache, and 5 had tinnitus.
She watched the repetitive movement of the windscreen wipers swish backwards and forwards, clearing the screen from the streaks of water that blurred it.
At wits, I stopped to look at the stars, slightly blurred by a haze, but bright and glowing.
Multiple sclerosis is a disease of the central nervous system affecting nerve fibres that can cause upset balance, blurred vision and fatigue.
Endless images of wholesale destruction and the war machines that brought it about blurred the boundary between reality and fiction, the normal and the horrific.
In these opening scenes only Clooney is ever captured in focus, bodies flow around him but they are fuzzy outlines, blurred and undefined.
Below, a precipitous slope of small stones that the dalesmen call a scree ran down to a hollow strewn with broken rocks, and across this he could distinguish the blurred flat top of another height.
The Girl from Keller's
Yet somewhere along the line the edges became blurred.
The Sun
The idea and ideal of journalism has been smudged and blurred by worries about economics and the means of delivery.
The Times Literary Supplement
Soon the blurred sketch of the view will disappear and in its place will come an entanglement of lights.
The fog blurred the outline of the plane.
Now in regard to the nature of these remote totemic ancestors of the _alcheringa_ or dream times, the ideas of the natives are very hazy; they do not in fact clearly distinguish their human from their totemic nature; in speaking, for example, of a man of the kangaroo totem they seem unable to discriminate sharply between the man and the animal: perhaps we may say that what is before their mind is a blurred image, a sort of composite photograph, of
The Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the Dead, Volume I (of 3) The Belief Among the Aborigines of Australia, the Torres Straits Islands, New Guinea and Melanesia
I've been suffering from some blurred vision since Argentina, but it's improving everyday.
To my unhearing ears their blurred voices were as misty as the smoke.
After the poisonous fumes from the factory blurred his vision and life two decades ago, the tailor in Nawab Nagar became a mendicant.
This is another sick joke to divert attention from real questionable items, while NASA does not want to enhance any picture that now can be so easily unblurred with the equipment they have.
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In the * 2nd* version I've tweeked the contrast and lighting in the foreground to either side of the path and inserted a 'moodier' sky (shot on the same morning when it was much brighter) and then 'blurred' the sky a little to make it better fit the rest of the image.
News: Digital Photography Review (
His speech blurred the more he drank.
He has jettisoned hyperrealism in favor of a distinctly blurred image.
For many television viewers the dividing line between fact and fiction is becoming increasingly blurred.
Do you agree that male and female roles are becoming blurred ?
At the end of the sequence, Raimi focuses in Maguire's goofy, Cider House Rules-orphan smile, freeze-framing on his blurred glasses.
The sharp outline of the island had become blurred.
But in a conscript army assembled by a dictatorship, the line between civilian and soldier gets blurred, at least by my calculation.
But the boundaries between the paths have become blurred and it is now common for people to move between them.
Times, Sunday Times
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Horses Mouth January 22, 2007 4:24 PM
In many areas, the parish council and the official village assembly blurred together, and sometimes the churchwardens and syndics of the village were the same people.
When she looked at the fire, it was blurred, and the smoke wreathed lazily; she stared intently at that smoke, pretending she could see each and every particle, that she was as small as they were.
In this image, the foreground appears slightly blurred, whereas the rocks further away appear reasonably sharp, considering image resolution.
So with the lines of beauty now blurred, it seems that the pursuit for youth is slowly coming to an end.
The Sun
A thin trickle of blood from the rapidly swelling bruise blurred to pale pink, diluted by the pounding rain.
Her vision blurred the faces around her into blobs and spots.
The distinction between the two theories blurred
Thus, model fluorescence data was blurred by convolving it with the triple Gaussian approximation of the PSF of the objective.
I think French is right to explain (which is not to condone) some of Naipaul's more provocative views as a form of mischief, which Trinidadians call picong, from the French piquant, a type of sharp talk where, in French's words, "the boundary between good and bad taste is deliberately blurred, and the listener sent reeling.
The Lessons of the Master
It may be an increasingly unfashionable view, but the roles should not be so blurred.
Times, Sunday Times
Lines between innocence and guilt become blurred when the priority is survival.
Times, Sunday Times
Anyway, both ads show another airline's airplane - but with the titles blurred out.
Boarding Area
The line between fact and fiction is becoming blurred.
What we should also tell our viewers, they may have noticed during that video we pixilated, blurred, if you will, the name tags of these Marines.
The line between fact and fiction is becoming blurred.
Through blurred eyes he watched helplessly as the bike skidded across the ground towards the tanker, sending a shower of sparks shooting up into the cold air as it scraped along the surface of the road.
The two processes are indeed blurred in some interpretations of Jewish humor.
It was mostly well received, but perhaps the lines between fact and fiction are not blurred enough.
Times, Sunday Times
Everyone has his inherent power, which is easily concealed by habits, blurred by time, and eroded by laziness.
Shenyang East New - Indication: sedation, sedative, for nervous exhaustion, insomnia, forgetfulness, dizziness, blurred vision, susceptible to fatigue, malnutrition, poor health.
Vieira's voice-over does not acknowledge the blurred figure that appears in the background shortly before the three final shots, and makes no mention of Christopher Owens's presence.
We certainly wouldn't be trying to emulate people with blurred vision.
* Check packages for misspellings and poor grammar, blurred letters, miscut graphics, and lack of distinctive graphic security devices such as holographic logos.
Toronto Sun
These days, the meaning has become blurred.
Times, Sunday Times
Mixed Britannia took as read that a multicultural society in which racial identity was blurred by marriage was a good thing.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet somewhere along the line the edges became blurred.
The Sun
When the world's greatest living painter can't do justice to his theme, can only render it as blurred and almost unseeable, you get a sense of its enormity.
By tracking a moving subject, called panning, the subject stays in focus while the background is blurred.
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Tears blurred her vision .
A Grammy award-winning clarinettist, saxophonist and composer, he blurred the lines between classical and popular music, recording more than 40 albums which journeyed between dancehall, samba, bossa nova, jazz and orchestral music.
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Many of the details in the picture are blurred.
Furthermore, by offering themed restaurants, villa style chalets, water sports and outdoor cycling tracks, Center Parcs has successfully blurred the distinction between leisure and tourism.
This type of revisionist history causes the line of church and state to be blurred, which is precisely what our Constitution tries to guard against.
Tina Dupuy: Whitewashing and Cherry Picking Religion
Fundal examination revealed that the left disc was mildly edematous ; however, its margin was not blurred and the appearance of mottled RPE was also noted in the left macula.
I had lost all consciousness of bodily sensations and thoughts, and awareness, which was initially clear and present at the start of the practice, now became indistinct and blurred.
So it appears the two words originally had two distinct meanings "ope" possibly meant a fissure in a rock? and "hope" meant a valley, but these distinctions have since on the whole been blurred. (H)OPE.
In this debate, crucial distinctions are too often blurred.
The sharp outline of the island had become blurred.
The line between person and persona, private and public self become blurred or erased completely and the so-called self-identity becomes a means of our acceptance and status.
Dr. Jim Taylor: Is Technology Stealing Our (Self) Identities?
Tom found himself surrounded by familiar faces that blurred into a ring of gleaming teeth and eyes.
The line between monetary and fiscal measures has become increasingly blurred.
Times, Sunday Times
Later, when I began to sing along with the Opera stars, it was my chance to express those blurred, but primordial feelings I had bottled-up inside a thin, nondescript physique.
She has been left with blurred vision and painful burns to her body.
The slightly blurred images reveal her intentionally rough-hewn pentimenti and, ultimately, create a softened, classicized balance.
Do you agree that male and female roles are becoming blurred ?
If, in the face of these facts, somebody still insists that the boundaries of the Sikh religion are blurred, it is sheer pertinacity.
The blurred line bisecting the map just below figures 35 and 36 is one of the well worn folds in the map_.
The Emma Gees
The sun sets and the harsh lines of sun and shadow dissolve into blurred shapes and muted colours.
The napkin, blurred and illegible, and the letter clear as day.
His father blurred the distinction between art and life.
Times, Sunday Times
the lighthouse, flashing feebly against the sleet-blurred, rocky backdrop of the coast of north west Norway
Many live in a colorful world of fantasy and the lines between truth and fiction are often blurred.
It was amazing to me to see the line unblurred between male and female (now women wear pants and men wear pink shirts!) in the clothing style of all the reenactors.
Paintings With Multi-Generations of Women
His vision swam and blurred in front of him, the land seeming to be covered in wet lumps all around him.
The blurred surfaces it illuminates are those where nature, animality, and humanity converge in thought and world.
We are all "were", blurred our closest happiness.
It does not help anybody if there is a blurred line.
Times, Sunday Times
His preferred subject matter has been urban architecture - often seen in skyline views, radically cropped with the surface blurred, presented on carefully constructed architectonic supports.
J & J said residual levels of the acid can cause stinging, pain, redness, tearing and blurred vision when the lens is placed on the eye, but that more serious health consequences such as corneal ulcer are unlikely.
Did the blurred lines, fuzzy details and vibrant colours of the great Impressionist painters represent a new philosophical and abstract interpretation of the world?
A knot of blurred bodies suggests a huge, vile spider consuming a hapless victim.
Times, Sunday Times
Some coaches regard it almost as negligent not to be exploring the boundaries where ethics become blurred.
Times, Sunday Times
Mr. French traces this propensity to a particular aspect of Caribbean parlance: "It was what Trinidadians call 'picong,' from the French 'piquant,' meaning sharp or cutting, where the boundary between good and bad taste is deliberately blurred, and the listener sent reeling.
The Man Behind the Man of Letters
Sometimes paint has bled under the tape - in particular when it was applied to an area of bare, unprimed canvas - and blurred the edge of the line.
But having promised a modern conservatism, the compromises needed to keep the coalition afloat have blurred her policies.
Times, Sunday Times
Both lines blurred smudgily in the direction his thumb was travelling, the pencil-line slightly more than the one he had drawn with the pen.
The street lights were blurred by the fog.
More fluxes are added to maiolica colorants than to underglaze colorants and the lower the viscosity of the colors and the glaze is, the more the decoration will run and the contours of the decoration will be blurred.
12. Developing glazes
He felt his lips quivering, and blinked through the mist that had blurred his vision.
All sense of right and wrong became blurred and a culture of wickedness replaced the old values and traditions.
His father blurred the distinction between art and life.
Times, Sunday Times
The term therefore does not permit the clear distinction between taxable and exempt transactions to be blurred on the basis of considerations which are outside the system.
Additionally, there were the heavy rains and swollen rivers in the area that swept away mines and blurred their markings which gave rise to similarly hazardous situations for all.